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Gotta say I love when there's a crossover with two of the most problematic Irish YouTubers- The sacconejoly's and Melanie Murphy. I keep looking at the IG post and laughing with glee as they all get tore to shreds.

One of the best threads on tattle, this is. ❤

The thread title is perfection x
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Latest tiktok.... I thought anna knew jono was giselle so why did they have such strict gender stereotypes. I have a son and a daughter and they don't have to fit into any box. Not everyone runs out and buys a wardrobe of blue and only dinosaur toys when they have a boy. They act like that's how the world is but haven't been out enough to see this is 2021 and kids are encouraged to express themselves. Keep kidding yourself that that's the issue Giselle just so you don't have to think about how much you are fuckin up your kids. Urgh makes me so sick but I am glad that so many other people feel the same.

And the magnet kitchen gig... someone has already tweeted them about the sj's lol
To play devils advocate, you can’t be gender non conforming if people don’t push regressive gender stereotypes in the first place. If Boy George, Annie Lennox and the New Romantics of 40 years ago were about today in their forms of yester year people would potentially be wanting to suggest they were non binary etc. but none of them are because it’s a complete social construct to say that men and women should only dress in certain ways and like certain things and if they don’t, they must be a different gender. There seems to be more sexist stereotyping now than there was 40 years ago.
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Bella End

Soooo.. his sister thought he was gay, and his brother 'neverrrrr' thought he was 'because you slept with everything that walked'. Nice to put that out there... But he follows that up with 'well, one is me, one is somebody else maybe'.

his brother 'neverrrrr' thought he was 'because you slept with everything that walked'
- this sounds like his fantasy life, I certainly never saw any evidence of this hectic sexfest.
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I remember being twelve or thirteen writing fanfiction on Wattpad and I think if any of it got out now I would die. Here’s this forty year old man blasting his own (ABOUT HIMSELF) all over instagram for ONE MILLION PEOPLE to see.
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Do you think Jonathan was sexually abused?!
not at all…this all stems from him wanting to be famous…boy band failed…now in his little world he is famous…remember Anna wanted to be a model…she was cast in his music video…her naive pea brain thought she just had her big break…she probably slept with him in the first place bc she believed his grandiose lies.
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I just hope one day we will learn that his accounts were suspended. He needs to be out of internet for a long period of time. Until he understands exploiting his own children and fake traumas for views is not a way to earn money. It is not a job.
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I wish they’d style poor Alessias hair, she’s 4 year old girl yet they keep her looking like a baby. She has beautiful curls and they just leave it a mess. Brush it while damp put some product in and make little bunches or something?
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Anna B is perfectly posed reading a story to the "babies". Sure God love her. Perhaps she's read on here that she must interact with her children and be present in the moment!
“Quick Jonathan! I’m going to read to the kids for the first time in forever, take a picture, that’ll shut those trolls up! Then I’ll go back to leaving them on their iPads until they fall asleep”
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There she goes again labeling poor little A-1 as the bad one. She got up on the wrong side of the bed etc.. She sure does put Andy out there as her special little boy who is so wonderful. She better watch doing that because A-1 can see that she is treated differently than her little brother and that will just make her little attitude worse.
Yes this.

And also Alessia immediately turned around when she saw Anna point the camera to her, even though Alessia has been filmed since birth and has been conditioned to that environment, I feel as she is getting older even at the age of 4 she is becoming more aware, I have noticed here and there in a some IG stories and past vlogs where Alessia does the turn of the head when they hold that camera up at her, it like she gets triggered, even though she may not grasp exactly what it means yet, but whatever she thinks it is, she doesn't like it, going by her reaction. The poor little thing, she just can't escape it. And Anna, just because she is rejecting your bullshit doesn't mean she got up on the wrong side of the bed, she has a problem with you putting that god damn camera in her face. So fuck off Anna!! Leave her alone!!!
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This is what I get on Amazon. No longer a best seller but it is listed in multiple categories to attempt ranking manipulation.

Best Sellers Rank: 1,672

#3 in Manager's guides to computing (Why is it listed here? oh yeah to manipulate the ranking :rolleyes: )
#13 in computing & internet (another manipulative ranking attempt)
#90 in Gender studies (books) (I guess this is the closest)

It should be listed under damn FICTION.

I believe he made up invisible friends as a child (A LOT of kids do- I don't believe they are still with him unless he has a dissociative disorder which IS NOT the same thing) I believe he has a learning disability (again not a rarity) but that's all I believe about his story. The rest is just manipulative filler being added to jump on current issues and pad out his pocket.
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"Me and Anna's pizza... - oh, and our dead baby's tattoo showed into every shot, because I'm, loik, edgy!" :rolleyes:

And those poor children, NONE of them look content, just in various states of distress, Emilia always burdened with the responsibility of having to mind "da babies" when the nanny's not around, Eduardo also trying to comfort Andrea, Alessia looking lost...

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What if Alessia decided to go and pet the fox? She’s receiving mixed messages from her parents: this is a wild animal but her parents are treating it like a pet (which is ironic, considering they can hardly care for their own dogs).

Regardless of the fox, I can’t help but note how concerning it is that a child who was put to bed 35 minutes ago is just wondering around the garden, and her parents were none the wiser. What if something serious happened? What if she injured herself and couldn’t move or was unconscious? I know it can be hard to keep track of children, especially toddlers - I know she’s bloody 4 years old but her parents treat her like a baby so that’s how she’s going to behave - but they should really be prioritising their kids, their safety and their wellbeing, instead of filming foxes and writing erotic novels on Instagram. Thank God there was a fox to film, otherwise who knows how long it would be until they realised Alessia wasn’t in bed!

I can’t help but feel a little sorry for Alessia, being put to bed so early in this awful weather (although I know that is an average bedtime for a child that age). I remember being put to bed when it was still light and I was always really confused and could never sleep!
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You know what, her being sacked by Asda, some companies dropping them , Amazon putting his book in the correct category , it being brought to relevant people’s attention about the exploitation of the kids, all goes to show that we and other folk like us are a force to be reckoned with when it comes to abuse . Yep, they’ve been able to continue but not as easily as they wanted .

they’ll still die liars & abusers
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My mother has an ED, it has effected the whole family, we’re all very aware of our appearances/weight BUT my mum would never portion control our food in fact she is so damn set on us getting proper nutrition and portions. Obviously this isn’t the same for everyone, but she should be putting her children first and that’s incredibly sad
Anna is very strange with the kids portions. I noticed at the BBQ they went to last week both the A’s had half a burger and a tiny sprinkle of chips yet the kids the same age next to them had a whole burger and a normal amount of chips… She is very controlling of their meal sizes??
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