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Now she is sending random people money? What the actual fuck?
Absolutely bizarre idea and quite patronising, actually. How exactly will she judge whether or not someone is deserving? Seeing as she is in such a privileged position, giving her time to local projects (food banks, debt charities, community kitchens) would be so much more valuable. It would also give her something to show for this year...
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I might be over-analysing but the “we’ve had” definitely suggests she isn’t alone In Boston. So the question is, did she go with someone or meet someone there…?
She's there with Sonny Wattha, her new Bostonian friend. He's not her favourite Wattha though, so I'm guessing she's there with Sonny's family.
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She keeps ignoring questions asking her how she got the opportunity. If she really wanted to spread knowledge about Emily Dickinson, wouldn't it be better to share ways that people can do similar volunteer work for the museum or other museums? People studying English or marketing it could definitely benefit from learning how to contact and work with these places.
She won't elaborate any further because it'd make it crystal clear that she only got the opportunity because of her YouTube following and not because she's HOIYLEE ANTALLIJANT or AMMILY DICKENSUN'S BIGGEST FAN.

The museum's website has a volunteer page with information how to sign up, but nobody else is going to get an opportunity to hang around for a week getting free tours for doing almost nothing (and screwing up what little she did) unless they have a few hundred thousand followers.

There's a million ways she could've done this better. She should've paid for everything herself and put a clear declaration that she was given full access to the museum during her time there for the purposes of showing everything the museum offers. No confusion, no need for lies, dubious excuses and backtracking stories that don't add up.

She should've made the actual staff and tour guides the focus of the videos. Showcase how informed they are. People want to hear knowledgeable people talk about subjects they're invested in, not a braindead robot playing make-believe dress-up games struggling to string together a coherent sentence.

Use each social media platform to suit their respective strengths. Short, fun facts about Emily Dickinson, her place in modern culture and the museum that's likely to be interesting to a wider audience on TikTok, aesthetic photos of the grounds and buildings on Instagram, longer documentary-style content on YouTube.

Have the museum's gardener do a tour and discussion about the house's grounds and their history, have another member of the staff give a tour of Emily's room, another of the main house, etc. Have them film a day in the life of a museum employee there. Have the staff present a beginner's guide to Emily Dickinson video. Film a POV virtual walking tour of the grounds, similar to the virtual tourism videos that people like Rambalac make on YouTube. Have the staff film one every season to capture what it's like to be their in autumn or in winter when it snows. Clearly highlight in content what the place offers, when it's open and what it costs.

On her own channel, she should've focused exclusively on actual, candid vlogs showcasing her time there and showed her actual day without the glaring omissions and performative fakery. She could've talked about what she finds interesting about Emily's work to the point where she claims she's her favourite writer. She could've shown her time with the staff, getting to know them and the museum. It would've further shown off the museum and the staff's knowledge, skills and hospitality, while interacting with other people would make Ruby seem less like a soulless robot.

But as with everything she does, she couldn't be bothered putting in any thought or effort and treated this like a vanity trip to boost her ego, then lied about it all. On her own channel, she's featured 2 videos about her time at the museum and they're both worthless. There's no information offered and they're full of her usual incompetence. "AMMILY DICKINSUN occasionally left her room and interacted with other people in the house" is the sum total of knowledge offered. She does not explain who any of the people she mentions in relation to Emily are. She never mentions what she finds important or interesting about Emily's writing, leaving the distinct impression that she has no interest at all.

None of the staff are allowed to speak in her videos, because Ruby can't abide having other people look smarter than her. 8 of the 9 TikToks on the museum's own channel feature Ruby trying to be the centre of attention and butchering Emily Dickinson's poetry with her fake accent and GCSE drama performances.

She doesn't care about "AMMILY DICKINSUN" or about boosting visibility of the museum. She just wanted free shit and to plaster her face all over the museum's social media for attention and to try to legitimise her fake "oiy'm a bockwarm and a wroytah!" persona. Now she'll embellish this vanity ad campaign like she does all the others and try to paint it as a major accomplishment when all she did was make herself look stupid and the museum look bad.
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I've never seen Cunk On... (I don't think it's available in the US yet) but Ruby's description of the series sounds almost identical to Ruby's own shtick. And Google provided me with this summary: "Diane Morgan stars as Philomena Cunk, who knows absolutely nothing about anything, but that does not stop her from attempting to present a ground-breaking documentary about it."

