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Chatty Member
She is dressed in pretty much the summer school uniform of the girls school i went to in Australia when I was around 14. I distinctly remember the one girl who wore large glasses and a headband just like this.

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They finally released the episode of Sky Kids FYI that Ruby did.

Kid: "So...what is the best way to revise? I might need some backup..."
(Ruby appears.)
Oh god, the children would be safer with Pennywise.

There's no way Ruby wrote these tips herself considering she highlights the importance of eating, which she's never done on her channel. She's also got her unnatural acting voice on, so the producers definitely just handed her a script written by studio staff to read.

View attachment 2232978

Her face freckles look especially stupid when filmed by a studio camera, too.
I love how this advice is aimed at kids taking SATs but they waited until a month after SATs week to release the episode. Some kind soul at Sky did every English primary school child a favour.
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First-time poster here and I've scrolled regularly through these but haven't seen much if anything that I'm going to mention. Apologies if it's been talked about before. Does anyone else find it particularly grating / cringey when Ruby will start saying a sentence in her videos and then quickly change the sentence in the middle of it, and leave it in the video? She even does this with words. She'll mispronounce a word and then quickly say the right pronunciation after mispronouncing it, only she'll leave all of it in! Example: She'll say something like, "I really enjoy doing a- it's really nice to do some studying in the evening" or something and keep the whole thing in. It's made her videos very hard to watch lately. Like, girl, if you mess up the sentence and quickly re-say it, at least do another take, don't just leave it all in! She does this so much I may as well start a tally for how often she does it. ANNOYING.
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😂 😂 😂

By "a few different factors," I assume she means "I don't actually work there anymore" or "I just embellish the nature of my role; in reality, I do so little, so sporadically during what tiny fraction of time I'm there that my absence isn't noticed or cared about".

I'm not sure who she thinks she's fooling by following up "I grade essays and create lesson plans and I teach everything as a vital member of the faculty" with "I work 3 hours a day, three times a week and then just take most weeks off anyway". This is her third or fourth absence during term. There's no way a contracted member of the teaching staff who contributes anything at all would be allowed to take time off constantly during term time.
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Ahh, yes, "noble" and "transparent" are definitely the words that spring to mind when I think of Ruby, the pathological liar, charity swindler and purveyor of toxic productivity habits.
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It does. Not just the house, but the yard is a bit wild too. Because I live for mummy and daddy bones, I am going to blame Roob. If you are my child living full time at home at the age of 23, you better be cleaning my house or using your YT money to hire a cleaner. Especially if you using MY house for content. I kinda feel bad for her mother. She seems a bit cool in her own way and has given a lot of support to her extremely annoying, messy daughter. Only for her daughter to turn around and be an embarrassment.
Her mother does nothing either, though. Her and Ruby seem cut from the exact same cloth to me.

Both of them have no real job or responsibilities, living a life of leisure, slobbing around the house all day doing nothing of real value in-between their 20 luxury holidays a year.

Ruby has her few-hours-a-month nepo job at her old school which she embellishes into a work-all-day career. Mummy Bones has her guest spot on her friend's local radio show once a month, which she spins as a major presenting job.

They both have online outlets that they use to share terrible poetry and wildly unbelievable accounts of things that obviously never happened (Ruby with her constant "OIY DID AWL THE THINGS AND RAD AWL THE BOCKS IN JOSST TWANTEE-FWORE HOWARS!" lies, her mother with her dubious tales of non-stop disaster and injury).

Both are too lazy or incompetent to actually clean anything and the shared living spaces in their house always look horribly glum and grimy.

Martha seems to be the only one in that scummy Tory family who isn't a total drain on society. And I'd bank money on the only real reason that Martha has actually stepped out on her own, got a full-time job on her own merits and became remotely independent was because of years of being largely ignored for Ruby the golden child.
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Well-known member
Yeah. I was still childish at eighteen (and I honestly still see myself as childish, even though I've greatly matured from back then) but the thing about Ruby that bothers me is that she has basically stayed stagnant.
Sorry for double posting as well, but not only did Ruby get a LG Gram laptop...but she got a Google Pixel in 2019? I cannot...fathom getting so many electronics and not using them. Not even the fact that she has (or had) two phones.
You can absolutely be childish from time to time, even if you're an adult! I mean, I'm 41 and I still find great joy in childish things. 🤣 The difference being that unlike Ruby, I haven't lived with my parents since I was 18, I hold down a job, pay my taxes, and generally do the things one is supposed to do as an adult. Do I still wear a Darkwing Duck t-shirt to work? Absolutely! But I still show up every morning and get stuff done.
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Oh, yawn, another "AND THAN OIY..." TikTok 'Day in My Life' vlog.

