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I think she will get in, and then we will get daily vlogs of her walking Oxford streets, with camera perched on the pavement as she walks by with her nose pointed high in the air, her childish long hair matted and swishing, perhaps she will also cosplay as Lyra Belacqua, pretending she has a little daemon of her own.

She'll then vlog herself making dry as hell toast for her LANCH and talk about how ASSTHETIC Oxford is. She'll misquote and act out any poetry that describes Oxford.
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Erimentha Parker Chapter 19:

Plot -

- The girls are in science class learning about refraction and got put into pairs. Ruby gets paired with Beth, one of the bullies
- Beth doesn't help Ruby get the equipment which makes Ruby furious, and then Beth says she doesn't want to work with Ruby
- A girl called Ally says that Ruby thinks she is better than everyone and that is why another girl called June doesn't hang around with her anymore Ruby neither confirms or denies this
- Ruby witters on a bit about the experiment and clearly bores Beth who then walks off
- Beth comes back and politely asks to copy Ruby's nots. Ruby says no. Beth then puts Ruby's "three page, handwritten extension essay on the exisistance of photons" (forgive me if I am just an idiot but I am 24 and I don't know what photons are, how is a 11 year old writing a 3 page essay on them) in the water
- Ruby goes to the library to read her one of her favourite books, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- She meets Ella there who read Malory towers like Ruby instructed her to do. Ruby asks how things are with Ella and finds out Ella's bully snapped her ruler and told her she is as quiet as a small dead mouse.
- Ruby tells Ella about her bullies and Ella begs Ruby to tell a teacher. Ruby says she wont, so Ella replies saying she won't report her own bullying unless Ruby does as well and Ruby just accepts this. This makes Ella cry
- Ruby does the first responsible thing of the book and takes Ella to the staff room to tell Ella's teacher about her bullies

Quotes -
- "It doesn't bother me - I suppose I have calloused to this unpleasantness"
- "I hold her gaze for a few seconds, my eyes steady and controlled, hers dull and brown"
- "I clench my teeth and write a quick Post-it note list of the required equipment, my low ponytail swinging as I turn. There is quite a lot to gather up and I have to make two trips, my heart beating with furious anger the whole time"
- "I purse my lips and try to keep my face level with hers, which is tricky because she is a couple inches taller than me. Mind you her poor posture does make her rather a lot shorter"
- A girl called Ally says this to Ruby - "Aha, look at her with her nose stuck in the air. You really do think you're better than everyone, don't you Erimentha?"
- "I am so enthralled by the learning that I temporarily forget we're not friends"
- "Beth clutches my wrist and forces my hand down upon the 100 percent recycled paper, fully submerging the assignment until nothing, save a pencil-drawn diagram and a blur of blue remain"
- "I collapse into the story, swimming into the Black Lake and pretending that I too have a friend I can rescue"
- "I have indeed found a friend here. Yes, she is an entire two years younger than myself but that's hardly important"
- "I've got to admit, Ella does look a bit like a mouse. She has the same long front teeth and pointed nose. Her eyes, however, make all o the difference for they are so large that they could never be compared to the small, beady optics of a rodent"
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Yeah she will be doing her Master's at Oxford University.
Tbh I refuse to believe it until she states it outright. It's mind-boggling, this girl has the functional literacy of a newt and she's not even afraid to publicly flaunt it several times a day
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She’s entered her Dadaist era. ”You can still get one while you can x”

Or she could be referring to the fact that it’s physically possible to spend money on a pile of flimsy crap whilst you’re doing something actually useful, such as preserving fruits and vegetables in cans or jars. At this point, who the fuck knows. Eat a meal, Roobee, your remaining 2 brain cells will thank you for it.

