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In my opinion all of those ladies have seemingly taken Sasha’s personality on tonight. It’s a shame as it is clearly not their authentic selves, but you know what? If you are there, you are part of it. Laughing at people with disfigurement or disability is abhorrent. Clearly all of them think they are perfect in every way and that gives them license to stand back and watch Sasha mock the less fortunate. None of them are kind women or they would have stopped it, not stood by. Utterly disgraceful.
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Just want to say the 61yr customer messaged me today. We had a chat on the phone she was still upset by what had happen. She had spent a lot of money in the past mainly just to support a small business and that’s how you get treated . She is ok now
Send our regards from the tattle team 🙂
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U know what’s gonna happen later when she gets back I can see it now on live 🤣🤣🤣

Firstly all about tattle “ I don’t go on there I get screens shots”🤣

“I have the best friends”….only reason
U say that cos they don’t call u out COWARDS

Tattle AGAIN “they are just jealous sad cunts but I’m not gonna talk about them cos I can’t “ 🤣🤣🤣

“Im going on holiday on the 5th “ I’m personally unsure when the 5th is cos she has never gone anywhere as yet 🤣

Tattle again “ a tv programme reached out to me all about tattle they missed the posts about Mrs hinch and picked Sasha fontain .
This story honestly last year who can remember ? “I’m going on married at first sight” … people started to call her out on it so the story had to change … “ can’t do it now cos I told everyone on tt and they saw the video 🤣🤣🤣

Tattle AGAIN “just jealous cunts “
Thats exactly the story line for later, she would have done a live driving home but she Knows she'd be fucked altogether, her tik tocs are sooo boring and predictable, she really should have stuck to just selling her products like others do and leave it at that , she let the attention go to her head and her vanity and stupity delusional fairytale life get carried away with her . If she keeps this up she'll be off the Internet in the next couple of months , I know for a fact that the cops first advice they give anyone that complains about abuse on the internet is to close down their account to let the dust settle niece was getting hasale and she was told to block them ppl and close the account for a while by a detective who's experience in Internet abuse and decrimanation..
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Exactly I couldn’t give a 💩 if she’s fat thin or whatever, I’m not here to fat shame anyone but I am here hoping there’s answers to many questions people have

To be honest the fat shaming etc doesn’t do this thread any favours
Those who are fat shaming her and her friends are no better than what she’s doing to ppl … it’s all bullying…and by sinking down to their level shows you are just as bad …im disappointed in that part of the thread as I thought this bout showing her for her true colours!
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Nosey Rosie 69

VIP Member
I just saw the video on Jill's account. There was no screaming as Slasher said. Another lie exposed. It's like playing Jengo, you keep pulling the blocks and you just know it's only a matter of time before it tumbles. Also where is she getting her cheap products delivered to? Is she using Jo's address? Twice this week she's had her products just come in when Jo turns up at the caravan.
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New member
She’s live now …someone said about the aloe Vera product -‘do you make the formulas?‘She said ‘not on this product’ 🤣

Implying that for other products she comes up with the formula lol …she’s a chemist now too…
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Hi, I had a very similar problem, if you are not hanging on every word of Ms Fontain then she blocks you, for me that’s makes me question them more because why would you only want the world to see just 1 version of events, and hence why I ended up here. I have found more people who want to question Ms Fontain inconsistencies and hold her accountable for what Ms Fontain has said. I’m sure there is gossip on tattle, but I find it’s more about wanting the facts. I hope that turns out to be your experience with us on this thread and hope you stick around
The irony of this is I didn't even know about this site until she started talking about it 🤯. I was following her for quite some time as was enjoying the girl power content, but corrrr all the lies being exposed recently is shocking. One comment suggesting she removes a video because it's breaking the law to then get pounced on by a loopy friend is not cool. The comment/s Sasha has conveniently removed in the thread were me actually supporting her, so clearly done to make me look like I was bullying. Tut tut.

She thinks she's a clever lady controlling her content to act the victim, and claiming people on here are jealous is hilarious. The reality is that NO-ONE likes a con artist.
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VIP Member
Agreed I heard her quite clearly saying got poolas IP just one more to go & that’s RUEXCITED I’m coming for you
Agreed I heard her quite clearly saying got poolas IP just one more to go & that’s RUEXCITED I’m coming for you
Oh she's said more about me (that isn't true) believe me when I say she doesn't have a leg to stand on with me. (y)👮‍♀️:geek:
I've never threatened or 'trolled' her. I have merely written my opinions about that which she puts out into the public arena. 😊
As for my IP address in the words of Lady (hahaha) Shazza "She only had to ask and I would've given it to her" 🤡
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Well-known member
Ok as for the charity …
You have
1 the said charity
2 the organisers that are employed by the charity that deal with the donations
3 the person that does an event to raise the money are called the third person.

