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Chatty Member
A free bugaboo fox coming their way :rolleyes: “we would have bought it ourselves”- would be nice if they donated the money instead then!
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I've been reading this thread the past few weeks and it's great to find others who think the same as I have! I've been following RVK for a few years, I used to enjoy her interior photos and her gardening tips. I think with new guidelines my eyes have been opened to just how much free #gifted stuff these influencers receive and how money grabbing they can be #ad #paid partnership #affiliate - its relentless! I think every day now she posts a freebie or is pushing something to make money. It's really put me off her.

From the blog post she wrote about her husband being 10 years older she says "it was most definitely an issue for wider society at first and I think on paper if you hear that in essence a teen and a 25 year old are together people tend to judge?" Yes Rebecca that's because in our society it's illegal to have sex with a minor and your husband pursuing you could be looked at as grooming a minor, so yes people will judge! I volunteer working with vulnerable children and families and see this a lot, the fact she is portraying this as a great love story is incredibly worrying!
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Off on holiday again to the Maldives on a babymoon where they'll open their envelope to find out whether they're having a boy or a girl. Is it just me that finds it incredibly sad that she obviously thinks opening the envelope and finding out at home isn't good enough. Most couples are just delighted to be pregnant and thrilled at finding out what they're having and sharing it with family. But she has to make it into an even bigger deal by waiting until they're on holiday somewhere exotic. Surely finding out is the special part and the memory is made special no matter where it happens. It seems that for some, special memories can only be made while on holiday in exotic, far flung holiday destinations.
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Well-known member
"How would I find or choose a disadvantaged family to give a Bugaboo to? ".....what a revolting thing to say! It's actually very easy, perhaps google local charities whilst you are sunning it in your ever so perfect garden. Honestly I hope to god that she never finds herself in a position where she has nothing.
What a horrid little brat
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VIP Member
She comes across a spoilt little brat. Those tweets are hideous, dreadful things to say. Bet some of her sponsors would like to know that she shared stuff like that on SM. Bitching about Adele’s pregnancy is hardly in keeping with The white company.

She blocked me ages ago for daring to ask about an AD. Her whole feed is contrived
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VIP Member
So they went to John Lewis and used the personal appointment service to get all their expert advice about the buggy / car seats etc but then turned around and got one free from the company itself. And to add insult to injury she even puts on stories that the one they went for is the one the advisor in John Lewis said was her top choice. What a bloody cheek to take all that advice and then not follow through with buying it from them. Also he's researching environmentally friendly nappies - er......can we talk about the hundreds of thousands of unnecessary air miles this pair have taken over the years before we start worrying about biodegradable nappies. She doesn't have a leg to stand on if she wants to jump on the eco friendly bandwagon.
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VIP Member
Also proves what a pile of shit Instagram is. There she is supposedly on an idyllic holiday yet she's frantically sat there scrabbling to deactivate her Twitter and reading along here.
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Where’s that post gone? Deleted the whole thing now?
Yes, she's deleted the whole post.

It's things like this that are the reason people are getting so tired of influencers, I think. They feel almost like friends and you trust them which is why influencers do so well at selling things, but really they are shady AF and will do anything to make a few £s.

I remember well and truly falling off the bandwagon when I bought some shampoo and conditioner that Lydia Millen had recommended. Her hair always looks so gorgeous and she was raving about how amazing this shampoo had made her hair, so I bought some. And it was utter garbage.

I'm so sick of them all, lying through their teeth.
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Chatty Member
Shes forever taking photos standing right in front of other peoples front doors. I wonder how she would feel if everyone turned up at her front door to take ‘insta worthy’ photos? My guess is she would be fuming!
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VIP Member
How can she not see how bad it looks that she raved about those other vitamins and now she’s shilling these ones saying she wants to promote a more affordable brand. How tone deaf can you be? If you can’t afford the luxury pre natal vitamins that I’ve actually been taking don’t worry I’m now being paid to endorse the cheaper alternatives.
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VIP Member
what the fuck is she talking about? She doesn't want to buy a limited edition perfume as she'll never be able to buy it again? Oh boo hoo, poor Rebecca.
She is so weird. I bought a limited edition Jo Malone a few years ago - Wisteria and Violet - and it is SO beautiful. It came out like 5 years ago and I still have some left. I kept it in a dark drawer and it still smells good. She could buy a few bottles... as she says, "my husband earns 10 x more than yours ever will." Or whatever it was. Silly little girl.
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Active member
She’s just a massive twat. Let’s say it how it is. She’s an idiot with no grasp on reality. Never will have. I cannot STAND her.
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Active member
She must be aware as she has read this thread? However I think with her and any influencer unless something directly impacts her ‘brand’ (🙄) it’s not really going to impact her or any one that is getting showered with free gifts and affection from Instagram accounts and businesses and that’s the sad reality
There’s aware and then there’s “aware”. She’s happy in her little jo malone scented bubble, she “thinks” she works hard, she believes she deserves all the holidays and freebies gifted to her. She will think that we are the jealous crazy trolls as her “mumma” pats her on the back and reassures her how special she is.

No self awareness whatsoever. She will never see what we see
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Active member
Hahahah she’s deleted the post! I might email the vitamin company and see what they say. I used their vitamins when pregnant and ttc, what an absolute shit show
I’ve been in touch to say that it is an absolute car crash and she’s deleting all the negative comments. Please do the same. She is utterly ridiculous and infuriating.
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