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VIP Member
There may be some truth in the flats ownership tho... remember the house they wanted to buy for kids (and never did tho). And the house anal said they were already decorating but we never seen.. obviously they were interested to be on the property ladder just by that they let slip...

The credit explanation is right as well

But I still think they are short for the cash compared what the had before.
Even if they have the properties income they still lost almost all YouTube income also Anna's youtube income and jonos Instagram income.
I'm not saying they are broke they still have shit loads of money but nowhere near they were used to imho.

And I too had a thought they might be moving back to Ireland... he wanted to be ground breaker with being non binary and trans stuff but here in UK it's normal stuff for years now 🤷🏻‍♀️ his book only got a bit of attention and interviews in Ireland too. They have no management here anymore and both mums visiting
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Good Lord, if ever there was a case of arrested development it's Anna, giggling like a 13 year old with a major crush on a boy. I'm actually embarrassed for her. Wonder what Johnny Boy makes of it?
Maybe this is the reason the house is up for sale.
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They absolutely ruined that house and garden. All it needed, when they purchased it, was to decorate it to their taste.

Instead they removed beautiful solid wood floors and put down cheap laminate. Destroyed the annex and the garden and turned it into a cheap velour grey house.

All character removed. If I had 1.65 million to spend, I most certainly would not buy that monstrosity. The photos show how unbelievably tacky it is.
Yeah, I wasn’t saying what they’ve done to it is good (they have ruined it), I’m saying that literally anything and everything was selling last year at crazy prices. It was a sellers market, prices rocketed. All I’m seeing now on Rightmove is stuff being reduced as it won’t sell at the inflated prices anymore.
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No tea just coffee

Chatty Member
I’m sorry for the vauge answer but in all honesty it really depends on the individual, what ED they have and their own treatment plan. I don’t have a “typical” ED diagnosis because mine was more of a manifestation of other issues whereas for some people it can become more of the main focus. It can also depend on how an individual perceives and understands the illness, how receptive they are to treatment/ finding the right treatment and knowing when the habits are creeping in which some people might describe as their “triggers”.

i don’t have active treatment for it anymore, some people may always need active treatment, some may sometimes need it and sometimes not.

if Anna is currently struggling with it then she needs help, the big issue might be that she doesn’t WANT help.

i don’t want to speculate on wether she does or doesn’t have an ED and I generally skip over the discussions around it because my experience has been that it’s very complex and it doesn’t always look the way it’s portrayed in movies and TV. I don’t think anyone intends for their speculation around the subject to be hurtful to other people but most of us arnt ED experts and can only speak from our personal experiences or what we’ve learnt online.
Thank you for this! I hope I didn't sound insensitive. It's just so hard to believe anything the family says or does...even more so since what they've done to Edie. Again something so serious and personal and they've used it for attention and along the way potentially ruined that child's life.
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I'm super curious to see what they get. He seemed to have promised a bedroom to E1 and possibly E2. Could it be they will just get a four-bedroom and make the tiny little babies :cautious: share a room? I hope not, as all the kids really need a room of their own.
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Scarlett O' Hara

VIP Member
Strange that she has more fun with the bestie than with her own life partner. What a difference! Very telling. I thought jotato was her bestie.
Indeed, but if memory serves me correctly, isn't it more Jono saying Anna is his bestie or they are besties....

Anyhoo...what adult uses that word ? ;)
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Well-known member
I forgot about this family until I saw them recently on tiktok. What on earth happened to their YouTube views?? They are getting less than 30k! Just wondering how they fund their lifestyle
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I can't believe they just let A1 and A2 watch Stranger things! I've watched it with my 15 year old who's very easygoing and into special effects, so she watches the technology behind the horror and doesn't see it as anything "real", but would never allow my 12 year old to watch it, she has a wild imagination and would have nightmares for months! I can't imagine them seeing ST when they were the As' age!!
But then again, their mom and dad are the biggest monsters around, no Upside Down can hurt you the way they're harming their kids long-term with their cold, chaotic, neglectful parenting.
My niece is the same age as E1 and I rewatched it with her. It’s really popular among that age group just now. She’s not been phased by any of it but suppose it depends on the child.
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I’ve been blocked by Anna! Just thought I hadn’t seen any pathetic work outs in a while and went to have a look. Not commented or messaged anything either!
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Chatty Member
Now I'll preface this by saying I think Anna is a nice looking woman but lately her face has changed, we all age, however her face seems wider and her cheekbones are swollen looking. She looks older than 34 imo

The swelling is 100% bulimia induced IMO. Inducing vomiting regularly will do that, ask anyone with an ED.
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Well-known member
Did Anna just inadvertently admit she is back fighting her ED?

“I have this pair of River Island jeans that I brought a few years ago” “When I got them (in Feb 2020) I got them in a bigger size because I was in recovery, and they fit, well actually they were tight when I got them but now they are too big”

Key word I picked up: Was

I have a feeling this mummy surgery is just a disguise for what she really wants and I hope the doctor sees right through her and refuses to do it on morals.

Also I’d be a bit more grateful if I was her, managed to find things wrong with multiple pairs of gifted jeans except the one which was obviously two sizes too small. (It also bugs me that the minions were saying she looked the best in those ones too)

Wish she’d get proper help, it’s so dangerous to be spreading this type of energy to her young audience.
I’m convinced she’s always had Lipo but unfortunately for her, in lockdown this was not available, hence the weight gain.
Have these two ever told the truth?
Anything for views……..I’m not convinced!
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Never gets a picture of all of them together? except all the times they are made to pose for photos for no apparent reason 🤔🤨

Also why does E2s leggings look too small??
As sickening as it is, it's probably for the friendliest friends' benefit.
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Can't stand tbe labelling...every kid of theirs has to have an issue ?? I struggled with maths at school, I was a bright kid but the way maths was taught always evaded me, so I had extra maths help and managed to get a good solid A grade at GCSE 🤷🏼‍♀️ I didnt need a label !!!

Oh and when I was at school, only the slutty/chavvy girls wore juicy couture 🤣🤣
Yet you just labeled those at school wearing Juicy Couture?
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Scarlett O' Hara

VIP Member
So there can't be anything going on with Matt because he is gay.
But Anna your husband is gay and lots of us strongly suspect there isnt anything going on there either.
Not sure if hes gay, but he's certainly a weird one and thats for sure.

His non Binary , leggings wearing book was risable and at time unintentionally hilarious. Did you read it?
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