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I can see her doing that to be honest or she would try and be like a certain character from a book or a film- she has admitted that she likes to pretend to be a character and act like them when she is in public and her being like Hermione for so long. I think that Ruby's main thing is copying the habits and interests of intelligent people to appear like them. She has so many 'interests,' that seem to be for an post or a video like when she got into chess after watching the Queen's Gambit and she was apparently interested in astrophysics and astrology for a bit for a post as she had a NASA jumper and she was wanting to look clever. She's apparently interested in suffragettes as she did that brunch talk ect.

Her interests are there when she is going to get something out of it such as views, validation online or she is being gifted something and gone when that moment is over. She has all these superficial interests which are to make her look clever but you know that if she was going to speak about them, it would be waffle and she would be called out as she knows nothing at all especially when she claims to be an expert on something as she's read book summaries and made a Notion time line of a subject.
That's also why I think she dropped Rory Gilmore quicker than an anvil. She jumps into characters way too quickly. In the several weeks she spent waffling on about Rory, I just knew she had only watched the first couple of seasons of Gilmore girls and was setting her whole personality around it, because 16 year old Rory is a very different character to 22 year old Rory. Which, for better or worse, is normal. 23 year old Ruby should also be a very different person to 16 year old Ruby.

But, predictiably, when Rory stopped being a child and started being a adult, Ruby lost all interest in Gilmore girls. And the funny thing is that Rory isn't even a 'bad' adult. In real life, she would be considered quite dull. She has three friends, a long term boyfriend, she takes her course work seriously, she visits her mum every weekend to watch movies, she is close to her grandparents, and her idea is a late night is going out to dinner, having a couple of glasses of wine, and being home by 10pm. Hell, when Rory travels, she even takes her mum with her like Ruby does! But even Rory Gilmore's bland and very safe version of adulthood is too intesne for Ruby.
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Seriously Summer is only just officially starting and Ruby has already said that it feels like Autumn.
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She actually looks younger than the kids in the foreground

Also, humble request for someone with a twitter account to go to the pipers corner feed and share all the ruby at WAHRK photos here 😊
I had a browse through and could only spot three photos of her - the one above and two from an alumni event which she attended (and chose to show up to dressed as someone's grandfather):

FsZBA5QWYAMbCsv - Copy.jpg

FsZBIuRX0AEqLSe - Copy.jpg

Not exactly surprising given her ridiculously short "work" weeks and constant term-time holidays that the only photo of her at work is of her apparently leaving:


Ruby: "Goodboiy, fallow childron! I have done moiy three howarrs waaahrk fwore this week and I'm VARRY late fwore moiy RON in the woods which oiy JANUINELY dyoo AVVERY DAY! Have ayyy prodocktive week and may the odds be avver in yore favour!"
Kid with tablet: "According this Tattle forum, Miss Ruby Bone-Idle over there is a pathological liar with no sense of personal hygiene."
Kid holding invisible phone: "Yep, that checks out. She smells like an old bowl of mouldy soup."
Other kid: "Does it say there why she talks like that?"
Kid with tablet: "No idea. Brain damage, I'm guessing."
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Ripley Rose Kat

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I'd find her less insufferable if she did the following:

Got a full time job and stopped pretending she's too busy or above it

Stopped pretending to read everything and acting like she's a child prodigy when she's really 23 and needs to act like it

Stopped posting triggering content

Also nipped her creepy obsession with childhood in the bud
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Okay, here’s a (really) weird theory I’ve been having for years know – sad, I know – and that’s been slightly tested by Ruby posting this photo with Blakeney’s jacket (because it was quite unusual for her). Let’s treat this as some sort of #headcanon.

In my head, Ruby and Blakeney have been in love for a long time now. In this version of reality, Blakeney is the clever, but slightly grumpy one, rolling her eyes every now and then. She knows about Ruby’s flaws and fears. She’s down to earth and rooted in reality while our Roobs is, well, simply not. She doesn’t like Ruby gushing about her as a ✨ best friend ✨ because a. it’s not the truth and b. somebody could actually find out the truth. Still, some part of her secretly likes reading these words directed at her. All in all though, she insists they keep a low profile. (The more so, the better. She despises the attention.) She actually enjoyed helping Ruby out back in Exeter, all their late night study sessions and dancing in the kitchen. She knows about her rather difficult family, money or no money, and always wished to be there for her. Still, she wants to play it safe. The cropped head? The public doesn’t need to see them together. All the times when we asked ourselves who, if not Mummy Bones, took photos of Ruby while travelling? It was actually Blakeney. Sweet honeymoons before they go their own ways again.

But Ruby’s worsening mental health problems and her moving to Oxford soon are a strain on the relationship that needs to be kept in the dark for several reasons. (Ruby’s fAmE on social media. A potential disinheritance by Daddy.) The jacket that Blakeney gave her, though? She’s allowed to keep it. Forever.

(Okay guys, I’m seeing myself out now. Probably a sunstroke and too much caffeine.)
I'm speechless

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Little tidbit from her new video - she mentioned having a therapy session in the evening/late afternoon. Good for her tbh.

Also very much OT and TW for death my mother passed away sometime this morning - I went to her place around noon because the nurse hadn’t been able to get hold of her, and she had dozed off on the sofa and just slept peacefully away. It was all we could have wished for, it was a long battle and cancer really does blow. I def don’t want to hijack the thread so reacts over comments pls, I just thought since I’m here a lot and have spoken about the situation before, I wanted to let you lovely peeps know. I plan to keep on snarking as usual.
The therapy news is really good to hear. I know we've speculated that Ruby's mental health has been declining, so at least she's noticed and is being proactive about it.

