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Just wanted to second this. 100% as good as professional productions imo!
In terms of the vocal talent, absolutely (big up the lead Soprano in Pirates of Penzance most recently, whom I believe is finally taking everyone's advice and pursuing a place at a conservatory). In my humble opinion, G&S is best done by amateurs (love the ENO, but amateur G&S will always have my heart) because it really suits being slightly naff.
Ruby's gifted seat was worth between £183 and £210, depending on where exactly in the stalls she sat...
While technically yes, she is also able to get such a seat on the young ROH programme, which would price the tickets for £30. That's the only reason I've ever sat in the stalls. Though, interestingly enough, the ROH isn't using her to advertise that scheme.
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I see we’re trying to make ourselves feel better by buying unnecessarily expensive editions of books we’ll never read 🙃

View attachment 2885885

the cheapest I could find it was over 60 € but sure, boo hoo about how £15 is sOoOoOo expensive for a book 🙄

edit: I’m by no means judging anyone for splurging on books, I’ve done my fair share, but Roobee 1) will grift anything and everything to avoid spending any of her own money and 2) never fails to mention how expensive something is when it suits her just to seem relatable, and this just shows how she can easily spend money whenever she feels like it.
Just another example of performative poverty from Roobles Mcdoobles ❤
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Sibyl Vane

VIP Member
I think I had similar shoes when I was 12. (I never was one of the cool kids, never shopped at H&M and I entered my trainers-wearing phase in my adulthood. My 12-year-old me would have liked Ruby's fashion sense.)
I've had the Kickers' ones in black, another pair in lilac, and I was around TWALVE.
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New member
please Ruby, even just 1/3 off would look so much healthier!! I don't know, when I cut my hair after I graduated high school it was liberating in a way. I used to always have long hair but never again, plus I find it actually takes less upkeep!! But she definitely looks younger there, appearance-wise still very much the age of the other people but by her style and stance, very juvenile and unfortunately, I can attest to her behaviours still resembling ED patterns, especially the way she films food. It's not unlike my own behaviours when I'm going through a bad patch with mty own ED
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Well-known member
I can't agree with this perspective. This doesn't apply to the vegans I've met!

I keep hearing the idea that if your body craves a food it means you need it, but that's not really true. Very often we crave the least healthy things - I get PMS cravings for McDonald's fries and they have no nutritional value! Addicts crave drugs even when they damage their health. Refined sugar is a common craving and it's completely useless for us.

That said, it is harder for vegans to meet all their nutritional needs, and in Ruby's case, I think she's just not getting enough calories with her vegan diet.

It bothered me how she mispronounced Gare du Nord. Just needed to vent about that. 😅

Mystery solved: the coffee was almond latte so gender-swapped Martha couldn't drink it. The young ladies had to drink it instead. They drank so much that their pores stank of coffee.

Hey I'm not a writer, this is the best I've got. 🤷‍♀️
I'm confused, is that a part of her re-writting old novel or a brand new one?

She mispronounces english words in every video and you expected her to get Gare du Nord right ? That's too much expectations for her ^^

I don't really call "being happy with yourself" making fake foods to cope. Not everyone will be happy with having to eat a whole plate of nutritional supplements everyday, and that's perfectly ok. There's a reason why so many vegans give up and slowly return to vegetarians and omnivorous, or even as flexitarians. Truly happy vegans on the long term who don't feel the need to try to guilt trip people to push them to share their lifestyle aren't common at all as it's a hard time in everyday life. And Ruby is definitely not one of these happy guys as she never get rid of leather or whool stuff for example.
And there's a huge difference between listening to your body and cravings like fast foods or candies everyday which give you a brief satisfaction only.
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Well-known member
I could see her doing something like National Trust/English Heritage tours, a rote script and a faux sense of knowledgeability to ✨dazzle✨ (bore) strangers with.
I dont think she is actually confident enough to adress bunch of strangers in real life.
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Int he last ten minutes of the vlog she changes personality, it's like she's a totally different person...this is not normal, im starting to think something is seriously wrong with's kinda scary actually
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Is she recycling an old photo again?
That's what I thought at first but then she posted a video soon after saying "I came back to Oxford just for a night" I mean I'm really confused as to why she went back to just spend one night at Oxford especially when term finished weeks ago and it's coming across that she doesn't know what to do with herself during this half term.
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Even in undergrad you know you don’t prioritise hobbies /part time work over a dissertation if you can help it
Exactly when I did my dissertation for my undergraduate degree I didn't priortise my hobbies over it as I wanted to make sure that I understood the topic I was researching as I wanted to be fully up to date with the literature and show my supervisor that I understood the topic clearly by writing a clear argument of what I had found and what could be improved on if I were to do the same study again. It was exactly the same for my postgraduate degree as again I didn't priortise my hobbies over it as I knew that this dissertation required me to conduct interviews and to analyse my data using thematic analysis in which I had to closely examine the data to identify common themes, topics, ideas and patterns of data that had come up repeatedly during the 7 interviews that I had conducted. Therefore, I honestly have no idea as to why she is priortising her creative writing over her dissertation and it just confirms to me that she doesn't even care about her dissertation.
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Well-known member
To put the weird diversity of the UK in perspective: I went to a large secondary school in a small town in the UK, and of 1600 pupils, you could have probably got all the non-white ones in a single classroom of 30. The UK tends to have some places that are very very diverse, and the rest is like whitesville. So much so that non-white people here tend to overestimate how diverse the UK is (which is not very).

