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She's done a vlog about her visit to the museum of a world-famous poet and shown us next to nothing of the museum. We don't hear from any of the museum guides. We don't see the rest of the rooms in the house. We barely get to see anything of the famous bedroom itself. She doesn't even promote the fact that these "sessions" in Emily's room are something the museum actually makes available to the public for a fee...I'm sure she could have at least worked that in there somehow, but I suppose then it wouldn't have sounded like something rare and special that's only offered to a select few.

She needs to step away from social media. It's good that she tried taking a trip by herself, but if the purpose of this trip was to create content that would help her evolve beyond her old student identity, then this trip's been a failure. She spent a week in Boston and apparently saw nothing of it but a public park, her B&B room, a couple of bookstores (that she didn't even like!), a coffee shop, and a bleak stretch of beach. She went to the Emily Dickinson Museum and hasn't shared anything about it with her audience except her own writing session in Emily's room. Now she's on to wherever to show us nothing of that place, too. She's just really bad at this.

She seems like a homebody whose intellect and interests are pretty average and who isn't particularly passionate about anything. And there's nothing wrong with that. She's fortunate enough to have money, so without social media she could've had a perfectly happy life just hanging out with her mum and maybe dabbling in the sort of Country Life hobby that's suitable for a rich, socially awkward English girl (horses? horticulture? historic homes?). But she's decided to put herself online for years with a made-up image that's becoming increasingly difficult to sustain. I wonder if this is the real root of her apparent mental health issues, or if they would have manifested anyway, even without the self-imposed burden of being extremely online.
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In her new video Ruby talks about how Emily broke free from the rigid conventions of writing letters properly by embracing the mistake of the pen blotting on the paper.
Ruby, in all her childish imitation rips a piece of paper to be just like her favourite writer, but in this she shows her essence - inauthenticity and adherence to aesthetics alone. While Emily blot was an accident that became an opportunity to break off a social convention, Ruby destroys paper on purpose(!), deliberately crafting her perfect 'scrap'. Also, while Emily's action had some meaning, something to tell about the society's expectations in our times there is nothing groundbreaking in writing a letter (barely anyone writes those these days) on a scrap of paper. What rules, conventions did Ruby break? What has she established as memorable or novel? She only used this anegdote to showcase how whimsical and dark macademia her life is.
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She's so sly. The "wholesome" twee facade and pretending to be nothing but an earnest lover of literature and learning makes her constant dishonesty even worse. She's had repercussion after repercussion following her charity stunt and she's still pulling tricks and jumping through hoops instead of being honest and open about why she's there and how she was offered this opportunity. What a liar.
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If Ruby doesn't know what a sparrow is, it sounds likely that she actually didn't know what brine was during her Oxford interview. The word 'brine' came up in a poem she had to analyse in her interview, and she asked the interviewers what it meant. Post-interview, in her vlogs, she claimed that of course she knew what brine was, but just blanked during the interview.
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I worked through sites like scaled piano keys, I just haven't taken or posted any pictures of them and have only taken pictures in or around my hotel but you have to believe me! I was there with my boyfriend who goes to a different school!
Moiy camera died as syoon as oiy gyot tyoo all thyose other plyaces, boht I was JANUINELY thahhr!


Also, who took this photo?
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I prefer cold weather as well but her romanticising makes her sound like someone who has never been actually cold once in her life. The fact that they choose not to heat their enormous country manor doesn't mean they can't. She has no sense of despair at the thought of not being able to turn on the heating.