View attachment 2009365

edit: what is she looking at in this picture? It’s not the screen. It’s not the mug. Is there a pile of charity cash floating just outside the window?
As I laboured
O'er the paypyrian pages
Bound by spires o' metallic twine
My quill halted its trajectorious flight
'cross the parchment.
The seagulls spiraled o'erhead
'pon a canvas of cerulean magenta
and voluminous clouds of cloudy volume,
their cawing cry rang out:
"Canst yee get one whilst yee can?"
I threw open the windows
and whispered with the hesitant glee
o' a Christmas morn...
"Indeed, my seagull friend.
For that which can be got,
you still can get."
He flew towards the horizon
his curiosity abated.
As was mine.

--Untitled poem by Ruby Granger.
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I winced when she said that she thinks skincare is mostly a placebo effect. As someone whose skin was drastically improved from a solid skincare routine, I'm gonna have to call bs on that one Roobs
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The reaction of Ruby's fans to any criticism is hardly surprising (Jack Edwards' fans react the same braindead rabid-attack-mode way to critical comments), but man, what a bunch of gullible people.

"She's just showing her life! You don't have to imitate it!"

It's not her life, though.

It's completely fabricated with a very clear purpose: To show herself doing more in a day than is physically possible, to make herself seem more impressive and to make viewers feel like they'll never be as good as Ruby. Because they can't. It is literally impossible to do the amount of work Ruby pretends to do - it's 48+ hours presented as a 12 hour day via the magic of (sloppy) editing.

If you're paying attention, it's not hard to spot the seams - the continuity errors, the lies, the fake off-screen activities, all the undeclared ads for products she doesn't use, the 67 outfit changes a "day" - but if you're young and impressionable, you're more likely to buy into it and believe it's real. Her comments section is flooded with people too young or too gullible to know better, who point out how jealous they are that Ruby accomplishes so much and they feel unproductive by comparison.

That's why Ruby makes these videos. It's for that hollow, cruel little boost she gets from seeing people weigh themselves up to her and feel like they come up short. That makes Ruby feel better about her obvious inadequacies and it makes her feel more valuable as an influencer.

Because that's the ultimate goal: To leave students chasing an unattainable goal while Ruby acts like she's the person with the secret to doing in her sleep - someone to be emulated - while selling overpriced "academic essentials" and serving up undeclared-ad-filled "study tips" videos and sponsored (undeclared) products to help you on your way to being JOHST LOIKE HARR.

Ruby prides herself on that influencer position of power to the point where she uses it to sell herself and her brand. She brags about her follower numbers on LinkedIn and states that she uses her platforms to get students to "maximise their potential, both academically and outside of school/university". Ruby herself is out there saying that kids see her as a role model and imitate her, so this "she's not really an influencer!" shit doesn't hold water.

"She always puts disclaimers to show that toxic productivity is bad and she doesn't agree with it!"

She puts half-assed, lip-service disclaimers on videos in which she does and promotes the exact thing she claims to disagree with. A disclaimer would hold more weight if she ever accepted responsibility for her part in propagating those toxic habits for the entirety of her influencer career, or it clearly stated that her videos and their depicted timelines were staged.

But she'll never do that, and until she stops presenting an impossible goal as an attainable reality, she's going to get a lot of impressionable people following the blueprint she's set out: Drink water non-stop, never eat a nutritious meal, work yourself to death, always be productive, use BONKERBRADACTIVITY planners, all your downtime MOSST BEE PRODOCKTIVE, your boredom MOSST BEE PRODOCKTIVE.

It's dangerous and reprehensible, and she's been warned enough times to know better, but she simply doesn't care. She is not "sweet", she is not "lovely", she doe not "mean well". She knows exactly what she's doing and the damage she does and she'll never stop, because she cares more about that hollow ego boost and her flow of cash than she does about anything or anyone else.

"She doesn't make that kind of content any more though! Her content is super chill and cosy now!"

Her content is exactly the same, there's just less mention of school/uni (but still a baffling amount considering she's a grown woman who graduated a year ago). She's still presenting the same brand of toxic, unattainable productivity with her content in every single video.

