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Chatty Member
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I'm just gonna live it here...
So much fun 🙈
yeah that's what fun looks like. reminds me of myself in photos. There's a photo of me standing next to the Tardis in Earls Court in London. My face doesn't look like I'm happy. Or even my wedding photos ... 😆 I don't enjoy having my photo taken, especially in public.
But Ruby is used to it and she always looks like she forces herself to look happy – or just looks annoyed, angry, bored.
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She must come from a very rich family; When is she actually going to get a job? So she's taking a year off, doing nothing but read books, play dress up and write letters to her friends? What about that cottage she bought some years ago? Mom and dad raised a really spoiled little brat.
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Your grammar's better than mine tbh. 😅😬

Yeah. Mines too. I don't like to judge people on grammar or spelling. I do a lot of mistakes. But I am aware of it. And I think Ruby is not. And still thinks she is the new Emily.

And the whole trip was of course only for this interships. Wouldnt be surprised if we see another intern marked as holiday and I had a wonderful time.
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In what way are rocks "best enjoyed on warm afternoons"?
I'm picturing someone hopping over boiling hot rocks. :ROFLMAO:

ED trigger warning

Why is it receding so dramatically? She’s slim, but she’s not that thin? 😐
It might not be ED-related at all. There's a condition called 'traction alopoecia' which is where hair loss is triggered by certain hairstyles that pull on the hair. For example, if someone ties their hair back in a tight bun and they do this most days, over time it can develop into a problem. I'm not 100% sure on this, so correct me if any of this info is wrong. Hair loss can also be caused by stress or nutrient deficiencies. ED spoiler: deficiencies don't always signal an ED. Ruby's diet seems to be lacking vegetables. She always posts desserts, porridge or snack bars, but rarely shows herself eating a full meal containing veg & carbohydrate. If this is an accurate reflection of her diet then it's not surprising she's lacking vitamins.
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Who is Bella? Has she appeared in Ruby's videos before?
Ruby has mentioned her yt channel several times and they write letters and have zoom calls. So, an online friend. She seems nice, and much more grounded than Rootabaga.
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I think it is hilarious that all she is posting is herself in Boston Public Gardens. I mean, they are small, not anything in the grand nature of Central Park in NYC. You can see it in 15 minutes and it isn't going to give you anything new or inspiring after that. It is a clump of trees, a few man-made ponds and the city in the background. Not even the prettiest of buildings. Is she just going to stay in that spot for the 3 weeks? Go do something interesting, Ruby, before your vacation is over. She also mentioned that it had been raining for a few days. Yes, it had. But yesterday and today are sunny. So she has been there for at least 4 days now. First week more than half over and all she has done is go to the park. So inspiring...
Ruby: "Oiy've drampt of coming hyarr moiy hyole loife!"
(Proceeds to ignore the rest of Boston and just hang out in a park not unlike the kind she'd find a short drive from her house.)

Edit: And oh look, yet another undeclared ad for gifted Misspa Teenah clothes.
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The problem is now she’s trapped into You-tubing her arrested development lifestyle as she’s ostensibly successful and makes a decent income from it. She has no incentive to change unless she loses views sponsorships and income.

if she wanted to ne a cottage core home body lifestyle vlogger she could - she owns her own bloody cottage -and that would be an age appropriate change to her channel but would allow her to continue with similar content.

I hope I’m making sense - I’m tired.

