Sarahs Day #55 Marriage is a sham, ebooks are a scam, she's the biggest scam artist on Instagram

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What happened to the Easter vlog? Did I miss it or are we just going to pretend Easter never happened this year?
We need to start keeping a log of all the lost-vlogs. I think I'll call it the Log of Logs (lost-vlogs). I think so far it's:
• Mother's Day
• Easter
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Almost every comment on the vlog is about her kids… who she said she didn’t want to be content. Probably comments from the same people who said she was ‘sUch A gOoD MuM’ for saying that in the last vlog lol
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We need to start keeping a log of all the lost-vlogs. I think I'll call it the Log of Logs (lost-vlogs). I think so far it's:
• Mother's Day
• Easter
Mother's Day was only this last weekend, it'll be weeks before that vlog is comtemplated let alone made and uploaded But the Easter vlog has mysteriously disappeared.

Wasn't there a "life update" vlog due as well. Seem to recall Sarah saying about it being a Q&A type vlog with both her and Kurt
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Didn’t she bring out a swimwear line? And now she’s not even wearing it?
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Spare me.
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i’ll join you on the tropeaka chai i bought it once coz i don’t drink coffee (hate the taste) but it was fucking foul! it was so damn gritty and not at all like what a good chai latte tastes like. i made one cup of it and had to chuck it in the bin straight away - ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING!! there’s no way sarah actually drinks that shit, actually she does have zero sense of flavour so maybe she does lmao
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I took a screenshot of her guide because I was gonna comment on how she's using her activewear photoshoot pictures in the pregnancy ebook and wondered if she owns the rights to them or if she just uses them regardless, and I happened to catch the YouTube link.

It's uploaded to the Sezzy Sweat account. I recommend viewing in a private window. It's very boring but shows she filmed the videos for the ebook in late pregnancy, you know, at the time she said she couldn't even move her body due to the pain.



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I don't know who these people are fawning over her kids to this extent. But just from the reel for the vlog alone I can tell Fox is annoyingly performing for the camera. That his parents think it's cute and include so much of it in the vlog AND have the audacity to claim they want to protect their children and not use them for content is the height of hipocrisy.

How her stans don't see this is not surprising anymore. She uses her kids as bait expressly to blind them and it works.

That apart, Fox is now squarely in the territory of annoying oversmart toddler. None of it seems genuine or spontaneous. I feel bad to say this because none of it is his fault. This is all on his parents. They're turning him into an annoying performing monkey. I reckon he'll grow up to be just like Brenton the fuckwad friend of his parents.
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Honestly, I’m just mad that I didn’t think of this name first.
I mean she has named her dog Abby and her children Fox Ocean and Malachai Koa Abby is winning that game big time

What happened to the Easter vlog? Did I miss it or are we just going to pretend Easter never happened this year?
A good Christian woman pretending Christ rising from the dead never happened !?!? CoNtEnT opportunity missed
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Sooooo this isn’t meant as a body shame. She looks fine, great even. But this is most certainly not consistent with the image she posted on IG during this very same ‘holiday’. We all know the one - it was clearly edited and she claimed it had nothing done to it. But then also later said it had presets (read photoshop)
Can someone do a side by side for the record?
Reactions: 56
This is the reason I fucking cant stand that she gets to have a platform and earn from it. This is the kind of shit people need to have lawsuits filed on them for!!

*I dOnT uSe pHotOsHop, jUst FiLteRs*
said in the same tune as *i DonT wAnT tO uSe mY kiDs fOr ConTeNt*
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Then she has the absolute contempt to say “I wanted to show how impactful posing and lighting can be in terms of a physique. I can twist my body and make it look like I have a toned stomach, however, unsurprisingly, being 7 weeks PP, my stomach is still soft and a bit wobbly”…So why TF would you deliberately contort and edit your body to look like something it’s not if what you really want to do is to show the impact of misrepresenting yourself? Ohhhh, that’s right, it’s because you’ve got another cash grab to push.

Sarah is not the one doing IG vs reality side by sides, we are.

You’re a farce, Sarah. A farce with a completely average and normal body.
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Her skin tone looks entirely different! The posed photo genuinely looks like she’s wearing stockings or something

Also…. Lol


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Powdered Chai is disgusting.
I highly recommend Prana Chai. *chefs kiss*
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Vlog opens with Sarah pointing her camera at Fox and asking "where are we going" and he doesnt immediately answer because he think it's for a picture and he's too focused making a peace sign. (Tell me he isn't coached to do this)

They're 5 minutes late, and we see Kurt is sitting on the literal floor trying to get Fox's shoes on. We didnt need more confirmation about who the mroe hands on parent is, but here we are. Sarah is vlogging, pointing camera at the clock to confirm that they are indeed late, instead of heling the kid so they can get going.

