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Get the minibus ready geeewwwwws. It’s phoning the popo on her sister and nephew. She’s done the famous screen record of his videos 😂😂😂😂. What exactly has he done that’s illegal? 🤔🤔🤔. Police are gonna be like ffs this nutter is off on one again 😂
Ffs I’m busy Friday. Can she wait until Sunday please 🤣🤣🤣🤣
But it’s ok for her so slag everyone off and divulge personal medical information but people can’t retaliate. GO FUCK YOURSELF GONZO sounds like you are running scared.
This ☝. Like she did with Lady T. I have been off here recently but seeing what she did to lady T got me out of retirement. Fuming and quite frankly i was disgusted with what she did. But then she says people can’t do that to her. Honestly my brain hurts with all the lies she says. Nothing makes sense. Also anyone know why the beef is with Richard’s ex ? She says she cannot talk about it until it’s sorted. Wonder what it is. Has to be something she has done. This Richard fella - what is he about. No balls or backbone. Mate I get it you maybe lonely and want someone - but she is not the one. Your retirement will be vile and your life will be hell. You need to run as you will be dragged in. How is he allowing her should say - going along with this begging for the wedding? I thibk she controls him and he is probably scared which makes it even more pathetic.
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All you mug followers reading on here it’s all true the name for gonzos mum is cunt that’s her own words it’s what she calls her so don’t fall for her crocodile tears or all this begging for a wedding especially for £2600 for a dress
Ffsake that cunts outing lady tosh and outing her address gonzo your a fucking evil 👿 cunt
Cunt gonzo don’t read on here
What a fucking cunt message her about her mums death what the fuck is she on I know what she does need a right and a left uppercut
And the midlands minger I think you best start taking her down NOW
And can’t wait till that cunts outed and under the bus yes you you fucked up cunt of an ironing board

I've just seen that video.... listen Gonzo I don't care what you say about me as most of it is lies but let me just say stop twisting the narative to suit you cunt. LET ME SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT... YES I HAD A BABY WHILST MARRIED BUT WHAT SHE FAILS TO MENTION IS THAT MY BITTER JEALOUS EX AND I HAD BEEN SEPERATED FOR OVER 12 YEARS. We've not lived together for 12/13 years, my child is 9 you twisted evil lying cunt so get it right lol, I don't mind you talking about about me but seriously stop making shit up. Oh and the insurance money wasn't for my back it was for a HEART ATTACK you fuckwit. YES, I've had a REAL HEART ATTACK which i got paid insurance money BECAUSE IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED unlike all your fake illnesses.

As for your mother dying what the fuck has that got to do with me? Wasn't me that came in the live and informed ya. Don't be blaming me coz your family think youre such a cunt and wasnt worthy of knowing ya own mother died. That's on the rest of ya family NOT me 🙄👍
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She will be livid. it will kill her to stay off this app, her ego and concorde shonk needs massasing on an hourly basis. Upside hopefully ironing board can give her sprongs some attention.
Oh she’ll be very busy having a read up of tattle, it will consume her that she can’t go live.. even though you know that she will be back and announce that she wasn’t banned😂😂😂😂
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People who use “fingybob” as a word when they have no command of the English language really are a special breed . As for crocodile tears to get strangers to buy her wedding dress …. Speechless .
Nasty angry ‘woman ‘
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Her famous last words the truth always comes out now it’s doing everything to stop the truth from coming out threats of police and a court injunction 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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After putting its dirty knickers in an envelope to sell quote - “I kept imagining an ugly old man opening them “ … Now when u ever imagine an ugly old Pervy man what image springs to mind ??? That’s right , old boy Richard the caravan man ! She’s ended up with a broke caravan salesman who snores and needs a c pap machine . A man who can’t make his own food , a man who calls her a bitch and snorts cocaine ! I’m soooo jealous 😂😂😂😂
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Comments all gone… just like it didn’t happen…. WRONG.!!!😂😂😂
I want to know what gonzos picking up in Telford 🤣🤣🤣🤣 she can’t even drive to an airport 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 constant horse shit I just love all the threats all 3 of em the midlands minger the Welsh wanker and gonzo now threatening each other 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 how scumbags fall out 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hands 🙌 up who wants to be in the gonzo gang and the WhatsApp group of death
Ffsake gonzo bring a woman down you’ve done it to everyone your talking about yourself you evil 👿 narcissist cunt hence multiple phones with your so called evidence on family and friends
And even abused a dv woman on a live get your facts right gonzo your an absolute piece of shit
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An invite?
Personally I'm anticipating a starring role. I mean, the Best Man hasn't been officially announced yet has he? 🎩🤞;)
Oh that’s a given, If someone deserves the best man it’s you Dave. I’ll personally kick off if you’re not considered.!!🥊🥊