"...and THAN OIY had a meeting, AND THAN OIY ran THARTEE MOYLES and THAN OIY wryote a bohk, and THAN OIY radd THARTEE BOHKS and than OIY cleaned moiy house, and than OIY RAN MOIY varry yown BUSINESS SINGLE-HAWNDEDLY and THAN OIYY STODDIED FOR THARTEE OWWERS, AND THAN OIY did some WAHHHRK."

That's every video. That's every Instagram post of a planner. A non-stop onslaught of "VARRY BUSY, VARRY PRODUCTIVE" activities all crammed into an impossible space of time. "Impossible" being the operative word.

Every reading vlog has to emphasise the wildly embellished number of books read or the pages read per hour first and foremost and yet nothing is said about the content of the book. It's all fake.

She's changed the nature of the things she does in her "day" in videos, but it's all the same fabricated, toxic, hustle culture bullshit she's always made.

"She clearly enjoys studying and being productive though!"

The utterly miserable mope on her face at all times and the strained, fake grimace that she can't hold for more than a few seconds suggests otherwise...

If she enjoyed studying, she'd be content just showing and talking about the actual study she does, what she learned, what she enjoys about it, rather than very clearly lie and fabricate events to boost her accomplishments.

But she doesn't. She lies. She makes shit up. She stages all her videos. She has nothing to say about the things she does, it's just a laundry list of fabricated activities and robotic, parroted quotes sandwiched between undeclared ads for shitty products.

This isn't enjoyment, it's a toxic productivity numbers game, where Ruby needs to put her thumb on the scale to come out on top and make herself seem more impressive, intelligent and efficient.
Nothing irritated me more than her constant holier than thou attitude she would always make statements about how she doesn't eat fast food, her exercising for hours on end so she's more productive and so much more are all pushing the idea that she is the most productive because she doesn't do what other people do and everything she does is for her productivity. Anyone who says otherwise clearly isn't watching her content lmao she lives and breathes to be the most productive human being on earth.
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Chatty Member
lol "feeling like a vegan marshmallow" - note: a vegan. not just a plain old marshmallow. vegan!
(not sure if wearing something white in the snow is a good choice?!)
Screenshot 2023-03-07 at 16.38.52.png
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Anyone else find this… very weird? For me this is an extreme blurring of boundaries. This girl is clearly a minor, she shouldn’t be interacting with adults who work at her school on social media. Ruby shouldn’t be allowing this.
Yeah, there's reasons most teachers private all their social media, to shut down this kind of out-of-school interaction before it can happen.

And this is one of the many reasons why Ruby should be kept far away from any school setting - she's never had a responsible grasp of what constitutes an appropriate relationship between adults and children.

She's been actively encouraging kids to be penpals and friends with their teachers outside school for years now and telling them to send unsolicited cards and gifts and shit like she does. Then there's her own weird fixation with befriending kids, which raises immediate red flags for how she'll interact with young students at work.

has anyone seen @/lady_of_the_mercians tiktok video responding to be called the “ruby granger of history”? it’s an excellent takedown of her videos. i also saw her in ruby’s comments questioning her on miss patina but of course there was no response lol
She also called Ruby out for being a Tory buying her way to success on TikTok a while back, but then walked it back in the comments.
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I think they both have the same problems where Oxford's concerned. Neither of them actually wanted to study there or put any thought into what the uni could actually offer them that they couldn't get elsewhere, they just wanted to go to the "best" uni because they believed they were entitled to it.

It sounds like that shone through in Jack's application - he was crying about how he was a business owner (nope) and an author (nope) and a content creator (eh) and it still wasn't good enough, and considering that's the stuff he chose to highlight, it just shines a light on how entitled he is and how little thought he'd put into why he wanted to go to uni again.
I suspect Ruby might be a little better at playing the game than Jack. I think that whole Emily Dickinson museum trip to the US was purely set up as content for her course application in an aim to tick the "passion" box.

