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There’s no way he’s earning a lot of TikTok. His views and comments aren’t high, and the main way to earn on there is paid ads, TikTok shop (think qvc for tat) or going live and being “gifted” hearts, diamonds and other random icons, which equate to money. TikTok take 70%, so even if he did go live and get £300 in gifts, he’s only getting £90. Do they still have their subscription on YouTube? Have they just completely abandoned their 3 videos a week now? Not enough content or can’t be arsed doing one Anna, one jonny and whatever the other was? Surely their “fans” are getting pissed off? I wonder how long it will take before they start hopping over here out of frustration with them and see them for who they really are?
they haven't posted on youtube in weeks and the third video was supposed to be the secret paid subscription only, but they didn't post any of those!
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She takes all 4 kids out with her as a one on one trip and alessia gets to go to Anna’s smear test!!
I wondered why you were mentioning this but I've realised Anna has reposted in her Insta. She already shared this back in the summer, not sure why she is resharing it now 🤷‍♀️ major CBA probably 😂😂😂
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Why are they pretending Anna’s only 5 weeks post op when she’s nearly 12?
Is it because they hadn’t updated the main channel in over a month and needed content?

This whole recycling content multiple times is boring af, especially when it’s months old!

Curiously checked the shitshow on social blade and saw on the 24th of September they had 262,897,841 views in one day!
So what videos has he made public again after making them private to protect the kids? So it was all about saving face when he said he deleted them all when the heat was on him… hmm I smell a rat!


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They have had E2 living in this bubble were everything is easy and perfect which isn’t fair on E2 at all and could mess the poor child up forever. E2 needs to see the episodes from the series I am Jazz a transgender girl who went through all the surgeries and it shows the reality of how difficult the transgender journey really is mentally and physically. Jazz battles severe depression and an eating disorder even long after she had her surgeries so it’s actually very sad but E2 has no idea how serious this all is. It’s one thing to support your child in their life journey but Jazz parents had no problem exploiting her and E2’s parents are doing the same.

I’ve watched the episodes and to go through everything Jazz did you have to truly want to change your body and understand the complications and I’m worried that E2 will be so coerced and confused from being manipulated by Jonathan that he could end up going through with something one day that he regrets or doesn’t understand. Yes that could be a very far away future thing but it doesn’t matter cause even right now at 9 years old E2 is already having his life destroyed as he has no privacy and seems very confused about what he’s talking about like he doesn’t understand how he feels or what’s saying because he’s saying what people have told him to say or told him how he should act and feel.

If E2 grows up and wants to still be called Edie and everything else fair enough not my place to tell anyone how to live and as long as someone is happy and not harming anyone else that’s fine but E2 has nobody in his life to speak up for him and genuinely care to make sure he understands things and isn’t being exploited.E2 is purposely dressed in tight clothing , his whole identify and life revolves around being trans that’s all they use TikTok for is to make money and get likes exploiting him and the amount of videos made daily about him is crazy but it’s not surprising Anna and Jonathan are so selfish and disgusting.

People are right it is child abuse and people who comment on the tiktoks defending them saying “it’s not like he’s had surgeries or on medication yet” this isn’t just physical stuff we are concerned about we are concerned about this child’s mental health long term especially when puberty kicks in it will not be as easy as it is now for him.
Something in me tells me that J and A are not going to go through surgery phase on E2. They are definitely pushing the trans agenda, but it seems desperate and deliberate than natural. Jonathan likes clickbaits and hints.
E2 is going to go through series of therapies once he realises the online façade his parents have created. If they really think E2 is a trans, just keep it under a radar until he fully matures to make one decision.
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They still repost Tiktoks on there, but haven't done a vlog for a while now. But as Justsad123 showed, it seems like they have unlocked some of their vlogs that they had previously 'deleted', but never really did. They never stick to their word, especially when money is tight and it seems to be the case.
On cue, Anna posted her '5 weeks post-op' update, eventhough the first tummy tuck video was posted on 11 August. Why do they always have such issues with timelines, eventhough they post things online for them to check if unsure?
Or maybe Anna was so busy spending her days with Matt that she forgot to give Jonathan this footage?