Sasha fontain is the third person as we have seen the letterIf she had to take a cut out of the donated money for any kind of expenses she would have to provide receipts to number 2 . Number 3 can’t just take what she wants . Also if the money was taken for herself that is classed as a taxable income.

ok so if Sasha had all the money from tickets from tt and donations from tt and raffle ticket money from tt into her PayPal as we all know she provided that information herself.

did she take out ALL the money out herself AND place into the bucket the night of the event

or did she transfer the money from PayPal directly to the charity

either way doesn’t matter cos now she has to prove what she did and how she did it

if it doesn’t add up she’s fucked

does this make sense I’m cooking at the same time doing this 🤣🤣🤣

hope this helps
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Chatty Member
This comment has suddenly disappeared :confused:
View attachment 1035218
Course it has as she’s never off tik Tok. Meanwhile I’ve been out in London having bottomless brunch with my mates and didn’t take a pic or a video . I just went . Wait I want to be like her … tell me I’m amazing and popular and have a heart of gold tell me I’m glam , tell me I inspire u ! 😂😂😂
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She thinks everyone is stupid and it’s scare tactics to stop people posting the truth

now there are some people or one person I notice on this thread who I personally think is here just to troll.
Everyone else sees so many lies and are genuinely worried about about people being taken for a ride with charity and her products. No laws have been broken. She’s not been doxed , she’s not been threatened ( that I’ve seen )

she can not compare hersel to banter queen who’s been jailed more than 4 times and has been arrested a few times not just for the Chelsea thing.
The beef she had was also off tiktok and she vanderlised her property.

so anyone worrying about the police she’s just trying to scare you. Stick to the rules here and there’s not anything that can be done.

I do think sometimes people go too far with vile personal insults and threads rightly get closed ( like Elsas last year )
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Chatty Member
It’s the uneducated profile also makes you just want to looooolll too much 🤣🤣🤣🤣Nuffinnn 🤣🤣🤣🤣🐐🐐🐐🐐
Model (babe station ) and tv Extra 😂😂😂. Pretends to have been an actual actress in productions and a cast member on towie ! Being an extra is a very different thing ! Pls tell me I didn’t just read she wanted to be on X factor singing ?????????
MAKE IT STOP ! I’ve got “nuffin “ left to say !
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VIP Member
Let's all prepare for tomorrow's shenanigans

There'll be name calling
There'll be police called
They'll be visiting 3 o'clock Friday, we need to prepare ourselves for our immanent arrests on Saturday🤣

Watch out everyone for her lies, tell-tale sign
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Active member
Well done Roof we can see you can remember nursery rhymes perhaps you should learn one about how not to follow sheep 🐑 because tonight you’ve shown your true colours & you for one in your line of work should know better . SHAME on you 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤣🤣🤣
you can’t keep a clean reputation hanging out with messy people. You could hear Ruth and Nicky laughing but telling her off in a “please don’t turn on me” style. Embarrassing and disgusting. How grateful they must be to not have to live with a disability that they can endorse Sasha. The worst bit was, she told the guy on the live what she said and did the face she pulled, then said that’ll be reported coz no c*nt on TikTok has a sense of humour… it was so uncomfortable to watch, I left a comment saying so and was instantly muted by the lady who does sweets… I refer her to my opening comment!

Those women are all at least old enough to be my Mum, I would be ashamed if I was their kids, seeing your mum mixed up in all that must be mortifying. Sadly for them you can’t erase what’s put online. You are what you show. I hope they read this and it keeps them awake tonight.
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Nosey Rosie 69

VIP Member
Maybe being banned off TT will make her reflect on her behaviour. Maybe she'll return much kinder & compassionate. Oh hang on I just saw a pig flying past 😁
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Nosey Rosie 69

VIP Member
Oh well they'll be heading off home now, back to their families & nice homes. Whose Slasher going home to? No one, only her empty council flat or empty tin can.
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VIP Member
I just saw the video on Jill's account. There was no screaming as Slasher said. Another lie exposed. It's like playing Jengo, you keep pulling the blocks and you just know it's only a matter of time before it tumbles. Also where is she getting her cheap products delivered to? Is she using Jo's address? Twice this week she's had her products just come in when Jo turns up at the caravan.
I thought the same, both delivery's have gone to Jo's, would this be because she's using Jo's bank card to pay for the orders, the order would most likely go to the address the bank card is registered in, every meal out has also been with Jo, me thinks Jo is paying for a lot this week 😀
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VIP Member
@poola she said you got caught by police and they got your IP address and only @RUexcited to go. Then the arrests will start. Sending prayers.
Oh no not again ffs 🤡🤡🤡
At this rate I'll have to file a charge against her of threatening behaviour towards me 😜 😜 😜

#stillwaiting #hisash #policefreezone #lyingmakesyournosegrow 🤥🤥🤥
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