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Chatty Member
guys! I handed in my master's thesis today! Now I have time to watch aaaaaall of Ruby's videos and to follow her instructions from her last video. Maybe I could cosplay as Amy Pond or Clara Oswald (I like their style). My husband could be the Doctor. 😆
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£70????? Yet another reminder of how out of touch she is; for those who are struggling with CoL, this is completely unattainable. She. Does. My. Head. In. She could, you know, DONATE some of the hundreds of clothes she has been gifted and bought. She could donate the gifts she is gifted and still publicise the products. Ffs.
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View attachment 1743204
View attachment 1743205
View attachment 1743207

Jesus Christ, she's been back home for 5 minutes and already it's the same gloomy shots from her bedroom prison window and shitloads of ads.

She can't even get this shit right - National Theatre at Home has been running for 2-3 years now, it hasn't just launched. Another thing Ruby only shows an interest in when it's free or she's being paid.

Meanwhile she's skipped Anti-Bullying Week entirely, even though she always claims that's the cause closest to her heart.
Imagine coming home after nearly a month away and making your #1 priority showing off all the #gifted shit that showed up at your doorstep while you were away.
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Sure, Jan. That's definitely the face of someone having fun.

Edit: Oh, god, now she's having a mental breakdown GCSE drama-level overacting her way through a reading of The Raven while shut away in her hotel room.


What a worthless holiday this has been for her.
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I'm reading the comments on her latest video because they are better than her videos and more entertaining. I found this comment and the replies to it. The part I underlined is what makes me angry. "It's always been this way." Meaning that there are always people who are poor, who cannot afford essential things like food, heating and a beautiful home. So this person is basically saying that it's okay, that we cannot change it, that there is no need to address it. But even with Ruby's disclaimer (which I skipped like .. the rest of the video). you can't just discard that topic. People should talk about the gap between poor and rich. It's not something we should just shrug of like this person with my red underlining is doing.
If it's always been that way that there are poor people and rich people – maybe people who say things like this should think why that is and not just leave comments like this.

View attachment 1690145
I am tempted to start saying ‘be gone with your filth’ to anything I disagree with though …
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Many of the ideas in the new video really sound like surface level coping strategies for crippling anxiety. Not very healthy.
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If she got free tours and someone to film for her videos, wouldn't she have to disclose that as an incentive to post for the museum? On her tiktok, she says that she was "given" the opportunity. This is usually a paid experience, right? Anything you get for free has to be disclosed because your viewers are influenced into paying for a service/product.
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Well-known member
She's travelled halfway across the world and spent £4,000 to see a large park, one book shop and her hotel room.

Good for her if she's actually spent that time away from mummy and daddy, but she hopped a continent just to confine herself to a room and take occasional walks near trees spouting literary quotes from things she's never read for the camera, so nothing's really changed. She'll be just as miserable there as at home.

She could've just travelled an hour in any direction back home and seen all the same things or booked 3 weeks in a hotel anywhere in the UK and had the same experience for a fraction of the price. It's like going to Japan and never leaving the airport aside from brief daily trips to McDonalds.

There's no way she's wanted to travel to Boston for half her life, she clearly just came across on a VARRY AUTOMMINAL Pinterest board Boston or saw Massachusetts mentioned as a place with a lot of literary history somewhere and assimilated it into her fabricated personality. Now she's there, there's clearly nothing she wants to do and doesn't appear to have any idea why she went.

She was claiming when she first mentioned the trip that it was going to be a literary holiday to see all the landmarks of her favourite authors. Putting aside how fake her literary interests are, she isn't seeing any of the things she said she wanted to see, either due to her usual sloppy research into the logistics and complete lack of planning, or because she's too scared to leave a 3 block radius of her hotel. Now she's already posting excuses that she's seen everything she needs to, having seen nothing.