Of course, if she referenced Erimentha like she must have in her first application, then game over.
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Presented with apologies.

Prodocktive Roobee:


Her purported worst enemy (sloth):


Coinkydink? I think not.
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For anyone not on Instagram, here's a screenshot of Ruby in her Sash of White Feminism, giving an animated speech to what appears to be an empty room. If there's an audience she's not facing them lol.


More Ruby. No visible audience. :( If that thing on our left is a mirror (?) there's at least one reflected person, plus the host.


I had to turn the sound off. There was a lot of head wobbling.
I hate everything about it. I think I finally appreciate the anguish that Emily Dickinson aficionados felt when she appropriated Emily as part of her OIDANTITEE.
I think @gossip_guy's having a breakdown. Despite the diverse interests on Tattle, Ruby manages to appropriate enough things to personally offend each one of us. Quite a skill. Fear not, I have mental health training! You might want to try:

Forest bathing. Go to your local spooky woodland and lie down on the ground like a corpse. Be careful to avoid any dog turds.

Have a shower fully clothed. Do your washing and showering in one go. #sustainability

Chop some flowers. Passive-aggressive slicing is a great way to release anger.

Go for a RON. This is not the same as a run. You announce loudly 'I'M GOING FOR A RON' then you sprint one circle-shape around the room. Then you shout 'I'VE JUST BEEN FOR A RON'. Congratulations on your ron. #fitness

Dress like Edgar Allan Poe and wander through your extensive grounds eating fruit straight from your orchard. If you don't have extensive grounds or an orchard, this tip might be less useful to you.
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I understand this is probably a joke but part of me hopes Marfa actually realises this 😭
(From her tiktok of Ruby reading at the airport)View attachment 2001014
I think Martha's just providing an assist to Ruby’s fake persona grift at this point.

Even if it's jokey and self-deprecating, the stuff Martha posts featuring Ruby essentially reinforces the "Ruby is hyperintelligent, Ruby works harder than anyone, Ruby reads more than anyone" narrative, with a bit of "I'm the cool black sheep" thrown in.

Ruby's already shown her hand hundreds of times and given away that she ain't doing any of the shit she claims in videos and she's dumb as a bag of rocks. Martha would've been in the house when most of Ruby's videos were filmed and well aware that almost all of them were staged, her accent isn't real, and "day in the life" vlogs were filmed across multiple days to make her look more productive. She'll know better than anyone how fake Ruby is.

I'm guessing she helps boost Ruby's ego because having her sister in videos gets her a huge boost in views and subscribers, she keeps Ruby and her parents happy and she'll get taken on holidays. Whereas her parents would probably disown her and send her out to sea if she upset the golden child.
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In reference to the recap, how do you know she’s scrapped her books? I can’t remember where she said that.
In her q&a video before xmas she said she had ”withdrawn” Lottie Parton because she ”didn’t want it to be the first book she published” 😂
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Erimentha Parker Chapter 9 (turns out the last two chapters were both called Chapter 8) - Not much actually happens in this chapter but we are treated to some amazing quotes

Plot -
- Ruby reads through all the emails sent to her from older students and staff calling her rude and inappropriate
- She looks at her sent emails and sees there have been lots of emails sent to students and teachers. This included telling someone they look like a pig, "a horrible photography of a bloody scar" and an email to Miss Solomon saying she is her best friend in the whole wide world
- Ruby is horrified, not only because these are unformal and humiliating. She decides not to tell her parents and just cries
- The next day at school Ruby goes to find her form tutor to explain she didn't send the emails. They talk to another teacher. The teachers also agree to not tell Ruby's parents (this would never happen in real life, they would have a duty to tell the parents wouldn't they?)

