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🚨🚨🚨 ALL ABOARD! 🚨🚨🚨

Today I have had the pleasure of conversing with a very pleasant young man.

He would like to formally invite all 'tattlers' to follow his page over on TikTok, whereupon we will learn some real 'home truths' regarding the subject matter of this thread.

I took the liberty of extending our collective heartfelt condolences for the loss of his beloved Nan. (R.I.P Mrs Brotherton)
I also assured him that there isn't (and never has been) any ill will felt from this page to the family members of Sharon Brotherton/Sasha Fontain.
I was extremely glad to hear that those feelings are indeed reciprocated, and that 'close family' are supportive of that which we strive to do here, which is, ultimately, to uncover the lies, deceit and dishonesty that we have all witnessed.

Please take a look at the upload here and go over and give his account (iwillnotgoaway) a follow.
Once enough followers are gained, some hard hitting, honest lives can happen!!!

#stronger together


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    VIP Member
    Am I missing something 😕
    The family have constantly been criticised, they have now retaliated, how on earth is Sharon the one who is being bullied, who's favourite saying is "2 sides to every story", the family have every right to defend themselves against false accusations.
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    VIP Member
    With a tie for first place, from @MissSaffy and @rocksolidcrew, the title for thread 38 is an amalgamation of both of their suggestions. Well done folks!

    So here it is, 2024! 🥳 🎉🎊

    By the calculations of the educationally subnormal Trasha we must be entering our second decade of threads (at least!)

    We have a very boring 7 (or 8 🤦‍♀️) months coming up, with the demented witch continuing to play the part of a pre-pubescent schoolgirl acting out her fantasy dream wedding planning.
    The 'plans' so far include (but are not limited to), begging for cheap tat from Amazon and poncing gifts from unsuspecting 'clients'.

    If we are to believe anything that she has uttered during this last incantation, then the 'wedding' will be a lavish affair at WivenHOE House.
    The guest list is to be an estimated 250 people (by Trasha's mathematical prowess I would guess that equates to about 27 attendees :p)
    She will have 4 bridesmaids, 2 of which are related to Dick. The other 2 are yet to be named although I'm sure we'll find out soon enough (once they have coughed up enough in wishlist bounty or spent enough on 'Sasha Fontain' orders)

    Before the impeding nuptials, there will apparently be a holiday to Mexico.
    Oh the anticipation of fisticuffs before bedtime or kung fu style kicks (otherwise known as a stubbed toe) at breakfast!!!
    Rest assured that we will all be kept updated, free hotel WiFi permitting of course!

    Strap yourselves in guys and gals, it's all systems go in the Land Of Make Believe. 🤥🤥🤥

    Happy New Year fellow Tattlers!!!
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    Outstanding Mrs B. She shat her fishy knickers.

    So couple of things. She said Mrs B has talked about not liking her own Mum on her videos. I thought she didn’t watch Mrs B’s videos 🤔. Also I love how she’s doing the pretend music videos again, where she looks wistfully into the camera and then off into the distance like she’s the main character. The mirror part was hilarious. We had the conk in stereo 😂😂😂

    The video where she addresses faaaahhhhhmily members coming out the woodwork. One minute she couldn’t remember if her mum was even at her nephew’s party, next breath she didn’t serve her food and drinks and wouldn’t kiss her when she came in the cafe. She literally can’t get one sentence out without lying. Honestly, what a cnut 😂😂😂
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    And what normal geezer would be putting up with this absolute shit show on line being used as a stooge in the background saying yes to everything it says
    Exactly. What MAN would put up with this shite let alone go along with it. The blokes a Cnut too. My husband would get me sectioned if I carried on like this
    Fucking ironing boards turned up silly little Slapper
    Yep she is a number 1. No. 1 Thief, No.1 Liar, No.1 Narcissist, No.1 Scammer, No. 1 Cunt !!!
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    Latest video stepping away for a few days cos of emotions
    10 minutes later another video 🤦‍♀️
    Make it make sense 🤷‍♀️
    For a mum she thought was a c@@t 🤦‍♀️
    More like afraid the truth yet again is coming out 😂
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    Cunt will probably start another go fund me for the injunction
    Well she “ain’t doin’ PayPal no more coz no one sees what goes in”. Which was the whole point of this fucking thread in the first place you absolute dollop! Because we knew you were taking charitable donations into your PayPal Trasha AND NOT PASSING THEM ON TO A CHARITY FOR DYING CHILDREN!!!!!! And now she’s created a whole new persona for her big TikTok return. But the mask is slipping. Again.
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    To have an injunction on someone you need to have been harassed and/or in danger. Good luck with that one Gonzo. Neither applies. And for the eleventy hundredth time - police WILL NOT get involved in TikTok squabbles. Stop wasting their fucking time with this shit you silly old boot. There’s actual victims of crime out there that need help. You’re just a lying, attention seeking, manipulative cnut. I wish that was a crime, you’d get life!
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    @grove girl exactly that about Mrs BC. She was taken in for all of five minutes and after the first red flag she was onto her. No fucking about and called her out on her BS. And hasn’t stopped 😂😂😂. It was the Tattlers who raised concerns about the fundraising. Even I didn’t think she’d be that stupid at first. Boy was I wrong.