Know you said reacts over comments, but I couldn't scroll past something like this without replying. I'm so sorry for your loss, dear @Griftwood. I hope you're coping as well as can be expected in such awful circumstances. It's a special kind of grief when you lose a parent. I also understand the relief you can feel when someone's at peace after a long battle with illness. It was like that when my grandmother died, but obvs different circumstances because she was old. Big hugs to you. I'm sure everyone on the thread will be thinking of you, too.

Relieved to hear you plan to continue the snark. Your comments are hilarious.
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Omg she totally looks like a student! As a teenager, I would have absolutely not taken her seriously as a teacher. How on earth is she supposed to maintain discipline in her classroom? I've taught teenagers and it was tough at times!
lol she doesn’t have to maintain discipline though, she probably boils the kettle for tea, runs photocopies and gets to bore everyone with a powerpoint once a month or so, just to make her feel important enough that they don’t have to pay her 😂 rest assured there’s an actual teacher present every moment.
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For me it's the fact that Ruby will occasionally mention global warming in a video like she does for the Venice vlog and then continues to take a holiday every month or so, including trips to London ect. I do honestly believe that ruby must think that since she's a vegan that she's is offsetting her carbon footprint.

It also makes it obvious that she doesn't work that long. I do wonder if she's aware of this is and is compensating to us and herself with the focus on work in her videos and the routine ect to appear busier than she is.
I’m certain Ruby doesn’t even think about her carbon footprint, let alone offsetting it

They’re dressed identically 😩
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It seems to have been taken on her 'father-daughter' day where they straddled the hemispheres or whatever the bloody hell she was trying to say. Btw, she really is obsessed with clocks, time and time management. I wonder if this obsession with time plays into her 'i don't want to grow up' thing.
I have a theory that Ruby pretends to have these niche interests as a part of her cosplaying a ‘child genius’, and she’s not really that interested in anything more than a surface way for appearance’s sake. I often get the feeling with Ruby that she’s read something about exceptionally bright children and she‘s made herself a checklist of all of the possible characteristics, and then she pretends to have them that she can fulfil that role. The problem is, she tries to do *everything* on her list, a bit like a hypochondriac giving themselves away by having a textbook version every symptom of a condition perfectly. I feel she’s done that with other things too, particularly around food and eating (read any older book/novel about EDs and they’ll parrot the line that sufferers tend to be middle-class, intelligent, type-A girls, and I can see that appealing to Ruby) and it’s all a bit disturbing.
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It’s giving ”The summer is ended and we are not yet saved” 😂 How about this one:

Ruby Granger #40 The gap yahh is over and we’re still not a published author

also I just rewatched her latest yt video and she says it’s ”the last weekend of June” but her planner says it’s the weekend of the 17th/18th 🙃 she’s doubling down on her gaslighting on her tt video as well.

View attachment 2273490
Wait, what?

"My iPad glitched when it said 24th June, the other dates are right." So it would be 17th June.

"I was using last week's spread (17th June) because I hadn't used it the week before." So it would be 24th June.

Both of these can't be true. Nonsensical lies that contradict each other to cover up transparent lies she tells every week.

Stop digging, Ruby.
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Ugh she's so shallow, Oxford this Oxford that. She liked the settings in Oxford, because it was in set in Oxford, was it set in Oxford? Oxford Oxford Oxford goddddddd For all the education, all the books, all the RESEARCH, and all the travels she got to do, she remains so ignorant and uncultured lol there are so many amazing universities around the world, many of which have rich history, and the grand old buildings, which seems to be the most important part for her lolololol but apparently Oxford is the only one for her

Many talked about this before, but I don't think we can ever really express just how unfortunate it is that she never actually lived that life she could have had, the one that she pretends like she's living. If she was genuinely (this word is ruined for me forever) interested in learning that much, she'd be doing it all the time. There's nothing stopping her. Does she need and/or want some expensive/rare books? She can get them. New language? She can go to the actual country of the said language and go to a summer school, for example. Art courses? Coding lessons? Online writing classes? The world really is her oyster and she does nothing except pretend to be someone she's not.

Reading over the summaries of books she never read, so that she could say she read them on a Youtube video? What a waste of life. Honestly. Anything she wants, she can do but nooooooooo "look look, I'm the only child left on earth who reads, everyone my age is interested in lipsticks and nextflix and ROMANCE!"
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Chatty Member
Can roob just not read? Or is she taking any opportunity to merch for her sponsors?

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Chatty Member
In the last 12 months she's been to...

Amalfi Coast.
Boston, Mass.
New York.
Devon (Writing Retreat.)
Hay on Wye.

Plus multiple overnight trips to London and probably more I'm forgetting. I'm sure she showed/mentioned going to Geneva soon as well. Her life's just one extended vacation.
Meanwhile, away from Roobee Land, people are unable to:
- put food on the table
- afford their increased rent/mortgage payments
- keep their heating on during the winter
- regularly see their dentist and doctor

The list is endless! The point is that the very last people would be thinking about at a time like this is financing 1 holiday, let alone 10+! She totally lacks self-awareness. I don’t think she’ll ever live in the real world.
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