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I hope we get a Boston video...I need something that isn't her in her bedroom cosplaying a writer
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Is this just a result of the camera angle..or? Rubes looks like she's been vertically stretched 💀
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Chatty Member
Um, is this not a sparrow aka one of the most common birds in the world? You're welcome, Ruby.

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yeah looks like a sparrow. But not all birds are the same in every country and in the US are different birds than in UK or other countries.
The last two and a half years I got more and more interested in the local birds here in Germany (thanks pandemic :ROFLMAO:) and there are even different kind of crows depending on where you live in Germany.
But if you live in the countryside like Ruby does, aren't you more knowledgeable about what kind of animals live around you? Her parents have a "library", I'm sure there are some books about birds. My parents have some books and if I wanted to know something as a child, I could just grab a book and look it up. With the internet, it's even easier. You can use your smartphone!

(I just had a thought: what if Ruby saw a European Red Squirrel? Would she wonder what this little fella was and ask her followers?)

This is what happens when you never leave your nursery. Suddenly you realize that there are things outside which are breathing and living. Glad that she knew that it was at least a bird.
now, who tells her that birds are basically dinosaurs?
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This comment makes me think she didn’t enjoy her trip, and that she found it lonely:

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I am pretty sure she said in one of her first videos when she was still on Beacon Hill that she didn't like the trip because there weren't many "literary things" like she thought there were...(lies)
Also, speaking on the new Jo video, she seemed really overwhelmed walking down that (sidewalk? road?) with all those cars zooming by.
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Ruby has finally turned into a victorian ghost. No one has seen her, heard from her. No one knows about her remaining. Its all a big mystery.
Only on TikTok we hear a echo of ghast ghast ghast ghast.. floating through an old house with threes in garden lying in death, ready to get buried in the winter.
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Yeah, what a huge waste of money and opportunity.

My favourite part of that TikTok:

Ruby: "Oiy awlsyo wahnt tyoo Concuhd Book Shop, which was SYO GWORGUSS. HONNASTLY, this is one of the noicest book shops oiy've syeen syo fahhr in Amarricka."
Ruby: (Shows a book shop that looks like every run-down small-town public library in the western world and gives the fakest, most disappointed, dead-inside smile.)

View attachment 1723484

Places like this have their value and charm, but this looks almost exactly like her own local library. She hopped a continent and spent thousands just to see the same things she'd see at home.

She also claims she spent 4 hours editing a video on this day. Judging by her videos, I don't think she's done 4 hours of editing in an entire year.
not the damn brown shoes
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i swear she’s already done a national theatre at home ad - during lockdown. if it wasn’t them specifically it was something really similar
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She’s inspiring her fans to write like her (I covered up the name, but this person often comments on Roobee’s content - my analysis is that they own a thesaurus but not a dictionary lol)

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I'm legit speechless. What the hell is that 😭 At least, as a non native speaker, I learned a new word today: betwixt 💀
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I couldn't tell if she was in a hotel room or a dorm from that TikTok so I sleuthed (not too hard) and it turns out she's chosen a hotel that looks like a dorm. It's about £1000 a week to stay there.
To be honest, that is a fairly decent price to stay for a week in Boston. She could have lived it up and gone to a posh hotel which would have easily cost triple the price. It looks like she is staying in a rundown Brownstone, to "drink in" all those New England preppy school vibes. There are pros and cons to it and I would not be surprised if it is some kind of B&B setup, rather than being waited on, hand and foot, with a simple call down to concierge. Now we can listen to her describe the ghastly, haunted atmosphere of Boston on Halloween. I'm sure she won't bother with the rise in crime and vandalism that soars every October 31st. We need to "romanticize" the smashed windows, assaults, rapes and shootings.
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VIP Member
My OC is an unhinged grandma who goes to the cosmetics section in the department store and tries on ALL the products. Any shop staff that come near me, I will just flap my wings arms and hoot like an owl until they back off.
My OC is the mental health professional who comes to evaluate the unhinged grandma in the cosmetics section. Spoiler alert: she sees the flapping and hooting and joins in because life is stressful.

It's giving me this vibe:

View attachment 1731372
What, you mean not everyone does this?! 😝
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I've just had a thought. Maybe Rubes wants to get into Harvard. I just looked it up. Applications have to be submitted by Jan 1st. Oxford didn't want her so maybe she sees herself at Harvard? Another thought maybe her solo trip isn't solo but to go to Boston to join a group of other's on their own?
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I come back from a gig by myself only to see that Ruby has uploaded a things to do by yourself guide for introverts...she's after me
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Just remembered her surname is Bones. This makes the graveyard thing even better.
hope this isn't too off topic, but the surname thing reminds me of smth that keeps nagging at me lol. is she really sticking with the Hermione Granger thing, what with all the bs coming out of JKR, and her being generally considered a bit of an arse. I just would have thought from someone allegedly 'not a tory' who has a fairly young audience, she'd try and distance herself from that? I feel like a while ago she mentioned JKR in a video and I'm just like... really?

In fairness, it's not a Ruby specific thing, a lot of creators still lean on the Potter thing for content, I just find it odd that someone who's all about positivity and being unproblematic would... not do it.
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Well-known member
She can't even get the name right of the cemetery she is visiting on Instagram. She was at Old Hill Burial Ground, not Sleepy Hollow. Look at a freaking map, Ruby, and get your facts right. She is such an idiot. At least she got Great Meadows right, but a rather isolated and boring place to walk around this time of year. Maybe she is planning to take up birdwatching, since this is where the pros hang out for photos in spring/summer.
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