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I can’t imagine life is going to be easy for E2 in a few years from now. Standing out like that during the teenage years and in secondary school is going to be rough. I think kids are a little more accepting now but they’re setting that child up to be picked on and bullied
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Fuck me Anna’s started with the workout videos again. As a qualified personal trainer I find them very awkward to watch. Her form is absolute fucking shit. I’d be embarrassed if I was Lucy Wyndham Read having that narcissistic bitch tagging me in workout videos.
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I just remember him going to the preview and absolutely loving it.... Until it aired and people who had no idea who they are leaving negative comments on Twitter. Suddenly he was so disappointed in Stacey and her team and 'threatened' to release his own footage of tha weekend.... Strangely he never did, wonder why....
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There have been plenty of moments before that that should have got them cancelled. The rape joke, for instance. It lost Anna her 'job' as a columnist for the Asda magazine, but not much else happened.

The live chat also comes to mind. He promised to call viewers, resulting in lots of underaged girls posting their phone numbers in the chat. He then picked one to come on video with him, telling her to make sure she 'looked nice'. And where was all this? Oh, and adult website, resulting in lots of those girls being harrassed by disgusting blokes.

I am still surprised no stories came out after his cycling meet-up with his 'fans', which turned out to be only girls if I remember correctly. He had it set up with a guide that would take them through the area, and oopsss, he got lost with just a small group of them.... I guess he had them all sign an NDA, or else I am sure we would have heard more.

How Gleam did not dump their arses any sooner, I have no idea. They seemed a liability from the very start.
I wonder how old those girls are now? Maybe in their 20’s? I truly hope he didn’t do anything untoward with/to them, perhaps if they were in small group prevented anything from happening. God forbid if it was him and one girl. I dread to think. I didn’t know of them back then, I remember seeing them on This Morning and being really creeped out by him. How did the Emily Roses become so obsessed and “friends” with them?
I do wonder, if further down the line, when he gets caught out (and he will) who will come out of the woodwork and say “I was always suspicious of him…” (I’m not talking about people who get the courage to go to authorities about an SA that’s happened prior. I know all too well how traumatic everything about that is)
I’m talking about their ex manager, Alfie and Zoe, Anals friends (the ones she was besties with for a week) even her family. I don’t know how anyone can sit back and not say anything. This is far more than just him/them being an odd family. There are so many incidents that we have seen, so I can’t imagine what footage/incidents have happened that were not privy to.
Whilst I appreciate speaking up is difficult, I absolutely know I would. I suspect the above people maybe did speak up and got shot down or all relationships with cut off. Still baffling though
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Their house must stink, I didn't think people just let their dogs piss all over their kitchens where they prepare food and eat???
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Looks like Anna’s had more filler done with her mum there for moral support. They were at HM cosmetics yesterday 🤔
Is she going to force her mum to watch her getting waxed too or is that a special treat reserved for A1?
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Maybe E2 is getting tired of being 'Edie' and always being 'on', too.... Eduardo was this quiet child, and now Edie is all hyper. Doesn't seem to make any sense. And then picking this photo.... poor kid is showing them without having the words.
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Christ, how annoying is Matt. One look at his profile is nauseating. It’s all woe is me, single Dad. It’s always seemed a bit too coincidental his marriage appeared to start breaking down once he became friends with SJ’s. I doubt they are the sole reason obviously but I bet a lot his ex husband doesn’t like them.

Bet Matts desperate to flog his kids online. Presumably there’s something in place to stop that happening.
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So yesterday Matt joked (when they were making the Halloween cupcakes) that Anna should’ve been a Russian oligarchs wife to which she replied “yes, I wouldn’t have to make…” then the video cut off. I thought maybe she said that she wouldn’t have to make these stupid TikToks to earn a buck so I didn’t think much more of it.

Cut to today and we find out those cupcakes were for E1’s welcome home from her residential.
So did Anna literally say that she wouldn’t of made the cupcakes, implying the (inevitable) staff & big money would've done that task instead?

I’m sorry but you just don’t joke about your kids like that. You should be overjoyed you have that opportunity to bake for them. They’re not a burden you were just lumped with yesterday. You made a choice to have them.
It’s not funny and it’s extremely distasteful. If you want to act like a heartless bitch Anna then the least you could do is not broadcast it online where they could see, stuff like that sticks in kids minds.
You can’t even pretend to love them anymore. Sick.
They once joked that they wouldn't be lucky enough for Andrea to run onto the road and get knocked down
So really nothing surprises me. Let's hope her careless attitude doesn't rub off on Matt who actually seems to love his kids in the normal parent way.
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So Mom of 4 Friday evening routine consists of fannying around with filters on her phone, cutting a pizza and wiping up piss. Where was the snuggling her kids, reading to the smaller ones, colouring, playing a chilled board game to wind down. She doesn't give a flying fuck that they won't have any core memories of her.
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Those tik toks are vile. Jonathan has made that kid think trans is a whole identity. Literally everything that happens to him from now on will be because he’s trans. The fact that they are apparently into stitch? Or Jonathan’s trying to get paid for advertising it somehow? And instead of pasting a poster of stitch he tapes flags to the wall is fucking gross as hell. Also filming that little girl in her pjs is gross and he probably has cameras in that room to watch them while they sleep. Has he tattooed over Eduardo’s name in his arm yet? I hope he gets a big ass trans flag over it. That way he’ll have some regret in the future Because obviously fucking up his sons life wont be. I seriously wish he’d just of continued his fake trans story and just wore his skirts and left his kid alone. The parents of that kid are mental for letting Jonathan watch her.
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I just can't wrap my head around it. Every Mum that I know is in absolute awe of their children and everything they do. I'm in my 30s and my Mum would frame any picture I drew her even now!!

It feels like Ana can't wait for her parenting responsibilities to be over each day. I do understand lots of parents look forward to some "me" time away from their kids, but Ana doesn't work and has ALL DAY alone!
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So reading the insta reel comments, many minions believed her “before” was the results and said she looked good before the surgery.
I agree with others here, that surgeon seems unethical. When your patients parade around like this post surgery, they were never in a fit or sound mind to have it in the first place.

She replied to someone that said they were experiencing awful back pain because of DR with “honesty the ab repair was the best thing out of all of this”
Hmm Anna I thought that was the only reason you had the surgery? So thanks for finally admitting it was mainly for vanity. Great role model!

Looks like A2 got caught in a soccer net walking to the car after school and all Anna could do was film E2 & A1 running to help him.
You’re lucky he didn’t throttle himself. Your lack of maternal instincts is showing and it’s disgusting. Your kids deserve better.
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How is Anna so bad at doing the girls hair?! It looks like she just braided the back without bothering to brush or part the front properly! A1's especially is always a mess 🙁
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Yep. That's it, exactly. They'd sell their kids to ANYTHING for money.
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Do you really think Anna works for her home?
I just can't believe both parents are home all day every day , doing fuck all and still have a cleaner. Where the fuck is the money coming from?
Poor woman having to clean up all the dog piss 🤢
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They’re only young so probably not an issue but if Edie’s sleepover is with a girl friend and they’re sharing a bed? Bit strange
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