The last 4 videos have been about Anna's 'make over' operation, and Jonathan's 2nd hair transplant. Views are terrible, Anna's video of getting ready for the operation, her naked boobs covered in star stickers, got the most at 132k views. For a channel that still has 1.64m subscribers (how???), that's ridiculously low.
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Anna doing the school run - RIVETING content. Said no one. We all do it Anna!
I was expecting it to be a bad voice over of "I pack the kids lunches and water bottles and then I do their hair and then we wave goodbye to dad as we drive off"
It was just awkward least put some music behind it Anna
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I’ve tagged you in their thread. It’s called communing with the campbells

How am I shaming Andrea? I’ve clearly stated in then post that none of this is his fault! I’m aware of bladder and bowel issues, I’ve had a stoma for a long time. There’s multiple videos of them potty training him, which in itself is awful. I just can’t image either Jonny or Anna having the patience to put the effort into supporting him if he’s struggling. This is the woman who left her babies cot full of sick/poop and left the cleaner/housekeeper to sort. If he isn’t dry at night and there are medical or psychological reasons why, then can you imagine them taking him to the gp or getting a referral to CAHMS? We all know they would have made a YouTube series on it “Poor baby visits doctor #staydryatnight” (this is said with jest, but something they would say)
As another person has pointed out a 5 year old not bring dry at night is not abnormal. It certainly doesn’t merit a CAHMs referral.
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I hate JSJ but I actually do think E1 could be pretty good with some professional lessons! She’s in tune and has a very expressive face when she sings. She just needs some help hitting those higher notes.

I think he’s a shit dad for constantly filming her sounding not so great though.

Also, if that’s her audition song they need to change it because she’s singing like 3 different parts. The intro song for Joseph sung just by the narrator would be fine.
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So they went to the trolls premiere along with matt and his kids and pretended jonathan doesn't exist.
Matt was more bothered about being next to anna and andrea than his own children multiple times including on the train.
They are stood at the opposite end of the photo with jonathan looking lost.
And you guessed it matt is parked right next to anna and andrea.

7 kids between 3 adults isn't that hard
How did matt get invited anyhow?
That picture is so strange. He couldn't be any further from his own kids. Joan has that same strange lost look he has on all the Tik Toks - like where am I how did I get here.
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Jonathon’s newest tiktok is entirely focussed on taking E2 out of school for the day despite the fact A1 was also with them, she was only referred to as “Edie’s sister”
Do you notice that that whole tiktok is a lie, right? Look at the sky/time of day. More than likely they got picked up after school (he probably got 2 tickets to go and Emilia didn’t want to go, so hence Alessia) and went into London, as it was dark when they were going, and other kids were at the show as well.

Creating a narrative as usual!
Does shock me that Jonathon is lying again just seems like Alessia is very overlooked
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If Anna doesn’t use filters why does she look like a completely different person in videos than photos? Does she think we’re stupid? also Matt is just as bad as Jonathan is creepy! His Instagram where he’s set up the camera to fake cry like amber turd for sympathy….absolutely no tears. I can’t imagine a normal human setting up a camera to cry and then posting it with some lame ass feel sorry for me buuuuuulllshit over it with some sad music. What a bunch of fucking losers.
He cried as if his children are taken away as hostages. He seems to be complete jerk to me
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“Living as a girl” maybe Jonathan is more self aware than I think and he knows what he’s doing is wrong but doesn’t care cause he gets his jollies this way.
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...Have they prepared E2 for the challenges that are to come? taking him to that gender clinic , I don’t know what exactly happens in those appointments or how often E2 goes if he still even goes but I worry how E2 is mentally going to handle everything when he realises this trans bubble his parents have put him in with everything being easy , fun, having long hair and wearing girls clothes and just making tiktoks 24/7, isn’t real life and will not prepare him at all for what’s about to come. I know there’s laws in the uk a child can’t go on hormone blockers until a certain age so assuming that’s still the case then E2 will go through male puberty right? does E2 know this or are they still convincing him he’s biologically female and that he won’t go through male puberty.
I *think* in the UK, there's a lot of uncertainty about the effects of puberty blockers, so they're not 'routinely' prescribed (pending better evidence on their impacts), but they are definitely still given to under 16s in "exceptional" circumstances.

...When Jonathan asked E2 why he knows he’s trans , E2’s response was “cause I don’t like playing football I don’t like getting dirty” ...Jonathan is the one controlling this whole thing.
this (not liking football) was particularly shameful because it's a straightforward regurgitation of J's own stated reasons for realising at a young age that he was 'different'.
His grandad was quite tall I believe, so who knows .
I wouldn't pretend to know the truth of it but it is sometimes said that boys who go on puberty blockers on average grow to be taller (though slimmer etc) than they otherwise would have done (as eunuchs were said to do in antiquity) because one of the things that puberty does is close your growth plates. I think above all it's too new an area to really be certain.
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Please watch Blaire whites latest you tube named
Jazz Jennings, the trans kid tragedy America claps for .

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