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Well-known member
I hope she doesn't take her baby on holiday in September after that bitchy comments she made last year about a baby crying on a flight.
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I wonder what she actually does have to talk to him about. She doesn't do anything and if she does it invariably involves him!

Side note - that M & S thing was so, so awful. I'm surprised they used it.
Hmm I wonder too, everything she does is for instagram. Her home, her garden, her clothes - all because it looks good and is on trend for the gram. The recent trip to Amsterdam wasn’t because she was interested in visiting there at all, it was because it has a tulip field and we all know posing in a field of flowers gets the likes.

I do like her home and I do like her garden (well up until installing the monstrosity that is that fence 😬) but their lives must be so dull and her husband must be absolutely sick to death of having to live their life for picture opportunities for instagram.
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Chatty Member
“I’m feeling excited to escape for a couple of days” 🤦🏻‍♀️

Escape? Escape from what love???
‘Working’ from home in the garden, walks with the ‘pup’, lunches with friends, day dates in London, M&S pr events, supervising her husband’s DIY... phew! Give the girl a break, she’s had a tough week!! 🙄
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VIP Member
That could be the death of it surely? If brands can't see your value, no more pastel rompers, Easter eggs and straw bags for you.
I am keeping everything crossed. I suspect Instagram have done this due to people not declaring ads
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Aww poor little ferret face had to delete her post because mean and nasty people gave her the slightest bit of constructive criticism. We all know the kind of person she is, rotten and self serving. Please Rebecca, do go into a private bubble, make your Instagram private and bog off.
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VIP Member
What is she doing today? Fannying about with the PUP and MUMMA? 🙄
Staying in bed apparently - on other days she bounces out to a workout. I get she lives in a parallel universe of peonies and unicorns but she does know that most of the population works right?! I wish I could luxuriate in bed of a morning as and when I felt like it!! It’s almost spoof levels now!
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What even was the point of that blog?! We have chosen a name but we’re not going to tell you. Who cares that they didn’t look at name books and that Ben choose a stronger boy name than she was expecting. So self-absorbed it’s actually hilarious!
Nobody gives that much of a shit about anyone else’s baby, let’s be honest. I mean that in the kindest way possible. It’s lovely that someone is pregnant, but nobody else cares what sex it is or what you’re going to call them unless you’re one of the parents or grandparents. None of her followers will be as invested in this as much as she thinks. Anyone who leaves an arse licky comment about it is either wanting a follow or is a potential ‘professional’ blogger themselves.
This thread has really opened my eyes to her though. She was one of the first people I came across on IG and she’s nothing like I imagined when I first saw her account.
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VIP Member
She's almost at Meldrum levels of just pretending everything's normal, wittering on about her wisteria and early nights and just conveniently ignoring the fact that she's had an entire paid ad campaign wiped off her grid today. Nope nothing to see here folks, drama....what drama? Just an ordinary day, everything's still rosy at RVK HQ. I tell you between this #vitamingate and Meldrum, the influencer bubble is well and truly bursting.
She is probably far from ok. That is money lost and a brand that will likely have blacklisted her...also, PRs talk about influencers so word might get around.
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New member
That is a serious allegation to make, this isn't just a bit of gossip about influencer ethics. I think people need to be careful with what they say.
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VIP Member
It's all about preserving her wholesome image. This thread ranks very high on Google and doesn't fit the narrative she's spent years carefully crating.
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Active member
Oh she’s DEFINITELY reading this. Her behaviour is outrageous. She’s so entitled! Thing that annoys me most is if anyone questions her, or dares to disagree, they’re shot down very quickly. The “ incase Meghan” uses her name almost had me spitting out my tea! Who the fuck do you think you are lady???? She has NO grip of life at all. People are constantly sucking up to her. It’s painful. Read THIS Rebecca ...... you’re not THAT good. You’re NOT cool. You’re SPOILT!!!!
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I think it’s good that she doesn’t have a ‘proper’ job. I honestly don’t think she could cope. I remember seeing one of her instagram stories where she had a panic attack on the train because it was during rush hour and was so busy. She wouldn’t be able to get to work in the first place. In all jobs you have accountability, and have to comply with rules and regulations. This is something she struggles with, hence the complaints about her to the ASA about not tagging paid partnerships properly. Sometimes as part of a job you are reviewed and critiqued, and the feedback isn’t always nice, but you learn from it and move on. You can’t have a paddy fit and complain it’s unfair and bullying! You just wouldn’t get away with that spoilt attitude working for someone else. So maybe it’s best for her that she does work for herself, I don’t think she would last anywhere else.