She'd have been better off taking a solo trip away from the camera, to somewhere she actually wanted to go. I have no idea what her actual interests are underneath her fake personality and performative affectations. But going on a holiday where there was a tonne of stuff she actually wanted to see, and that would actually fill her trip with variety and fun, might break her out of her cocoon and leave her eager to get out and do more stuff she actually enjoys by herself. Instead she'll likely go home early, miserable and will tick off 'travel solo' on her to-do list and never do it again.
It feels like heresy to disagree with gossip guy on this thread, but I find that in a lot of your comments you present things as facts when we don't actually know for sure if they are 😅 first of all, I imagine she's probably going to make at least one vlog about this trip so she might have visited places that she hasn't shown on insta. Secondly, her trip isn't over yet- isn't she supposed to be there for 3 weeks? It would be exhausting to visit loads of places every day for 3 weeks, surely it's a good idea to explore your immediate surroundings a bit first, especially if you're travelling internationally by yourself for the first time?

Before people get angry, I'm pretty ambivalent about Ruby, I just share my honest opinions and sometimes they happen to be in defence of her 🤷
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The question is, why does she have to pretend to be a Master's student when she could actually be a Master's student? There is no reason for her not to go back to school...except for the fact that she probably didn't enjoy university. But I'm sure there's some situation where she could take relatively easy courses and get back into the student persona that she misses so much without actually having to work that hard. I think that would do her more good than anything. I can't see her ever holding a real job. It's academia forever or a lifetime of this aimless floundering and trips with her parents.
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I find it a bit amusing that she has just watched Gilmore Girls, which includes that sarcastic Poe Society scene when the whole town has to suffer through two readings of The Raven in a row and they're not very happy about it. Perhaps she didn't get to season 3 yet :D
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Hahaha 🙃🙃🙃
What did she expect, when she choose to buy a new edition which is always more expensive than the original?
Ruby: "I love books syo syo moch! The acksperiance of reading a bock is warth annie cost! Physical books asspashally syo!"
Also Ruby: "It's HOW MUCH?! $17?! You're charging the average RRP of a new book for a new book?! HOW DAHHR YOO."

Ruby: "People shoddn't chyarge the wrong proice for thyings. Oiy think that's tyoo moch to ackspact peepol tyo pay and oiy dyon't agryee with it."
Also Ruby: "Please boiy moiy new nyotebock. It's flyimsy and cheap-lyooking and only has 80 pyages. It's £9. Also buy this crinkled ribbon. £6."

I imagine anyone telling her that would be met with a tantrum. Her parents enable her and her fans will jump on anyone who dares criticise her. She’s able to live in a world where she can do no wrong and every poem about seagulls and epithelium that she craps out is met with applause. It’s gone on so long that I genuinely doubt she’s able to see herself for who she truly is.
Case in point:


Constructive criticism about the objectively bad quality of her editing and audio = VARRY NASTY behaviour from HORRIBOL BULLIES.


Having someone's dialogue be completely inaudible in a video isn't bad, it's an ackwoired tyaste and VARRY ATMOSFARRIC!
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I couldn't tell if she was in a hotel room or a dorm from that TikTok so I sleuthed (not too hard) and it turns out she's chosen a hotel that looks like a dorm. It's about £1000 a week to stay there.
Ruby really should be more careful about safety. It's not good that people can just find out where she's staying just by googling. There are lots of creeps out there and you can never be too careful as a young woman travelling or living alone.
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VIP Member
It feels like heresy to disagree with gossip guy on this thread, but I find that in a lot of your comments you present things as facts when we don't actually know for sure if they are 😅 first of all, I imagine she's probably going to make at least one vlog about this trip so she might have visited places that she hasn't shown on insta. Secondly, her trip isn't over yet- isn't she supposed to be there for 3 weeks? It would be exhausting to visit loads of places every day for 3 weeks, surely it's a good idea to explore your immediate surroundings a bit first, especially if you're travelling internationally by yourself for the first time?

Before people get angry, I'm pretty ambivalent about Ruby, I just share my honest opinions and sometimes they happen to be in defence of her 🤷
Very true, we don't know for sure what she's done, only what she's shown, so she might've done or plans to do other stuff as well. But I think if she'd actually done anything outside what she's shown, she'd have rushed to show photos the second people started questioning in her comments why she was spending her whole trip in the park.

