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I wonder if her parents ever look outside their window and think, wtf is she doing now
Imagine if Daddy bones Set up his own Youtube with behind the scenes living with ruby and mother granger. Him filming ruby from inside rhe house with his running commentary. Or mother bones does something dumb again and the camera just turns to him Office style.
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She has a hole in her dress 🙄. What a slob 🤣

And their shower omg 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 they could at least get some shelves for their soap 😭
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For me it's the fact that Ruby will occasionally mention global warming in a video like she does for the Venice vlog and then continues to take a holiday every month or so, including trips to London ect. I do honestly believe that ruby must think that since she's a vegan that she's is offsetting her carbon footprint.

It also makes it obvious that she doesn't work that long. I do wonder if she's aware of this is and is compensating to us and herself with the focus on work in her videos and the routine ect to appear busier than she is.
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4. Goes to play tennis with her father. No sight of Dad. She probably freaked out when everyone here started drooling over his looks. Ever since then he has had very little camera time.
Hey Roob, if you're reading this. Don't worry about your dad being a thirst trap in your vids. I go to mummy's Insta for that 🤣

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I don't know if part of why she's not doing too well on tiktok is that she is not a young teenager and it allowed her to get away with a lot of her behaviour and questionable outfits ect.

She doesn't have a set thing that she's is doing, her videos are about literary outfits but she doesn't even do them anymore and she comes off as a parody. They are such random videos and she can't even do povs right or the trend. She'll have more luck with people when she does Oxford tiktoks and get the dark academia audience.
What Oxford tiktoks? She's gonna sit in her filthy, private, modernised student accomidation when not in tutes, reorganise her GCSE notes for the millionth time, never talk to another human being, then scatter home to Bone manor every single weekend.
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If anything in my yard or home started cooing, besides a mourning dove, I would be highly concerned. Perhaps the furniture will start speaking to her next? Her writing is horrible! She isn't going to get anywhere as an author. She can self-publish it, again, but it won't bring a darn cent in.

I really have a beef with her about her assuming people don't like Sundays. Sunday is one of the most traditional days of rest and relaxation, regardless of your belief system. While many people still have to work on Sunday, it was the last day of the week to transfer and become a work day. Many still see it as the quietest day of the week, the most relaxing. Friday nights can be busy with socializing and planning the weekend ahead or travelling to destinations. Saturdays are often filled with sports, appointments, shopping, chores, parties, weddings, funerals, etc.. They can be overwhelming. But Sundays are very much that day of bliss where most people can slow down (no mail, some shops close, no deliveries, chores may be done, most kid's sports done for the weekend) and a time to unwind, read, take a nap, watch TV, go for a walk. And to look to the new week, not with dread, but with hope, anticipation and excitement.

I do not envy her nor her parent's money. If all that she can do with it is absolutely pointless, just like her life, there isn't anything to envy. I do not wish for a life without purpose, without a job, without struggles. This is the crux of what living is all about. If she plans to waste her time twirling in fields and writing pure crap, so be it. Life goes by fast. None of this social media stuff or boasting, no planner or sponsorship is going to give her a true life experience. You can't breathe when you are too busy scrutinizing it, you can't be in the moment when you are constantly filming or taking selfies, you can't be yourself if you are trying on other personas, you can't live if your life is stagnant and purposeless. Even her travelling hasn't brought any enlightenment to her. It was nothing more than something to check off her stale list of to-be-dones.
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I don't know if it's just me , ruby has been mentioning work a lot more that she's going to work and she's actually wearing a staff lanyard in her new story. Perhaps she is showing us that she does actually have a job and she's not just sitting at home all the time trying to write
Classic Ruby ploy. She knows if she mentions work a lot, it'll trick her gullible fans into thinking she's AWHWHEYS WAAAHRKING, rather than the few hours a week every few weeks she actually shows up.

I imagine she's teeing it up more now because her contract with the school ends in July, so even her sporadic appearances between endless holidays won't be happening. If she keeps mentioning work a lot, then never announces that she's left, she's likely hoping people will continue to assume she has a regular job over the summer.

Her latest TikTok not only features more mention of "WAAHRK" but features 2 undeclared ads in one completely pointless 52 second video.

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Big brain Ruby, who would've apparently been destined for a career in filmmaking if she wasn't syo JANUINELY gifted a student, still can't figure out how not to film/upload her TikToks in flipped mirror view. She also can't figure out that's why her room arrangement and her videos in general look strange.