Quotes -
- "I sit staring at the screen. Its brightness bores into my frontal lobe, inducing a slight headache and I close my eyes to escape the light"
- Upon reading another email calling her out for being rude Ruby says "I resist the urge to correct the girls grammar, knowing it is neither the time nor the place"
- "Telling them would raise a barrel of difficult questions and would damage my painstakingly crafted persona"
- "According to, you sweat a lot when you are stressed and this is certainly true tonight"
- "When I look in the mirror the next morning, the tender epithelial tissue under my eyes has been bruised violet"
- When talking about her dry lips she says "They hang repulsively with slimy petroleum gel and the distinct odour of cocoa butter"
- "All I can taste is the flavourless whiteness of the milk"
- "His nose hairs quiver in the artificial breeze"
- "A brief shudder of hope rushes up my vertebral column"
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Ruby appears to be such a contradiction between the person she purports to be and the person she actually is...She purports herself to be hard working yet actually seems slovenly and lazy with many activities aand tasks undertaken in very half-hearted manner.
I agree with your entire post but want to touch on your point of hard work. Ruby (and her family) strike me as the kind of people that would blame the poor for being poor...that poor people just don't try/work hard enough.

MEANWHILE Ruby is just the perfect example of a lazy rich person. Rich people love to criticize the poor for not doing x y & z but then you look at someone like Ruby and think "well what the hell is she doing?" and the answer is nothing. She has all the opportunities in the world and she does fuck all. She can't work hard because she doesn't even work...3 days a week for 3 hours a day at your old school is not work...its a hobby or some weird pretend school fantasy Ruby can't let go of. Yeah she went to uni and graduated and while that does take work you have hundreds of thousands of other young adults who graduated just like Ruby but also worked part/full time, took care of their families, had a social life, had a partner, traveled, volunteered, bettered themselves, did relevant job experience, the list goes on and on.

My point is that Ruby is a lazy rich person who puts on this front of being so hardworking and so intelligent when she just isn't. I would love to see her work a 40 hour work week, pay rent/mortgage, buy groceries, cook, clean and maintain a house without her parents help/presence. She would crumble and that fact that she would fail is pathetic.
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Her list for “work” at school:
Book club poster
?Quizlet set?
Mr G meeting
Mrs E email

Is she working in admin?!
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I don't understand why Ruby is speaking at a suffragette bunch other than her management set it up for her What has Ruby done for feminism or even said something to do with women's rights other than sharing an Instagram story? I am feeling more bothered by this than I should be as I've done work on the suffragette movement for a dissertation for university. I feel as if there should have a historian or someone who is for a women's rights group in Ruby's place, I didn't hear her speak but I feel as if it was a lot of buzzwords. I'm getting fed of people like Ruby getting into places and speaking just because of their management when she clearly has nothing to say that is of importance.

Also, is Ruby going to take on a history nerd persona as she is one apparently? I'm hoping she doesn't as it will make me hate doing a MLitt in history as Ruby will put me off my course with her being into history and describing things as 'cool.'
What do you mean, Ruby is a proven women's rights activist! In one of her videos, she quoted her lecturer who said that wearing makeup is anti-feminist and she has been avoiding makeup since! Such activism, much feminism.
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That’s one heck of a rabbit hole to go from Erimentha to Man-Berry Sauce. Do I want to Google that title? No, but also yes.

Off topic, but in the spirit of a public service announcement I’ll admit that one of the biggest mistakes I’ve ever made was to read an erotic novel out of curiosity when I found out that it was written by a then work-colleague (who was a very unassuming bloke, and the last person you’d ever imagine to be an author of smut). Never, ever, ever do this, especially if you still have to work with them. You end up with a glimpse into someone’s psyche that you really don’t need.
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If she wants to play waitress, maybe she should get a full time job as one.

It's not even that she's acting like a 6 year old, it's that she has absolutely no issue with filming this wreck and putting it on the internet for everyone to see. She sees nothing wrong with the way she spends her life she's and proud to beg for praise for it. Wtf.
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