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Week 1 on MJ and I have lost 7.5lbs (I have a lot to lose and obviously this is mostly water weight).

I must say I am looking forward to injecting again later because the last couple of days the food noise has been creeping back in!
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First week of Wegovy 0.25 and I’ve definitely felt less hungry and stayed in my calorie deficit but no weight loss and I’m not managing to go to the toilet. I believe it’s all quite normal and common but I’m so disappointed, I was desperate to lose even a pound.
I promise (from personal experience!) things change as you move up doses. 💕
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Update on Facebook this morning from MyBMI for ROI customers

An update for our Irish site:
We are being asked by the HPRA (the Irish Medicines Regulator) to not supply GB licensed stock into Republic of Ireland which, we don't agree with, since it is common practice for this to happen all over Northern Ireland and the Republic.
We will comply and work with the regulator to make medicines accessible as soon as possible, as we wish to challenge the decision, given it does not support our patients.
We advise you to contact your GP if you need another dose or guidance.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
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I have just moved up to 5mg of Mounjaro, the only side effects I noticed was a bit burpy and felt more cold. Hopefully won't get anymore side effects by moving up a dose 🤞🏼
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So after taking my first dose of Mounjaro on Wednesday and not really having side effects for the first couple of days, they’ve shown up this weekend! I really don’t mind them though, I just feel a ‘little bit sick’ all of the time, but it’s not unbearable and I’m just making sure to eat and get plenty of water in. I just had lunch and would usually have 2 slices of toast with 2 eggs but was totally full after 1 slice and 1 egg and that’s exactly what I was hoping this medication would do for me - I’m counting it as a win 😂
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I got my MJ delivery today. I’m going to take weight and measurements tonight and then inject.
I had a wobble earlier thinking that I will never be able to eat chocolate again and whether I can do it. I had to remind myself that this is part of the food noise I experience and what has stopped me from successfully dieting or losing weight before. I really hope it’s going to dull those voices in my head about food!
You will not regret it! And you will still be able to eat chocolate, just not a lot of it. The difference is, you can choose whether you want to eat it rather than feel you need to eat it.
My partner bought me an Easter egg, I still have half the shell and two chocolate bars left. Normally they would have been demolished Easter Sunday 🤣
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Ooof, the mounjaro has mounjaro'd hard today. No real 'side effects' but haven't really been able to eat much. I've never had a problem eating past feeling full (obvs, as I am 7 stone overweight 😆) but this really has stopped me! I've felt hungry at times, but eaten only maybe a third of what I normally do! The weirdest feeling for me! (This is day 9 for me since starting).
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2 weeks no jab and yesterday felt hunger for the first time in ages. Almost uncontrollable urge to eat all the chocolate. Mint Aeros . . . . my weakness. Had one hoping that would sate the desire but will have to be very careful moving forward to avoid a pile on crisis
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Just weighed in after my second week on the lowest dose of Mounjaro and it's another 5lbs off - really pleased.
Still no major side effects, so injection three done!

ETA - also managed to get comfortable into a pair of jeans that have never fit me before! 🥳
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As an oldie uuser on Oz I've had a few breaks away. As I said earlier I could pack on half a stone in a week while away so I don't stop. I either reduce the dose or split it and take half a dose and another half dose 4 days later. I might put a lb or two up but nothing major and have continued to enjoy the break but I do love not cringing at the side of the pool, heat and slimmer body is easier manage and buying pretty summer clothes and looking well in them is great too. Been able to keep up with active kids is good too. We do tend to go self catering too which helps me manage the food intake too. I am finding apple cider vinegar tablets great at keeping my digestion going and helping the bloating.
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Well I think I'm one of those people Wegovy doesn't work for. I took my second dose yesterday and still nothing. I have lost a pound but I've also cut snacks (which is how I planned to eat alongside the jab anyway). I'm drinking lots of water. I feel exactly the same. I think I'll carry on with the last two jabs and a month on 0.5 to give it a proper go but it is quite disappointing to hear of others having a markedly reduced appetite.
On Oz you are on loading doses at the beginning. Weight loss may not happen till higher doses. My doctor said the weight didn't go on overnight and will not come off overnight so give it a decent whack of time.
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To all the newbies starting take photos. I didn't and am a camera avoided. Saw a photo of me caught unawares full length and couldn't believe it was me. I leave a normal figure. First time ever.
Thanks for the advice, I'm just waiting for my order to be confirmed so will hopefully have my first MJ pen on Wednesday and a million more questions for you all x
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3rd injection of 1.7mg wegovy yesterday. Lost 2lbs in two and a half weeks so feeling a bit deflated 🥲

does anyone know if there’s a reason for changing location each week other than not injecting the same spot? I’ve been doing my left thigh but doing different spots each week- hadn’t realised it was meant to be different location rather than just avoid the last injection site since I started- wondering if I need to actually swap for a specific reason 😂
On my lower doses it seemed like the drug was more ‘effective’ when I injected into my stomach? But that’s very much anecdotal! Not sure of the science. These days I just alternate thighs as I find it easier to do.

