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It’s basically a pot of plastic and there’s nothing wrong with real butter unless you are eating it out of the tub with a spoon on the daily. Margarine is rotten & those health claims are false. Use the false information/ health button.

Good god no, Sarah could never allow that, he might call her Mum on it or something 😱
Wth are these things ?? !
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She will be pissing off the people in the cabin below with her jumping reels of badly fitting "cruise outfits"

Oh.... But how Sarah will lord it up thinking she's something special on her gifted trip. Can't wait for the instacringe posts.
Tingo shouts:
-her in mickey ears and a mini dress whilst the rest of the family are in mismatched clothes.
- boomerangs of her and Rob with a cocktail on deck with no kids in sight
- every other post having "ha ha" written in it
If it is a cruise some comment about Sinbad being on a different kind of boot hahaha
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Frankly it seems a bit cruel. I’d plan for it to be as comfortable as possible. It would be so much kinder for everyone, them both as well if they broke the journey over night at a travel lodge or somewhere.
Children love a hotel trip even if it’s just for the night whilst on the road. It’s not as if she doesn’t like to spend money!

Starting the day after a good sleep in a bed, fresh and after a breakfast.
That way they’d arrive at a civilised hour at her parents.

Will they be driving through the night The day before school starts.

At least L will have some time off from nursery before beginning reception.
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There is something very off about how she is always seeking validation of love from them - favourite milestone is when they said love you mama. How happy she was that Lachlan always needs to be with her after starting school, the holding hands photos at bedtime. This need she has of wanting to be needed and loved by them when she puts in zero effort and doesn't appear to enjoy spending time with them. I think if she has some therapy there would be a reason why she distances and detaches herself from being a mother.
Think she's just trying to convince us that they're actually a family and not just housemates.
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Chatty Member
If you chopped Sarah’s hair (extensions) off she could be her brother’s identical twin
He’s probably more feminine than her 🙈🙈 And yes sorry I know we’re not supposed to comment on those who don’t choose to be shown online, I’m just feeling particularly catty this evening and mean no disrespect to her bro
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Chatty Member
I read the caption as ‘please still be my friend Jessy even though we have nothing in common any more….’
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Be making baby number 3 tonight!
She’s had quite a bit to drink, I’m drunk just from watching her stories.
  • Sick
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So looks like Isla has on last years doc marten shoes and not the kindly gifted primark shoes…
I actually think it’s also a different cardigan. Ffs! I’d be ashamed of myself taking this stuff if I wasn’t even gonna use it!
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Chatty Member
6 week holidays - Has she actually had both kids on her own yet and done an activity. No would be the answer to that. The only activity she knows how to do is run off to Scotland so mummy can take care of the kids whilst Sarah gallivants doing Sarah things.

I bloody can’t wait for her to have to actually parent BOTH of them next 6 week holidays potentially with a baby aswell. Oh woe is me. Cue al the camps clubs and Scotland. I bet granny is hoping they don’t move back up for a wee while otherwise she will be run off her feet the amount Sarah dumps them
If she has another baby the other two will be dumped with grandparents at every possible opportunity and the baby will become the favoured one as long as her birth wasn’t traumatic, the baby sleeps and doesn’t have reflux like it’s brother did and looks cute enough for the gram to be pimped out. At some point her children will get fed up of being made to perform for the camera and just won’t and might even get bolshy about it. She doesn’t have the taken or charisma to carry off a non parent account in any shape or form. Much like most of them, in w few years when their kids are either no longer cute or refuse to play the game they’ll have nothing to share and unless you are able to pull it off, Middle aged, heading to menopause and kids who don’t want to feature on your social isn’t really marketable. There are a few accounts that have managed it but not many. All these accounts who’ve basically sold their kids lives online will start to be redundant as the next wave of younger accounts rise up. Who’s going to follow someone like Sarah in five years if she’s got two gangly and not cute for the gram kids who don’t want to feature, a marriage that’s bizarre/gormless husband and a beige constantly being re beiged house?
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How long until the kids are left with the grandparents or her brother??
Or we see her making that broccoli and Stilton soup she always makes them?
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