Anyhoo, Who goes out to the Tuna Bar for NYE, at £5 a ticket may I add..!!!… and doesn’t stay till midnight to celebrate … but then drives home after drinking…🙈🙈🙈🙈
Apparently it was Mazzziiinnnnnn as usual, Such a great atmospheric… must have been why she didn’t look bored shitless🙈🙈🙈
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Fuck off Nugzzzzzz. Thick twat 😂😂😂
She’s going to love that one 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
You can just imagine them two at it those tattle cunts 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 they know who we are cause you do you pair of mugs gonzo and the ironing board 🤣🤣🤣🤣
No mention of the old bill this morning and pending arrests 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 fuck me theirs going to be so many
Does anyone want to donate to my new wish list getting rid of gonzo and the ironing board off the internet for ever 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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This has been her whole plan coming back to tick tok to ponce this wedding midlands minger you best start putting up to stop all this as this is happening vulnerable people are being sucked in
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It’ll be like eating a lolly dropped in sand with all that powder in it the thick cnut, because no doubt she’ll not cook it down properly. It’s the authentic unseasoned spag for me 😂😂😂. With a FULL tube of tomato puree. That’ll taste a bit tart. How apt 😂😂😂
If someone can find the most liked suggestion then I’ll make a new thread. I’ve had too much of a hard day signing on and Kleaning high end aaauuuuses 😂
High end cleaning whilst trying to ponce a wedding dress
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Ffsake she never stole charity money like she never stole furlough money the court papers are out their gonzo and you lost you lying 🤥 cunt
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Having seen her latest rather bizarre (and mostly untrue) tiktok, I felt duty bound to explain.
She is correct that I was aware of her mother's passing some time ago, however I respectfully chose to not mention it on here, or on tiktok etc.
Quite why she should think that it would be expected that myself (or any other Tattlers for that matter) should inform her of this most unfortunate occurrence is beyond me, as an aside, even if I wanted to, she has me blocked so I have no way to contact her anyway.

As for this afternoons 'live', I have in my possession the segment to which she is referring.
I have watched it in it's entirety and whilst I sincerely offer my own condolences to her extended family for their loss, the irony is not lost on me that the 'uneasiness' she displayed during that live, at having personal information revealed to a watching tiktok audience, could indeed be somehow classed as a tiny little bit of karma for the information that she so readily announced regarding a certain other tiktokers medical history.

Here is a brief synopsis of the said events, including a screenshot of the very first comment that in no way shape or form is worded as she says it was.
Poola, exactly that! I never mentioned it on here as it wasn't my place and however much i cannot stand the old dollop the passing of somebody's family is not something that I laughed at nor would I ever. I wasn't even watching that live. I only found out after a post was put up on here that someone had sent their condolences. Why the fuck she's blaming me for outing it I don't know 🤷🏽‍♀️ so what I knew before her, again NOT my fault. Many people knew. Blame ya own family for not informing you. As far as I was aware she knew the day it was revealed but being as you hate your family soooo much then why would you care. Multiple times you've slagged ya mother off. So is your non existent relationship with your sister, brother, mother and rest of family my fault too? Yes I thought as much, so much easier to blame others for ya fuck ups than taking any accountability yaself.
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See, I could almost be able to read the future😂
To use your mother that you hated to the core, as an excuse is shocking🤬
24 hrs later everything is fine. Shes back to begging for her Wedding DRESS, NOT her wedding🙈🙈
I don’t know how many venues can change a date, mid wedding season, and it’s ok… or is it.?
Just think of all those 149 invitations that have been printed and gone out, Just to go back to said people and let them know it’s not happening after all . The date has changed.
Oi Pinocchio, give it a rest now.
Anyone eagerly awaiting the GFM to stay at £280 now after the lies🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
How can a dress originally be £2600, then £1799 and then end up being £899? 🤡 She’s such a scamming evil lying cnut!
Trying to profit from her mother’s death is a fucking disgrace - Gonzo, stop insulting the family that did love her/had a relationship with her with your false emotions you nasty good for nothing cnut 😡
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I reckon she said to Dick Head “watch me get a wedding for free on TT, I’ll have those daft cnuts eating out my hand and we won’t have to fork out a single penny”
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I can’t wait to hear in June that she’s been single for 8646 yrs and not had sexual encounters ever in her living (dreaming) life🙈🙈
I give it to the end of JanuNEVER until something kicks off, of course it won’t be her fault cos she’s never wrong🤡🤡
Thanks @poola for thread, It’s gonna be a rollercoaster of a year in Bucks Fizz 🥳🎉🎶🎤🎵
She's already made little digs at him,she's really struggling playing Ms Nice
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She’s just posted. She’s having a couple of day ahhhhhhhhttttt to sort her emotions aaaaahhhhttt and step away from the negativity. Good look seeing as how all the negativity is in your own aaaauuuussseee. Cnut!
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