I mean...this is the essence of the Ruby show isn't it?
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Chatty Member
It is a bit of a stretch but I'm wondering if Ruby is set on becoming Emily Dickenson after I did a bit of research on the woman for five minutes.

1) Emily Dickenson started to become a recluse at the age of 23. Ruby is 22, and while she does go outside, for now, she does spend a lot of time in the Bones Manor and doesn't go outside and socialize with people other than her parents. By30, Dickenson was a total recluse and rarely left her bedroom, and Ruby does similar. I can see Ruby doing similar to Dickenson in order to mimic her favorite writer, perhaps claiming that becoming a recluse is a good writer's aesthetic. By the age of 30, Dickenson was a total recluse and I'm wondering if we will see the same for Ruby when she hits thirty.

2) Emily would also only really correspond with people through letters and Ruby does have all of her young pen pals and it's how she is looking for friends. I can see Ruby thinking that her letters would be worthy of getting published especially when she is a writer and for people to study them- though it would only be used to study the mind of a recluse who spends the day acting like a child and twirling around in her garden.

3)Dickenson was known for wearing white. The only thing that I need to say is Ruby wearing that white nightgown and running around like a victorian ghost in her night routine video not too long ago. Also, I did notice that Ruby was dressed in an old nightgown after she wrote her poetry in the studio. Would Ruby take up her aesthetic to mimic her favorite writer?

4) Writing like Dickenson and tearing up the paper. This was a bizarre show from Ruby and it had actually surprised me to see her tear up paper like she was a child. Instead of finding her own literary voice, Ruby is mimicking a famous poet, showing a lack of creativity and authenticity toward her own work. It has made me believe, combined with her asking her viewers for ideas from books, and also her copying from YA thrillers for plot lines, that Ruby is just hoping that if she copies from a published author enough and applies it to her own books then something is going to stick and she is going to get published.

The ripping up the paper was just a lot of performative nonsense just to be like a writer and just to fulfill an aesthetic. Nothing that she does is orginal and she is constantly copying from others instead of having individual thought or creative drive.

5) From Thomas Wentworth Higginson said that in comparison to Dickenson that he had never been ' with any one who drained my nerve power so much. Without touching her, she drew from me. I am glad not to live near her.' It made me think about Ruby and my experiance of watching her videos, I don't know if anyone else feels the same way.

I don't know if it's a case of class envy but I do wonder how much Ruby has spent ont this holiday. I think it's great that she actually went forward on this holiday and she is seeing the world and not stuck in her bedroom, but I'm curious about the money that she is spending. To do an hour writing session in the Emily Dickenson museum it's $200 for an hour and it's not avalible to the public. Ruby can afford to do things such as this but refuses to pay$17 for a book. Also the offering to give £100 to five people feels like bad taste and I'm glad that she took it down. She could have given it to a food bank or a community organisation and it would have made all the diffrence. It's just feels like she was doing something to pat herself on the back and ease her conscious for a bit. If Ruby wanted to make a diffrence, she would have done so. I do wonder what prompted this sudden urge to donate.
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Oh look.

"Voluntary." Sure, Ruby. If they just gifted you VIP tours and treatment, then you were paid and that needs to be declared.

Also Ruby's privilege strikes again, and she gets a cushy opportunity creating content and "developing a social media strategy" for the museum despite not being remotely qualified or skilled to do so.

She couldn't do that for the stationery business that she keeps claiming as her own and has to pass that off to someone else. Her own social media marketing has been a colossal embarrassment frought with PR nightmares and incompetence, she abandoned the low-committment book club she started, and all signs point to her having just bought her way to success on TikTok by hammering the paid 'Promote' option.

