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”I’ve seen other places than just the Boston Public Gardens! I haven’t just been stuck in my room googling Robert Frost quotes!”

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The tenuous metaphors she always uses in her captions take me right back to English GCSEs, trying to get those creative writing marks

I know everyone predicted her Boston trip would be like this, but I still can’t help feeling disappointed that she’s wasted another opportunity. I keep thinking (hoping?!) she’ll change, but she’s only got worse in the last 6 months.
Am I the only one who doesn't see what's so bad about her trip? I've never been to the US and have no idea what things there are to see in Boston and what she actually wanted to see, but if she actually has gone alone (and that remains to be proven), then that in itself is a big opportunity for growth for her, even if she doesn't visit loads of places. I don't see why it's a wasted trip just because she hasn't visited X and Y tourist attraction- you can't do everything on one trip?
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(long time lurker, first time poster. had to get this off my chest🤣)

On what planet does she think she’s capable of making this trip *alone*? Like actually alone? And why would her parents *let* her? How would she navigate JFK, find her way out of NYC, get around the place on (dirty) public transport, etc, etc, etc. She’s never travelled alone, she thinks travelling alone is being at the place alone…Not actually getting yourself their and back in one piece. You’d think they’d start off on trips within Europe (like Jack to Paris before NYC), but alas.

not sure if this rant’s relevancy has expired (probably all been mentioned before but grrr), but it actually makes me mad nobody’s thought this through. if she a) never goes or b) meets up with some management over there to act as a parent, i wouldn’t be surprised.
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She's had repercussion after repercussion following her charity stunt and she's still pulling tricks and jumping through hoops instead of being honest and open about why she's there and how she was offered this opportunity. What a liar.
I'm no expert about the US visa regulations so I might be wrong, but as far as I know you are forbidden to do any kind of work in the US if you only have a tourist visum. That might be part of the reason why she isn't honest. On the other hand, since she added "AD" in the thumbnail, I think she doesn't really think about potential legal problems. Which is even worse: She isn't just dishonest, but also careless.

EDIT: I added this before having read the whole thread to the end, sorry if I'm repeating something.
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Chatty Member
new word learnt: brine. 😃 thanks to you guys I always learn new English words although I'm mostly read books in English.
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I've just had a thought. Maybe Rubes wants to get into Harvard. I just looked it up. Applications have to be submitted by Jan 1st. Oxford didn't want her so maybe she sees herself at Harvard? Another thought maybe her solo trip isn't solo but to go to Boston to join a group of other's on their own?
Lol. Imagine if she is there to tour the campus? But I don't see how she would get into a Harvard graduate program without any published academic work or extracurriculars relating to her program of choice. Ivy Leagues want students who go above and beyond. I knew a few people in my undergrad who got into ivies who spent most of their undergrad doing an honors thesis in a research position and then getting their work published in academic journals. They also had internships and worked with their communities and formed professional connections. It's not just about your grades.
Does anyone know if any of Ruby's work was published?
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I know it is still the afternoon in Boston but it is obvious that she hasn't done anything today because she hasn't posted anything about what she has done and where she has been, in fact the only thing that she posted is an AD that is commemorating Italy's Belt campaign when she isn't even in Italy. This trip honestly feels like a complete waste of time as she is doing nothing that is exciting and ended up revisiting places for a second time because she didn't do her full research for this trip and didn't realise that the places she wanted to visit were either closed or required pre-registration.
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"Tell me, how the rocks in this cove are similar and cucumbers?"

~Ruby Granger, English Literature graduate and aspiring writer speaking her own native language

Again. I am not a Native Speaker. 90% of my time I don't know what she is talking about
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Remember how she "planted a garden" in the summer of 2021 as a "cottagecore activity"? It was never shown again, and safe to say she forgot about it as soon as she turned the camera off. In a later video, she went to pick a courgette for her gross porridge but "didn't know where they were kept." She made it sound as if they were tied up or fenced in.
Ooh I never saw that video.

''Didn't know where they were kept.'' 😂 Clearly they're kept in coves along with all of the warm rocks. No wonder she couldn't find one.

courgette for porridge? I had to look up "courgette" in case I mistranslated it in my head. but ... no. I know that there are cakes with courgette, but courgette in porridge?! that sounds disgusting!
Remember we're talking about Little Miss Pea Porridge. No ingredient is surprising to me.
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Yeah, I understand where you're coming from with that. People still need to take some responsibility for their actions, mental health problem or not. It was frustrating to see her ditch therapy during uni when imo it would be way more beneficial than any academic success. I wonder if Ruby (and her family) view her behaviour as totally normal and not problematic? For all her talk of mental health, I think she lacks self-awareness and won't accept help.
Yeah that’s the thing as well, mh outcomes depend SO much on the resources you have available to you and your willingness to put the work in to get yourself better.
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Chatty Member
She couldn't even make it one full sentence without jarring edits and sped-up gibberish. "HALLO IT'S RYOOBE--[EDIT]--ANDTYODAYOIY'MGYOWINGTYO BLAHBLAHBLAH..."

