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Chatty Member
As someone with bipolar II, you are spot on. This is absolutely what happened when I wasn’t properly treated. Would swing from being erratic, to spiritual, with’s mania. I hope she is okay because it’s during these periods that people become at risk.

In Oz, gear is meth. What does gear mean in the UK?
Gear is cocaine
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VIP Member

I get what you’re saying but how do any of us on here know exactly what she’s doing to see her kids? There may be court orders, she’s not exactly gonna post them for the world to see is she. Maybe she’s just earning as much money as she can before she eventually gets her girls back for all we know 🤷🏻‍♀️
Travelling to Dubai and scooting around the country while getting

I get what you’re saying but how do any of us on here know exactly what she’s doing to see her kids? There may be court orders, she’s not exactly gonna post them for the world to see is she. Maybe she’s just earning as much money as she can before she eventually gets her girls back for all we know 🤷🏻‍♀️
Going from county to county and country to country is definitely not proving anything. If you wanted to earn money and be low key to see your kids you would be working in any job you could get (bearing in mind she has astounding GCSE’s) and you wouldn’t be spending money on getting cosmetic procedures.

I fully support women getting out of toxic relationships and doing their best to provide for their children but she doesn’t give a damn.
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Okay guyss

Chatty Member
Them trainers defo from Dubai market y they strangled like that r they ment to be like look poorly made
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VIP Member
Her saying about why do we care when we’re giving birth in front of our partners incase we fart etc... err I wouldn’t have given a fuck if I shat everywhere, I just wanted my 9lb10oz baby out of me! And I happily fart in front of my hubby, as does he with me. True love ❤ u wouldn’t know about it shit lips!
Shit lips 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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VIP Member
I honestly don’t want anyone to harm themselves

But when they are doing drugs and alcohol and not taking medication or in any therapy, surrounding herself with idiots who don’t give a shit about her and cutting off people who do when she doesn’t like what she hears, unfortunately those choices are exacerbating feeling depressed and low. She’s not helping herself. CF clearly had MH issues she wasn’t well at times but putting on an image front, there was a lot of talk of drug use and sadly despite really enjoying her on love island, I think she was too fragile for a life in the public eye.

whilst it’s not ok to be directly cruel to people, having an opinion on people’s behaviour is part of how society shapes itself. We all have our own morals and behaviour standards and when someone steps outside of those, society rejects them. We have laws and police but we also have standards of society we adhere to - crime is legally wrong, it’s also morally wrong. The law punishes the criminal and so does society - they must prove they have reformed before being accepted back in. Stabbing someone or hitting them over the head with a heavy object is never going to be acceptable. So you need to reform yourself to fit back into society.

If we move to a society which these influencers are trying to shape of ‘being kind’ aka only saying nice things, this will harm the integral fabric of society. Expecting no comments, no criticism, no opinions on anything they do in public does not sit right with most of society and we backlash. If we allow our freedom of speech an opinion to be squashed to allow people to behave morally reprehensibly, to lie, to hurt others, to behave as they like with no come back we will destroy the society we have evolved into. It’s a lot deeper in the realms of sociology but we NEED people to adhere to societies rules or you would have millions of people doing their own thing and society would be chaotic. COVID is a great example. Most of the population complied with the rules because they understood them and knew they had a part to play as part of their community. When you get people who don’t comply, it causes chaos.

A chaotic person like Sal cannot understand how she benefits from society having any rules and wants to abolish them. If she did achieve that then, Sal love you would be fucked. We all would. By demanding people have no opinion ever, doing as you please, it’s driven people to become more angry and resentful towards you. Flying off to have non essential surgeries and partying during lockdown when 99% of us are working hard towards keeping others safe is selfish behaviour. We can’t stop you doing it, but we can have an opinion on it. Ruining your face with surgery is your choice, but we can have an opinion on what you put out in public for us to see, after all you are earning money from your public profile, you aren’t putting it online for charity.

On top of that people are making her feel ashamed of her behaviour and that’s what’s making her so angry. I think she’s super sensitive to anything that threatens the image she has of herself. Some people are like tough old boots (Katie price 😂) and some people can’t handle anything that isn’t going their own way or not in their control.
This 👏🏻 So well put 👍🏻
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