She's been on the museum's social media one single day and she's somehow made it look incredibly dull and her posts have been full of errors. And yet she gets the opportunity over god knows how many other people who're more skilled, take more pride in their work, actually have a genuine interest in literature, and to whom the opportunity might actually mean something.
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Have read most of the RG threads and wanted to comment as someone who was super similar to Ruby at that age. I was a massive introvert with depression and anxiety in my twenties, had very low self esteem, I locked myself in my room at uni, and I had chances to do the lone travel stuff she’s doing now and found it hard because of my mental health. If I’d been a YouTuber people would have looked at me and gone “why is she going to the same restaurants / not leaving the hotel / not exploring” but you do the best you can with the feelings and things you’re dealing with. I hadn’t had the life experience to make use of my travelling in my 20s, we can all say I was too sheltered or too this or not enough that but you do your best when dealing with all kinds of things. solo travel is hard for even the most seasoned and confident travellers with no MH issues! I think Ruby is doing good for someone on their first big trip alone and I feel sorry for her as she can’t win on this forum. She Got criticised for not planning anything and then got criticised for planning to work with the Emily Dickinson museum. I get Ruby has done problematic things and that study tubers are inherently problematic because of the ideal they set for impressionable teens, but I also think we should cut her some slack over this trip as she is clearly young and learning
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It’s literally just to make herself look good. 500 is fuck all to her, so she couldn’t give a fuck who it goes to as long as it makes her look like a kind generous girl.
Why do I also get the feeling she would’ve picked the youngest, most vulnerable people who messaged her as well?
Yeah, because sending money to under-18s wouldn’t look dodgy at all … That is another thing though, she didn’t specify any kind of age limit. Whilst money’s tight for everyone, if I were a parent and my kid suddenly got £100 from some random YouTuber I’d be … concerned.
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Is that because of her privilege or the crappy influencer behaviour? I feel sorry for Ruby sometimes, but usually that ends when she does something thoughtless or greedy (someone tell her she doesn't need to accept every sponsorship going). The feeling of sympathy comes from concern about her mental health, and the fact she seems to have genuine social difficulties and anxiety. Having money or a supportive family doesn't mean someone's immune from mental health problems & that's the area where I feel sympathetic. The other stuff...not so much.
Honestly both. I used to have a lot of sympathy for her before she left university, but since leaving it has just been so frustrating to see her do absolutely fuck all with her life. She has had every educational opportunity thrown at her and could be doing really well for herself right now but instead she’s just mucking about writing weird insta captions about autumn to get praise from her child followers? It’s so odd and her antics yday really were the final nail in the coffin for me, she is absolutely blind to her privilege and it’s just really hard for me to have sympathy for someone like that.
I agree re mental health issues, they’re really shit to have but at the end of the day she absolutely has the means to pay for private treatment. She doesn’t have to drag her arse out of bed everyday to go and work some shit pay job, she can afford as many private therapy sessions as she wants, yet she doesn’t seem to be doing so.
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I don't understand what romanticising means ... I've seen it in a lot of video titles but what exactly does that mean? does it mean to celebrate your life? I googled the term but I'm not much wiser now. It's basically only for rich, privileged people. I found an article that gives 44 ways to romanticise life and most of the things can only be done by people who have money.
That's basically all it's for. It's predominantly a rich influencer thing - an extension of all their self-absorbed "main character energy" bullshit.

There's merit in being grateful for what you have, and then there's acting like every single moment in your life is a magical scene from a movie that you're starring in, which is what Ruby does. Only rich people with no responsibilities can afford to spend their waking hours living in a childish fantasy.

And it also clearly doesn't work for Ruby: She looks completely miserable every moment she's twirling in fields and running around her garden with a painted-on grimace.
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"Elizabeth knew SO much about the space and landscape history. But I don't like not being the expert in everything, so enjoy this silent footage of us talking in the distance. Don't worry, I'll repeat everything she said later in a vlog as if it were from my own infinite well of knowledge."

" paints this garden into something real and tangible."

Being able to see that there was a garden full of flowers and trees, walk through it, and smell and touch everything wasn't enough to convince Ruby that it was real. Apparently she needed someone to tell her it existed before it became "real and tangible".

God, this is already beyond embarrassing for Ruby and the museum. Also, the museum's apparently closed today and Ruby's guest-posting on the museum's Instagram. So is this a gifted VIP tour/sponsorship? If so, where's the declaration?
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”I’ve seen other places than just the Boston Public Gardens! I haven’t just been stuck in my room googling Robert Frost quotes!”

View attachment 1691121
lol October's echoes? . Actually, dear, October is still here. It doesn't echo until November and even then, prefers to be left behind, burnt, like autumn leaves in a bonfire, then scattered in the wind to the four corners of the earth, and forgotten. Yeah, anyone can use flowery language. It doesn't make you an author. It makes you sound like a freaking idiot. And be careful what spaces you drink. You don't know who was there drinking before you. Geez. What a flake she is!
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I might be over-analysing but the “we’ve had” definitely suggests she isn’t alone In Boston. So the question is, did she go with someone or meet someone there…?
”We” aside, it’s baffling how she’s incapable of even commenting on the weather without prefacing it with ”this isn’t my FYAVORUT kind of weather, but” 🙄 She has nothing interesting or original to say, so she pivots back to her ”brand”, which centers around liking things and thinking that she can build a personality out of that.
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