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Is this how Ruby's thought process works? Is she just walking around constantly judging everyone she meets and jumping to conclusions about them based on the tiniest interaction?

The detailed descriptions of everything (the water, the saliva, etc) are making my skin crawl. Also this feels like an ED thing.
Agreed, and she also has included a few descriptions of describing people as thin and small and talked about small portions of food etc. I think at one point they got a hot drink for pudding?

Also it is quite bizarre how often she talks about anatomical stuff like cerebrum, spinal vertebrae, epiglottis etc. I think it is just her attempt to sound intellectual but it just gives off serial killer vibes
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She's back to moaning on TikTok about how she can't "fyocoss" at home and needs to "wahhrk" in public in order to focus. MANNY STODDIES HAVE SHOWN THAT A CHYANGE IN WAHHRKSPYACE ARE GUD FWORE FYOCOSSING!

She says she's going to write in a café and hopes this café is nice, as though she's going somewhere completely new and not just walking down the road to the café in her town, where her family have been going since childhood. What a lying little toad.

This is the same Ruby who's constantly moaning about "resistance" to sitting down and doing something or being unable to focus on anything for more than 15-30 minutes regardless of her surroundings (unless it's time to lie that she's studying or reading or writing for 48 hours straight, then her attention span magically fixes itself).

This is the same Ruby who spent half of uni passive-aggressively moaning about how much she dislikes studying in public spaces and avoiding the library. The only reason she takes her laptop out in public to pretend to "waahrk" is so that she can feel like she has an audience of everyday peons gazing in awe at her "prodocktiviteee" while they scoff on their simpleton sandwiches. That's why she hated the library - everyone was there to study and they were all smarter than Ruby.

Ruby, you have no "waahrk" to do. These "taaahsks" you apparently have are self-imposed. If you find them boring, just don't do them. If you find it a chore to write because you have no genuine interest or passion, just don't do it. It's really fucking simple. The more you force yourself to waste all your free time doing something you don't want to do, the less you'll like it.

Most importantly, staring at your laptop screen in a slightly different place isn't going to help when your attention span and general mental faculties have been withered away by prolonged malnutrition. Try eating actual meals instead of tiny portions of nothing and 5 small desserts a day, you might find you can finally outthink a block of wood. A well-balanced diet of nutritious food = better health and improved concentration. MANNY STODDIES HAVE SHYOWN IT. Maybe spend less time pretending to be busy in cafés and more time eating a decent meal.
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"I don't seem to take up much room when I sleep; either I curl up in a ball or lay with my hands by my sides, as straight as a 2B pencil" 😭😭
There should be a literary device named after Ruby, like Rubytition or Parubyism, to indicate that something contains absolutely unnecessary details just to make the writer seem smart and eloquent. Why 2B pencil? I have never seen a 4B or H or mechanical pencil that wasn't straight.
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She is so stuck in a childhood mindset: what is your favourite weather? Your favourite colour? Your favourite book? Your favourite pencil? (2B of course) Your favourite lesson? Your favourite routine? Your favourite bedtime routine of the 1038562 I’ve vlogged? Favourite just seems so childish. I love the snow and winter, but I don’t think about it in terms of it being my favourite type of weather.
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I hope you don’t mind gossip_guy and missmina, but that screenshot is just too good to pass up as a profile picture. Truly captures the essence of her nonsensical and performative content.
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Erimentha Parker Chapters 6 and 7:

Plot -
- It is day 2 at school. Kimberley and the other girls snatch her book of post it notes and and up accidently throwing it out of the window
- Erimentha asks to meet Kimberly and co in the form room at first break
- During history she knows the answer to all the questions and after she doesn't get picked to answer it she raises her hand even higher because one of the stupid pesants she has the misfortune of sharing a class with only provided a basic answer, not a 3 hour seminar. Obviously Mr Aldridge rewards her for embarrising the other student by giving her a housepoint
- Ruby meets with the 'bullies' at break and basically gives them a stern talking to which does absolutely nothing. Kimberly ends by saying she has decided she will spend the whole year hating her, and then spits gum at her.
- We are also treated to a sticky note checklist of things to include in a creative writing piece. I may be god awful at English but I don't think anyone needs a post it note reminding them to write something that has a "beginning, middle and an end". Also Ruby lets us know it is important to include the use of "at least one semicolon".
- For some random reason Ruby felt it was important to let us know Nathan is allergic to vinegar when writing her list of supplies for her volcano. Maybe her plan is just to gas him enough so he goes into anaphylaxis and dies?
- The next day Simone comes round to build the volcano. Ruby suggests they film the whole thing to show their geography teacher
- After they build it they go into the garden to sit at the end of the "lakeside Jetty". I love how Ruby really highlighted in the first chapter how poor the character was but now it sounds like she lives in a country manor
- Simone encourages Ruby to report the bullying to their form tutor and Ruby shuts her down

