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Sorry I think I'm late to the threads - does she own a house that she isn't living in?
Yep, she owns her own cottage, but she's renting it out I believe. Seemed like more of an intentional business venture / investment rather than an attempt to move out. She lives at her family home otherwise.
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I've been away from all Ruby's BS for the past few months so bear with me; I checked her channel briefly and I'm confused. What exactly is she planning on doing after her gap year? another gap year? Can someone give me a tldr?
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What the heck did I just watch? Was this for real? Is she seriously talking about herself as her twin and/or best friend or has German carnival destroyed any braincells left?
Urgh, don't mention carnival! I've worked very hard to make my home a carnival-free zone, despite living near Düsseldorf... 😅
Maybe Ruby feels there would be an advantage for her Masters if she has knowledge of one if the classics. I'm always a bit dubious when she says she just learns for learning's sake. She always gives me the vibe that for her learning is about secondary gain. Not going to lie I did my A levels so I could get into Uni. I went to Uni so I could go into the career of my choice. Did I like learning and do it for learning's sake? Well, no but then I'm not going to pretend otherwise. Did I find everything I learned dull and uninspiring? Well, no not that either but I have to he honest it was and continues to be for an end goal. I don't think there's anything very noble in my attitude to learning and I can take no high ground but at least I'm honest.
I totally understand where you are coming from. Fair enough, I did end up going back to uni as a mature student to study for a second B.A., but I did it because I wanted to improve my job prospects and not only because I love learning so much. I love what I'm doing and it's been great going back to uni, but I simply couldn't afford to just study for the hell of it, I'm not that rich! And it's been hard, studying and working at the same time, something that Ruby's never had to do in her life.
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I'm gonna need everyone to stop dissing marinara pizza, it's delicious 😅 it's my go to if I don't feel hungry enough for a margarita 😅
I know, I actually love them! Ok, if you're at a bad pizza place and the sauce sucks they're depressing, but at a decent Italian place they'll make an amazing sauce and drizzle olive oil with garlic and basil all over it - it's simple but can be amazing if effort is put into the ingredients imo. Besides, the dough is so substantial that you don't want to put too many toppings on, or it's too heavy :/
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i really want to read erimentha parks book to know exactly what's written in it, and also i feel like i would have great fun reading it, but they don't sell it here and i could not find epub for zero money anywhere on the internet... that sucks, because i am definitely not going to order it with international shipping lol.
you could buy the ebook on amazon, read it on your device (for example, desktop kindle version). you can get a refund of the book if you give it back within 7 days.
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She won’t be going skiing in that tbf. I’m guessing this was probably taken just after they picked up the skiis and boots.
They’re such tight cunts for going skiing at this point in the year though, right at the end of the season when most of the snow has melted 💀
if there even was enough snow (real snow that is, not that snow from machines). I think it's not that uncommon to go skiing at the beginning of March, though. Remember the huge covid outbreak three years ago in Ischgl/Austria? Was it late February or early March?
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she is teaching (or whatever) parttime so depending on when her ... whatever she does starts, 10 o'clock isn't that odd, I guess.

btw I got a call earlier. I have a new job!! Starting in April, fulltime. It will be sooooo strange to work 40h a week after such a long time. And I have to leave the house. :cry: while my husband can stay home to work. will he miss me during the day?
Congrats! I remember you made a few posts about struggling to find a job so I'm happy for you!

"Ruby, can't help but notice you're several hours late for work, is everything okay?"
"Yahh, syo sowry, oiy...was wahhrking on planning a YEECHEEB vidyeeyow."
"A what-now?"
"A YEECHEEB vidyeeyow. Oiy've been potting it off fwore ages naow."
"Umm...what the heck is Yee-cheeb? Is that a medical thing?"
"Nyooo, Yeecheeb! Yoo knyow, it's an internat platfworm whaahr yeeu cheese videeyows to watch and than yeeu watch tham."
"And this...Yeecheeb was important enough to skip the first three hours of your shift for?"
"Oh yas, Yeecheeb is moiy wahhrk, and this is moiy traditional job, syo Yeecheeb always takes prassedant, syo oiyy johst did that and thannn had a quick cwoffee and thann oiyy lafft.."
"...It's becoming very clear, very quickly that many mistakes were made in hiring you to work in the English department."

