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Imagine coming home after nearly a month away and making your #1 priority showing off all the #gifted shit that showed up at your doorstep while you were away.
It's interesting how she doesn't seem to consider the negative effect these posts might have on her image. Her 'brand' or persona is what draws in new subscribers and maintains her current group of followers. Constant showcasing of ads and #gifted merch by an already rich influencer in a time of financial crisis is not a good look and bound to drive people away from her channel. If I stumbled upon Ruby's channel in 2022 and the first thing I saw was a pile of gifted clothing and free National Theatre merch I'd have serious questions about her integrity and truthfulness.

The National Theatre at Home post has riled me more than the other ads. If I remember correctly, this project began in the early days of lockdown. Performances were streamed on YouTube - I watched some of them - and viewers were encouraged to donate. This was one way for the company to keep afloat financially when venues were closed. The Royal Ballet did the same thing.

It's important to remember that 1) she can easily afford theatre tickets and 2) she's able to travel to London to view live performances. The 'at home' streaming is a great way to increase access. Speaking as someone who grew up in a Northern, rural community, there was a definite feeling of missing out when it came to London-centric theatre, ballet, art and so on. Ruby is the last person to understand this issue.

Final point: it's thoughtless of her to accept anything free from the National Theatre at a time when the arts are being hit so heavily by funding cuts, decreased public spending, etc. Ruby should be the one donating and doing fundraisers rather than accepting gifts or payment. She comes across as incredibly greedy.
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Can this lady do anything without hurting herself? Jesus Christ. Every single entry on her blog is about her falling, or getting stuck somewhere, or dropping stuff, or being completely incompetent at household chores, or accidentally eating food that's been sneezed on.
Ruby lies to feel smart and special, her mummy makes shit up to get sympathy and attention.

Her next blog will no doubt be along the lines of:

"I was having a mooch around the kitchen trying to get our coffee machine to conjure up some afternoon java to give me enough energy to zoom around the house doing all the chores, when the machine started making a curious whirring sound and suddenly exploded with a roaring KA-BOOSH and the whole kitchen was engulfed in flames. I was almost burned alive, but luckily I'd forgotten that I'd left a nice relaxing bath running upstairs, so when the whooshing tsunami of water flooded down the stairs, it extinguished the crackling inferno and I escaped with only head-to-toe third-degree burns.

My husband found me after several hours of hunting the house for the source of my anguished screams of pain and he managed to shuffle me to the sofa to rest. His quick thinking led him to ring 999 and the lovely lady on the end of the phone said that nobody should have survived the scenario explained to her, so I counted myself very lucky! She recommended we rush to the hospital, but I didn't want to be a bother, so I just rubbed a bit of soothing shea butter on my aching wounds and put my feet up for a bit while the better half rustled me up a few Fortum's salted caramel biscuits to ease the pain. After a day of feeling sorry for myself, it was back to the usual grind and we were packing for a quick jaunt to the Maldives. No rest for the wicked!"
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"Joan March is moiy favourite March sister--[Awkward cut]"

She couldn't make it one single word without fucking something up. She keeps saying "Joan March", not "Jo".

"I also really resonated with her desire to be a writer..."

That's not how you use "resonated", Ruby. Jo's desire to be a writer resonated with you. You do not resonate with Jo's desire to be a writer.

"Oiy have awlwheys wanted to be a wroytah tyoo."

No, you haven't.

"Gretagg Whurrwhig."


Swing and a miss, Ruby.

Not even two minutes in and it's just mistake after mistake.

And like the Emily Dickinson video, she makes no effort to explain who the fuck the people are that she's talking about if you didn't already know who the March sisters are. Two minutes in and she hasn't said "Little Women" once or attempted to properly introduce the video.

She also announces right off the bat that she's just going to cram a bunch of unrelated footage into this video because she wanted to show off her Salem trip as well but doesn't want to make any more America vlogs.


"I'm not gyowing to film a sapparate videeyow," she says, sat in her bedroom. Yeah, no shit, you're clearly already home, how the fuck are you going to "film" another Salem video when you've left America?

