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I love it! I love a 80s/90s cartoon tshirt for casual day at work. I was out of home just before 18, studying and working. Then the focus was on working, with a bit of study (post grad). Its so possible to have a grown up, responsible life but also indulge one's childlike side.

I saw on Roobs latest IG post that she is driving a little Fiat? Which is a good thing. But. I hope that she isn't just learning to drive so that she has a quick way of getting back and forth between Oxford and Mummy's home. For some reason I'm really invested in her parent's having their home back to themselves 🤣
This is kind of embarrassing but lately I've been trying to hype myself up to take up driving again after years of being terrified of it. I've been getting "signs" that this is the right time (mostly I've been coming across random comments and Youtube videos of people sharing their own experiences with driving anxiety and overcoming it) and I'm gonna take Ruby learning to drive as well as one more sign that I'm ready to overcome my fear. At least her content has had one positive influence on me haha!
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Thank you @bananapeel for the title, which is a direct quote from the Collected Writings of Renowned Awwthor Rubehilda Bones-Granger, published in 17 volumes as soon as her bestselling debut The Secret History of Alyssa Arvon’s Bruised Knuckles hits the shelves!

Miss Rootabaga is currently finishing up her 3rd (or 4th?) book for her agent, has a track record of 0 non-self-published books, is prepping for Oxford by watching yoochoob videos about Samuel Pepys’ shorthand, has landed upon ”Girlhood in Early Modern England” as the not-at-all-too-broad-and-vague subject of her upcoming prizewinning Oxford Masters thesis, is working a conventional job “helping out with lessons“ (a student’s description) at her old school three half-days a week whenever she’s not taking time off to jet off to Venice to cure her wroyiter’s block, and is taking driving lessons because mummy and daddy will be off in the campervan some of the weekends she wants to come home from Oxford. Did I mention she finally got into Oxford?
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Her obsession with finding a way to love everything is really fucking odd. Like how every season she'll claim that "this is my favourite season." It's fine for something to just be a chore, you don't need to love every second of your life, most people have tasks and activities that they'd really rather not do, but they don't start desperately trying to paper over their irritation/boredom, they just find ways to make it more bearable. I can only assume that anyone who feels the need to find a way to love every single thing they do in a day is really, seriously unhappy, because most reasonably healthy people are able to accept those periods of discomfort as a normal part of life and move through them.
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Ruby confirming that this was a gifted event and she's been running undeclared ads for it.

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Another day, another Ruby language fuckup and passive-aggressive response to correction.
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She got very excited talking about Yellowface. I worry for Blakeney's safety as it seems she had a lightbulb moment here on how to finally get a book published.
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Is she taking the piss? Does she actually have to do a vlog explaining the difference between 'affect' and 'effect'? Patronising little witch.
Not sure if you're talking about this tiktok? But it just came up on my fyp and I need to talk about this!

Am I crazy or are "the" and "a" articles, not prepositions? And both "effect" and "affect" can be nouns and verbs, can they not? Granted, affect is much more common as a verb and effect much more common as a noun but to act as though it's some hard-and-fast rule seems very reductive? And her explanation of how to figure out whether it's a noun is whether it has 'the' or 'a' before it?? As if there are not instances where you'd use effect as a noun and not have "the" or "a" immediately preceding it? I'm sorry I'm so annoyed at this, I usually only lurk on this thread occasionally because I really don't follow Ruby anymore but this came up and I just had to mention it somewhere because not only is this video patronizing, it's also plain wrong.
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omg I watched her latest video. She doesn't like Voltaire. She doesn't like E.M. Forster. She doesn't like Horace. She doesn't like Fitzgerald. She doesn't like Kidnapped because it has boys in it. She thinks The Night's Circus is inovitiv? What? Do you mean innovative? Good God. She is going to drive her professor insane at Oxford, while they try to smack some common sense into her. I can't believe she continually goes rereading children's literature when she still hasn't read all of Shakespeare and the works of other authors she will be studying in a few months. If she gets away with a Masters it is a complete sham.

And the claw. The constant claw. I just want to duct tape her arms to her chair and see if she can have a conversation without flaying them about.
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Chatty Member
I saw that the comment that I posted here yesterday has had some funny replies:


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What gives her the position to be telling others what should or should not be important to them? Why is she implying that it is somehow wrong or unhealthy to look to what comes next, to have goals and ambitions? She is such a bloody hypocrite. There is nothing wrong with looking forward to the destination towards which we are striving. How dare she try to lecture others on how they should feel. I actually feel a kind of gloom after reading this. I don't feel hopeful or grateful. Her writing makes me feel empty, just like she is.

Oh and if she can hear the 'rickety wooden shed' cooing to her, she should stop doing shrooms.

ETA: The way she begs to 'please, please enjoy Sundays' is just so gross and presumptuous. People can enjoy Sundays as much or as little as they please. Tbh, I think its HER that is hung up on Sundays. Most people are mature enough to not totally hate Sundays. It is a day of the week that means different things to different people.
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I change my sheets every 2 weeks. I can’t imagine going to bed rested and happy knowing I’m rolling around in last month’s worth of stuff, let alone the past YEAR’S.