View attachment 1947278

She "works" a 3 hour day. This is not a job, this is the school doing community outreach to give a local hermit a reason to leave their dusty home for a few hours.
Am I the only one who reads 18:15 on the post-it note?
Mind you I was fully ready to accept that Ruby's "traditional job" was a 9 hours a week endeavor but looking at the post-it note that looks like 18:15 to me? Do I need to get my eyes checked?
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Erientha Parker Chapters 22 and 23:

Plot -
- Once back home Ruby finds she has received a letter from grandmama. She tells Ruby about her time at school and how she found a friend so Ruby can find one two if she takes the time to look.
- Ruby writes a list of people at school who are similar to her. It contains Ella (the girl two years younger than her with the mouse face), Simone (who likes geography) and her teacher Miss Solomon. After thinking harder she can think of more things such as she is similar to Ally because they both have hand sanitiser, her and June both use Stabilo swing cool highlighters and both her and Izzy don't like ice cream. The only one she can't find similarities with is Kimberly
- After lunch mum drives Ruby to the beach and she takes some photos. Then they go to get scones and tea from the cafe. Ruby buys a badger shaped tea light holder
- Turns out Ruby's father does exist as he is mentioned in this chapter! Only because Ruby reminds him he needs to put up a wind turbine in the garden.
- In the evening Ruby wants to watch a documentary on Calvinism and forces her parents to watch it with her. To be ultra productive Ruby knits at the same time. Ruby's dad comments on how lucky they are to have Ruby because she wanted to watch a documentary. Nathan is not mentioned so either they forgot to pick him up from school or just decided to leave him in the shed as he didn't fit into their family aesthetic.
- When Ruby wakes up she makes some notes from a weather book and spends some time wishing Kimberly won't do anything nasty today.
- On the bus to school Ruby listens to a podcast on farming in the seventeenth century. Ally is sat behind her and asks Ruby if she is feeling better and says Kimberly shouldn't have hit the ball at her

Quotes -
- "The corners of the paper protrude slightly, like bubblegum, so I use my forefingers to smooth down the imperfections".
- "I sit down at my desk and take out a piece of faux-parchment paper to compose a list. In John Agard's 'Book', I read that real parament was actually the product of dried animal skin and since then I have always made sure to specify that my parchment is fake!"
- "I gaze out of the window at the thinning hedgerows, so barren of leaves now that there are large holes poking through the thicket. it is like a collection of sticks gathered for a campfire, arranged carefully into extensive, climbing rows".
- [The leaves] "have formed the most magnificent array of colour - crimson, canary and dijon holding each other tightly in an effort to keep warm."
- "I spot a particulalry charming alder tree, its translucent canary foliage almost completely intact"
- "They intertwine as tough fingertips, the spindly twigs crossing over each other in what appears to be a child's pinky promise"
As if an eleven-year-old, however precocious, would say the words used in this book.
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Send thoughts and prayers to her agent, whose inbox is now likely being clogged with AI-generated novel drafts about precocious Tory girls being bullied with Ruby’s name slapped on.
Don't worry about Struby Danger's agent. I'm sure the AI version will be a welcome improvement. The protagonists can't sound any more robotic than Erimentha, surely?!

'HALLO this is Strudel Ranger and I am a female child with perfectionist traits. I am the narrator of this epistolary novel.'
the functional literacy of a newt
Lol 😂
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I do this time, but only because like 90% of them were middle grade books that even someone of her competency level could finish in a day. Usually I don’t think there’s anything wrong with adults enjoying books for younger readers, books are books, but when you make braggy youtube videos like she does every month about how you read soooo many books because you’re just so scholarly, it ends up being quite laughable that the majority of them are for kids.
Yeah I have to admit I still read books for younger readers, it doesn't help though that every time she reads something she has to show it off on her social media accounts and it feels like she is showing off and saying look at what book I've just read.
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As a french, I often speak with my hands, just like lot of people from my place ( south west of France), for me it's normal. But it feels strange to see that on an english girl tbh, Idk why.

Not related but for the ones who know Kylegordonisgreat, his "The kid that's no fun" is a male Ruby but funnier.
Didn’t she copy it from Holly Gabrielle or someone else? I seem to recall someone mentioning it here.
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She's shown that she'll happily drop veganism like a flaming bag of shit when she wants a Five Guys burger or honey or a leather bag or wool socks and god knows what else. She likely rarely stays vegan off-camera, so I doubt having it cheese free with nothing on it was a veganism thing for her.

The cynic in me says it's probably an ED thing for her, like "If I have to get pizza with family, I'll get the pizza with the absolute least amount of food possible on it."
Wait what??? When was she scranning a five guys burger 🤣?! I can understand accidentally having something which contains honey, but baiting herself out eating actual meat is crazy.
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I don't remember which video, but in one of her bag tours doesn't she mention that she carries painkillers for her friends but never takes them herself?
it’s petty but it’s such a bugbear of mine 😂 like why is she taking the moral high ground over me because I won’t deny myself pain relief
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if there even was enough snow (real snow that is, not that snow from machines). I think it's not that uncommon to go skiing at the beginning of March, though. Remember the huge covid outbreak three years ago in Ischgl/Austria? Was it late February or early March?
In the high mountains there is usually snow, I have been skiing in austria and italy in march and even early april
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