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What a fluff piece that Troll movie TikTok was!
And why is there an extended version on YouTube shorts?

“I like taking my kids out every Sunday to do something” Yeah right, only when it’s gifted!
We all know Anna, Matt & Matts kids were there but he conveniently edited it to make it look like it was mainly him looking after the kids.
Undeclared ad once again too!

While the minions froth over them being the “pErFeCt FaMiLy” all it shows me is the lengths he goes too to paint whatever narrative he wants & how fake everything they do is. Does he forget Anna uploads to Insta stories? 😂
Every Sunday?
Go on then, share what you've been doing the last month worth of Sundays. Birthday parties do not count.
Those kids have sat school holiday after long school holiday at home doing nothing, the younger ones have barely set foot in the local park, let alone anywhere that actually costs you money.
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That's so sad, she puts least efforts on her daughters. Let's not forget she was her rainbow baby
Even when this rainbow baby was a newborn she was neglected. I remember footage of Alessia being put on scratchy carpet upstairs, not on a blanket or anything, for 'tummy time'. Nobody paid her any attention, she was left there on her own, right under the stairs, with the Es literally jumping over her as they ran down the stairs.
My heart was constantly in my mouth watching that footage, and it was so sad to see little Alessias being left on her own like that, with the camera pointed right at her face of course.....
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there's going to things that come out about these 2 idiots when the kids are older, I can tell!!
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Oh so embarrassed for Anna, that latest 90s reel with her dancing. What is with the fake persona that she does with the manic dancing? Like she was some wild clubber back in the day? She was always boring as shit with no friends. I die watching her, the silly faces at the camera giving “I’m so fun and carefree” - NO you are not. You are desperate and cringe.
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So he took Edie and Alessia out of school because Emilia said she was stressed in year 5, therefore Edie must be too??? Then he kept both kids off for the next morning??? Edie has loads of time off, because we know they are always feeling sick and anxious!
At the end, he then says “I love you Edie”, no mention of Alessia, who was also there…
So many saying “Edie will make a perfect Matilda”. Sadly, they won’t. I’ve mentioned on here before, my friend’s daughter was im matilda and she was incredibly talented. Edie just pouts and lip synchs to inappropriate songs…
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Can you imagine how much alessia would have flourished had Natasha still been nannying for them. To see how much the E’s loved her and her them was probably the only good thing the shitty parents did for them without realising. They were just being lazy and entitled
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Some people are just naturally smaller( myself included) and kids sizes might fit them better for longer no issues with that at all but anna a 34ish year old shouldnt be casually advertising that she has the same pair as her 6 year old and can comfortably fit into them sending totally the wrong message to viewers particularly after voluntary cosmetic surgery( which she still fudges the truth about)
She's in the throes of an ED again and her vulnerable viewers will be harmed because of it.
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No wonder Jonathan whizzed the camera round quickly in the pizza restaurant part of the Halloween tiktok video, (that's why the screenshot is fuzzy) so not to show a clear shot of Anna and Matt sitting directly across from each other chatting away, into one another like no one else is in room, only having eyes for each other, and Jonathan was way down the other end of the table with the kids.

Even when they are all out together Anna wants nothing to do with him. Wonder what the kids think, surely they must notice? Plus the fact that Jonathan has the mentality of kid and can only hold conversations with children and not adults, thats why he spends so much of his life around kids, and to exploit them.

And it's spelt Halloween Jonathan not Holloween.

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Oh jono looks like he's there to mind the kids on their date night
Sorry but on a night thats mainly about the kids there both miles away, it's not as if a big catch up is needed since yesterday 🤣
Not surprising from anna by any means but matt?
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How many more stories is Anna going to do pouting and giving the peace sign. FFS. She seriously needs to grow up. I’m becoming more and more angry with every story from both of the narcissistic dickwipes. Their kids are going to suffer so much because of the parents greed. As for this friendship with Matt is anyone questioning the integrity. Because the way she talks about him is like she’s in a relationship with him. I am so rattled by the idiots today!
Sorry for the rant 🙈
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His mum once gave them markers and one of the kids said they were not allowed to draw at home.
it's sad.. emilia said in one video that she liked school because she could colour :( and i remember the e's looking so happy when they stayed with erika because she let them paint!
they really do nothing with these kids
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Sick in the head - has all that surgery but still breathes in 🙄

I’m not giving her an iota of compassion because of an e.d. She’s just an air head
She's sucking her stomach in so hard you can see her ribs. It could be very triggering to any of her followers who have an ED 🙁
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Scarlett O' Hara

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Wait until the kids get older.

I envisage a tell all about their dysfunctional childhood.

As someone up thread said, she didn't realise how her own family situation was "off" until she went to secondary school.

I shudder to think what awaits Emilia and Eduardo/Edie when they enter a new school enviroment. I hope it will be good, but I fear it will be absolutely brutal. What Jonathan Joly and Anna Saccone have done to their children, publicly on the internet, is unforgivable. 😭
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Alessia is by far the sweetest and most appealing of their children, yet they don't seem to see it?! so unfair the way she ALWAYS gets sidelined in favour of 'our TRANS daughter' :rolleyes: or 'Anna's favourite' A2, who is unendearing. Poor little A1, and she seems to have a nice personality too from what we see.
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Look at that massive smile on Anna's face. She has never looked at Jonathan like that, not even on their wedding day.
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I was surprised seeing the whole family outside doing fun things. Then I saw it's an ad. Of course... They'd never do anything fun with the kids except when it's sponsored.
Anna completely ignoring her daughter crying out how scared she is tells you all you need to know about Anna as a mother.
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SacconeJolys #92- The parents can't keep up with trans lies, no proper pronouns even after many tries.
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