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U Wot

Well-known member
Straw hat snogging picture ✔

Getting followers to do all the grafting by asking them to recommend cute baby clothes and accessories brands ✔



VIP Member
That baby naming post is painful. Every cliche in the book and not enough actual worthwhile content. It's a baby name, it's not something that you can give advice on really... It's just COMMON SENSE!


VIP Member
Hi all I’be been lurking a little while just reading but had to just chime in here.... anyone else done the search on companies house? It’s interesting! Their business which was her husbands is now “R&R online media”. A quick (and easy) search shows she was director of HIS business when she was 16! How old was she when they first started seeing each other if she was made director of his company at SIXTEEN?!
I can't find it. How did you find that out? I think they met when she was fifteen or something. Why would he make her a director of his company when she is sixteen? As if him dating a sixteen-year-old when he was twenty-six wasn't weird enough.

Funny how on Twitter she said she hates when people put 'mummy' etc on their Instagram profile yet now she has "first baby due in summer" in hers. I'm sure it is just so she can get all the freebies.


Chatty Member
I find in truly unbelievable that she has come on here and said the only one of her tweets she could considers shocking was the Adele one?!

So using your online space to publicly body shame new mums bodies, mocking the way women look in the airport, bragging and belittling a woman because you assume your husband earns far more than hers, mocking phone calls from Asian people, saying babies ruin your life, criticism over babies looking too gender neutral for your liking and publicly bad mouthing your own cousin and boyfriend for having tattoos... you still consider them to be ok??

And they were not posted that long ago. Many of these tweets were posted whilst cashing in on her blog and Instagram, painting a whimsical picture of herself as the humble house wife to push product placement.

You were old enough to be on your second home, be married and be making a profit from flashing freebies around on your Instagram but not old enough to be held accountable for saying such degrading and damaging things online.

You can't play the 'people take Instagram too seriously' card when you heavily profit from it. It is a business; advertising disguised as just a humble Instagram account.

Maybe people feel particularly riled that you make a significant profit from dirty advertising that is based entirely on making people feel like they are less significant unless the have all the things that you were sent for free and often haven't disclose. And whenever anyone has tried to call you out on it or simply question it, you delete their comments forcing them to a place like Tattle.

I wouldn't consider that the same as...

'Lady.. my husband earns more in one year than your husband probably has in the past ten from the sounds of it'

'Eugh the thought of being pregnant (in the future) is even less appealing after seeing the 'bodies after bump' photos.'

'Lol at flying from Stansted, spot the fake tan #essexcountry'

'What is it with children looking so gender neutral these days? That's twice this month I've called a girl a boy at work...'

'Babies more or less ruin/change your life. Way too selfish for another 8 years at least.'

'My cousin and her boyfriend need to take a look at the article they're nightmares
Covered in tattoos & piercings, always in a hat,no social skills & would rather sit at home playing Xbox than get a job'

'Put my car on autotrader today and the strange Asians calls have started pouring. One saying 'innit' throughout'
I've never seen those tweets before. Shocking.

It is me...

Active member
Yes all the stuff that regular joes have to work and save for were gifted and then the smaller stuff she says she bought second hand but I’m not sure on that one maybe saving face?
Either way normally things don’t bother me marks and spencer gift her Easter eggs I don’t care in the slightest but when she’s just being given these top of the range products yet she’s already been away to California and the Maldives this year..
But she’s bought a second hand bath seat I don’t think so 🙄
Anything she received where she has a previous paid relationship with should be an ad. That’s consumer protection around advertising.


VIP Member
Four Easter eggs gifted from Marks and Spencer’s. If this was me (and I appreciate not everyone would agree). I’d keep one (of course) and pop the other three in the food bank box at local supermarket for the food bank. Share the love!

Ps... no I’m not jealous (need to clear that one up) I am also very content with my life (need to state this too) 👌🏻👌🏻
She was featured on their Instagram feed last year. How to lay a table properly. It was CRINGE! I called them out over it and unfollowed them. Cockwombles
I’ve just come across this and I must admit feel relieved that it was just me who felt this way about her!! I first started following her on instagram as I liked the look of what she posted. She seemed to be interested in the same things as me, but I started to go off her when I read her blog. I don’t know if it’s just me, but I was shocked at how poorly written it was. I expected much more from a blog which has been shortlisted for awards! (I’m not a fantastic writer, but then I don’t write for a living! 🤣). I just couldn’t believe how vague some of them were, and had very little content. The one I was most upset about was about a receipt for a chocolate cake- it turned out to be a packet mix!!! That is not worthy of a blog post as far as I’m concerned!
packet mix?! 😳


VIP Member
Totally agree,
ESP with your closing line. I think she has made things a lot worse for
herself by saying that. I’d bet this blog post will be deleted very soon, like the yellow nightie one did after the backlash.
What was the yellow nightie one? I must have missed that joy.

Also does she not work at all anymore? Didnt she used to wrote for a honeymoon website or something? How would someone with a law degree end up doing that?

U Wot

Well-known member
She's not being completely truthful about always having been clear about whether hotel stays were paid for or gifted. She was queen of using ambiguous phrases like "thanks to xyz hotel for having us" or "we were guests of xyz hotel" and that gave no indication whatsoever as to whether they had paid for it or not. I think she's better now at saying whether they've been given a free stay but it's disingenuous to say that this was always the case.
Absolutely, that part of her blog is complete hogwash. She has a reputation for being shady with her ads because her disclosure in the past has been non existent/ambiguous. She has been reported to ASA on more than one occasion so I would have more respect for her if she had acknowledged that in the blog. She's actually quite good at disclosing now but if you scroll back on her feed, not even very far, there are few ad disclosures. She only started doing it recently.

I like the rest of the blog though, she comes across really well and pretty likeable.