She mispronounces half the dictionary again. "Guess" becomes "GAS". "Recharge" becomes "Ree-trarrged" somehow.

She lies her ass off again. "Oiy love to carl opp with a blanket, a bohk, a mog of tea, maybe sommthing to eat and josst sit thaar for a copple of hours and read. It's fonny because oiy often feel guilty for dyoing sommthing loike this, sommthing boiy moiysalf."

"Oiy feel loike society - we think of syocial activities as being a koind of ACKSAPTABULL fworm of lashzhah activity whaahr it dossn't matter if yore being prodocktive? Whaahrass as syoon as yore spanding toiyme boiy yoresalf it tarns intyo you being "lyazy"--"misshoozing yore toiyme". Oiy think that's quoyte an intrassting distinctshon. Hosstle colchah koind of convinces oss that it'syokay to spand toiyme doing SYOSHAL things for lashzhah BOHT NOT YOHKYAY tyo dyo things boiy yoresalf."
OK... I'm personally blaming you for the surgery I'll be requiring for my LMAO induced busted gut !!
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This might be out of the box, but I wonder if maybe she’s keeping everything quiet because she had a scare with a follower? Like maybe someone found her in Boston or back at her home and now she realizes that she has this huge following that can find her and maybe she’s uncomfortable with it? Because if I was her with her following I wouldn’t be posting minute by minute where I was.

It could also just be because she’s embarrassed that she’s not alone though lol

Maybe her parents don't want it out that they aren't home and that the house is empty 🤔 they do say u shouldn't post on social media that Ur on holiday until after u have returned home to prevent some one breaking into Ur home.
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Her fans are so fucking toxic. There was someone else in the comments saying she should just thank god for having made her rich and ignore the haters. (Heavily paraphrased lol, let me see if I can find the comment.)

edit: lol it was the same person 😂 Stay toxic, Yesica 😂😂😂

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Yeah typical bible bashing bootlicker, people with this mind set are honestly so cringe
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So she is leaving New York, or rather has already left it, and looks like she is on a train going somewhere. Where the heck is she going now? rofl Her roaming about is rather humorous for someone who couldn't even stay at school for a weekend for 4 years and had to keep running back to Mommy and Daddy. She is so bizarre.
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VIP Member
I couldn't watch the whole thing. too cringe and fabricated. she tried so hard to make it look like a movie.
@gossip_guy would you take one for the team?
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VIP Member
Wait, has she actually said that they don't heat their home? At all? As if that makes it ok for her to wish for winter to come sooner while we head into an energy crisis? I bet she's not counting water heating as "heating" her home. I doubt she's taking freezing cold showers in the winter. Do they light wood fires? Why are they so ridiculously anachronistic just for the sake of it.
No, that's my assumption, as Ruby loves to show herself wrapped up in layers of blankets and sitting by the kitchen fire like some orphaned scullery maid. Then again, nobody else in their house is dressed in thin summer clothes during winter so it may just be her.
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Yeah, what a huge waste of money and opportunity.

My favourite part of that TikTok:

Ruby: "Oiy awlsyo wahnt tyoo Concuhd Book Shop, which was SYO GWORGUSS. HONNASTLY, this is one of the noicest book shops oiy've syeen syo fahhr in Amarricka."
Ruby: (Shows a book shop that looks like every run-down small-town public library in the western world and gives the fakest, most disappointed, dead-inside smile.)

View attachment 1723484

Places like this have their value and charm, but this looks almost exactly like her own local library. She hopped a continent and spent thousands just to see the same things she'd see at home.

She also claims she spent 4 hours editing a video on this day. Judging by her videos, I don't think she's done 4 hours of editing in an entire year.
That jumper looks like she has borrowed it from a muscly rugby player, it drowns her and looks strange over her bedsheet-like dress.
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Honestly I am so curious to see if she goes to get her masters and where, although I guess if she doesn't get in we will never know! I don't think a two week volunteer thing with a museum would be that impressive to top programmes though, especially for someone doing a gap yah, who could be having a full time internship/job related to her studies. A 2 week volunteer thing is what I did in high school for 'work experience' required by my school :')
It’s not impressive at all tbh, there’s no way she can play this off as anything other than ‘rich influencer paid a load of money to go to the US and do a collab with a museum’.
And yeah, as you say, it’s much more impressive to have been actually grafting. If I was her and looking to get into something academic, I’d be worried about the state of my cv right now tbh.
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