Quotes -
- This is a point on her to do list: "Talk with Kimberley (I might be going crazy but I thought it was spelt Kimberleigh earlier ...), Beth and Izzy - find a time to talk and clarify the exact reason for their unkindness. From here, adjustments can be made as necessary. It is possible their behaviours is perfectly justified"
- "My hand shoots up diligently, straightening so quickly that a shudder passes through my left arm"
- When talking about being nervous about starting secondary school - "My insomnia was so terrible the first few weeks of the summer holidays that I had to go to my local GP"
- "Simone doesn't look convinced and I see cogs turn underneath the marrow of her skull, beating against the blood flow and electrical impulses of the cerebrum"
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Meanwhile my high school diploma has been gathering dust on a bookshelf at my parents' house for 5 years because my mom never got around to hanging it up even though she keeps saying she'll do it. Soon to be joined by my Master's degree diploma
Join the club! My degree is shoved in the back of a filing cabinet, and the masters will join it when I finish that. My frosties 25m swimming certificate is on proud display on the front door though so everyone who visits can see that
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When in A&E talking to the doctor - "I thank her and she thanks me, complimentarily telling me that I am one of the most medically informed children she's met"
Not once has a doctor in history ever said anything like this whatsoever😂
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I'm sorry but does anyone actually believe that she read 17 books in January because I don't and if she does then she must read them really quickly and not absorb anything about what the book is about etc. This is because when I read a book I tend to read them more slowly so that I can gain valuable knowledge, increases my ability to emphasize with the characters, helps to increase my vocabulary, helps to improve my analytical skills, and teaches me about facts that I didn't previously know.
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Ruby's "routines" are always so painful because NOT EVERYTHING HAS TO BE A ROUTINE. Also, while I can see how it can become a problem, watching an hour of YouTube is hardly a sin and as someone who makes their living from it, you shouldn't act like it is??

"This is the shampoo that I use, because I often get lots of questions about that"

Screenshot (7).png

Great, thanks, I'll rush out to grab the first hazy red bottle with a pump that I see :rolleyes: As if her shower has mood lighting

This is the most unhinged way I've ever seen anyone use a towel to try their face before. By which I mean I've never seen anyone use a towel this way before.

Screenshot (8).png

Finally: make your alarm a regular one rather than setting it every night - genius!!!!! How did the human race survive without the witterings of Ruby Granger?
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Erimentha Parker Chapter 15:

Plot -

- We join Ruby in church where they are learning to forgive their enemies and not be bitter
- Now we are at Kimberley's family BBQ. The mum tells Ruby and Nathan to go play with the other kids in the front room
- Ruby tells Kimberly off for wearing shoes in her own house
- They go to Kimberly's room which unsurprisingly according to Ruby is very messy. There is clothes and makeup everywhere. Kimberly minds her own business and goes to apply some lipstick. Ruby decides to butt in and say most lipsticks are made from whale blubber ( a quick google search proves this to not be the case anymore and hasn't been for a long time)
- Kimberly tells her not to tell them facts in her house, and then draws on Ruby's face with the lipstick. Beth then takes a photo of her. They say it is for Instagram and Ruby goes on another fact rant saying she hasn't consented to the photo to be shared, and that the girls aren't old enough for Instagram anyways so they are breaking the law twice. One of the other bullies filmed Ruby's rant
- Ruby asks if they can turn the other cheek and be friends
- Kimberly asks Ruby to sit down at the dressing table and Beth covers her eyes. The girls then cut off a chunk of her hair. They joke that they needed the hair for a voodoo doll and Ruby leaves the room to go find Nathan.

