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Well-known member
I followed her years ago when she lived in her previous house. I unfollowed last year because it was just so boring.

I'm not sure how she has as much followers as she does because there are far better interiors accounts and far better travel accounts. She's just too vanilla for me (and I like vanilla ??)


New member
She must be aware as she has read this thread? However I think with her and any influencer unless something directly impacts her ‘brand’ (🙄) it’s not really going to impact her or any one that is getting showered with free gifts and affection from Instagram accounts and businesses and that’s the sad reality


Active member
Their life seems unattainable. I wonder will they keep up the vacations once baby is here.
That’s what I’m wondering. Maybe with all that money they’ll just get a nanny? And carry on living it up round the world...

And how will a kid fit in with her ‘nothing out of place’ stunning house?!

If my husband had had skin cancer i’d Probably not want to go on so many holidays to hot sunny places ALL the time. I know you can always choose to sit in the shade but still

Satisfying Click

VIP Member
Deleted at posters request

I thought the relationship's origins sounded gross, but this really is the clincher. How can someone be allowed to work in that capacity, there's a reason that boundaries exist to protect people, including children :mad:

I do wonder how much the pregnancy was her choice too; coercive pregnancy is a thing. For someone who used to write so disparagingly about motherhood, I thought she'd want to be the forever childfree, galavanting around the world then back to her whimsical home to talk to the sprouts
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VIP Member
Their life seems unattainable. I wonder will they keep up the vacations once baby is here.
That’s what I’m wondering. Maybe with all that money they’ll just get a nanny? And carry on living it up round the world...

And how will a kid fit in with her ‘nothing out of place’ stunning house?!

If my husband had had skin cancer i’d Probably not want to go on so many holidays to hot sunny places ALL the time. I know you can always choose to sit in the shade but still
They have a beautiful house. I do know many people who have lovely houses and manage to keep them nice with a child so it isn't unheard of. It will be easier for her too as she works from home.

When did her husband have skin cancer? Hope they wear high SPF.


Active member
You all know she’s pretending not to read this but inwardly will be seething right???Caught out on so many things. She’s FAKE ,and is pretending to be a good person. She’s most definitely fucking NOT. 🤣🤮 Somebody’s halo has slipped methinks....🥴

Satisfying Click

VIP Member
WTF, that's just gross. Grooming, definitely.

Guys like that always like younger women because of their limited life experience. Women their own age tell them to jog on and they want to be idolised.


Active member
Busy lives?! Her husband is literally never at work either, they were at Soho Farmhouse on Monday. The only thing they are busy with is going on holiday. They are LAZY over-priviledged twats.
I know. The vast majority of partners couldn't leave their jobs to flit around on one thousand gifted trips a year wife their wife. They don't know they're born. She's in for a rude awakening with a newborn.

Just looked at the nursery on IG. Stupid bint choosing that chair as a feeding chair. That'll last about two days. The whole room looks freezing. A nursery should be cosy!

U Wot

Well-known member
Fit in with the locals - wearing Hunter boots? Wtf?
There’s a lot of brand placement in that blog. Hunter, white company, liberty, space nk, Graham and green. Not exactly a groundbreaking perspective of London.

I realised why she gives the appearance of being a 1950s housewife. As there is so little disclosed paid work on her feed it looks like she’s on holiday or baking or tidying up the house all day. She’s probably beavering away on brand deals in the background in reality but none of this comes through in how she presents herself which is as a wife, above anything else.


VIP Member
its weird that they BOTH don’t drink. Do you reckon he gets the beers out when she disappears off to bed at half 8 ?
I don't drink much as I don't like wine but when I am out I will def have a nice cocktail or sangria (I like wine and fruit, lol). And husband has beers at home :D. I imagine Rebecca is pretty controlling though and probably doesn't allow him beers. They host enough dinners, quite strange if they don't have alcohol at those.


New member
Hi all I’be been lurking a little while just reading but had to just chime in here.... anyone else done the search on companies house? It’s interesting! Their business which was her husbands is now “R&R online media”. A quick (and easy) search shows she was director of HIS business when she was 16! How old was she when they first started seeing each other if she was made director of his company at SIXTEEN?!

It is me...

Active member
Conversation with insurance company

We've been burgled and we'd like to file an insurance claim for the stolen items.
Of course, and what's the estimated value of the stolen goods?
Er.......we don't have a was all gifted.
And it would be regifted 🤦‍♀️😱😂