Oxford University, are you regretting letting this braindead dipshit in yet?
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Watching Ruby chew liquids annoys me to no end, it's actually become a proper pet peeve now.
I’m old and tired and no longer down with the kids, but I don’t understand this POV trend at all. Whose POV is it supposed to be? If it’s Ruby’s, then why are we looking at her? Surely her POV is whatever she’s looking at whilst waiting? That would make some kind of sense. Or if it’s supposed to be ’my’ POV, then why would I be sat somewhere watching someone chew their way through a mug of tea? That’s just weird. Or is Ruby not getting POV at all and that’s why I’m confused?
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Long time lurker here (since the GG days). I just wanted to say you can look at the Twitter account of Pipers Corner School if you want to see glimpses of Ruby working there. (If you can spot her among the many other blond-haired girls...). I can't see nor link the Twitter page anymore since I don't have an account, but I managed to download this picture from Google.

Also, just wanted to tell you guys and gals how much these threads have made me laugh! Especially during the lockdowns and homeschool. Like many others here, I used to really admire Ruby and tried to emulate her, always feeling disappointed in myself when I wasn't as productive as her... It's nice to see her "productivity" isn't always what it seems to be!

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this is off topic but i was in Hay the last two days, travelled there to go to that festival but I was denied entry because i had an assistance dog and dogs weren't allowed. At a free outdoor countryside event. Also bit illegal to turn someone with an assistance dog away. So i'm a bit bitter that Ruby got to go when she is literally just going for the content and not the books.
Um no...thats not cool. I'd recommend looking into your legal standing with that one. Discrimination, Accessibility etc.
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For me it's the fact that Ruby will occasionally mention global warming in a video like she does for the Venice vlog and then continues to take a holiday every month or so, including trips to London ect. I do honestly believe that ruby must think that since she's a vegan that she's is offsetting her carbon footprint.

It also makes it obvious that she doesn't work that long. I do wonder if she's aware of this is and is compensating to us and herself with the focus on work in her videos and the routine ect to appear busier than she is.
And she won’t buy a book if it is £20 but she’ll go to Greece, Venice, America, Florence plus others, all within one year. She pretends to budget when it suits her. I’m still not convinced she goes on these trips alone, either.
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She is dressed in pretty much the summer school uniform of the girls school i went to in Australia when I was around 14. I distinctly remember the one girl who wore large glasses and a headband just like this.

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That also looks like these annoying women, the ancient version of the female incel, spying on everyone, reporting everything she thinks bad to the police or the priest at the church, trying to get the pub closed because ethanol is bad. We always have one or two of them in villages. And they almost always have this style.
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"Oiy WAAHRK in a school, BOHT oiy CHEESE not tyo shaahr DETAILS and SPASSIFICKS josst fwore proivacy reasons."

Only...saying "I work in a school. I'm a teaching assistant's assistant's intern. I work 90 minutes a fortnight and my responsibilities include refilling the backup staplers and making sure that all the electrical sockets have power by testing them with a fork, which ANNERGOISES me for the day ahead" would have zero impact on the privacy of herself or anyone else.

But refusing to talk about what the job actually is is a very obvious tactic to keep the specifics of the role vague so that people will think it's more important and involved than it actually is, just like she's always done with everything (her uni internships, PONKIN PRODDERTIFTI, etc.).

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Ruby acting like she needs to explore the grounds of her manor home to reconnect with nature in order to recover from the stress of 2-3 hours "work" every few days between luxury overseas holidays is the height of hilarity. Pro-tip, Ruby: Don't call something "realistic" when you're completely detached from reality.

Her dress is covered in creases and wrinkles, so no doubt she just grabbed this from the laundry pile, tossed it on and filmed this footage, and no "work" happened on this day. That or she still hasn't learned how to iron clothes at the age of 23 and happily goes to work looking like an embarrassing, incompetent mess. Either way, I'm not sure why she thinks this is a good look.

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Ruby pretends that gardening is now part of her daily routine. It's no surprise that their garden usually just looks like a barren wasteland, since Ruby blasts the stem of a few plants full-force with a hose, makes a lazy attempt at trying a few different spray techniques and then gives up. Expect her to just pressure-wash these plants to bits next time for maximum efficiency.

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All the usual fake nonsense and forced toxic productivity habits are on full display, as usual. Ruby JANUINELY gets changed from her WAAAHRHK outfit into another, equally childish school uniform-inspired outfit.

