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Thought you guys might enjoy this... Today I took my child to a music & singing toddler group. Christmas theme so they taught us a nativity song with the lyrics ..”Rat-a-tat-tat, Rat-a- tat -tat we haven’t any room and you can’t stay here”..

queue me bad Mum giggling to myself reciting the song with rrraaaat geeeerl in my head... little festive number for you - I’ve never wanted the skill to roll my Rs more than now 😬
If you practice you’ll get it. I can now say rattt gurlll in a fake scouse accent quite well!
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She must be getting her lips fixed.. no doubt big fall out pending with that lip place!
She must know they look awful. But if it directs more traffic to her instagram then who cares, right?
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If she did a podcast, I would fucking love it if she asked a tattle person to come on it to ask why we speak about her, let it be a genuine q&a and put our side across but no. She would want everything on her terms, hold no accountability, make it look like we are the predators.

She needs to be real, and maybe if she did that we would have a less of a negative opinion of her. But that will never happen.
Exactly this! Sometimes I do feel myself feeling sorry for her but then I snap back to reality and realise she does absolutely nothing to help herself. Yes she’s been dealt some pretty shitty cards in life, but haven’t we all? People out there a lot worse off than she is and they aren’t as bad as Sallie. I’ve followed her years and this is one of the phases she goes through and his went through so many times, it’ll not last. And this podcast it’ll all be on her terms 100%, even when she does a Q&A she just skips the questions people wanna know. She’s hardly going to go on and say “yea I sleep with men for money, I don’t have custody of my kids” yada yada, she might touch on the custody subject and G briefly but wouldn’t hold my breath on her being 110% honest, she wouldn’t know what honesty was if it jumped up and hit her in her small eye!
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She has 304 photos and 13k likes
If she sells more hardcore stuff on DM’s too that’s where she makes ££££
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View attachment 340604
These are some of the worst lips I’ve EVER seen! She’s got no Cupid’s bow, she either hasn’t had the Russian technique, she has but the girl who did them is inept, or she’s just fucked and her lips can’t take anymore. I’ll go for all three with emphasis on the last point!
Jesus these really are vile 🤢 does someone want to volunteer to pay for an eye test?
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Hahahaha hahaha hahahahaha
She’s so predictable it’s hilarious 🤦🏼‍♀️
She’s an absolute shit show !!!

Sal!!! You missed that flight on the 11th love???? Should have got on it princess .... now your stuck at home reading tattle more than me 🤡🤡

She never fails ...

'Blood on your hands' from the woman who actually tried to stab her partner... 🤦‍♀️
This ^^^^^


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Of course it is complex but she is out of that now.

What steps is she taking to get her kids back? None it seems, she is fucking round all over the country and beyond getting herself butchered.
Those kids need stability that it seems neither parent can offer.
I get what you’re saying but how do any of us on here know exactly what she’s doing to see her kids? There may be court orders, she’s not exactly gonna post them for the world to see is she. Maybe she’s just earning as much money as she can before she eventually gets her girls back for all we know 🤷🏻‍♀️
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VIP Member
Not everything is always as it seems that’s all I’m saying. Don’t get me wrong I don’t agree with most of her decisions but I just feel like she’s a totally lost soul with no one to turn too which is very sad 😞
Also when you’ve had it drummed into time and time again that you’re pathetic and your kids deserve better than you (which she probably read daily) maybe just maybe you start to believe it 😣
This is not her decision anymore
And having been involved with this situation professionally, the kids will be under a SGO and the only option she has is to fight/prove she’s stable enough to take them back. SS aren’t going to move them back to her without a bloody miracle - they will leave them with their guardian whilst they are settled and thriving
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I cannot cope with the way her lips are swinging all over her face when she's trying to talk in her story. It's like she's lip syncing her own Your lip lady wants struck off Sal!
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Jerry Garcia

Chatty Member
I’m new to these threads. I’ve come from the mario ones.
I’ve read the previous most liked posts on all the threads. How have I never not seen this car crash before?! 😂 her X factor audition had me chuckling. She looks 2ft tall
Wait til you see the photos - major scope for all your bespoke and majical talents! X
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Ive worked none stop this week and missed out can anyone give me a quick round up? Seen shes been live like
Them lips tho i feel sly on her, dare i say they was better before
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