Ruby thought she was qualified to spearhead a social media campaign for a museum, yet can't even run her own YouTube channel without dropping the ball at every pass and throwing away easy content opportunities. She could've made two distinct videos, doubling her ad revenue and content output. But nah, she's too fucking lazy, despite having nothing else to do.

How is she this bad at absolutely everything?


"Gyud mworning wharld," she says. Aloud. To nobody.


And then she makes a show of brushing her teeth while wandering the house, because if there's one thing a hardworking B&B owner wants, it's some silver-spoon fuckwit with a terminal case of arrested development drooling a trail of toothpaste all over their carpets.

What a fucking dumbass.
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not gonna lie those ads on her insta story have really made me mad. I'm struggling to make ends meet, pay my bills and still get meaningful presents for friends and family for xmas. I would adore some fancy doughnuts and those free gifts and so would so many others in the UK right now. Yet, I doubt Ruby-loo even ate them or even cared about these amazing packages she gets. Its really hard to watch.
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She’s bought her way into this as she has into everything else. I doubt they paid for her travel or three-week stay, so it’s likely she just showed up and made much of her social media following to get a freebie.

One of the things that most annoy me about her is that even when she ”acknowledges” her privilege, she never once mentions it’s because she has money. She’s ”lucky enough to have parents who love her,” not rich parents. She has ”a wonderful community” online who help her with ideas for her book and make her well-known enough to get constant freebies, but she’s very careful never to mention the money she makes off of her viewers and all the sponsorships she chases. She likes to pretend things just fall into her lap because she’s somehow cosmically deserving of them, never because of money.
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I really need to know what she's doing in this photo. Send help. 😂 😭

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She looked so miserable and lonely on Halloween.
You don't have to do anything on Halloween if you don't feel like celebrating or you have nothing to do. I myself didn't do anything on Halloween night. But I didn't lock myself away in my room all dressed up for no reason, posting TikToks with my little Coraline costume on where I look like I'm about to cry. I was perfectly content spending the night the way I would have any other day of the year, and hardly even thought about the fact that it was Halloween at all.
Instead, the videos she posted really make it clear that she was unhappy and lonely. She looks on the verge of tears for God's sake. I'm like girl it's not the end of the world if you're alone on Halloween with nothing to do. Go put on cozy pajamas and fluffy socks, have a cup of tea with cookies or some chocolate, watch something on Netflix and just relax and have a nice night by yourself. Dressing up in a costume just to sit in a bleak hotel room and recite poetry for her TikTok followers while holding back tears is the saddest most pathetic thing she could have done.
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Ruby's back on her performative poverty bullshit again. Her dad's hiding cash in off-shore tax havens, her mum's been retired since the day she got married, she's raking in endless ad cash and sponsor money, they own several houses between them and they can take dozens of overseas holidays a year.

But Ruby read something in the Torygraph about a cost of living crisis and has decided that her family is suddenly too poor to turn their heating on this winter.

Ruby would also like to take this opportunity to recommend that you buy a product that she's advertising, because of course she does. She's just discovered what she seems to believe is a brand new, cutting edge piece of technology: an electric blanket.


It's her new favourite "wahrk essanshul", even though she doesn't have a job or do anything resembling work.

But Ruby's family are SYO VARRY PWOOR that they could apparently only afford to buy one of these, and they all have to share this one single-bed blanket between them in lieu of turning the heating on ever again.

Reminder: Ruby is the fuckwit who leaves windows open all over the house in the cold dead of winter while the heating's on, without a peep from her parents about it. There's no way these rich, tax-dodging Tory cretins aren't going to have their heating on all day, every day.


Yeahhh, sorry but nope, you've cried wolf far too many times, Ruby. Better to just not go waving any products at the camera at all, ever again, especially when it's this fucking tone-deaf and braindead.
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VIP Member
It got worse.