But wait...

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So...was it June 17th or June 24th? Make up your mind, Ruby.

Even in a video less than 2 minutes long, she can't help but fuck something up and expose her own lies again.
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One other thing I had saved while waiting to become a member here. Again, the state of their house, their understanding of hygiene...

Love how it's a cleaning video but there's filth and clutter everywhere.
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What the crap is on that wardrobe??

And of course, it's not Ruby's video if she's not lying
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My mum watched Ruby’s new video and the only thing she said was, “But she didn’t even do anything and stretched the video for 10 minutes!”
My mum has made her own vlog channel, so she wanted to see what kind of stuff people like to watch.
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Her obsession with finding a way to love everything is really fucking odd. Like how every season she'll claim that "this is my favourite season." It's fine for something to just be a chore, you don't need to love every second of your life, most people have tasks and activities that they'd really rather not do, but they don't start desperately trying to paper over their irritation/boredom, they just find ways to make it more bearable. I can only assume that anyone who feels the need to find a way to love every single thing they do in a day is really, seriously unhappy, because most reasonably healthy people are able to accept those periods of discomfort as a normal part of life and move through them.
Agreed. Also I feel like it’s all symptomatic of her enormous privilege: she’s grown up believing she can do anything, and that she need only ever do things she enjoys. So when she’s confronted with the unpleasant realities of life (you need to change the sheets every once in a while because mummy hasn’t hired a servant to do that for you), she responds by applying toxic positivity.
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I’m no literature expert but I love the fact that the first book she mentions in her video about Victorian literature is Georgian.
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They finally released the episode of Sky Kids FYI that Ruby did.

Kid: "So...what is the best way to revise? I might need some backup..."
(Ruby appears.)
Oh god, the children would be safer with Pennywise.

There's no way Ruby wrote these tips herself considering she highlights the importance of eating, which she's never done on her channel. She's also got her unnatural acting voice on, so the producers definitely just handed her a script written by studio staff to read.


Her face freckles look especially stupid when filmed by a studio camera, too.
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"Somhow Sommar has [DROWNED OUT BY BIRD NOISES] ...TWANTEE-SACKOND OF JEAN. The farrstday of Sommar according to astrongmars. ...The Ancient Greeks YEEZED it tyo sallarbrate the sonn. AND KNYEE THE TWANTEE-FARRST OF JEAN as the night of Hella-tryope? They'd make FOIRES AND LOYT to walcome the somma--[overlapping audio]--and BARN THE OLDER WAY WITH THE SPRING. It was thwart to bring lark."

What the fuck is this mess of a video?

Her fake accent has gotten so bad it warrants an intervention from her family.
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Blakeny lending Ruby her shirt is actually pretty wholesome
I was wondering why Ruby was suddenly wearing that dungaree dress again, but it made sense when she mentioned she was seeing her BASST FRAND BLAKENEeEe3ee again.

Ruby started wearing dungarees all the time to imitate Blakeney's style, so she must've slapped on the Blakeney cosplay. From imitating her clothes to taking them off her back.
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I noticed that Ruby had gone to Florence and I see that in Italy temperatures could reach as high as 48.8C with a red alert warning been issued for 10 cities including Florence. It has also been reported that several visitors to Italy have collapsed from heatstroke, including a British man outside the Colosseum in Rome and people have been advised to drink at least 2 litres of water a day and to avoid coffee which is dehydrating.
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I don't understand why she refuses to wear slippers. Even when she's bragging complaining about being cold, she goes around barefoot lmao
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Does anyone understand this claptrap
”The meridians are arbitrary, just like words, which is why I use words arbitrarily. They’re embedded in the fabric of our being, much like the dead bugs and breadcrumbs will be embedded in my very expensive bedding in two years’ time when I next change my sheets. You should all read these philosophers that I like to pretend I’ve read, and also I will throw in a mock self-deprecating mention of ’British self-importance’ as if it isn’t my very face pictured next to the dictionary entry for ’self-important’ as well as all its synonyms.”
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