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Most stage schools are heavily oversubscribed and would require an audition of some sort for all new students in addition to passing an interview plus the fees (unless you get a scolarship which would also require an audition).
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I think Edie probably rules the roost at the moment and is likely moody when they aren’t the centre of everything. All Jonnys fault as that’s how he is with edie, constantly giving them the attention.
If anything, the other 3 seemed like they were having fun together, laughing on the zip line, making up dances. I can imagine if edie was there, the dances would be edie posing, saying slay and swearing
As many of us who’ve opened up about having an ED (still can’t believe she suggested edie for Eduardos name!) Her saying she been recovered for 4 years, just proves she has no idea.
She also needs to stick to a version of why she had surgery. Sometimes she mentions it’s for the diastasis, others it’s “tummy tuck for a trans mum of 4”.
It appears she didn’t try to resolve it herself, not with much effort anyway. She claims she had a 3 finger separation, which is around 2.5cm. Gemma Atkinson had a 6cm separation and actually went to see a specialist (not surgical) to check her body health, including her scar and internally. She’s continued with her exercise and actually properly works out and does have input from nutritionalist and a PT, and managed to reduce the gap. I understand it doesn’t always work, and some need surgery, but it’s the fact she does lack lustre old peoples home exercises, and then eats small amounts of food, and has a boob job and god knows what else at the sane time- it makes me suspicious

It’s clear by her gaunt face that she’s lost weight. She has the bobble head look and dresses in the kids section. That’s not normal for someone who isn’t naturally very petite
Sorry - her doctors advice was to "stay the same" size??? Lol he meant DON'T LOSE ANY MORE WEIGHT hun cus there's nothing of you!!
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Chatty Member
I think for at least right now, E1 would be loving being at the original school by herself.

They A’s might be a tad young to realize atm but give it a few months and I’ll bet there will be some refusal from them.

I wonder what A&J have told those 3 as the reason why E2 isn’t going to school and I wonder how far that is from the actual truth!
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I think by the time A2 came along their relationship with the Prep school was all but ruined. I strongly suspect the school was recommending things for all 4 kids, and those two muppets were just out and out refusing, by which point the school last patience and just took their money. I'm not sure I can judge them for that!
you CANT judge them for taking money over safeguarding children???? please tell me i’ve misunderstood
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Chatty Member
Probably, the A's new school also has a senior school.
I still think that whatever happened at the old school, they moved the As because this is the school E1 is starting in September. Anna is all about convenience and whatever falling out they had just made this move easier.
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Oh definitely l, they will do it when they need a wee, plus the little jig of urgency. Usually if a child does that, the parent will ask if they need the loo, or remind them to go. (We know that Andrea still isn’t dry at night and wears pull ups- not something we should know!)
He does seem to do it a lot in both Jonny and Anna’s content. Let’s hope it’s just him needing a wee, and nothing else.
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Novie Nell to be precise
I noticed that E1 looks very uncomfortable being filmed in Anna's last couple of videos. Also, why is Anna still filming and posting footage of her brushing the children's teeth and feeding them spoonfuls of medicine? Surely she should know how inappropriate that is , unless she is doing it on purpose :(
definitely on purpose
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I wouldn’t put it past him that there was actually no audition for E1 at all! Just a made up story for engagement.

Anna likes dragging poor A1 to her fanny waxes, so maybe the reason they were out was because Jonno was getting extra work done on his neck penis tattoo and FOMO E2 did want to miss a ✨ starbies ✨ outing??
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I am not from UK, what is Stage Coach.? Is it like Helen O'Grady?
It is a nationwide company that provides part time performing arts classes for children outside of normal school hours. High profile ex-students have included Emma Watson, Bella Ramsay, Jamie Bell and Tom Fletcher.
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Chatty Member
To an extent, yes. But there's being nosy and there's googling schools in their area to find out where the kids go. That's a bit much, really and this kind of thing is one of the reasons Tattle gets a bad rep.
I would say Tattle gets a bad rep because at best it's people gossiping about people they don't genuinely know and at worst it's people ripping people that they don't know to shreds 🤷‍♀️

As others have said I'm more interested in whether it's a state school or private, I won't be googling though. I know the schools round there and it was something he said about Amelia's school a while back. I do think they've sent them all to the same school.
However, I don't think we should name the school here.
I don't think the SJs would send their kids to a state school though.
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Someone mentioned it earlier but it does seem strange how E2s hair jumped from being short to long and curly so fast not something boys hair typically does right away
For a lot of people it takes years just to grow it to shoulder length if both jonathan and andrea didn't have buzzcuts it still wouldn't be anywhere near E2s length
More of a messy mop instead.
The growth seems quite normal considering e2 probably hasn’t had a proper hair cut in over 2 years, maybe closer to 3 at this point. I honestly just think the hair sits a bit awkwardly and the front naturally goes forward more and then he tucks it behind his ears so it looks like that.
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So apologies as I’m sure this has probably been discussed loads. Haven’t followed them for a long time or watched any of the vlogs either for ages. Something of them popped up on my Instagram and so I was kind of interested to watch a couple of Anna’s vlogs. She said in one of the recent ones that all of their kids have special needs?! They certainly didn’t stick out in the couple or vlogs I saw as really having huge additional needs if that makes sense, and Edie is home schooled but the rest aren’t - why?!
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I thought the whole point of a uniform was that it makes everyone equal in theory. Some children from more deprived families wouldn’t be able to constantly rock up to school in different outfits etc
Yes, but bullies will always find something to pick on someone for.

But my personal thoughts on uniforms does not matter, I hope the kids will enjoy their new school, and that their parents will not f it up again for them....
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Might just be a primarily southern thing, never heard or seen it up north.
My kids don’t wear a uniform in North Yorkshire 😉 they are a thing.. not sure why people are suggesting it doesn’t happen! It’s def not common at all in the UK but they do exist & they are normal state primaries! Our school is rated outstanding with people squabbling to get in.. I’m fairly pro-uniform but my daughter is getting a brilliant, well rounded education & funnily enough, what she wears has no impact on that.

I wonder if the SJs have picked a school better suited to E2? I imagine that private schools with no uniform are a little more ‘alternative’ as generally private schools are OTT with their uniforms. Maybe the new school is a more accepting environment? We all have our thoughts on E2 but ultimately, I hope E2 is able to find friends, support & guidance in their life. They deserve to be happy.
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Something totally off topic but are those Emily's still working and supporting their ass?
I’ve only seen one of them still supporting, the one who decided she was non binary at the same time Jono said he was non binary…
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Is A2 not a bit old to be acting like that? If the E’s were like that in public Anna would of had a meltdown..
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