Quotes -
- "Pastor Michael's words ring with the doorbell when we arrive at Kimberly's house"
- "I internally criticise the silk, knowing that silkworms were boiled alive to obtain the fabric"
- "She smiles at me - a white toothy smile which doesn't extend to those cold, blue irises"
- "She looks at me intently for a few seconds and then draws a thick, bulbous line of magenta wax across my cheek, pressing so hard that the skin distorts upwards and stings" (Ruby's skin must be made of tissue paper because I don't think anyone's skin has ever been distorted by a fucking lipstick)
- "Her sickly sweet words dissipate over the bedroom, getting stuck in that repulsive pile of clothes"
- "Beth and Gia help me to the table as if I am suffering with acute arthritis"
- "Beth holds her hands over my eyes and I can smell chocolate on them. I wonder when she last washed them and fight against my gag reflex"
- "I've always kept my hair exactly the same length all of the way around and this loss of order makes me feel sick"
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tbh, I probably would also read while waiting at the airport/train station etc. there is nothing wrong with reading while sitting and waiting somewhere.
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As an autistic adult, I still have a lot of the same hobbies and interests I did as a kid. I still collect stuffed animals and play the same video games I loved 20 years ago. I don't like the idea that "growing up" means you have to give up on the things you used to like. Yes, I've grown, but at my core I'm still the same person I was back then.
I completely agree with your entire post, but just wanted to point out that the things you describe here are totally normal and healthy ways to maintain childhood interests. Playing pretend as a “waitress” and forcing your parents to enable you is a completely different kettle of fish in my opinion. In the nicest possible way, she needs to get out of the house more and interact with “grown-ups” otherwise she will only regress more.
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Her recent reads. The crap Hunger Games prequel gets the same rating as Brothers Karamazov (did not contain as many brothers as I thought it would, 4 stars). Tuesdays with Morrie, of which someone on gr says ”it was like stapling together 80 greeting cards and reading them straight through,” gets 5 stars.

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It looks like she ordered a marinara which is just tomato sauce, garlic and oregano. It's a classic and it's present in every menu (I think mainly because it was a cheap option way back in the day), but it's not really anybody's go-to pizza because it's quite sad lol. I think the last time I had a marinara was in like 2012 lmao
You might order it if you aren't hungry, if you have an upset stomach, or if you have allergies/dietary restrictions, although most vegans would probably get some kind of vegetable topping (super common and readily available at any pizzeria) and ask for no cheese.
Other than the choice of topping, as far as pizza goes that looks pretty sad. It looks like the kind of pizza you get as takeaway at the cheap kebab shop on the street corner for 5 euros including beverage (as a student I've had my fair share of those lol).
If she's in Milan, there are tons of trendy and good quality pizzerie that also do takeaway and delivery and they're usually not crazy expensive.
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I think she spoke about living in the cottage once she had left university, but that was years ago and she was a lot more mature back then than she is now. I think she would be staying at home until her parents basically kick her out. I don't see her deciding to live on her own, not at the moment. Or if she did, I think that she would be at home a lot just 'visiting,' her family as she can't be on her own, and it's the middle of nowhere, so she'll be needing lifts ect/
Realistically I don’t think Ruby can live in the cottage as she doesn’t drive. It’s in a rural village that probably doesn’t have any good transport links. She would probably have to rely on her parents to drive her to do a proper food shop or for a lift to the train station and stuff like that. Living there would leave her even more isolated than she currently is.
So why hasn’t Ruby learned to drive? I assume she has some kind of mental block or anxiety around it.

Does anyone else remember when Ruby had to get therapy (she was around 17-18) because she was scared to be alone in the house? When her mum would go out to run an errand, Ruby was too afraid to be home alone and would have to go with her. She got therapy for this before she went to university but it’s possible she’s fallen back into this habit.

Tbh I don’t think it’s weird that Ruby lives at home. It’s not unusual for people to live with their parents in most cultures and her cottage mortgage might be huge so renting it out might be the best option. The weird thing is that she has 0 independence - no car, no job, not even an adult social life. If she was coming and going from her parents house like an adult it would be fine imo. She needs serious help.
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