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A little late for Halloween, but she took a break from seeing barren trees, ponds and common birds to visit the Salem Witch Museum!

Will she pretend she watched/read some appropriate material for this destination too, like she has with pretending to watch/read Little Women a dozen times this trip?

p_hocuspocus_19880_e000b013 copy.png
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I think we should all breathe a collective sigh of relief that she didn't ask ''what kind of squirrel is this?''

Or, ''look at this raven I found in the garden!'' #gifted by Edgar Allan Poe.
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This probably sounds v mean but I was just reflecting on Rubes time at Uni. I can't help feeling that, whilst for many students covid was an awful time, for Rubes it was godsend. She could 'legitimately' live back at Bones Manor and attend lectures, tutorials etc from the confines of her childhood bedroom. The other thing (might also sound mean) is I can't help feeling her trip to Boston is to legitimise her gap year to any future employer or education establishment. I think ma & pa bones maybe put it to her that she had to have something more substantial to put on her CV than sat-drinking-tea-in-my-childhood-candlelit-bedroom-whilst-meaninglessly-annotating-book-I-haven't-actually-read-thoroughly. IMO she has wasted her gap year and I suspect any future employer or university ekll be wise to this. I acknowledge she has created a YT channel with a substantial following but I don't see any change or growth in her personality over time. In fact, if anything she has regressed. Said it could sound mean. Sorry - not sorry.
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Especially when she keeps showing what park she keeps frequenting. To be honest if I were her I would pre-record stories and take photos and then post them once I have left the area.
Yeah, she's spent the whole trip showing herself in the same 3 locations close to each other over and over - park, bookshop, front door of house, complete with house number. She's too dumb to function.
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At least 4 days in and she still hasn't left Boston Gardens. lmao I love how awkward she was doing her outfit of the day and cut it short as someone was approaching. Like I said, we don't do that around here. She hasn't got Mommy to hold the camera and people on the Common or in the Gardens would be more than happy to snap up your camera or phone and disappear into the city. She doesn't come across as someone who is exactly street smart! She said she has dreamt about coming to this area for 1/3rd of her life. Why? To take pictures of what you are wearing and just the background? Geez Louise, get to a museum or something. Tour an historical home. Do something besides your stupid routine crap that you do at home. She really misses out on the whole idea of travelling abroad by remaining in her static bubble.
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Yeah, because sending money to under-18s wouldn’t look dodgy at all … That is another thing though, she didn’t specify any kind of age limit. Whilst money’s tight for everyone, if I were a parent and my kid suddenly got £100 from some random YouTuber I’d be … concerned.
That's another thing! She should not be encouraging her followers to send their info to random strangers on the Internet! Afaik in order to send people money with PayPal you need their phone number or their e-mail. Those are not details you should give to Internet strangers.
If she is actually being truthful and she does mean to send these people money then she's an even bigger idiot than I thought.
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She could easily donate £100 / month to a charity who are equipped to support homeless and struggling people/families.
Yes, but 1) no one would praise her for it, 2) she wouldn't feel special, 3) she wouldn't get to decide who's worthy, 4) some of the people the money went to might not be like her and therefore not worthy, and 5) they might not be grateful enough.

She's a textbook example of "strings attached" charity and her motives are entirely questionable.
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Pretty sure she bought her way in, either by donation or some underhanded way. Less respect for the Dickinson Museum for allowing this. Her life and abyss of lies gets sketchier by the minute. Instead of asking her for an explanation, viewers should ask the museum itself and get the facts straight. I would be curious too. I also wouldn't be surprised if she tried this with other places in Concord and received a no, thus no cozying up in Louisa May Alcott's room scribbling away...
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"I had no choice! They insisted! I couldn't refuse! I was unable to overpower them when they forced these clothes upon me and bullied me into wearing them! ...and then they made me keep them!"

Sounds like a big pile of bullshit to me. She's advertised the brand before, surely she should've already been well aware of the brand and their ethics before she agreed to promote their products to begin with? Why was she trying things on for a reel if she was just there to learn about the company and not advertise them? Why does every single brand she talks about have to be one she accepted free shit from?

There's no way she simply wanted to learn more about the brand's ethics and went there for that; ethics aren't a thing she cares about and she's very happy to endorse and advertise Miss Patina despite them being dodgy as fuck.

Guaranteed, she met them to discuss more brand opportunities because she wanted another Miss Patina to milk for free clothes and this got her foot further in the door. Now she's just trying her best to wriggle out of admitting she ran another undeclared ad, because she thinks it'll look less suspect when she starts declaring them her favourite clothing brand in ongoing undeclared ads.
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In my experience, rich people are far more reluctant to spend money. I have a friend whose parents literally own 2 houses and when we were at a christmas market once she bought me a 50 p doughnut and then immediately sent me her bank details. Whereas my friends who aren't well off will buy me a £1 drink and not demand immediate repayment
God people like this are bellends, and the worst thing is, they’re absolute hypocrites coz they’ll happily accept you paying for stuff and won’t even think to send you any money after.
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Just had a wee look at the comments section of her new video. A few critical ones which of course immediately got all her rabid fans to come out in her defence.
Some of them are far past the point of seeing the obvious.

