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So she just randomly walked into a store and they said, oh, let us collab with you right now. Nope. This is why she went to NYC. Straight up. Another lie. The suit looks ridiculous on her. Not a flattering style for her and way too big. Those clunky shoes look ridiculous in every outfit she has worn. The others are passable for her, because they have "The Secret Garden" vibes. Lemme go take a walk into Chanel, just in case, you know, they want to throw some bags at me to pose with. I'm vibing with my Chanel Chance perfume on, so I am sure it will happen. Oh wait, I need to pretend to be someone else first. Let's see....who is on Rugbies list?
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Satisfying Click

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I think this is the reason why it is so important when you have wealthy background and children not only to put your children into rich colleges or school in general but make sure they have contact with the standard people.
Of course Ruby thought she is the best, the cleverest, the wisest person. THE Youtuber, THE Writer, THE gifted Child.
The first shock had to be not beeing good enough for Oxford and the second after beeing in College that there are people out there who are much more talented and much more gifted than she is.
Yes, a telling point was when she went to her interview at Oxford and met some other students applying. She tried to contain her surprise that one fellow interviewee was from Poland and one from Liverpool. Because in Ruby's mind: Poland = Foreign. Liverpool = Common.
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Chatty Member
I couldn't tell if she was in a hotel room or a dorm from that TikTok so I sleuthed (not too hard) and it turns out she's chosen a hotel that looks like a dorm. It's about £1000 a week to stay there.
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It is easy to think that you are a gifted child when you are on a private school. I bet a lot of teachers don't dare to critize a child when daddy works in politics or was sponsoring the summer party.
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This comment makes me think she didn’t enjoy her trip, and that she found it lonely:

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Wow ruby hope your reusable water bottle makes up for the 3/4 holidays you’ve had this year
5 holidays. Paris, Italy, Scotland, Greece, Murika. (I know they took a train to Scotland, but they sure made up for it by doing a lot of driving while there.)
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I just find her 'reviews' of things unsubstantial. She never qualifies her comments with an actual explanation, it's usually just 'good' or not as good as something else. Any of her recommendations seem false because I know she's being paid for them (even if she says, "I'm not just saying that!").
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You know, Americans have kind of a weakness for blonde con women with weird accents: see Anna (Delvey) Sorokin and Elizabeth Holmes for two recent examples. Ol' Ruby might be on to something here.
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Okay this latest video is beyond weird.. She makes completly normal activities like "reading", "watching a movie" "cooking" and "baking" seem like she invented them. Anything to make her life feel special and purposeful I guess. But then this thing about pretending to be another person.. Is just concerning?? Like Ruby, you could have more purpose and excitement in your life if you just DID anything with it.

This video seems to be exclusively for people who have absolutly nothing to do in their lifes..
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She looks happier in today's OOTD video than she's looked in weeks. Meanwhile, she just spent nearly a month in the U.S. walking in the footsteps of her supposed literary idols and she seemed lost and miserable the whole time. She should just drop all that bookish/literary/dark academia nonsense because it's unconvincing. This is her truth: she's a homebody and a momma's girl who still gets excited about visiting her grandparents. And honestly, so what? There's nothing wrong with any of that. But what she should really consider now, after that dismal trip, is taking a break from social media and getting in touch with her real self instead of clinging to the little girl bookworm identity that she roleplays online.
ruby it’s okay to be a homebody. Really. If you like movies secretly, you’re allowed to. If all you do is scroll through strudygram all day To see what’s trending that’s cool, too. But really. From one homebody to another, honesty might ruin your brand but you’d be sooooo much less burnt out.
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God, this video keeps getting worse and worse.

Apparently JOAN March spent her days doing all the performative shit Ruby usually does, like pretending to read, pretending to use her suspiciously pristine and empty PONKIN PODDITIFTI PLANNAH, setting up her camera to film herself walking back and forth for the camera, and claiming to be VARRY PRODOCKTIVE with LYOTS OF WROYTING AND ADDITTING despite doing fuck all.