basically Riby needs to look to moving to her own place and if she wants to continue vlogging her cottage core homebody life she still can!
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Chatty Member
lolol she’s deleted the entire thread about her mispronunciation 😂😂😂 Ruby, you’re an idiot, and there’s a fact of life you can’t sweep under the rug.
sometimes I want to shake her. how can someone be so ... so like her?
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Pretending to be someone else at 22. What?? I think that's both strange & concerning. Don't come for me but I can't help but feel something is v wrong in Ruby's world. She seems to have become more & more introverted and presenting with atypical behavious since leaving Uni. In fact thinking back I think, that whilst she's always had a propensity for this, this has increased since lockdown. It feels even when she could have returned to uni she chose to stay home (or am I misremembering?) I wonder if it's more than being introverted? I wonder if it's a real social anxiety when it comes to interaction? I find her YT persona irritating but I feel there's something not right and as much as I think she's annoying I'm concerned. I wonder to what degree ma & pa Bones are. Those little notes her mother left around suggest to me her mum, at least, is concerned. What do others think?
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Jesus Christ, she's been back home for 5 minutes and already it's the same gloomy shots from her bedroom prison window and shitloads of ads.

She can't even get this shit right - National Theatre at Home has been running for 2-3 years now, it hasn't just launched. Another thing Ruby only shows an interest in when it's free or she's being paid.
Nothing from Bhird and Blahnd? Speaking of them has anyone seen their IG posts lately? Good of them to bring back Bo Selecta

Just curious. She showed all the things she did in NYC, but did she not go to the 9/11 memorial? I mean...I can't even imagine going to NYC without making that one of my first stops out of respect for everyone who died that day. For someone who supposedly is so into the Holocaust, orphanages, wanting to make the world a better place and be a better person, how can you skip this over?
tbf i go to NYC a lot because my partner lives there but it has just never occurred to me to visit the 9/11 memorial.Not because i don't care or wish them my respect but it still doesn't sit right to me to sort of turn the site where mass death occurred into some type of semi tourist attraction. I have heard so many tales of people taking selfies and IG poses there etc n it is just sickening. There's no respect and to me would feel like a quieter Time Square.
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I am disappointed. Ruby shady? All right. We knew that bevor. But a prestigious museum like this? With this reputation?
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ED trigger warning

Why is it receding so dramatically? She’s slim, but she’s not that thin? 😐
It might also be bad luck. Afaik hair loss has a genetic component. Maybe she's predisposed to thinning hair on top of her awful diet.
And Ruby's treatment of her hair can't be helping either. We've all seen her try to rip her hair off when she brushes it, and other than that she pretty much ignores it.
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I was nervous for her on the beach. If that location is a private historic site or part of a state park or something, I suppose it was fairly safe. But seeing her all by herself out there was giving me some horror movie vibes.
It was giving me pneumonia vibes! It looked absolutely freezing outside of the water, never mind in it. And she didn't seem to have brought a towel or anything.
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I'm so confused on this museum situation like why couldn't she have made it an ad for the museum so they get exposure and money. It just seems weird?
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So is Ruby's latest TikTok of her in Boston an old video or a new video?
I personally think it is an old video simply because 3 days she was in her bedroom showing the post-it notes that her mum had left around the room and yesterday she posted a TikTok from her bedroom. The thing is if it a new video you would think that she would have posted a video beforehand telling her viewers that she was finally going to Boston and we know when she posts something it doesn't mean it is happening on the day as usually she posts things days or months after the event. If she isn't in Boston now then why is she pretending that she is it really doesn't make any sense to me.
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Maybe she also has lot of American fans she's afraid of running into?

I really hope she uploads vlogs even it's her usual shoddy poorly edited mess, I'm so curious to see her slightly out of her comfort zone if she has travelled there alone
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“I was able to spend time with some family I never usually see”
Never means…never.
And the combination of “never usually” from a woman who studied English and somehow got a 1st. 🤯 She must have had so much help with her dissertation because her comprehension, vocabulary and grammar leave SO much to be desired.
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Chatty Member
I found this book in a shop in Stirling today , sadly didn't take any photos of myself reaching the top shelf of bookshelves as Ruby does, and it made me think of Ruby's dissertation, the dissertation that no one actually knows was about than Lewis Carroll's letters. Didn't buy as I didn't think that it would be too terribly interesting and I didn't want any thing that reminded me of Ruby in my home. I can't even look at leaves without thinking about her going about autumnal things and twirling in them at the moment - it's going to be a long season for me.
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