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There would be nothing more boring to everyone at that party than watching a video montage. She's so self indulgent she doesn't realise that not everyone will be as into her baby as she is. That's just the way it is. I gush over my kids all the time but I realise when I do it 1. Other people aren't interested and 2. They don't find them as cute as I do.
This is the girl that tweeted other people's babies are boring and ugly or something. But yet of course she's so special that everyone loves to see a million and one stories and birthday photos of HER child.

Also, if you're going to donate to charity when you receive gifts then great but does she need to write it on every post? She already dedicated a whole post to it on her feed. Just makes me feel like it's for show especially when it could be a pound she's donating for all we know
And just a reminder she won’t even have served any booze... so everyone has had to go to the Cult of Bentos 1st Birthday #gifted extravaganza entirely sober.
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You think being a 1950s housewife with all the time in the world she could make a cake herself. This is going to be one gifted money making birthday.
Why do we need the whole birth shannaigans again.
I wonder is she follows Gemma Atkinson (Gemma and Gorka) its her daughters first birthday and the contrast..they look like they had a good old knees up with a Jetsons cake as thats her wee ones fave cbeebies programme. Wonder what Freyas is? National Geographic likely.
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Maybe Grabby needs to actually start coughing up and paying to stay in places with a separate bedroom rather the shoving her kid in the toilet to save herself a few quid 🙄

I understand that some kids like dark, but the only time I've had to do this (because a room with a separate bedroom wasn't available) it was ME that sat in the bathroom reading a book in the bath until me baby fell asleep. I didn't shove my kid in the loo 😖

Absolutely nothing about her is a luxury travel blogger. And yet nothing about her is a down to earth family blogger either. That's why she's dammed whatever she does. She is a braggy, spoilt show off but when you scratch the surface she seems to be skint and everything tatty and done on the cheap but she tried to cover it up by bragging.

I can't see her coughing up to take Freya to the Maldives when she's 2+ and not free anymore, or during the school holidays. I think there will be a lot of her staying behind with Mumma because she still wants to brag about where they travel to, but doesn't want to/can't afford to pay the price of a third person. Unless it's all gifted again of course 🙄🙄 (then she will humble brag herself to death and carry on pretending to be rich).
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Still on about the first birthday - she never has any new content!

I still don’t believe that any charitable donations are being made. Why doesn’t she tag the charities, and show what the donations are? Because there aren’t any, or the donations are so small she doesn’t want to show them as it’ll show her for what she really is - mean with money and out for alllll she can get.
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Why why why would you show such personal moments. I know somebody on this thread said she would not be able to resist showing this video and they were right
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Upcycling from a UK perspective what the actual fuck? Because the USA is obviously another planet right. She's mental.

My sis had a primary colour Fisher price type kitchen and we spent hours playing with it, best toy ever. This looks utterly boring in comparison, poor Freya never being given the opportunity to play with toys of an actual colour other than sludge. Imagine when teaching her colours, the first ones she'll learn are beige, greige and sludge.
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Sorry! I commented on the wrong sandals! These are the Florida retiree ones:


Reckon she did the tippex fingers and toes as prep for their spur of the moment beach sunset?

And someone explain to me in small words how these two influence anyone to do anything?!

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Urgh. Really dislike that kitchen. The default one is neutral enough, but spraying the sink, faucet and changing some minor details would suffice to fit her aesthetic and still have a fun piece to give her child. I personally like neutrals and wooden toys; a house not littered with cheap plastic in primary colours from the moment you give birth does not amount to child abuse. There’s a happy medium between clinical and tacky.

That said, she took away ALL the fun, interactive bits of that kitchen, everything that makes it a great toy. She removed the top and the backsplash, the microwave is now out of reach and what the fuck - is that CANE where the oven door was supposed to be? Is it a cupboard with a sink? What the hell. I hope Freya breaks that shit, or never even touches it. Twats.
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For forks sake, disappeared for a few hours to sort a few things out in the house and to make sure my youngest {tweenager with attitude} was actually doing her online classes and school work {instead of playing minecraft with her cousin}. And bloody Grabby twunt decides to unleash some highlights of 2 days of birthdaying bentos on her insta stories {still no sign of the ikea kitchen hack, maybe they're saving the best for last HAHAHAHA}.