For someone so allegedly obsessed with hygiene and health, she does a really poor job of keeping herself clean and neat. Remember her shared accommodation w Blakeney and she showed us the state of her kitchen?? And how she doesn’t seem to shower after her runs (only recently vlogged it after we talked about here), and how she’s constantly spilling things and making a mess just from pouring coffee in a mug, and how her clothes always look wrinkled and have unidentifiable stains on them? Oh yea, what about getting toothpaste on her books?? Even as someone who isn’t into reading as an aesthetic thing, I could never.

I understand that for some people hygiene is not their top priority- getting food on the table is. But what “excuse” does she have? Is cleaning not “productive” enough? Is it too beneath her?? I honestly can’t hide my confusion and disgust lol.
She's shown herself mopping the floor twice. The first time she was standing on the wet, dirty floor in nylon stockings (my skin crawls just thinking about it). The second time she used a mug. I wish I was joking
Btw I'm obsessed with her paying god knows how much money to go on a "writer's retreat" (which in itself sounds so pretentious omg) only to sit in a bedroom in a secluded area and think about writing, which is what she's already been doing for a year at home, accomplishing absolutely nothing.
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She has dragged her bedsheets outside for a movie night. Bets on if she’ll wash them after this finally? Or maybe the three week old sheets will go back on the bed with grass stains on them.
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I'm glad that someone else picked up on how she speaks about queer love, (only that revolves around men as I don't think that she's read a book with a Female queer relationship ) as being very pure and that I think that she liked Maurice as they are young and 'school boys.' She really missed the point of the book.

I do wonder if she only read the first part of the book with Maurice and Clive are at university as she missed out the whole plot with Scudder and she could have spoken about the class differences in the early 20th century. She could have also mentioned that she liked the use of nature in the book against the city. I am a fan of the book myself , particularly after doing a lot of reading on homosexually in the 19th and 20th century in Britain for university and it really gives a new appreciation for the book, that I didn't have the first time.

It really bothers me that she has to mention Call Me By Your Name in a review of Maurice as it's the one if the few other queer books that she can mention. She only ever speaks positivity about queer male relationships in the books that she reads and it makes me feel a bit squiffy as she doesn't read romance that's M/f or F/F but only about queer male love.

Also off topic, for anyone who liked Maurice , there is an a 'sequel,' story that I found called Alec, the story told from his point of view and after. I've not read the book yet but it's online, but I'll be reading soon!
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I cant with her new video. How she goes on and on about how she finally had time to write and no deadlines to worry about, none of the 800 choices she has to make every day.
I'm sure those are things the other participants of the retreat valued, if they have an actual dayjob/responsibilities and took a vacation to focus on writing. But Ruby claiming she felt any difference between sitting at home and doing f*** all and sitting in an overpriced room doing f*** all... How she makes it sound like shes usually soooo busy.

Also her "introvert" realizations. As if she usually meets lots and lots of people and spending a week away from parties etc. was something super special to her. The whole video is so damn dishonest and it seems like she's just repeating stuff maybe other people on the retreat said.

Also love how she ends it with telling us she's gonna bake scones for when her parents come back. a) as if these scones arent gonne be burned af and b) trying to show us how considerate she is and how much she workes in the household.

This gap year really brought out the worst in her. I hope the other participants of the retreat have a similar background as her, otherwise im sorry for them. Imagine you saved up from your demanding dayjob to go on this retreat and met Ruby.
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Jelly Bean

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I was wondering why she hadn’t updated her Goodreads in a bit and my hunch was right, she seems to have moved on to Storygraph, possibly hoping to escape detection (bc we all know she has no objection to making the rich even richer lol). Anyway here is her razor-sharp analysis of Brideshead Revisited.

View attachment 2286831
Of course she would hate the second half of BR, when we follow the narrator 'into his adult life'. The first half (loosely) when they are still in education with picnics and punting and teddy bears and nannies is the only bit she likes 😂

And quite astonishing to review that book and skilfully omit all omission of what it is actually about - faith. Unless the last line is a little joke. But I doubt it.
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View attachment 2244866

Wow, she finally reached the Oxford-prep state in which she is pretending to read Shakespeare (y)
POV: You're trying to read Shakespeare, but a balding lunatic has entered your home uninvited and keeps taking the book from you. She's dressed like sadness and smells like a damp attic. She pretends to read, but you can tell by the vacant look on her face that the text may as well be Sanskrit or a doctor's handwriting, since she doesn't appear able to understand any of it. She flips randomly through the pages, mimicking human behaviour, yet not approximating it. You slowly back away while she's distracted, spying your chance to call the police. You've learned a valuable lesson about the importance of locking your doors that you won't soon forget.
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maybe this is me just being some kinda way, but like. if i was struggling to get toothpaste out bc it was like this, id maybe stop filming, sort it out, and simply... re-film the clip? I have to dust a mirror before I send ppl a selfie I'm so worried I'd get judged, perhaps I'm being overly picky?

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