As predicted, she took her shitty vanity tea overseas with her just to be able to keep cramming in undeclared BARD 'N' BLAND ads into her America videos. JOAN MARCH would DAFFINATELY have bought BARD 'N' BLAND CANDOLLIT LOIBARRY TEEE!

The hard edit at 09:31-09:32 might be the most sloppy, jarring and abrasive audio cut she's ever put in a video.


She starts rambling in sped-up footage about associating clothes with productivity or some such nonsense while waving her matador-pirate-magician jacket around.

"Obviousleee it dossn't have motch of an AFFACKT at the myoment...becozz oiy've NAVVER...worn it bafwore," she says, after having literally just shown herself wearing it...


And then she cuts to a photo of her wearing it years ago...


But she's NAVVER worn it. AVVER. JANUINELY. What was left of her sludge brains must've leaked out on the flight to Boston.
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I really think that the only reason she started this 100 pounds thing is because Boston does have a sizable amount of homeless people. She stayed in a really expensive / posh area (Beacon Hill) and right next to it is Chinatown/Downtown Crossing (a very low income area / lots of homeless shelters) so I wouldn’t be surprised if she was caught ajar since it’s very in your face & can be really upsetting to see tbh.

I also think giving 100 pounds out is absolutely bizarre and stupid though and even though she didn’t try to make it come off as a flex…it came out as a flex
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It is a bit of a stretch but I'm wondering if Ruby is set on becoming Emily Dickenson after I did a bit of research on the woman for five minutes.

1) Emily Dickenson started to become a recluse at the age of 23. Ruby is 22, and while she does go outside, for now, she does spend a lot of time in the Bones Manor and doesn't go outside and socialize with people other than her parents. By30, Dickenson was a total recluse and rarely left her bedroom, and Ruby does similar. I can see Ruby doing similar to Dickenson in order to mimic her favorite writer, perhaps claiming that becoming a recluse is a good writer's aesthetic. By the age of 30, Dickenson was a total recluse and I'm wondering if we will see the same for Ruby when she hits thirty.

2) Emily would also only really correspond with people through letters and Ruby does have all of her young pen pals and it's how she is looking for friends. I can see Ruby thinking that her letters would be worthy of getting published especially when she is a writer and for people to study them- though it would only be used to study the mind of a recluse who spends the day acting like a child and twirling around in her garden.

3)Dickenson was known for wearing white. The only thing that I need to say is Ruby wearing that white nightgown and running around like a victorian ghost in her night routine video not too long ago. Also, I did notice that Ruby was dressed in an old nightgown after she wrote her poetry in the studio. Would Ruby take up her aesthetic to mimic her favorite writer?

4) Writing like Dickenson and tearing up the paper. This was a bizarre show from Ruby and it had actually surprised me to see her tear up paper like she was a child. Instead of finding her own literary voice, Ruby is mimicking a famous poet, showing a lack of creativity and authenticity toward her own work. It has made me believe, combined with her asking her viewers for ideas from books, and also her copying from YA thrillers for plot lines, that Ruby is just hoping that if she copies from a published author enough and applies it to her own books then something is going to stick and she is going to get published.

The ripping up the paper was just a lot of performative nonsense just to be like a writer and just to fulfill an aesthetic. Nothing that she does is orginal and she is constantly copying from others instead of having individual thought or creative drive.

5) From Thomas Wentworth Higginson said that in comparison to Dickenson that he had never been ' with any one who drained my nerve power so much. Without touching her, she drew from me. I am glad not to live near her.' It made me think about Ruby and my experiance of watching her videos, I don't know if anyone else feels the same way.

I don't know if it's a case of class envy but I do wonder how much Ruby has spent ont this holiday. I think it's great that she actually went forward on this holiday and she is seeing the world and not stuck in her bedroom, but I'm curious about the money that she is spending. To do an hour writing session in the Emily Dickenson museum it's $200 for an hour and it's not avalible to the public. Ruby can afford to do things such as this but refuses to pay$17 for a book. Also the offering to give £100 to five people feels like bad taste and I'm glad that she took it down. She could have given it to a food bank or a community organisation and it would have made all the diffrence. It's just feels like she was doing something to pat herself on the back and ease her conscious for a bit. If Ruby wanted to make a diffrence, she would have done so. I do wonder what prompted this sudden urge to donate.
This could also be said about the Lord Byron thing. I know someone in a previous thread speculated about how she was obsessed with Lord Byron for that one video and how she probably wants to be known as “ethereal” or “beautiful” like he was, especially since he was known to have strange dietary habits and a possible (tw) ED