"Are you so excited?" to Fox. And he replies "I'm SO excited" with that face toothy grin they've taught him to do to show just how excited he is. This is truly cringe content. Leave the kid alone!

At the airport lounge, with Malachi in her arms, "good morning guys, from the Tilse family" with a quick pan to the Tilse pendant, a move that smithers the baby in her arms, but whatever, got to show off my gold.

At which point Kurt reminds her: "You still havent changed your name" and she brushes it aside with a "Yeah I know, but I'm wearing a necklace so I'm technically a Tilse" is this chic for real I don't think that's how it works, Sezzabear. I'magainst name changing post marriage, so whatevs, I don't care, but for someone who COULDNT WAIT TO BE A TILSE, this cunt is doing what she does best, making a u turn on a story she built up for veiws.

Explains: this was a very spontaneous trip, malachi's first ever plane ride, they were so close to cancelling (doesn't say why), booked it like 5 days ago (then why/when would they cancel?) and failed to look at the weather, and not only is going to be stormy, but pottentially flooding. But woo, we're going anyway! Look at us so cool and spontenous and happy go lucky with all these $$$$$ to throw at such short notice because life has been so intense and hard lately. Nothing like a getaway!

She's making this very theatric explanation of why they booked this trip, and is being constantly interrupted by Fox who keeps saying "we're going to port douglas" and this is the look of the paragon of a patient mom.

This whole segment is filmed in what looks like a busy lounge with people bustling aorund and this chic thinks nothing of being the only one in the room with a camera held up high, talking to herself, in full vlog theatrics. So fucked up when you see it in perspective. Like dont you have any friends?! I think this is why Fox thought nothing of stopping in the midst of disembarking passengers to screech loudly on top of his voice while his parents cheered him on. They literalluy have no sense of the world beyond their noses. Everything starts and ends with them: me me me, I, I, I, myself, mememe. Through this, every time the camera catches a flash of Malachai, he's visibly squirming from being held in one arm, and is making noises to alert his thick mum to the fact, if only she's stop talking to a camera!!

They called the resort to try and cancel and were told it's not as bad as the media is making it out to be. They werent sur eif the hotel was just saying that not to lose the booking or if it's genuinely not too serious. It's been a crazy few weeks so they wanted to get away anyway. Even while putting their extremely little kids at risk
She looks down at Malachi, intently and says "YOLO" at this point, and the fact that she included this in the vlog is just...I don't know man, this chic is the least maternal woman I have ever seen.

Yeah we know you just had RSV and all that, but you're a big boy now, respiratory distress be damned, we gots to do this for the content for the people! All you needed was oxygen and a hospital, no biggie, Malachi! YOLO!

Malachi is still squirming. Next shot, squirmy malachi AND fox are now transferred into Kurt's arms and she's filming them. While Malachi wiggles like a worm, uncomfortably. She is yet to hold this kid properly even just one time.

They're seated separately, one with each kid, on the flight. LOL. Just like the bed situation LOLLL.

ITS POURING THE FUCK OUT the minute theyre driving out the airport. "Not ideal" Kurt says, like this is news to them.

They're at the hotel, some strategic pan shots. They get to the room and Sarah is doing the whole charade of being surprised "oh my goodnessss!" while Kurt shows off the villa that has multiple rooms, and a private pool "HOw cool is this!" -- THIS IS SPONSORED CONTENT.

The next day:

I can just tell this kid is going to be an annoying adult.

He's getting a little coaching session from Kurt on how to get some B roll footage while he films a tour of his very expensive holiday villa. Talk about training the kids early in blind privilege.

They "visit Sarah" in "her room" looolll. She explains their "not sponsored" sleeping arrangement which includes a baby bed of some sort, because she doesnt trust herself to co-sleep with him, WHAT? is that normal? The whole time Malachi is fussing and clearly wants to be held differently or fed or anything else but held awkwardly while his mother talks to a camera ffsss.

More fake posing and smiling for the camera on Fox's part, while he holds and kisses his brother, and more not using their kids for content on the part of Kurt and Sarah. Business as usual.

Moving on.
The next WHOLE MINUTE is footage of the kids. But yeah dont worry the parents are totally invested in keeping them safe, and NOT USING THEM FOR CONTENT.

Oh god, I dont know how much mroe of this I can do. So far the vlogs been a snoozefest, unless you want to see them show off their expensive holidya villa and watch footage of their kids. yeah, the same ones they DONT USE FOR CONTENT. Because theyve clearly got SO MUCH ELSE going on for them.


