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Not sure if you're talking about this tiktok? But it just came up on my fyp and I need to talk about this!

Am I crazy or are "the" and "a" articles, not prepositions? And both "effect" and "affect" can be nouns and verbs, can they not? Granted, affect is much more common as a verb and effect much more common as a noun but to act as though it's some hard-and-fast rule seems very reductive? And her explanation of how to figure out whether it's a noun is whether it has 'the' or 'a' before it?? As if there are not instances where you'd use effect as a noun and not have "the" or "a" immediately preceding it? I'm sorry I'm so annoyed at this, I usually only lurk on this thread occasionally because I really don't follow Ruby anymore but this came up and I just had to mention it somewhere because not only is this video patronizing, it's also plain wrong.
Quickly chiming in here as a full-time lurker of this sub who never posts but this irked me so much! I'm an ESL teacher and I just tell my students that "affect" is for an action. A and a. It's a much simpler way of remembering. She lost me with the articles (or "prepositions") rule.

On a more advanced level, affect as a noun is used in psychology when talking about emotions or moods, while effect as a verb is also really rare; most people won't ever need to use these variations.

Ruby has a troubling tendency to present things as hard facts when they certainly aren't. When this comes to language it's a problem, because a lot of her followers claim they use her videos to practise English. As we know, we have so many exceptions to the rules in English grammar - Ruby in particular should not be trying to teach it.

Let's hope this isn't the start of "Grammar with Granger"!
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I suspect Ruby just saw other people's irrational fear trend videos, copied their lists and repeated them in her own increasingly fake accent to try to seem fun and relatable.

In reality, her only fears are the Tory party not being in power, being poor and being told she's not special.
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"Sending only the best..." And yet all she's delivered is the worst.

I mean, what the fuck are "stitled deadlines" and "flourries"? How can a shed coo?
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Meanwhile, away from Roobee Land, people are unable to:
- put food on the table
- afford their increased rent/mortgage payments
- keep their heating on during the winter
- regularly see their dentist and doctor

The list is endless! The point is that the very last people would be thinking about at a time like this is financing 1 holiday, let alone 10+! She totally lacks self-awareness. I don’t think she’ll ever live in the real world.
And to put this into perspective, when you factor in half terms, Bank Holidays, all the lengthy holidays she took in term time and her already miniscule working hours, and Ruby has done - at most - 20 days of collective full-time work spread across 26 weeks. She's spent substantially more time on holiday this year than she's worked in her entire life.

She'd never survive in a real job, where she has limited annual leave and can't just bugger off overseas whenever she pleases or reward herself for 3 hours "work" with an immediate 2 week holiday.
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I think she’s getting worse. She keeps making videos where she thinks she sounds amazingly clever but she really doesn’t.

Roll on her seminars at Oxford.
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Does anyone understand this claptrap
"I AM SO SMART. I am so smart. Everybody loves me. I am so smart. SMRT...I MEAN SMART" -- Roobs while writing this, probably.

Grouping herself in with Sartre and Wittegenstien is incredible. Good thing she is standing on the the prime meridian because she needs the support of two hemispheres to hold that massive ego.
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(didn't she send letters to minor fans or whatever? I don't remember, correct me maybe it was her cousin.)
Yep, it was her. She's done it several times.

She encouraged young fans to pass along their friends' details without the consent of the friend or their parents so she could "surprise them" with unsolicited letters and messages and start up a penpal relationship.

She set up a form for underage fans to apply to be her latest penpals (no parental consent required). It was full of question prompts that seemed specifically written to easily cherry-pick applicants who were of a young age and shared all her fake interests, and promised to send them letters and gifts.

She set up several quickly-abandoned Discords for odd reasons, then seems to have used them to make new, much younger friends who she invited to gifted events with her.

It's all very strange and creepy, especially given her troubling fixation on young children and childhood and her pattern of always befriending much younger girls. Even if there's nothing untoward going on, there's absolutely no reason for her to be interacting with young fans behind closed doors like she does. If she wants to engage with her audience, that's what her comments sections are for.

There's a clear parasocial, unbalanced power dynamic there - her fans are never going to be her peers and it's completely inappropriate for her to be actively trying to befriend them offline or plying them with gifts. Considering how toxic, dishonest and irresponsible she is in the open, I certainly wouldn't want her talking to my child if I were a parent.
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Just watched her video about the letter to 16 year old self. Lots of head waggling and bobbing. Eyebrows jumping all over the place. And would a Roobster video even be complete without a mispronunciation? Someone has pulled her up on this:


ETA: Just realised the irony of her mispronouncing a word that means a fear of failing 🤣
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Doesn't surprise me at all if Ruby asked Blakney for a wardrobe list of what she was planning to wear on holiday and replicated it. She was copying Blakey's outfits when she was in uni as well and was wearing things like dungrees and kind of a costal aesthetic. Her copying of people doesn't just extend to fictional people like Hermonie and Matilda .
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I think she'd be vaguely normal if she'd never read Harry Potter. I don't think it was ever JK Rowling's intention for children reading her books to admire the early version of Hermione. You're supposed to see her development over the series and admire her in the later books, but in the first two or three she's meant to be insufferable yet for some reason Ruby became attached to her.
If it wasn't Hermione, it would have been someone else. For example, the month when she cosplayed as Rory Gilmore. Ruby's biggest problem is that she really, really dislikes herself, so she needs to try on these different personas that she believes are superior so she never has to be alone with herself.
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The thing I found the absolute oddest about this random video was her first line to her viewers:

"Hello, It's Ruby, and thank you for clicking on this video, I suppose."

