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I don't even know where to begin...


Ruby offers up some stray piece of burnt rubble and says it's a chocolate digestive biscuit (VARRY VEGAN because she's AHLWHEYS VEGAN...unless she's eating honey, buying wool, dining at Five Guys, etc.).

Now, assuming this inedible-looking chunk of shite is actually food...did she eat this edges first like a psychopath? And why has she just placed the remaining piece directly onto the perpetually grimy insect graveyard she calls a desk?


The chair has returned to her desk. Ruby has simply elected to cover all the stains and gaping holes in the fabric with some unwashed throws instead of, y'know, buying a comfortable office chair that won't mangle her spine if she's spending all day sat at a desk.


Ruby can't stop living a life of lies and delusional fantasy.

She claims she's going to read Jane Austen's Emma, learn a language, learn a new tune on the piano (implying she already knows some tunes, which...nah), plan a trip to America (with mummy and daddy, of course) and finish and edit another new book.

She's claimed many times before that she hates Austen, so that's a wise use of her pretend time. And by "full edit of said book", I assume she just means "run it through the spell-checker once and call it a day".


"Enjoy the approach of Autumn and the beauty of August."


"I am lucky to be here - every day, alive and breathing," she writes, as she continues to starve herself to death.

She claims she's more likely to be ambitious and proactive if she plans far in advance, which has never been the case for her ever.


In case you were wondering if the majority of this is fake nonsense just to show herself using a planner, she pretends she's looking into volunteering, which is about as believable as that time she claimed she was going to start donating 10% of her earnings to charity or that she's given the Holocaust charity money back.


She's looking forward to "camping with online friends", which I hope is a lie, because all her online friends are children.

She's also looking forward to "slow afternoons" for some reason, even though her life has been a wide open schedule of zero work or responsibility for the longest time and every day has been a slow afternoon.

And because she can't think of any believable work that would fill her time these days, she just pretends she still has uni essays due:

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I have to say something really unexpected, but her attempts to cosplay a boy living in poverty in Victorian London were not the worst. Now THIS is the worst! Is dressing like an old auntie her new trend?

photo_2022-08-03 01.46.06.jpeg
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Lmao in the fancy restaurant she says it’s funny the chairs they’re sat on have pumpkins on and “they (the restaurant staff) must have sat us here on purpose” girl I can assure you they don’t have a clue who you are
in fairness i think she was making a joke and it just didn’t land :ROFLMAO: my family and i say that sometimes - like when you walk into a place and they’re playing a song by your favourite artist you’d go “oh they must have known i was coming”

also, i noticed that her real accent slips out again in the segments where she’s with her family. honestly i wish she would just let herself talk like that because it makes her seem so much more tolerable
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Also, isn't slow living supposed to be about enjoying and being mindful of the moment you're living right now and savoring the little things? She can't wait for August to be over, that's not slow living lol

I suspect it's rooted in how she felt when she was in school. She probably hated the summer holidays and couldn't wait for school to start again, and now she feels the same way. Except she's not in school anymore and September will be the same as August for her, just colder. She doesn't really have anything to look forward to for the autumn except the weather.
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"All of us cleared all the foods off our plates, and we had starters, mains, and desserts."

It's just such a fake and odd sentence. If you really loved your dinner, maybe you'd say the name of the dish you had? Only someone actively trying to prove they're eating would say something like this.
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Ruby's handing off the Ponkin' Poddocktivity Insta to someone else. Posting grimy photos of her bedroom squalor on there was the only involvement she actually had with the company, but apparently the burden of posting a picture of her front yard once every 7-14 days was just too much work for lazy-ass Rubert.
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Imagine if they went by her real last name and it was the Bones dress 😭
It'll never happen and there's no real grounds for it, but I'd still absolutely love if Warner Bros. fired up their lawyers and filed a legal injunction to stop her profiting off the Harry Potter franchise and using the Granger name.


The 'Little Bookworm Collection', featuring a model who's 22 years old and doesn't read, so is neither little nor a bookworm.

Look how happy she is, running away from adult responsibility, dressed like a 10 year old, gazing longingly at universities she wasn't good enough for.
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The other frands are probably even younger by the looks of it. Sorry but this is proper strange and I really hate it, I know I’m always banging on about it but adults have absolutely no business being friends with children and as a grown woman it is fucking abnormal for her to be chilling with 17 year olds.
Right there with you.

Her weird regression into childhood habits is bad enough, but ultimately it only affects her own development. But actively pursuing friendships only with children is beyond creepy.