Ruby is becoming a “frankenwriter” lmfao. She takes (what she sees as) the admirable traits from all the writers she enjoys (“charitable” like dickens, recluse like dickenson, and “ethereal” like lord byron) and it ends up being a strange smorgasbord of her issues coming full frontal. I do feel bad for her sometimes but she also has a platform and should go and heal before promoting these things as a “lifestyle”
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VIP Member
Nah. You have something she’ll never have - your self-respect. I was just thinking about this today - I work full time and make a decent wage, and more than that, I’m in a place where I don’t have to try and pretend I’m someone I’m not (the way she does). I work with people who don’t mind my eccentricities and who value what I do. I know Roobee’s diehard fans like to dismiss anyone who points out the many, MANY ways she and her content are problematic as ”jealous”, but truly, I wouldn’t be in her shoes for anything. Badgering any and all brands for sponsorships? Traveling to a foreign city to hang out in a fucking park until you can rope a local museum into letting you do a day of low-effort insta stories? Constantly having to spin your failure to launch as ”taking a gap yahh to work on a book” that ultimately never goes anywhere? Miss me with that.

If Roobee ever manages to grow up, she’s going to cringe so hard at the content she’s putting up now. She may even realize what a fraud she’s been (not holding my breath for that one, she’s not the sharpest Moomin in the valley as we may or may not say where I’m from). I don’t even know you, but I can say with confidence you’ll never cringe as hard for yourself as we’re all cringing for Ruby right now.
Her die hard fans are fucking deluded if they think people are jealous of Ruby. She is absolutely stunted and makes me feel extremely grateful for the life I have made for myself so far tbh.
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Also, it’s so unhealthy that whatever Ruby does, people always defend her. She never seems to learn because she never really has to acknowledge that she makes mistakes. And yes, she’s young but she isn’t that young anymore - she’s closer to her mid-20s than her teens and again, it’s not healthy to allow her that excuse forever. Consciously or not, Ruby creates this child-like image because it allows her to get away with a hell of a lot, but the reality is it’s just getting odder and odder as she gets older.
So true. I think with someone like Ruby it’s very easy to conflate ‘young’ with ‘sheltered/immature’. She’s really not that young any more, I think she just lacks so many life experiences compared to most people her age that we often see her as being younger than she is because of the way she acts and dresses.
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What a bizarre video. Holiday and party footage usually looks more exciting than it actually felt at the moment. There's none of that here, the video feels very empty and lonely. It really goes down to her script writing and editing skills, I think.

Also it is so hilarious that she justifies buying just one book because it is supposedly too expensive. Putting even the fact that she is filthy rich aside, she says that it was 17 dollars, and she would pay 13 pounds for it at home. She does know about currency exchange rates, right? 13 gbp is the same as 15 usd. It is literally a 2 gbp difference, which is nothing for travelling.

For someone whose whole job is to perform a certain lifestyle and aesthetic on camera - that's what influencers do, not even judging; she is so weirdly bad at it for someone with so many opportunities and so much time at her hands. She could get better camera equipment, take editing courses, hire a video editor as so many do, even involve an actual producer/manager... Yes, that would be even more "fake", but at least she could achieve the vibe she is clearly going for, but failing so badly.
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Her fans are so fucking toxic. There was someone else in the comments saying she should just thank god for having made her rich and ignore the haters. (Heavily paraphrased lol, let me see if I can find the comment.)

edit: lol it was the same person 😂 Stay toxic, Yesica 😂😂😂

View attachment 1690177
"If thou has been bestowed with an abundance of wealth, thou must die before parting with a single piece of silver to help your fellow man. Fuck you, got mine." - John 12:17.
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Do people actually fall for this psuedo-intellectual's BS? IMO she's a troubled and troubling sham.
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