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He’s definitely the one that runs round and yanks girls hair, very much doubt he’s got any form of girlfriend at the grand age of seven: it’s probably the first time a female has invited him to a party. I’m pretty sure she’s said before he’s rarely invited because he’s ’misunderstood’ (a bit of a dick with zero boundaries set)
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No wonder she doesn’t have many people in her life, she is utterly draining. I genuinely don’t think she can be happy about anything because if she gets her way and they move abroad, you bet she’s going to be whinging about that too.

So many other families have a “normal” like that or worse. This is a temporary situation that the elder two children have dealt with before while the younger one doesn’t really know. What is life like for Isla and Lachlan? Pussyfooting around mum, shipped here, there and everywhere because she doesn’t want to be with them, constantly fighting for attention because their mum films everything and spends ages online whinging to people (some of whom will be an awful lot worse off than her).

And all this made worse because she knew what she signed up for when she had kids with a guy in the Navy!
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How can she have so little idea and it’s her 3rd child! Hat, coat and blanket needed Sarah. What is wrong with you?! That poor baby is using up so much energy trying to keep warm. No wonder he isn’t thriving.
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When I had my first I struggled with bf and one of the things the midwife was clear on was eating enough. I said I was having a sandwich and stuff for lunch isn’t that enough? She said absolutely not. She said loads of water, fruit, veg, a hot meal for lunch and dinner and lots of calorie and fat rich stuff. I have an eating disorder so it was hard but it was for my baby.
it’s no wonder he’s not getting bigger, if she’s only having a little sandwich, tiny portions and CEREAL for dinner there’s no fat in her milk!!!
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Chatty Member
Doesn’t understand why she has no friends….because you use them for childcare? Because you don’t pick up at normal times - you use after school clubs…because you are a complete odd ball?!
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I can't believe she's going to a wedding in Kent and ditching C with Granny. I can't see many Mums wanting to leave there 3 month old breastfed baby that easily 🙈.
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I know this has already been said. But JFC that poor little baby doesn’t look at all well. Even when he’s asleep he looks frail and hungry. If that was my baby I wouldn’t be swanning around cafes and posting pics of him on instagram. I’d be at home feeding him bloody formula and cuddling him to keep him warm. BF alone is clearly not nourishing him.
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We dive at dawn!!!

Or, actually, arrive if you’re Sarah.

She’s not in a good place and hearing the bare mention of Grannie interacting with another grandchild will be enough to have her flinging any old thing in the car and setting off at 90 miles an hour at 11pm at night

Prepare for a wee surprise on insta! Grannie holding Content whilst Lachlan firmly elbows the second tier grandchildren in the face out of the photo
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barely eats enough calories to sustain herself, is breast feeding, only what three months post partum, three kids in a car for a ten hour road journey when there have been storms blowing over trees over a lot of the country? With one of those children a new born who will be in a car seat for the entire duration despite advice saying not to put them in a chair for longer than a couple of hours? She's a weapon
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View attachment 3023193

translation: I hate my husband, he is a terrible parent and I hate our lives together
Why is nobody else picking up on the fact that she never stops moaning? I mean maybe they have and that’s why her engagement is worse than ever but from the minute Rob went away she was wishing him back but now he’s home she’s STILL not happy!

I can’t believe that’s a happy home, they must all walk on eggshells, afraid to set her off
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Chatty Member
Perhaps all those years they were in subsidised accommodation would have been a good time to build up a huge deposit to minimise their mortgage...

But nah, those £100s a month on hairies/nailsies/botoxies was definitely money well spent 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
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And we've got the first cringy reels, her thanking herself for doing something that alot of single parents do day in, day out for years!
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She goes on about him not wanting to nap but doesn’t seem concerned why he’s not sleeping or screaming a lot 🙁
Agree. Why is she not concerned that he is screaming, think it’s very telling she always says screaming and not crying. He looks unwell and hungry really can’t understand why she can’t introduce some formula to top up her breastfeeding him. I breastfed my three but my youngest started to lose weight around 3 months of being exclusively breastfed and I could tell he wasn’t getting enough from me - didn’t hesitate to then put him on formula and he then thrived and was so much more content. She is a selfish bitch putting her own wants and ridiculous expectations before the health and happiness of her children.
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God she is so deadly dull and predictable. Moaning yet again about how hard it is looking after three children on while Sinbad Is At Sea. Sarah, love, this is EXACTLY what you wanted. Ok apart from your preference for an instacute baby girl but otherwise, THIS IS ALL YOUR CHOICE. Also, lose the Piggy eyelashes - you look ridiculous.
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Because none of her kids are cute in the traditional sense (I know all children are beautiful and a gift etc etc..)she won’t keep hold of any new followers who came for for cute aspirational baby / toddler content.

She doesn’t have enough of a personality to retain them for any other positive reason… I’m simply convinced that the majority are there for the same reason as I am. Car crash content.

I mean nobody is folllowing for rectangular fashion, or family food ideas, or parenting tips?

One thing I can’t wait for - the move abroad and the immediate scramble to fill all the kids diaries 😂
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Chatty Member
Just give him some formula ..nobody's saying totally stop breast feeding but give a couple of formula top ups and see how it goes! There's no shame in it!
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They always have a movie night at the weekend so why hasn’t she already bought snacks. The poor baby has spent half the day out at football and now she’s dragging him out to the shops. Lack of milk and constant disruptions is probably why the little mite doesn’t nap 🙁
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