Ruby unwinds after WAAHRK by dyooing MWOAR ADMIN WAAAHRK. Ruby has entered her new era of carefree relaxation because she's allotted a strict 15 minute window in which to browse social media (even though being on social media comprises most of her influencer career), after which she does MWAOR WAAAAHHRRRHK and "JUNNELLING". Naturally she doesn't explain what any of this "waaahrk" is, so she's no doubt just browsing the internet aimlessly. And OFFCWOARSE, she pretends she crams in a reading session into her 46 hour day of imaginary tasks.

All the usual lies and filmmaking incompetence are accounted for, as well. Overlapping audio, audio levels all over the place, the horrific, anti-ASMR sights and sounds of Ruby's disgusting eating habits. Do we need an extended shot of Ruby shovelling a load of salad into her face and chewing it like cud? Absolutely not. Do we get it? Twice. Because Ruby's realised that Tattle have clocked her predictable habit of taking a single, strained bite of something for the camera and then cutting away, so has now added a follow-up mouthful.

The dog loudly sloshes at its water bowl in the background while Ruby's talking, but no second takes because Ruby is lazy as fuck.

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There's undeclared ads, yet again. Ruby opens up a gifted box of RAMMADEE KYOMBYOOCHA and the PR correspondence letter is clearly visible. This section includes multiple shots of her holding up the can/brand logo to the camera like she's in a QVC segment.

"HONNASTLY, the main reason I drink tham is becoss oiy foind tham DELISHOSS," Ruby says, in an undeclared ad which is anything but honest. No, Ruby, the main reason you drink them is that the company pays you in product and/or money to do so on camera. That's the shit you're supposed to mention.

"Oiy cover moiy compyoootah with ayyyy linen fabric. This signals tyoo moiy brain that we are donn with waaahrk for the day."

Ruby, your brain clearly isn't receiving signals. It's been out of action for two decades. And it clearly doesn't take much to convince your brain that work isn't happening when you haven't worked a full day in your entire life.

Ruby does an unconvincing job of trying to convince people that she loves her dog and enjoys spending time with it. The dog's not buying it, either.

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Their hot water tap in the bathroom is still leaking and covered in limescale. It's been doing this for as long as she's been showing her bathroom. These slobs have enough money to go on 586 holidays a year, but can't be bothered to get this tap fixed or at least clean the limescale off.

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Her gifted striped bedsheet still hasn't been changed two months later. Ruby shows all the usual filth and squalor, then has the audacity to include yet another performative declaration that she always cleans because she hates mess.

Lies, lies, lies.
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She really couldn’t not include that she was 5 when she started reading huh
"Somehow I've ended up nominated...and it's left me in a kind of shock."

Apart from the fact where either her manager nominated her or she nominated herself and this would've been discussed between them beforehand.

Sixteenth are heavily involved in the Blogosphere/bCreator awards. They have people on the judging committee and a suspicious amount of their creators - and the company itself - end up nominated every year. It's rigged. A big, fake circle-jerk for middling talent agencies - a vanity event where they can give undeserved publicity to their crappy creators.

All the nominees are creators with management or friends on the judges committee. So many major influencers/content creators with drastically bigger followings, more views/engagement and higher quality content are magically absent, while the shortlisted creators are mostly people with very small followings who nobody's heard of, with bland or outright terrible content. Nominees keep ending up shortlisted in categories that don't fit their content. 90% of Ruby's content has had nothing to do with books, other than the superficial appearance of being "bookish".

It looks like Sixteenth make sure to strategically plan around getting particular creators nominated to spread the fake PR wealth with almost no repeats year-to-year. Last year they put all their weight behind Jack Edwards (and somehow got Eve Cornwell in the running for 'Lifestyle Creator of the Year' during a year when she created almost no content and none of it 'lifestyle' content), this year they've pivoted to other creators after Jack won last year.

Sorry, Ruby, it's not a talent competition, it's a sham vanity event. It was just your turn in the queue for your managers to shoehorn you in somewhere for an ego boost.
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Ruby: "Spend a Sunday with me...because I love Sundays."
Ruby: (Shows a day that's completely indistinguishable from every other day of the week for her.)