You're not wrong in her uni content being very non-diverse tho. UK unis have a lot more diversity (met my first Jewish person at Uni, made friends with non-white people for the first time) than your standard town.
I just reread this and saw how you met your first Jewish person at Uni. This really puts things in perspective for me.

When I was in Elementary, Middle and High School I had friends, from Grade 1, who were Jewish, Italian, Irish, German, Norwegian, Swedish, Indian, Japanese, Cuban, Guatemalan, and from various African countries. We lived in the country. Cities are even more diverse. This was and is the norm.

In the neighbourhood my husband and I live in now we have 2 families from Greece, 2 from mainland China, 1 from Taiwan, Lithuania, 2 Jewish families, one couple with English and Norwegian background, 3 with Irish background, 2 from India, and ourselves. We did have a lovely black family but sadly they ended up divorcing and both left the town, though he occasionally comes back to visit with everyone and seems lonely. I'm French Canadian, Scandinavian and Iroquois, my husband is Irish and English. We are all one happy family. This is why I found it strange that she never had friends of other ethnic groups or people of colour, or indigenous friends. I can't even imagine it that way. Interesting. Thank you all for enlightening me on the situation in the UK.
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The constant overkill of presents and celebration on her birthdays just shows how her family has really fostered her childish behaviour. They seem to get a high on it. And I'm not talking about the expense. I don't see Tiffany jewelry, Louis Vuitton, Chanel bags, etc.. Her presents are usually down to earth. But the amount, the need for balloons, attention, at her age, is ridiculous. When I was 21 my parents, sister and BIL gifted me a rocking chair I wanted for my room and for my future home. My sister sent me a dozen yellow roses to my workplace which I kept on my work desk for the day, then brought it home. We also went out to eat for Chinese food at one of my favourite restaurants. After that a present from my parents was more than enough on my birthday. I was a working adult, I was making my own money. I was becoming independent. I had no desire for balloons, parties or any of that foolery. I grew up. Her need to advertise her birthday on social media, hoping for best wishes from a bunch of strangers on the internet, is just so messed up. We know she will be milking it for the next month, like previous years. What a self-absorbed weirdo she is!

Yeah, with the dead flies, filthy and never changed sheets, dirty computer screens, dripped wax, unbelievable dust under her bed, clothes strewn about. The whole family lives in a pigpen.
haha, I usually get a call from mum and sister and a text from my brother, and some money the next time my mum sees me :)
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VIP Member
I had to go and see how she pronounced Gare du Nord and discovered that apparently the Eurostar goes from King's Cross. I know the Tube considers King's Cross and St Pancras one station but if you go to King's Cross for your train to Paris, you're not going to end up in Paris.
You're right, she did well to leave King's Cross and arrive in Paris, given that the eurostar leaves from St pancras.
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On paper maybe, but I can’t see her coping with the selection process. And where would she go? I can’t see her coping with working in central Government at all.

The thing with Ruby is that she doesn’t really want to work, and she doesn’t really have to. Honestly, I can see her going a bit Fundie and embracing the ‘stay at home daughter’ tread, although I can’t see Ma and Pa loving that.
I said she’d be a shoe in (rich white girl, uni degree, able to memorise and pass exams) but the actual work and working with people she would be awful at
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She complained about the rain because she got a antiperspirants AD to film that day... Sunny days give her a good introduction to the AD. Whatever, she finally chose a rainy day to film the AD hahaha
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I can't believe she takes herself seriously while recording that cringe 'poetic' voiceover.
It's the worst. I also think it's 2x speed because her voice sounded higher pitched through a lot of the video.

I don't understand why she didn't go to Paris at the beginning of the Easter holidays instead of choosing to go the week before Trinity Term started as everything she did felt rushed and not very carefully planned out as she didn't book her meal at the Ritz until Monday which she went to the following day, she didn't see all of the paintings that she wanted to see at the Louvre and I don't think she visited all the places that she had planned to as she spent more time in coffee shops and bookshops rather than visiting famous Paris landmarks. I don't know how she had the time to put this trip in the week before term started because if it had been me I would have focused on researching and writing my dissertation instead of going on holiday.
In her previous vlog (the carrots in porridge one) Ruby said she'd decided to stay home and rest instead of travelling during her break. She must have changed her mind. Maybe got bored or something?
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