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Chatty Member
I really hope she has left Boston because she's named the hotel she was staying in on TikTok and given a room tour.
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Ruby clearly thinks that just by offering to volunteer, she's done something "SYO KOIND" that she deserves lots of things for free in return by showing what a nice girl she is! Pretending to be selfless isn't a sneaky way to get rewards of things you just don't want to pay for, Ruby. She has no idea what actual volunteering looks like.
I'd love to see a video of Ruby weeding the garden. 😂
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Three weeks feels like such a long time for Ruby to be on her own. Still impressed she's managing it, but I'll never understand why she decided on that length of time considering she finds being away from home so difficult. I don't have the same issues as Ruby (being away from family etc) but even I'd get lonely after 3 weeks in an unfamiliar place with no socialising. Watching these videos is making me feel lonely on her behalf. 😅

Post-interview, in her vlogs, she claimed that of course she knew what brine was, but just blanked during the interview.
Vegan Roobee has never heard of tuna in brine.
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I really hope she has left Boston because she's named the hotel she was staying in on TikTok and given a room tour.
I think she has left Boston because if she hadn't she wouldn't have given a room tour IMO. The thing is though by giving the name of the B&B and if she is still in Boston then she could be putting herself in danger as there are many creeps out there and it is very risky to put out details out about where you have been staying and what you are doing etc.
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Mummy Bones is blogging again!

"We were meant to just stop to let Lola have a run on the beach but as we walked down the stone steps towards the shore, I managed to slip and land on my back. I cried out in agony and my husband helped me up as I was sobbing and hobbling back up to the van. Lola's escape was cut short and she was packed back in too. But, we decided not to drive on to Ullapool as previously planned, as it was too painful to sit in the van being bumped about. We set up camp instead at the stunning Shieldaig campsite, right bang opposite Shieldaig Island. It was clear skies and sunny, so I braved a walk with my sore spine; some paracetamol starting to dull the pain and took in the peninsula and absolute beauty from wherever you looked. A hot shower later saw to my aches and pains for the time being and we walked Lola to the local pub for a delicious feast."

Another blog, another predictable accident. If all this woman's embellished/fictional disasters were real, she'd be dead a dozen times over and there'd be nothing of their house left standing.
I was going to read the whole thing but God, I got so bored... Writing the dullest things runs in the family.
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yeah looks like a sparrow. But not all birds are the same in every country and in the US are different birds than in UK or other countries.
The last two and a half years I got more and more interested in the local birds here in Germany (thanks pandemic :ROFLMAO:) and there are even different kind of crows depending on where you live in Germany.
But if you live in the countryside like Ruby does, aren't you more knowledgeable about what kind of animals live around you? Her parents have a "library", I'm sure there are some books about birds. My parents have some books and if I wanted to know something as a child, I could just grab a book and look it up. With the internet, it's even easier. You can use your smartphone!

(I just had a thought: what if Ruby saw a European Red Squirrel? Would she wonder what this little fella was and ask her followers?)