Ruby does all the same shit she does every day - pretends she's always VARRY BUSY with lots of WROYTING and ADDITTING and ill-defined "ADMIN WAHHRK", eats nothing, goes on a RON around the garden, and changes outfits multiple times in what is JANUINELY A SINGLE DAY, HONNASTLEEE.

She hits all the usual predictable beats and this may as well just be one of her previous vlogs with the name changed.

She rattles off the exact same spiel about Nord V.P.ANNE and VPN ADDRASSES that she does every time she does a sponsored video for them, rehashing year-old footage of herself "STODDYING/WAHHHKRING" in public because it's something she never does unless she's being paid for it and she's too lazy, stupid and disorganised in real life to plan and film new footage.


Hilariously, the footage she reuses as an example of studying in a library is from the only time she ever showed herself studying in the university library while she was at AXATAR, because despite all her fake DARK MACADAMIA ASSTATTICKS and claims of loving BOHKS AND LOIBRARRIES AND LAHHRNING, she avoided that place like it was full of tax collectors looking for her dad.

She does her usual "YEU MAY HAVE HAHRRD ME MANSION NORD VP ANNE BAFWORE!" thing she does with every repeat sponsor to give the illusion that they're a brand she YEESES AWWL THE TOIYME, neglecting to point out that she only ever mentions them when she's being paid to.

Remember the completely unhinged, ALL-CAPS "motivational" Notion rant she wrote to herself from months back about how she MUST MAKE WROYTING HAHHR NEU FAKE OIYDANTITEEE?

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Well she ditched that madness the second she had writing to sell.

And good for her for realising that if you have a platform with a substantial userbase, then that's a common sense marketing tool for your own products. But she also doesn't explain why she's selling her first-draft, unedited poems or who she thinks would have any interest in this shit. If her goal is to share writing, she has a platform from which she can do that for free without charging them money.

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She rambles about how this is a way for her to overcome a barrier she has where she's terrified to share her writing online. But she shares her terrible writing all the time. It's always the same incoherent shit about birds and garden foliage and the joy of childhood, full of the same mixed metaphors, bad alliteration and imaginary colours every single time. She has no problem sharing her writing.

She also claims she's "SYO NARRVOS" to share her writing on a "NEU WABBSOYT"...even though it's a website called "" which is being advertised by Ruby on her Ruby Granger YouTube channel and Ruby Granger Instagram,'s not a new website at all, it's just an extension of her existing platform which all the same people will see. She's not really challenging herself in any way, writing anything new, sharing anything new or testing the waters by self-publishing or sharing her writing without using her childish, fake Hermione cosplay name.

There's nothing here that does anything to convince that she doesn't just want an outlet for more cash and this is her first step before she ramps up the price.

She's had these professionally assembled by a print-on-demand service and is selling them for £2.50 each (+£1.50 postage), so she can't be making any money on them. But while she might not be making a profit on this initial outing, she's still asking people to part with £4 each for what could easily be a free blog entry if her goal is just to share her writing.

Why not post the poems for free digitally and have the limited run 'zine available for people who want a signed physical copy? Instead, her goal is allowing a select handful of people to read her writing, just as long as they pay money for it, and there'll likely be much worse poetry to come at a higher price point (she's teasing the impending release of her NAYCHA JARRNAL, which she predictably claims has been HOIGHLY REQUASSTED. Sure, Jan).

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Wearing her PETA-branded "CHEESE KOINDNASS" t-shirt (even though she would NAVVER ADVERSTOISE OR ANDORSE PETA, HOW DAEHR YOO!), Ruby smugly announces that she was "JOSST ON AHHR BEE AND BEE" planning yet another holiday, because even though she's VARRY POOR and JANUINELY STROGGLES TO AFFWORD A £20 BOHK and she's SYO COMMITTED TO THE ENVOIROMMANT AND SOSSTAINABILITEEE, a dozen holidays a year just isn't enough and she needs to bump up the numbers before pre-Autumn is over.

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She makes another predictably half-assed attempt at trying to convince people she does housework and is SOCH A NEAT FREAK.

After lazily swabbing at a few dishes in the usual time-lapse footage (to give the illusion that she's VARRY BUSY), she holds up her cup to congratulate herself on a job well done. Only the whole place is disgusting. There's huge food crumbs, dirt and random filth absolutely covering all the surfaces of the kitchen. There's rubbish on the floor. And this is the kitchen when it's "clean". It's utterly repugnant.