Instead she posted a rambling post about how it was okay to see the same thing over and over and not see anything new. And she capped it off by saying there was lots in Boston she'd left unseen, very past tense, which sounds very much like she's done and won't be doing anything else. Maybe she’s got more lined up, but a week of nothing but seeing the park sounds like a huge waste, and I'd be shocked if she stayed the full three weeks.
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Does anyone else find it odd that Ruby seems to be in a sudden hurry to put this trip behind her? This video was an especially hurried mashup of Concord and Salem, like she just wanted to get it out of the way. Her IG and TikTok posts about NYC were also rushed and scattered---except for her appointment with SimpleRetro (where free clothing was apparently *VERY STRANGELY* forced upon her), we barely saw anything of the city. Now she's announced that she isn't going to do any more vlogs about this trip. What's going on?
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Okay. Ruby just hit an all time low with this lackluster video of Concord and Salem. I mean, Concord and Salem, literary tour. Excuse me? Where is the freaking content?

She went to the Orchard House and considers herself privileged to have been able to take video and pics from Louisa's room. I have tons of pictures from there. They have no problem, so long as you are quiet and your phone sounds are not on. Too bad she didn't have any footage of May's room, the nursery, the parent's bedroom, the parlour where they held plays, the kitchen and dining room, Beth's piano, or Bronson Alcott's amazing library! Too bad she didn't share with her viewers that while Louisa May Alcott wrote Little Women here, the events actually took place at the Wayside, the "House of Authors" right next door, which she didn't tour. She could have also mentioned how Louisa wrote "Pot Boilers" to make money to finance the family, since their father was always off giving lectures and completely broke. They loved him, but as a provider he was useless. She didn't even show the School of Philosophy, which is right on the grounds and talk about how we still have philosophical lectures there every summer, known as the Summer Series. Nope. Just wanted to play Jo March with that ridiculous costume.

BTW Ruby, MacIntosh Apples are the most famous and most delicious apple in New England. Sorry you had to settle for it. Now she wants to eat apples to be like Jo March, even though she declares she doesn't really like them. Guess we know why you didn't feel good later. Two apples in a day for someone who never eats them mean trouble. lol

She never saw Sleepy Hollow, where the Alcotts, except for May (who died and was buried in Europe), Hawthorne, Emerson, Thoreau are buried. She didn't even mention that old burial ground right near where she stayed, knowing she got it all wrong. She didn't tour Emerson's House, The Old Manse (home to Hawthorne for 3 years and The Emersons), Concord Museum, which houses the entire library room from the Emerson House, which was moved from the original house across the street to the Museum, in tact, where it is safe from fire, because of all the rare objects. They recently catalogued it all with white gloves and photographing. Experts, mind you, not some clumsy like her. Concord Museum also has antique furniture, history of Concord and the Revolution, one of Paul Revere's lanterns, the desk, pencil, snowshoes and other items own by Thoreau. I mean, so much for literary tour.

Whilst sitting on her backside against that tree I could not help and laugh at how many people walk their dogs daily in this area and what happens at that tree. Also her comment on wanting to swim in that brook? That is a fall off gutter, where water and trash gather from the city. Sure...go take a swim in it, Ruby. Then she shows the boathouse from the Old Manse and sits there to read. Again, no information about its importance or that of the North Bridge. BTW, Rubes, that was where the river scenes were filmed in your favourite version of Little Women and we all got to stand on the bridge and sides watching it be filmed. The crew also went all around Concord Center and bought books and antiques for the movie props, as a kind gesture to the local businesses.

Then, after wearing that stupid costume that even Louisa wouldn't be caught dead in (I can't believe she lugged around so many ridiculous clothing pieces for this trip), she was off to Salem. Nothing about witchcraft trials or visiting the memorials, no touring the Witch House...just stood in front of it very awkwardly, didn't mention The House of the Seven Gables, and quickly ended the video. Most people are so full to the brim with information from tours and loads of interesting pictures and information from their trips, but everything seemed to just slip right by Ruby's blank mind. What a waste of money and time this entire expedition was!
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So she has travelled all the way to the US, basically the home of halloween as we know it today, to spend the holiday alone in her hotel room dressed up like a child. The fake freckles have been taken to new heights. Her life has hit a new low.
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