I don't mind the concept of romanticising your life, if it helps you get through the shitty days or helps you cope with hard times, by all means arrange your dinner table like a picture or see your surroundings in a different light. But when it comes from Miss Freebie Privilege, I truly could do without her wistful speeches about how life is just one cup of excellent tea waiting to be savoured by us, if only we could see the joy in it. Just stfu.
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Anyone else bored to death of Ruby's adventures while travelling? I am not sure what I expected with all these trips throughout Europe and America, but the lack of interesting vlogs and videos, intellectual sharing, and just the ridiculous nature of her lies, deceit and choices has left me completely disinterested, bored and weary of it all. I am curious as to what comes next after the holidays. Will she work, will she return to school next fall and go for her Masters? Will she ever grow up and get a job, a career, anything worth watching? The whole vibe over the past month has just been so tedious and repetitious of the same content she makes from home. Nothing new, nothing edifying or exciting. She is the only person I know that can grin ear to ear while taking a selfie in front of an historical building, and us knowing the moment the picture is done, she frowns, and glances around in deep confusion trying to decide who to be next.
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she makes it sounds as if she randomly walked into the store, tried things on and then the staff said "Oh you are such a lovely girl. I don't know how you are, but you sound English and I loooove England. Here, I'll give you this outfit for free."
I bought fabric earlier today, but didn't get it for free. 😞
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Have read most of the RG threads and wanted to comment as someone who was super similar to Ruby at that age. I was a massive introvert with depression and anxiety in my twenties, had very low self esteem, I locked myself in my room at uni, and I had chances to do the lone travel stuff she’s doing now and found it hard because of my mental health. If I’d been a YouTuber people would have looked at me and gone “why is she going to the same restaurants / not leaving the hotel / not exploring” but you do the best you can with the feelings and things you’re dealing with. I hadn’t had the life experience to make use of my travelling in my 20s, we can all say I was too sheltered or too this or not enough that but you do your best when dealing with all kinds of things. solo travel is hard for even the most seasoned and confident travellers with no MH issues! I think Ruby is doing good for someone on their first big trip alone and I feel sorry for her as she can’t win on this forum. She Got criticised for not planning anything and then got criticised for planning to work with the Emily Dickinson museum. I get Ruby has done problematic things and that study tubers are inherently problematic because of the ideal they set for impressionable teens, but I also think we should cut her some slack over this trip as she is clearly young and learning
I understand what you're saying, but I'm just not super inclined to cut her a whole lot of slack because she's literally making money out of all of this. It's in her interest to downplay the money aspect and project an image of someone who is motivated by non-material things, "learning for the sake of learning", etc. She tells a whole lot of lies about who she is, and makes money off of it. She's admitted her mental health is shaky, but apparently not shaky enough to forgo being on social media and losing out of the income in order to take some time off to get better. A lot of people are or were introverts, a lot of us have struggled with MH issues, but she is not like most of us - she comes from massive financial privilege, which has also enabled her to pursue a social media career at a young age.
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Sure everyone is allowed an opinion.
I guess the problem a lot of people have with J K Rowling is that she uses her wealth and fame to try to influence actual political decisions that can have serious consequences for some very vulnerable people.
That's not the same thing as simply having an opinion like everyone else.
Well, not to derail the thread into a gender discussion but tbf it depends who you think are the vulnerable people tbf 🤷‍♀️.
I don’t agree with JK Rowlings stance on everything but I definitely agree with her that biological males with penises have absolutely no place in a women's changing room around vulnerable women and children. I have no issue with trans people but at the end of the day, I personally think self ID is a dangerous policy as it essentially gives any biological man access to women's only spaces and can so easily be abused by perverts and n0nces.
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Just curious. She showed all the things she did in NYC, but did she not go to the 9/11 memorial? I mean...I can't even imagine going to NYC without making that one of my first stops out of respect for everyone who died that day. For someone who supposedly is so into the Holocaust, orphanages, wanting to make the world a better place and be a better person, how can you skip this over?
tbf if she went and she posted a photo/made a (doubtless insensitive, cringy) post, we'd all slate her for (and rightly so) so yknow maybe it's for the best. Like, it pisses me off when people post selfies with e.g. the Berlin Holocaust memorial as they so often do and I think she'd find it hard to post about the 9/11 memorial without coming across poorly
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Pretty sure she bought her way in, either by donation or some underhanded way. Less respect for the Dickinson Museum for allowing this. Her life and abyss of lies gets sketchier by the minute. Instead of asking her for an explanation, viewers should ask the museum itself and get the facts straight. I would be curious too. I also wouldn't be surprised if she tried this with other places in Concord and received a no, thus no cozying up in Louisa May Alcott's room scribbling away...
I'm so tempted to email the museum and ask if they offer these opportunities to students and other regular (non-influencer) people. Lol.
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Don't forget her gardening adventures in Italy, where she harvested cucumber fragments from rocky coves on a warm afternoon, or whatever insanity she was babbling about.