Between her own parents and the parents of the kids she's constantly sending letters and gifts to and trying to meet up with, they need to nip this shit in the bud real quick. Ruby's not the person they want talking to and coaching their kids privately, especially since her own sanity has taken an extended vacation. She's toxic enough in her videos, I dread to think the kind of eating and study habits she'd be recommending behind closed doors.

That and Ruby is absolutely the kind of person who would take private conversations with teenagers and use people's life experiences in her book without consent. She certainly isn't capable of writing a believable teenager otherwise.

She has several Discord groups, a book club and comments sections across multiple platforms if she wants to engage with young fans out in the open. There's zero reason for her to be privately conversing with kids, sending them letters and gifts and meeting up with them in person.

Lots of adults have long "princess" hair that looks just fine. Even without a haircut there are ways to style long hair so it looks nice and modern. Just putting it in a braid would probably make it more comfortable in the heat.

While the hair itself isn't an issue for me, I think it's emblematic of the way Ruby's forced herself into an online persona. Other 22-year-olds feel free to wear their hair however they want, whether that's dying, curling, styling, cutting, or growing it. But since Ruby confines herself to her personality from a decade ago, she wouldn't even consider dying or cutting it.
Plus cutting her hair would wreak havoc on her ability to sneak old footage into "new" videos or try to pass off multiple week's worth of footage as a single day, so she'll never do it.
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One thing that worries me about Ruby befriending children online is that; she might be pretty harmless and mainly wants to re-live her childhood through them, but there are other adults online who will befriend children for more sinister reasons. If these children make friends with Ruby and are lead to believe it’s ok to make friends with adults, regardless of their intentions, they could go on to make other adult ‘friends’ and end up in real trouble. When I was around 14 a random man began messaging me on Facebook and because I’d been raised to recognise that this is wrong I immediately knew he was a creep and blocked him. Ruby needs to take responsibility for this as an influencer. There’s nothing wrong with connecting with your fan base (although I don’t think Ruby’s behaviour is anything that children should be encouraged to copy) but influencers need to understand the impact they can have on their audience.
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I watched this girl's video (her YouTube name is Jeta) and she says that she was invited to the event by "Ruby Granger" whom she "loves". She talked about her only by using her full YouTube name. That definitely sounds like they have never met before, they only texted because Jeta likes Ruby's videos and wants to be a StudyTuber like her. And Ruby made it sound like they've been actual friends for a while already. Maybe she actually thinks that this is a friendship, since she has so little experience with that topic. She doesn't know how to distinguish between "someone I met once and kind of got along with" and "someone who I've been close with for a long time".
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Chatty Member
That monthly plans list is so sad. She's had to sit there and come up with things to fill her time with because, ironically, she's not doing anything productive. Most people have their "monthly plans" dictated by work schedules, education and their personal lives. Ruby has absolutely nothing substantial.
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I mean Jade's spent the past 3 years at a scam university where she's apparently gotten high marks for citing wikipedia in a paper, so maybe she's not the best judge of writing quality.

They're delirious because they've spent the past five years getting thousands of likes on their content. They ignore that there are thousands of students more intelligent and hardworking than them (see: students who get into Oxbridge/Ivies, have jobs while getting top grades, and/or actually produce publishable work), and that their success is only due to being among the first to think of recording it all.
This is exactly it. Ruby less so because she actually did go to a proper university, but Jade goes to a scam university for rich kids with the sole purpose of making them feel "special" and boosting their ego.

All the Studytubers (bar Eve Bennett in fairness) have an air of superiority about them; they try to downplay it, but you can tell they think they're better than everyone else and more academically gifted. There's a reason you were all rejected from Oxford: you're not as good as you think you are.

Ruby did 14 hour study days for A-Levels and got A*AA. Not bad grades by any means, but if you're putting that level of work in and sacrificing everything else, you should be achieving better. That's why I wonder how she must feel having achieved her first and realising during graduation that 100s of other students also achieved that, while having an active social life outside of working.

They're all obsessed with looking like they're the smartest, but they don't work smartly. With her lack of life and social skills, Ruby is about as employable as a cardboard box.
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She has blessed us with another piece of writing 🤣

Roobee, playing the oddest game of chess ever:


And, of course, waxing LyRiCaL about it. The “castle” is the chess piece known to the rest of us as “rook”. Grey is the color that’s neither black nor white, but something in between. The pieces on the board can apparently move wherever they please, because chess is completely random and has no rules whatsoever.


also, I have just spent the morning going through all my papers (just one box, thanks to KonMari a few years back) and found all my own writings from my early 20s. I cringed briefly and binned everything 😬😂
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