One of her fans is painting criticism as slander and demanding receipts for her taking money from charities. She literally told her followers she did it.


That was in January 2021.

As late as January 2022, she was still trying to maintain the wildly unbelievable lie that she was working with the HMD Trust to build memorials in "underfunded state schools", despite zero evidence of this or any interaction with the HMD Trust ever being shown:


(From her lies-and-stupidity-filled '15 Student Habits for 2022' video, recapped here:

And then a few days later, after a year of criticism, knowing that she was going to be posting more Holocaust Memorial Day content for HMD 2022, she posted a bunch of stories in which she claimed to have "retrospectively realised" that she shouldn't have taken the money (i.e., after a year of lies and dodgy excuses to try desperately to avoid just giving the money back, she realised that the criticism was never going away and would only get worse on HMD 2022).


Taking her at her word, she took the money, kept it for a year, wasted a year of the HMD Trust's time and resources on her vanity project with nothing to show for it, then bailed and only gave them back their initial money, not really accounting for all that wasted time and labour. If she was funding the project with the charity money she took to "reinvest", then how was it all still there to "give back" after a year of supposed work?

But obviously, she avoided mentioning any of the logistics and specifics because there never was a memorial project. It was a laughable lie that she tossed together because she thought it'd allow her to keep the money, look selfless and stop any criticism. Ruby later claimed that she's given the money back almost immediately, contradicting all her other dubious excuses and stories.

There's a reason she only addresses criticism like this in stories that'll vanish after 24 hours - she knows exactly what she's doing, and hopes the internet has a short memory, and having permanent posts would make it harder for her to conveniently rewrite history and gloss over her past transgressions.

But speaking of receipts though, we've still had zero proof that any money was ever returned, and we're still waiting on an update on those memorials that Ruby swore she'd be self-funding after graduation... Prove me wrong, Ruby.
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Chatty Member
I can relate to issues of shyness and confidence and being sheltered as a kid which slowed me down in my teens...but the difference between Ruby and ordinary people who feel those things is money. I had to deal with my issues head on otherwise I'd have had no money to live on, and getting jobs helped me to overcome these things gradually, build some confidence, broaden my horizons and perspective. Ruby is still living within very strict boundaries she's created for herself and she has the privilege to continue doing that even overseas because of her family's money.

She could do similar work within her interests but that don't exist in a three-week bubble over here - she could do long-term volunteering at a National Trust house or at a museum or something, and she'd be learning and feeding her interests as well as getting herself out there and learning valuable skills. But Ruby kids herself that these short-term projects are worthwhile in the long-term but they're just adding to her cosplay of being an independent businesswoman or whatever. She actively avoids making any real progress and it's her money and her family's background of having money that allow her to do that. Most people have to just suck it up and deal with it by the time they're 22.
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What I find funny is that it seems to me that Ruby is slowly shifting her career objectives away from writing and archive work and towards social media and PR corporate work.
Unlike influencers and online creators who can be very different and all find their own niche, people who work as social media and PR managers for companies are often (in my experience) very different from Ruby. They are trendy, sociable, extroverted, creative, energetic, the "life of the party" basically. So if Ruby's considering that as a potential career path for herself I don't think she would really be in her element in that kind of position.
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Ugh, this time it really infuriated me when she said she's not going to follow Jo March's 'routine'. Of course you won't because she didn't have any. For Ruby everything boils down to haphazardly stitched together routines and tasks to tick off.

She wants russet apples even though she doesn't know what they are, but she has to have them because shes channeling her 'inner Jo'. This is literaly a poser behaviour, plain aesthetics with nothing beside the facade.
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Ruby's parents are really not helping. They are letting her live with them, but she isn't working or studying. Not even a Saturday job, for crying out loud. Has Ruby ever had an actual, non YouTube, job?

I am privileged to have parents who own their own home, and they are happy for me to live rent free. However, the condition is that I either have a job and/or study. No dossing about and treating their home like Travelodge.
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She is a horrible person. I have no doubt in my mind that she is just lying through her teeth and she's not gonna send money to anyone in the end. This is too idiotic to be true. She can't possibly believe that the way to go about this is to choose whoever among her followers manages to send her the saddest sob story and just basically trust their word on it without checking anything. She is not being genuine.
It's clear she knows there's a chance people are just gonna scam her if she goes through with it. So why do this? Why not donate to a charity that you know will use your money well? There are probably a million local food banks, animal shelters, homeless shelters etc. near her home that are always in need of donations, either pecuniary or in items that they need. You can even brag about it afterwards if that's what you're after, it's tasteless but whatever. As long as you donate who cares what your motives are.
She's doing this weird, convoluted, nonsensical thing because she knows she'll never be held accountable for it because how could she? It's not like she's gonna name the people that she sent the money to or show their PayPal info or whatever. This is the Pumpkin Productivity giveaway scam all over again, except now it's a million times worse, because she's using real tragedies of people living in poverty and in need, and mocking them by pretending to care and to be willing to do something about it, just to look good on Instagram.
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