    Nugzzzzz with the lugzzzzzz do your fucking research before you come for us or Mrs B because we’ll make mincemeat of you as well. Not that there’ll be much of it apart from ear cartilage. You literally have no idea who Sharryn/Sasha/Lisa/Julia and all the other aliases she uses is. She doesn’t know who she is herself. You’ll be ok so long as you remain a nodding, kiss arsing dog but once her need for you has gone you’ll be straight under the bus. Like so many before you. And you’ll wish you’d listened (no pun intended 👂) because she’s one ruthless, vile, manipulative disgrace of a human. And you know what we’ll do? Laugh 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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    Chatty Member
    Soooo she will spend £250 on an injunction but wants absolute strangers to buy her a wedding dress ? After her disgusting take on domestic violence on an app that young girls see I think the police need to ban her from social media .
    She’s dangerous , ill informed and a bully . She’s been back on social media a mere few weeks and here we are again , rants and a new best friend she’s
    Never met sat on lives spitting venom .
    Does she not see SHE is the problem
    ? Totally deluded
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    Get the minibus ready geeewwwwws. It’s phoning the popo on her sister and nephew. She’s done the famous screen record of his videos 😂😂😂😂. What exactly has he done that’s illegal? 🤔🤔🤔. Police are gonna be like ffs this nutter is off on one again 😂
    But it’s ok for her so slag everyone off and divulge personal medical information but people can’t retaliate. GO FUCK YOURSELF GONZO sounds like you are running scared.
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    She’s going to love that one 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    You can just imagine them two at it those tattle cunts 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 they know who we are cause you do you pair of mugs gonzo and the ironing board 🤣🤣🤣🤣
    No mention of the old bill this morning and pending arrests 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 fuck me theirs going to be so many
    Does anyone want to donate to my new wish list getting rid of gonzo and the ironing board off the internet for ever 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    I’m in, Infact my gift to you will be the total amount… how much you need/want.?😂😂😂😂
    Was gobbing off about paying £250 for 2,500 injunctions but poncing a tacky chinesium wedding dress! Ahh these melts that buy her shit it blows my mind.
    She’s gonna get so pissed off with that if the total don’t go up…😂😂😂😂
    Wait for the excuse when the dress needs collecting, it’ll be the shop accidentally sold the dress😂😂😂😂😂
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    VIP Member
    Everything we say about you we’ve done ourselves.???? Really.???

    I’ve never done only flanges.???
    I’ve never robbed a children’s charity.???
    I’ve never robbed a furlough fund.???
    I’ve never been racist.???
    I’ve never scammed an insurance over a car crash.???
    I’ve never nearly died 90000 million times.???
    I’ve never muscled in on a group of someone’s mates.???
    I’ve never had to drug test my partner .???
    I’ve never marched round a camp site pointing at old security lights.???
    I’ve never collected for a food bank and not delivered.???
    I’ve never had a wishlist and begged for shit.???
    I’ve never taken the piss out of someone with special needs.???
    I’ve never lied about a holiday.???
    I’ve never lied about a bloke.???
    Shall i go on.??? I think you’re getting a tad mixed up with someone else.???

    Hi Trashbags.👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼
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    The nephew's latest post 👏👏👏👏
    It has to be the funniest post I've seen regarding Sharon, it certainly brings back fond memories 👮‍♂️👮‍♀️👮🚓🚔🚍 COMEDY GOLD
    I've just watched that it's brilliant 👏 laughed so much me sides hurt she must be shitting a brick does the pensioner know exactly what he is letting himself in for apart from losing he's pension 😂😂😂 run dick run 😂😂😂
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    She hasn’t a clue who any of us are which I find hilarious. GONZO who could have walked past us so many times, we are all laughing at you 😂😂😂
    Imagine if she could not only walk past us and not know who we are, but actually 'chats' to one (or more ;)) of us in real life. :unsure:
    And imagine if that was on a weekly basis at least!!! :rolleyes:
    Now that would be funny eh? 😂

    Oh, but that can't happen, 'cos she knows who we all are doesn't she? 😜
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