She does her usual, equally unconvincing job of showing that she AWWWHLWHEYS CLEEANS HAHHRR RYOOM, TYOO. She spritzes her desk with cleaner, moves things around randomly, hoovers a couple of random patches of floor and that's it, but she uses time-lapse again, like that'll fool people into thinking she rushed around cleaning everything. Her bedding remains unchanged, and the same sheets/covers have been on there for weeks now.

She crams in an undeclared ad for MISPAA TEENAAA and is then tired from all the lies and decides to finish this "day" by enjoying the "AUTOMMINUL" atmosphere of...umm...the peak of summer? So she lights a candle and watches the first 15 minutes of Atonement, then presumably marks the book as 'read' again, since that's the closest she'll get to ever actually reading it.
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New 'Day in My Life' video on TikTok and it's hilarious how fake and shambolic it is.

37 hours of (mostly off-screen) "AND THAN OIY..." activities in one "day" that clearly never happened, complete with spontaneous outfit changes every time.

Ruby claims she woke up at 5am just to go on a several hour walk in her back yard.

Clearly seeing a commenter point out the other day that she only does 3 hours of work every few days hit her in the ego, because now she's pretending she worked a whopping 6 HOUR DAY.

She was invited/made to attend a management-mandated event to celebrate that her fellow narcissist Jack Edwards got a vanity puff piece in a vlogger magazine that Sixteenth has heavy links to/influence in. She took a book she'll never read to hold as a prop again.

She did lyoads of admin, read a book, wrote a book, wrote a LATTAR, edited YEECHEEB stuff, went tyo WAAHRK, went to London, etc., etc. SHE'S AWHLWHEYS MOCH BUSIER THAN YOU, JANUINELY!

The only remotely interesting thing Ruby had going on (a free invite to a Jarvis Cocker performance) was something she clearly had no interest in, and missed entirely because she fucked up the time/location. BOHT SHE'S SYO ORGANOIZED!

Her ego must be in freefall because she's going especially heavy on the eager-to-impress fake bullshit, shoddy projects, forced grimaces and rehashed content this past week hoping someone will act impressed/jealous.
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(I might be confusing her with Holly G, or maybe they both did it).
Ruby definitely did, but a lot of the Sixteenth influencers like Holly, Jack Edwards and UnjadedJade usually get the same ad deals through their management. Ruby advertised the Google Pixel phone at one point and had an ongoing sponsorship deal with LG to advertise the LG Gram laptop.

It became immediately obvious that (like with practically all her gifted/sponsored shit) she only used it in paid ads and was using her MacBook in the very next post. She was soon inundated with comments pointing that out, but was still obligated to do another ad as part of her contract, so for her last LG Gram ad video she looked hopelessly miserable throughout the entire thing and the laptop has never been seen since.

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(Ruby sensing the negative comments when she reaches to open her ALGAE GRAM.)

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(The most "can we just get this shit over with?" expression I've ever seen from someone getting paid thousands to advertise free stuff.)
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The smudged ink... everything she does is so shoddy.
"I don't know where you are, but I wish that I did"

Utterly terrifying.
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So I used to comment here a while back but been in Iurk for ages. This current video made me log back in to tattle to comment on the latest routine abomination video...

Less than 30 seconds in we get an Oxford name drop in the form of a tote bag.

Their house looks absolutely filthy, just shit everywhere.

The flowers get watered...not nearly enough might I add, she must not have a undeclared ad for water just yet.

The salad she makes, looks so depressing, she looks sad eating it and honestly I think it went in the bin after the clip.

WHAT IS HOMEMADE WHIPPED CREAM? if she means she whipped it herself then well done ruby that is how most of us do it. If she means it's vegan whipped cream then I am even more baffled as to how it is home made. No wonder she struggles to eat when she eats the shit she does. Cardboard honestly would have more taste.

Then we get the obligatory tea shot of an overfilled mug of PAppemint Tea.

Followed by teethbrushing without reading a book!?!??! Also the brushing is very agressive. Lola trying her best to escape the urchin.

She then proceeds to read as its her favourite past time but the time she does this can vary a lot as in reality she does very little but needs to be more relatable and seem like she is also normal so gives a broad range of anything from 20 minutes to an hour depending how tired she is...

Judging by the difficult day she's had she will no doubt just go to wiki read the plot synopsis and be soon off to bed with her sleep mask. She must be hoping to welcome Peter pan and fly off to neverland, leaving the window open is a desperate attempt.
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