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VIP Member
Maybe I'm not explaining it well. The other poster said something along the lines of;

'being in a domestically abusive relationship is no excuse, plenty of women are in domestically abusive relationships and manage to protect their children'.

And yes, this may well be the case. But it wasn't the case in this case, therefore that argument is invalid. The facts of the case are the facts, regardless of what 'plenty' of other people manage to do, or not.
It is no excuse. As said by the other member and myself once you give birth to a child you enter a duty of care towards that child.
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I might be making this up but when she got 8 years didn’t the judge say she had to serve 2 thirds? So half of 12 is pretty much the same just a few months more?

I really am late now🙈
That's what I took from it.
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Honestly as horrible as it is to say, there is so many other children’s cases they could cover that aren’t high exposure and could give people a bigger picture of what else happens to innocent children. They’ve clung on to Star for no apparent reason, that Briony needs a hobbie
for pure shock value, nothing more. There no new info to add. I hope they lose their listeners/ followers.

They are not trained professionals able to deal with a case such as this with any ounce of decorum or sensitivity. Briony actually said they were ‘excited’ about recording the part 2 and in the thumbnail for it you see her smiling/laughing. They are truly hideous.
Agree, but It doesn’t take a professional to have some tact about the death of a child, just someone with an ounce of decency which excludes them. Honestly, the kind of people in this world.
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Chatty Member
I wonder if SB and FS will remain in the same prisons or whether they’ll move.
I thought they would have both been moved when they were sentenced. I think it depends on a few things in order for them to be moved, I wouldn’t be surprised if SB were to move prisons due to the number of prisoners wanting to attack her.
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VIP Member
The incident you are referring to with Star is the one where she was falling asleep in her food in the little table and chairs set, with FS and SB filming no mention of a high chair. FS has admitted numerous counts of cruelty and admitted her actions were wrong, she even said she is sorry. I don’t think anyone on here has excused her actions whatsoever but people can also feel sympathy for her as whether people like it or not she was to a victim of SB. FS is going to be living in her own hell in her head at the fact she has lost Star and has played a part in it. The two cases are not comparable in the slightest two very different cases and I wouldn’t compare them myself.
It is only right she has to live with it. FS deserves all the hell in her small brain she gets. May she forever be tortured, maimed in prison and suffer flashbacks for the rest of her life. It is not a patch on what that poor baby went through, most of which she allowed. I don’t buy into her being a victim either, the only victim in this is Star.
If you dig a bit deeper there is plenty of mention of the high chair incident. They BOTH recorded Star falling from it from a different angle each and put dramatic music over it.
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Chatty Member
If it is true she's receiving fan mail, which I am somewhat sceptical about to say the least, then that's only going to boost her already inflated ego.

I know prison staff open all incoming mail, surely the only mail that actually reaches her should be those that are actually from a select few family/outside contacts? Surely strangers sending her mail crosses a line and that should be disposed of?
I would have thought that I mean It would cross a line if she is getting it from strangers. I mean I don’t believe a word that comes out of SB’s mouth to be perfectly honest, I think it’s from her family and whatever friends she has left. SB and her family come across as the bragging type so it wouldn’t surprise me if her family went to the papers with this rubbish.
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Active member
BTW does anybody remember how Brockhill gave a note to the judge, mentioning that her family was target of attacks? Not good, but what the family is going through has no impact on the judgement or the sentence.

Imagine thinking that the views of a murdered toddler's family are irrelevant, whilst commenting and complaining about the sentence yourself 🤔
I don't get you.

Who said it and where did we say no one.

We are having discussions what’s the harm ?
There is no "harm". But the families should have no impact here since they are clearly biased.
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I was thinking this the diagram of Teddie’s injuries she never broke down about them or asked why or how. There was not one ounce of concern about Teddie and how he must have felt. What else stood out to me was the fact that when she came to the police station she had; makeup, hair done and her nails done surly she wouldn’t be thinking about any of that. I’m wondering if when it came up to the trial she acted a lot different showed remorse and actually broke down, she had 7 months on remand to think about everything that happened.
Yeah what I was wondering is if she ultimately 'turned on' Kane in a way that Frankie didn't with Savannah? That's what the police were trying to make her do and I did think maybe she gave evidence against him and that's why she got off lightly.
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As I said we’ve all been over this for months, 99% of people on here can have a healthy debate without the mention of violence or anything which is unacceptable. The other 1% are the ones who doxx people on these threads, we don’t want a repeat of that
Like I said fair play but cases involving children especially can be quite emotive.
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Many years ago when I was in the hospital, our menu looked exactly the same lol.
Can I ask?..... Do you mean secure hospital or a&e, women's etc hospital?
What did you think of the food? I had to go to the gym as much as possible, as the food is quite unhealthy depending on what you pick. A lot of potato choices, plus canteen sells a lot of junk.
You can have salads but it's really not filling.
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Chatty Member
All the victims who are beaten by partners can’t be scared either, or else they would just leave . If only things were that simple.
That’s not what I said at all. But I’m pretty sure most women going through done sick violence aren’t out getting their funny felt up every weekend are they or winding their partner up telling them about other men because that would be strange wouldn’t it?.

And my mum was a victim of domestic violence from my dad she nearly had a breakdown over it, I’ve got numerous friends who’s experienced it yet I’ve never known any of them to behave and act how Frankie did, and yes every one behaves differently and Christ she’s the example of that then.

didn’t proof read before I posted ffs but I’m sure you can make out what is said.
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Chatty Member
I have just read about Amina Faye, the article was very brief but I was astounded at the sentencing of 8yrs and 7yrs the parents received. I do not know anything apart from the article I have just read. It would seem the sentences were low due to not being murder but causing our allowing. Does anyone know why it was not considered murder, was this from the jury or the Crown Prosecution putting that on the table, and why was the sentencing so low when they could have received up to 14yrs. I just really do not understand how this is not murder the baby died of multiple injuries over a period of time?
I read about Amina Faye too maybe the crown prosecution didn’t have enough evidence to prove who actually murdered her. I think with some cases the crown prosecution only ever bring in murder charges if there is enough evidence for that charge. It could have also been a case of the murder charge was there and the jury obviously found them both not guilty of that charge.
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Chatty Member
Can I ask again Ells why are you trying to gatekeep a thread on a public forum? Are other people with different views not allowed to join in? Or is this only for the 5 or so posters who want a certain narrative and chase and attack anybody who feels a different way?
Can I ask something BattleAxing I haven’t attacked anyone no proof anyone is entitled to opinions, but you and the other poster seem to like jumping on people’s post and you inciting violence.
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New member
Was the incident that they both filmed from a high chair or a little table and chair set(the one with poor star falling on her head, twice! just so could get a video). Not that it isn't still disgusting either way but i had pictured a high chair/ normal adult chair higher up when it had been described also not a little mini toddler chair.
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