now, who tells her that birds are basically dinosaurs?
I think if Rubes saw a red squirrel she'd think it a grey one wearing a jacket!
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I was too, until she revealed that her aunt and cousin(s) were on the other side of the trip, waiting for her. So NYC was not a solo trip. This also makes me wonder if she has family in the Boston area, but just isn't mentioning it. Not that she stayed with them, but that they were there in case anything happened, and someone to keep in close touch with. She keeps a lot hidden, is underhanded and a compulsive liar. She has proved that more in this trip than any other time, except for the whole charity situation. Regardless, she probably had babysitters most of the time, so I won't high five her in regards to taking bold and brave adventures.
I wouldn't be surprised at all because this whole trip is basically a giant ad. The fact that she had two ad scandals (emily dickinson & now simply retro) while on her ad trip is nauseating.
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whatever the law is and whatever law you should use: you can't say it that its not an ad when you work for free for over a week with this museum together
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Chatty Member
Remember how she "planted a garden" in the summer of 2021 as a "cottagecore activity"? It was never shown again, and safe to say she forgot about it as soon as she turned the camera off. In a later video, she went to pick a courgette for her gross porridge but "didn't know where they were kept." She made it sound as if they were tied up or fenced in.
courgette for porridge? I had to look up "courgette" in case I mistranslated it in my head. but ... no. I know that there are cakes with courgette, but courgette in porridge?! that sounds disgusting!
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I actually had to unfollow Ruby on both Instagram and youtube. She can't be bothered to put effort in...I ain't going to support her. She has such an unhealthy mindset now.
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Chatty Member
Not sure, I think even Ruby knows somewhere like Harvard would be a reach; she'd have lots of hoops to jump through as an international grad, and I don't think she could tolerate an ocean between her and her parents.
This is true, I was wondering in a general sense whether she has some notion (or Nyotion #notanad) to sort of float about as if she is one for #inspiration or something like that.
I wondered about this. Boston did seem like a random choice for a solo trip. If Ruby was rejected by Oxford, I can imagine her switching allegiance to Harvard. :p I think Harvard's outside of Boston, though?
It is! I don't think it's too far though, and saying 'Boston' rather than Harvard (/Cambridge, MA) might be Ruby's way of vaguing out of it. I don't think she's there for an interview or anything and I would be surprised (and possibly impressed) if she was considering moving so far away for a postgrad but I could also see her going to scout it out and see how she gets on over there before considering applying, maybe.
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Unironically though - I got the warm fuzzies when she got invited for dinner by someone who presumably works at the museum. It’s the embodiment of American hospitality and friendliness (the very best thing about the US), and it must have felt very much like a warm hug to Roobee, because she’d have been so far out of her comfort zone for a couple weeks by the time this was filmed. (Disclaimer: if we find out later that Mummy Granger was hiding just out of the frame the whole time, everything I just said is rendered null and void and Rootytoot can crawl right back into the swamp whence she came.)
I thought that was really nice. Also it sounds like the B&B were very kind and hospitable too. I thought Ruby looked at ease and happy walking around Amherst. Working at the Museum was good for her, it looks to have given her a confidence boost.
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I couldn't tell if she was in a hotel room or a dorm from that TikTok so I sleuthed (not too hard) and it turns out she's chosen a hotel that looks like a dorm. It's about £1000 a week to stay there.
It seems she really doesn't want to grow up does it? Not to body shame but I wonder if that has something to do with her current look (frame & weight included). She is taking on the frame of an 11 year old. I don't like the feeling I have she is disingenuous but I seriously think there is cause for concern when it comes to her weight. She is looking emaciated. If her parents aren't concerned I believe should be. I am beginning to wonder if they are concerned- hence Mama Bones little notes?

I can see Ruby travelling all the way to America to hand in a handwritten application to Harvard, complete with washi tape, sealing wax and a decorative dead fly.
Sadly, yes. A spritz of her favourite tea to let it stand out from the rest
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I think you are referring to my post. I wondered if she wasn't going on her solo trip and that she had said her mental health wasn't great and I was insinuating the two might be linked. Feeling anxious for no reason you can/want to think of is a sign of poor mental health, I know this from my own experience so I used the term mental health instead of quoting Ruby's own words. I should have been clearer with my post, I am sorry it pissed you off. I wouldn't want to make it seem like a tragedy has happened to Ruby, we don't know anything other than what she shares. I am sorry to anyone else too.

I'm glad to be proven wrong about the mysterious solo trip! I hope she is having/had a good time.
Oh no it's fine! I'm sorry for overreacting.❤
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So on her latest TikTok somebody asked her "How long are you in Boston Ruby" and Ruby replied back with "I was there for a week". Another person also asked her "Are you just on holiday"? and Ruby replied back with "Yes! I’m doing some literary tourism, but also spending a week working with a museum". Firstly I thought she was meant to be in Boston for 3 weeks as she mentioned this herself previously so why is she suddenly mentioning that she was there for a week, secondly it sounds like she has now left Boston and is possibly on her way home or is back home now, thirdly it doesn't make sense that she would say that she was there for a week but now she is saying that she is spending a week working with a museum when she and the museum only posted about it yesterday. So basically she has contradicted herself in the latest TikTok because she says that she is working in the museum but was only in Boston for a week, something isn't adding up about this trip because why would she say that she was going to Boston for 3 weeks but now it turns out that she was only there for a week, I wonder if it is because she is going to other parts of America but she has never said that if I remember rightly as I'm sure that she only booked a plane ticket to Boston.
I was pretty sure already that a) she wouldn't spend three weeks alone on the other side of the Atlantic and b) that this trip had already come to an end. Just see the dubious post about how "there is so much to see here and, at first, I crammed my days full". There are only so many days in a single week, aren't there? She constantly gets tangled up in her many fake timelines and slips into the past tense when speaking or writing.

My take: Her trip is already over and was a complete disaster. That's why it was so quiet around her in the meantime (up until a Tattler spotted the first park photo on her stories that got deleted shortly after). I wouldn't rule out a total nervous breakdown without mummy and daddy. So the trip was cut short or cancelled at very short notice (three weeks became only one). Nevertheless, she was forced to maintain her crumbling façade and post those photos and videos from the museum.

What a shame that Ruby is not only a notorious liar, but also an unspeakably bad one.
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