View attachment 1727262
"Tell me, how the rocks in this cove are similar and cucumbers?"

~Ruby Granger, English Literature graduate and aspiring writer speaking her own native language
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are 4 places you can stay in inside Concord. Each one is very unique and popular for its style. If you live remotely near the area it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out which one she is in. And yes, she is still here. Coming from someone who has spent her entire life living in Concord, I know the situation well.
Yeah but since she didn't share the name of the hotel herself (thank God!) we don't need to make it easier for any potential creeps or obsessive fans out there by naming the hotel she's staying at imo, even tho as you say people from the area might recognize it from the background of her videos.
Ruby is already reckless and clueless with these things, she doesn't need any help from us lol
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"I arrived in the Bwoston Back Bay to a SOPPLE mist of rain."


Oh goodie, more try-hard performative purple prose narration nonsense, and another terrible poem about the weather:

"The AIR ovah the lyake was DAMP.
DAMP in the way of RYOSE PATALS and GRWASS.


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All criticism aside: Good for her for doing this by herself. For someone as sheltered and overly dependent on her parents as she is, that's a big step and it clearly wasn't easy. Doing that took guts, and she has every reason to be proud she's stuck it out.

All criticism not aside: Choosing a trip completely centred around her fake interests and fabricated bookworm poet persona wasn't a good idea, and I don't think it'll help her at all in the long run.

This is just another poorly-made and edited video of her doing all the same fake bullshit she did at home. I couldn't even make it through the whole thing.

She gorps at things with fake wonder and whimsy.

She stares at screens pretending to be productive.

She goes to a café (at Harvard, no less) just to wave a book around and pretend to read in public.

She wanders used bookshops despite no interest in books, and naturally doesn't buy anything.

She goes to a beach just to twirl and frolic like a child and read poetry excerpts for the camera. She chose to visit the beach because it was a filming location for Greta Gerwig's Little Women - a film she doesn't appear to have watched in full, based on a book she undoubtedly never read.

She does her performative poverty act and complains how expensive things are when she's swimming in ill-gotten cash. She wasted £4000+ on this trip, but apparently second-hand books were prohibitively pricy.

She complains that she had to spend $17 on a book she's blatantly never going to read (Candide by Voltaire), yet she intentionally chose to buy a the most expensive, brand new copy should could because she thought the cover was nice instead of actually looking in the used bookstores for a copy with actual history to it for a fraction of the price.

She based an entire trip on trying to capture moments that she saw on Pinterest boards. None of it's real, and she looks panicked and miserable the whole time, barely hiding it with fake grimaces and faker narration.

If she'd gone somewhere she actually wanted to go and done things she actually enjoyed, that might've spurred her on to do break out of her fake personality and be an actual human being for a change. Instead she 3 weeks of continuing to be someone she's not and pretending to love things she clearly has no interest in.

She seems no happier doing this shit on another continent, and I'm sure she'll attribute that lack of enjoyment to being away from home, tick being away from mummy off on her "BOCKET LIST" and never try it again.
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Honestly I’m angry at these institutions too - the holocaust charity paying the charity money to shitty influencers for their shitty jobs to light up a candle and post it on ig, now the museum sponsoring Ruby to do shit all in Boston for 3 weeks when she has not nearly enough social media presence or skills for such opportunity. It’s really not ok, not ok towards the people who paid them money, not ok towards the cause.
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