My inner OCD-ness finds the wall display irritating because the silver balloons spelling out ONE don't sit dead center on the twigs. The party tassels look bland & scruffy and the 'polaroid photos of Freya's year' garland, also don't sit symmetrically underneath {it's up too high on one side}. The birthday cake looks so pretentious sat on an up turned crate. Those pancakes that Freya is munching away on do indeed look like dog turds #yumyum.

A birthday bloody brunch of Freya's favourite food... WTAF 😆😆 seriously!!! And of course, people were all crying at the video of one second of every day of Bentos life, more like tears of "make it fucking stop!"

Well... what a forking surprise that the gifted-grabbing-prick, got her wish of not only the £200 freebie tri-climb {which has been placed rather near to the unnecessary wood burner} but also the not-ever-mentioned £140 slide #forkingdisgusting. These instagrabbing twunts should be made to donate 50% of the cost of the item{s} they've been #gifted {aka insta begged for}. She also got a free professional photo shoot too.
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I’ve been capturing mini video clips of my little one in her first year and I can tell you now I don’t feature in the video until about 3 months in! It would involve having to say to my husband “can you film me doing this...” which kinda kills the moment really! Bet we don’t get treated to the video clips between March 23rd and July 4th.......🤔
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A- Never happened
B- Ben didn't do it to the standard Grabby wanted so she threw a huff
C-They are paying someone else to do it
D- Not putting it on the gram as it won't make her money.
E- There was no "hack" they just gave her the standard kitchen
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3 points I need to make from the latest post.
Benpecked looks incredibly awkward in that photo.
the tipi on the beach looks oh so dreamy with what looks like plastic bags stuffed inside 🙈
And finally, who buys a s’mores kit and itches to make them somewhere memorable?
Jesus wept
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The climber will be gifted or from her parents I think. Doubt she’d part with the cash.
you are so right - if it's not gifted (which would necessitate a donation to charity, right Grabs? 🤔), then it's def from her parents. She's already said there's no way she's part with the cash for it. Surprised she spent the £60 on the ikea play kitchen tbh.

I'm not saying your child's first birthday isn't a momentous occasion in your life, or that you can't put up some photos and a few soppy words about it on your social media, but FFS, the self importance of her that she is stringing this out with umpteen posts, stories, and no doubt blog post in which she will presumably publish her Pulitzer Prize winning letter {not} to Bentos, is crazy. Not least of all because the child has no say in the fact that every single aspect of her life is documented in perpetuity just because Grabby constantly needs validation from strangers/free stuff.
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I hope the charities didn’t find her donation ‘patronising’ like if she had donated her freebie buggy...
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Why do they both hold Freya like that? Its so weird ! I have raised 2 children and not once have myself or my partner ever held them like that. It looks dangerous as well as stupid - what if she toppled forward? Is holding them to your chest or on you hip considered unfashionable or lower class? Imagine asking someone to take a family picture then grabbing your baby from behind and balancing then on your arm 🤣🤣 so unnatural
Because she’s a prize ham 🤣
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Faaaarking hell! The blandest, most boring ‘hack’ ever! All that build up and that’s it?! My brain can’t compute all that beige. Booooooooring! And why is the microwave so high up? Ridiculous
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I'm sure that was on her {expensive} list of suggestions for a first birthday on her rose and trollops blog... ah yes, it was:-

"- Climbing thing. These tri climbs look amazing and when I spotted them on Instagram I was so tempted until I saw the price. I just don't know if we'd get enough use out of it to justify when hopefully parks etc will reopen at some point. They look amazing though, guess it just depends on what your space set up is/what kind of child you have."
What she means is “I’d love a tri-climb so I can portray myself as a Montessori earth mother, but there’s no way I’m paying that price, and I break out in a cold sweat if I actually have to buy something for my daughter with my own money, so can someone please gift me one?”
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