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can anyone tell me which camera sarah uses in her vlogs? I've been wondering for a while now. Thanks in advance!
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They tag team even on holidays, guys!
And I just realised "tag team" is Sarah-speak for when the going gets tough and she gets to pass the buck on to Kurt so he can "have a go" at it. But yeah, being a full time mother of two while also being a CEO of 74 companies singlehandedly IS TOUGHHHH. So tough that they needed a sponsored holiday.

Baby wont sleep, and theyre trying to get him to sleep, but theyre also headed to a crocodile farm? Make it make sense man. Do you or do you not want the baby to get his sleep?

Anyhoo, she pauses her edit to say throughout the day she references her traumatic "MEMORIES" in quotes, double emphasised like THIS TIME she knows how to use them (she doesnt). Im not sure why she's got the quotes in there and why she's emphasising them.

She thought the crocodile farm was for "farming crocodiles" for their skin and meat. WOW, SHE THICK!

Randomly shows off her outfit. The same one you guys showed Kurt calling pajamas the other day, I cant remember where it was from. She name drops a whole bunch of brands which makes me wonder if it's gifted clothing. Most likely is.

While shes out in her sunnies, doing a full ootd show off, Kurt is pacing up and down the villa with a wailing baby in the pram.

She goes over her traumatic memories from going to a crocodile farm where they breed crocodiles. But thinks NOTHING of repeating this story in graphic detail with an addition of likening it to the Chicken Run movie where chickens turn into chicken pie, right in front of Fox, like five times over. Why is she so dumb??? If she really cared, surely this is basic?

Next topic:
MORE LIES. I dont know why she bothers bringing this so often. It doesn't help at all to say in a literal vlog, of manyyyyy vlogs, that feature ONLY HER KIDS and her family. Saying she doesnt want to be a family channel while actually turning into exactly that doesnt fool anyone?

Also, she says this like its a new develoipment. It is not. Fox is 3. This has been a "family channel" that doesnt, but does, use the kid for content for at least 3 years now. Even before that she included her family, parents, sisters, a lot. So what's she going on about. This is boring.

Plenty boring footage of them and the kids floating about the croc farm, and the corcs urgh, scintillating.

And some random, very convoluted explanation about how she had a lightbulb monent at the very END of their time at the farm, that this is a croc sanctuary and NOT the sort of farm she was imagining. Again, WOW, SHE THICK.
Then she says maybe her "MEMORIES" were dreams? Is that why MEMORIES ARE IN EMPHASISED QUOTES?? WHAT IS GOING ON?
I dont know shes not making any sense at this point. There's a longwinded explanation of something or another but its too irrelevant and I have no idea why she thought to make such a big deal of it.

Fox is running wild right into the kangaroos, theyre pretty large. And Sarah and Kurt standing back filming Fox and asking him to stand back, slow down, which he does a little, but FFS put the damn camera down and GO GET YOUR CHILD. There are ways to teach your children how to enjoy the wild, but dont leave it up to your child to figure it out??? It's sweet that Fox isn't afraid and theyre not putting any fear in him, ad maybe it's chill to do this with Kangaroos, but these dolts just stand back and film him, proclaiming how "confident" Fox is, while fox goes and pets them all by himself.

AND THEN HE KISSES one of them. I dont know, if I were a kangaroo, that would piss me off and I'd want to kick the snotty kid that's in my face, while his parents filmed the spectacle.

Fox has kangaroo poo on his face and these is how it goes down:





The fucking kangaroo bit is 6 minutes long. Sarah is petrified of petting them. She is the LEAST outdoorsy person of all time. No wonder she thinks she's willldddd for walking around barefoot outdoors.

Anyway, while she's doing a distant pet of a teeeny kagnaroo, she's also narrating how she heard some say kangaroos kill more people than sharks. Again, right in front of Fox.

Two days later:
Frantic Fox saying all the line's hes been told to say every time a camera is pointed in his face. He has this frantic look in his eyes and he's rattling off all the lines: WEGOINGINTHEPOOL YEAHTHEBOYS HIIIIII
This made me realllllly sad. This kid has no idea of a normal childhood. It's unbridled privilege on the one hand, and this postured performed projected life on the other. And a deep seated sense of abandonment.

More montages of footage of the kids, by the pool, in the pool, swimming, riding a scooter with the helmet handing on the handles, the kids hanging out. More sponsored footage of the villa.

She's acting surprised like she caught them in a spontaneous cute moment. Because yeah Malachi is old enough to place himself like that and Fox is old enough to get in that position all by himself.
Fuck she's beyondddd fuckd with her posturing.

Looks like Angel Baby Malachi may not be so angelic after all.

It's either that, or the coffee

To be continued.
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