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For someone who cobbles together and plagiarizes other scholars' ideas that sure is funny. Or maybe she thinks that's standard practice and needs to "protect" "her" ideas.
Exactly, and let's not forget her constantly using Blakeney for resources/notes/ideas throughout her time at Exeter...
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I made a new thread, go forth and snark in good health!
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I think we, in the UK, view heritages differently than the US. For example, so many Americans refer to themselves as Irish, as their great grandparents were immigrants who left Ireland for the US but to the rest of the world we would just say they’re American, not Irish, they just have Irish heritage.
That's not common in the US. There are some silly people that claim they're Italian or something silly like that without having any actual family members that they know from Italy, but most of the general population of the US rolls their eyes at people like that. The US is considered diverse because we have a lot of subcultures that are right next to each other. For example, china town in NYC is a little town with a ton of chinese people and thriving culture and little Italy is not far from china town and has a concentrated Italian population. Many immigrants tend to immigrate to regions where they already have family, so we end up having these towns scattered about with entirely different cultures, and it is super common to meet someone from a different continent if you don't live in the middle of no where. I have two co workers from china, one from India, and one from the UK, and I work for a Swedish company in the US that has head quarters in the US.
I still think the trip to Paris was hastily arranged because for someone who claims that she is organised and plans things out everything she did still felt very rushed. I mean she seemed to spend more time in coffee shops and bookshops rather than deciding to visit famous Paris landmarks and when she did visit them i.e. the Louvre she didn't get to see all the paintings that she wanted to.
It was probably partially gifted
I was a bit taken aback by the post-it charade to organise her chapters. Surely, by this stage in her writing career she uses some writer's software like Scrivener to do this stuff?
Eh. Some people prefer to completely handwrite their novels and then type it up into word. I'm not surprised that Ruby doesn't use Scrivener. Scrivener can have a little bit of a learning curve to make the most use out of it, and Ruby has never struck me as technologically adept
A lot of this could be a far more fair criticism if this wasn't her job? Like of course she's doing the Nord VPN sponsorship, she's a vlogger trying to pay her bills. And it wouldn't work if people didn't watch, so...
Some youtubers only accept sponsorships from companies whose products they use and whose ethics they value. Ruby seems to accept sponsorships from whoever offers. There is a such thing as an ethical influencer, and Ruby definitely leans toward the opposite end of the spectrum
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Spoiler slight ED talk
That’s what my friend who struggled with eating did as well, eat nothing and then just eat sweets all day
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More evidence that she reads here if we needed it… funny that she hasn’t touched her gymnastics stuff in forever. It gets discussed here and then her next video she includes it. Slightly terrifying watching her fling herself around on the trampoline.
Last week she also reposted something in her instagram stories from (I think) the RSC about the backlash of casting a BAME Ophelia and how ridiculous that is since Ophelia isn't even a character based on an actual person. So very much an "I'm not a racist, just in case you were wondering, Tattle" subtweet...
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She's said in the past that she doesn't want to be a content creator forever, and that she has other aims. I think her content is, at present, golden handcuffs. She still makes good enough money off it to justify doing it, even if she kind of doesn't want to. That was definitely the vibe in MT and HT, though she seems to have perked up a bit recently.

If video creation was a passion in and of itself for her, she would be using it to help her get through and it would be her happy thing. However, she only ever portrays the best version of herself, and so I believe she is using it for positive reinforcement from fans. When she doesn't have anything positive to demonstrate (coffee fuelled late night essay crises are unfortunately not her brand, even though she's definitely had some I reckon), she finds it impossible to make content because she fears she won't get the "oh wow you're so smart" "you're so inspirational" "you're a role model" that she relies upon.

Couple that with the fact that she doesn't really have anything else going on in terms of marketable skills to get her a similarly well paid job, it's no surprise she continues to slog on (again, she seems to have refound some passion for it with her "absurd day" videos, which I enjoy, personally). She won't stop until she finally goes off the rails or it finally stops making her money because people have stopped watching.
Yeah, that's true. It's clear she doesn't have the passion for it which is a shame. And you're right, I can only think of a handful of instances where she has posted less-than-idealised versions of herself which also seem to serve the same purpose of that positive reinforcement (the other week's seminar comes to mind where she was a bit critical of herself and the comments were largely "oh no!! but you were amazing!!!" because realistically, you're going to struggle in some regard and sharing those parts of herself doesn't really fit into what she wants to share. I get you want to share just the good bits, on my social media I definitely don't share me on my bad days, but it'd be nice to see her seem more human and less like she's just putting on this persona all the time, because the glimpses that we see of that are actually really lovely!

That reminds me of when I was doing my degree and... the amount of all-nighters I'd be pulling and coffee I'd go through 😂 I do not miss those days lol but as you said, it's super normal for students to go through that, it's not all sunshine and rainbows and actually, if she started to share those moments a bit more, it'd personally make it a bit more relatable
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If she has watched Saltburn (fast-forwarding through the naughty bits, of course) and based her accessories on the film then I am feeling sooooo much second-hand embarrassment for her right now.
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She was using 'we' because, despite her claims, she wasn't there alone. You know this because the camera was moving moves on its own while she was busy eating pizza with a knife and fork like a psychopath.
You mean her phone/camera slipping on whatever she's placed it on?

I don't know. It seems completely bizarre that someone would go to these lengths to hide they were on holiday with someone else. It just seems like such an odd and inexplicable thing to do, I don't see why anyone would. Thinking about the lengths she would have to be going to in order to hide it makes me think you're the one with the screw loose here.
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She looks so unwell at the start of that video- tired baggy eyes and sallow skin. The massive specs and scraped back hair don't help but she looks drawn out
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I do wonder what she is going to do content-wise after Oxford. I could see her doing a PhD to stay in academia longer even if she hates it but it will stop her going into the real world for a few years and it will be at least guaranteed content. She as flondering a bit content wise before Oxford but she is going to be struggling a bit now that she doesn't have her student persona. I know hart she can continue to do many 'writing,' videos but there is only so many times she could be doing a morning routine for a debut novel she apparently has. Even the videos that we made fun of her for such as a servants morning routine and Hermione videos were at least interesting and had more thought to them than her recycled routine videos she posts.
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So what do we think of her new morning routine? I mean, its the same as always, tbh. Lots of ads, too.
Even though I was slightly shocked, that the chose to listen to music while brushing her teeth.
Also, I thought from her last video, she really starts her day with writing. However, now its work for Youtube? I'm confused.
Besides from all that, I am quite curious about her thesis, considering she needs a book about psychoanalysis.
It’s definitely telling that she won’t talk about her thesis, in spite of multiple people asking her in the comments of every video lately.

Also she filmed this video four weeks ago (on at least two different days, which for once she acknowledges instead of just pretending to have randomly changed her outfit), and was packing to go home… on a Monday? A mere week into the new tahrrm?

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From what little she's shown, it's (big shock) about a self-insert Ruby clone in rural England who lives next to some fields. In a classic display of Ruby stupidity, I think the title refers to medieval fences (the book seems to be set during unspecified "olden times").

She likely heard about literary allusion at uni and thought it was a free pass to lazily steal stuff, so from what little she's shared, it appears to rip off His Dark Materials, she's straight-up copied a Robert Burns poem and tossed on a nonsensical book title that references Milton.
The only other one I think we all got a glimpse of is 'Penelope Peppermint and the Silver Tipped Occtopus' which is believed to be some ripoff of 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' from what I remember.

I'd laugh at her for ripping off other works, but my current work in progress straight up references my current hyperfixation. If it isn't a full ripoff i don't know what it is lol. I'd say I'm just as bad as Ruby.
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