She needs to remember that her instagram account is her business and not just to document pretty pictures. You have to have accountability, and if she was doing things properly in the first place this thread may never of even been started!

It also doesn’t matter what way she tries to dress it up, what her husband done was wrong. Starting a relationship with someone who is 15 when you’re 25 is potentially illegal. That is something she can’t get away from and knows it. The reason why they didn’t get to together properly for 18 months wasn’t to appease wider society. It was to stop him going to prison for being involved with a minor! I
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VIP Member

Rebecca is sitting, looking at her peonies and pondering why oh why other “salespeople” are quietening down on their pages and longs for “the nice old days of Instagram” 🤷🏻‍♀️

Those good old days when there was no such thing as IG Stories, when it was a creative, photography app.

Well Rebecca love, its because the “sheep” are sick fed up of adverts (no matter how relevant they would be in your life at that time). They are sick fed up of the “salespeople” receiving “free shit” as I’ve heard them describe it. Then expect us, the ones that have REAL jobs, to swipe up.
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U Wot

Well-known member
When did a video monitor become a must have for new mums? It’s ridiculous the amount of expensive unnecessary tat people are encouraged (sorry, influenced) to buy. Just another way to make less affluent mums feel they aren’t doing their best for their babies.
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U Wot

Well-known member
The pram isn’t a perk of the job, it IS the job. She gives the pram company exposure in return for payment. If 5 companies are bidding for this exposure, she’s going to go with the highest offer. The bugaboo Fox is a top of the range buggy. It’s not necessarily the best. This is why influencer reviews can’t be trusted as objective.
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Well-known member
Did you guys know that she’s pregnant? I don’t think she mentions it at all mind you
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Iconic Member
So RVK is trying to pull a Mrs Meldrum. 😂
And call what is basically a commentary/discussion thread about what SHE posts harassment and bullying?!
So let me get this straight, she can make a living from posting online 🤔
she has full control over what she posts on line and when she posts it?
Welcomes interaction and compliments.
But if she gets any negative reactions to the content she produces she deletes and blocks?

That is Until it’s outside her control and then she REPORTS IT AS ABUSE?! 🤔
There are no threats made here,
no bullying or overly aggressive posts (and if there are they’re removed straight away, and that’s only if a troll gets through)
An influencer can’t report something as abuse because they don’t like it. 🤦‍♀️
I can understand it must be frustrating not being able to control the narrative of this site after so long of having that block and delete button handy.
But nobody is forced to read here.
Maybe she needs to get someone else to read her tattle thread and weed out the stuff she can handle. Or block the site completely if she’s not open to criticism.
But why conduct your life on line anyway if that’s the case.
Just my opinion. No hate 😬
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Active member
The amount of followers she has are not reflected in the likes and comments she receives on her posts. She’s only recently started replying to comments on her posts too! Before that she’d only answer the first two or three and ignore the rest. Now she’s at pains to write sickly sweet replies to everyone.
I don’t actually think she’ll have a nanny. I think her Mum will do over and above so that RVK can ‘rest’ when she needs it! She comes across as a very spoilt, over indulged princess who clicks her fingers and gets what she wants instantly! I actually think her husband looks like a genuinely nice guy. I bet he has to do exactly what he is told, when he is told!!! Probably why projects are done so quickly in that house!! Can’t keep her waiting!!! 🙄🙄🙄
Her mother was sorting and folding baby grows and vests for her today because she “couldn’t concentrate”! FFS - just when I thought she couldn’t be any more needy.....
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