WTF is that supposed to mean? I never felt so unwelcome in watching a video as this. I suppose? I suppose I should thank you? But I really don't want to? I am better than you, so I won't thank you? Not really meaning to thank you? Or, I don't really want to be here and neither do you, but yeah, I guess I ought to say thank you, I suppose.

I mean, what is she even saying here??? lol So, while I am sure the video was so inspiring (not), I decided to take her hint of "hey, I really hate doing this" and clicked out of the video to go do something I actually enjoy, but not before leaving a thumbs down for her stupidity and inability to express herself plainly and properly. I suppose....
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I’m quoting this without being caught up with the thread, so apologies in advance if we’ve moved on, but I have been wanting to say this for a looong time.

I don’t want to shame her because I believe everyone should dress however they please, but goodness, WHY does she NEVER wear clothes that fit her properly?

That dress, which is obviously too big on her, with a cotton (?) shirt underneath is a travesty, ESPECIALLY for a film premiere or an event like this. I get that she prefers a more conservative style, but she can wear fitted dresses that *gasp* “show her figure” a little (for a lack of a better way of saying it) and still be covered.

She’s always wearing the weirdest combinations and they almost never look good together. Always too big, clashing colours or shades. She does have “young” features, so do I, but she does not look like a child and it just makes her look like she doesn’t care enough. (Also, sometimes her sports bra strap shows, isn’t it uncomfortable to wear that kind of bra all the time? Genuine question, but I personally feel so compressed when I wear them that I just prefer the regular ones).

Like, she can wear jeans or smart pants, a shirt and a nice jumper that fit her properly and she would look nice and not show anything! A dress and tights and a cardigan! Maxi skirts are in now!

Many women (which is what she is, whether she likes it or not) like to dress “modestly” but still age-appropiately.

IDK, when she goes to Oxford next year for her MASTERS or when she starts to work, will it not look unprofessional to wear clothes that are wrinkled, obviously too big, and mismatched?
I do know some women with bigger chests for whom sports bras are more comfortable/supportive than regular bras, but with Ruby I think it's all to do with wanting to be a kid. The more compression the more she can flatten her chest, the way she dresses isn't just modest, it's childish. I don't mean that in the sense that modest = childish because it absolutely doesn't, but for instance that dress over the t shirt and woollen tights feels like the clothing combination a kid would wear. She could absolutely dress modestly but still like an adult, being an adult 100% doesn't have to be about 'sexiness' or whatever, but I think she is very consciously putting together outfits which are more typical of children than adults. I bet within her wardrobe she could put together a bunch of nice, adult looks, but the way she pairs stuff always gives "child" energy, and the only time she does dress "grown up" she starts looking like she's attempting Maggie Thatcher cosplay which is not a vibe.
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She... really doesn't have anything to say other than how the seasons are changing or what the weather is like at the moment. Damn.

Also, "...the sun is threatening to set..." Unless you stop lying?
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It's like the written equivalent of her fake accent. When she speaks, she substitutes all her vowels for other vowels. On paper, every s becomes a j, i becomes r, n becomes u and cursive happens spontaneously like she’s suffering from handwriting Tourette's.

And her imitating Rupi Kaur's terrible poetry structure has reached a new level: Ruby is apparently going by "Rupy" now.
Ruby Granger #40: Rupi Granger
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Is she taking the piss? Does she actually have to do a vlog explaining the difference between 'affect' and 'effect'? Patronising little witch.
Desperately wanting to feel like the smartest person in the room, then follows it up with a video in which she reveals she can't use ink without getting it all over her face and in her mouth.



Same energy (and hairline).
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It might also be that Martha just doesnt want to be dependent on her parents money.
Its really weird though, one kid apparently being priced out of a tiny flat, while the other owns an empty cottage...
Not to drag Martha too much but she does kind of give "rich kid cosplaying as working class" like she has heard all her mates who are actually struggling talk about a cost of living crisis so she is talking about it too

Also on Ruby`s sponsorships - didn't she at one point do an ad for a Google or Samsung phone? And a non-apple laptop? Even though in all her other videos she exclusively uses Apple and never touches the products again after the one paid for ad. (I might be confusing her with Holly G, or maybe they both did it).
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