View attachment 1736844

Ruby: "It's not an ad, JANUINELY! I just want to spread the love and awareness of Ammily Dickensun!"
Commenter: "Cool! Can you make us aware of what you love about her?"
Ruby: "No. It's a secret."
Commenter: "Wait, what?"
Ruby: "I can't talk about it online. It's not the right place."
Commenter: "But...this is the comments section of a video you uploaded to talk about Emily Dickinson, and you're an online influencer - that's the exact right place!"
Ruby: "It's not the right medium."
Commenter: "Wait, I thought you were a life-long lover of academia and an aspiring writer? How is the written word not the right medium to talk about your favourite writer?!"
Ruby: "Mummy, someone's bullying me again!"
She’s making it sound like she’s in the middle of a lawsuit and has been advised not to talk about it. Maybe Ammilee’s ghost is suing her for emotional damage.
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Satisfying Click

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I really wish influencers would stop with stretching and yawning in bed like this.

It looks stupid and you can see Ruby thinks it's stupid too, she looks like she's swatting away a fly that told her an extremely funny joke.

Screenshot 2022-11-20 at 10.59.16.png
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I really can't wait for her to reuse the Boston footage in her English morning routine videos
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If you were coming from a place of integrity and truly wanting to help those in need, you wouldn’t need to make sure that all your worshippers could see just how “generous” and “kind” and humble” you are. You’d just get on with and donate money and time. It’s like the whole “I bought a coffee for a homeless person” - why the need to tell people if it were purely about buying a hot drink for someone? I frequently pay it forward in cafes, buy for the food banks etc but no one knows that except the food banks and recipients of having their meal/drinks paid for. Well, now you all know but I don’t need or want any “reward”. I do it because I’m fortunate enough to be able to and I want to help, meaningfully. This stunt just reeks of her stupidity, and increasing need for everyone to view her as some kind of thoughtful angel. Yet every part of her life contradicts this false persona.
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She looks happier in today's OOTD video than she's looked in weeks. Meanwhile, she just spent nearly a month in the U.S. walking in the footsteps of her supposed literary idols and she seemed lost and miserable the whole time. She should just drop all that bookish/literary/dark academia nonsense because it's unconvincing. This is her truth: she's a homebody and a momma's girl who still gets excited about visiting her grandparents. And honestly, so what? There's nothing wrong with any of that. But what she should really consider now, after that dismal trip, is taking a break from social media and getting in touch with her real self instead of clinging to the little girl bookworm identity that she roleplays online.
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Imagine. You do a degree, maybe two. Further educations, Interns, Training into editing, filming, writing. And you not getting the job.
And then you see someone like Ruby gets the job. Only because of what. Money?

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Why does she always have to give such backhanded compliments? 😂 Even when there's not some dodgy undeclared sponsorship involved, she'll put "this wasn't the BEST cappucino I've had but still good!" on the screen. Most things you have won't be "the best", grow up.
This is one of the funniest Ruby quirks. I love it when she ranks the months. ''NovAMbar is my sevannth favorut month'' and so on.
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Oh my. What did I wrong in my life with being honest and hard working. I was so dumb.
Nah. You have something she’ll never have - your self-respect. I was just thinking about this today - I work full time and make a decent wage, and more than that, I’m in a place where I don’t have to try and pretend I’m someone I’m not (the way she does). I work with people who don’t mind my eccentricities and who value what I do. I know Roobee’s diehard fans like to dismiss anyone who points out the many, MANY ways she and her content are problematic as ”jealous”, but truly, I wouldn’t be in her shoes for anything. Badgering any and all brands for sponsorships? Traveling to a foreign city to hang out in a fucking park until you can rope a local museum into letting you do a day of low-effort insta stories? Constantly having to spin your failure to launch as ”taking a gap yahh to work on a book” that ultimately never goes anywhere? Miss me with that.

If Roobee ever manages to grow up, she’s going to cringe so hard at the content she’s putting up now. She may even realize what a fraud she’s been (not holding my breath for that one, she’s not the sharpest Moomin in the valley as we may or may not say where I’m from). I don’t even know you, but I can say with confidence you’ll never cringe as hard for yourself as we’re all cringing for Ruby right now.
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