The plateaus are no fun 😞 I very much empathise. Patience and upping my protein and water helped me get over mine recently and I’m back losing again. Hoping you see more losses asap!
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Had my first Mounjaro injection on Sunday morning.
No real side effects apart from feeling very cold yesterday, but that might be due to a bug going round 🤷🏻‍♀️
What I have found - and I'm really pleased about - is that I haven't felt hungry or even thought about food. Even in those 'bored' moments where I would normally eat to occupy my hands and mouth.
Working on getting water intake up and am having a protein shake for breakfast today as I know I need to get some nutrition in but really don't feel like eating.
Am also taking supplements, vitamins b,c & d, iron and folic acid.
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Week 3 weigh in and I have lost 2.2lbs and so total loss on MJ is 12.5lbs!

This week has been a bit challenging because we had to eat out on Saturday Sunday and Monday!!! I made sure I made good choices on those days though and really made up for it the rest of the week so I’m happy with that. Going to really push to get to a stone this week and my 5mg is coming today for me to start next Friday. This week I have an evening away and a wedding to contend with but I’m going to do whatever I can to make good choices this week. I am definitely ready to move up to 5 though I haven’t bothered with the bonus dose.
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Hi all, new to the thread but finding it really informative, thank you!

I have a BMI of 39 so a lot to lose. I’m so close to pulling the trigger and ordering Mounjaro but I still have a couple of concerns.

- side effects. Has anyone found them debilitating?
- loose skin ?
- I really love food, cooking, baking etc. It’s a big part of who I am. Obviously I’d rather not be so obese, but I don’t actually want to lose my love and enjoyment of food. Will it disappear completely? Or will I still enjoy it but just in more sensible moderation?
- what is the current thinking about coming off it in the end? Are you almost guaranteed to put all the weight back on?

thanks so much in advance if anyone can help. Also, I’ve done lots of research but what are you all finding the best place to get MJ?
Hi there, my thoughts:

Loose skin will happen if you lose too fast and / or don’t exercise.

I’m still able to enjoy my food and don’t feel deprived at all. Definitely a case of enjoying it more in moderation. I don’t have that “disgusted with myself” feeling every day, I actually enjoy a little of something special but also I’ve been able to just ignore those foods which is amazing and a great feeling because these foods don’t serve me in getting towards my goal of being at a healthy weight.

Side effects, barely noticed them.

I made a decision that even if I went off my favourite foods and had some side effects I needed to do this for my future health. It’s a new way of life for me but I’m loving it so far.
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Chatty Member
I also saw this thread on Reddit, may be useful to those on here too trying to hit/maximise their protein intake 🤗
I'm not on any injections but read here often as it is very tempting to start!

I have lost just under 4 stone in 2 years by going to PT and the gym. However Aug 23, I put a stone back on that I had lost in July and plateaued there until the start of April 24. So looking for something that can maybe help me lose quicker than my current rate.

But the point of my comment was for anyone who isn't keen on normal protein shakes. Look into clear whey protein. You can get this from the likes of MyProtein or Protein Works. It is mixed with water but it ends up like squash rather than a watery milkshake. I think it's 20g of protein per drink 😊
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Chatty Member
So I’m on day 4 I’ve had to force myself to eat. I’ve managed a bit of toast with marmalade, not going to weigh myself again now until Thursday now but impressed so far with the lack of side effects.
the hunger is switched off but you still need to eat xx try boiled eggs, chicken, cheese, be careful about constipation so drink plenty of water. I'm week 3, my appetite has returned so I'm having to work at it now. Keep going
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Anyone else struggling with tiredness? I’m on Wegovy and this week especially it’s like I cannot get enough sleep. Full nights sleep and still feeling like a zombie. Wondering if anyone has found anything that helps? Or if it will just improve over time
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