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Chatty Member
I think she looked nice (but Christ she have be boiling) at the miss Patina photo shoot because she was actually styled properly for once so there was a cohesive theme, fit and colour to all the outfits usually when she wears miss patina she’ll shove some white tights and a cardigan on and call it a day so it’s actually quite nice to see her looking put together
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One reason you'd presume Ruby found university less enjoyable and still clings onto her schooldays and goes back there, despite leaving over 4 years ago is because you get constant validation and praise at school. You work hard, teachers single you out and shower you with praise, you get top grades and everyone says how amazing you are. There are school reports, awards, assemblies that all put the intelligent/hardworking kids on a pedestal, thus making them feel special and increasing your ego.

You don't get that at uni. You sit in a lecture theatre with hundreds of other students, write your essays and have it anonymously marked a few weeks later. Most lectures won't even know your name (even with Ruby's constant bombardments of emails and thank you cards). In the real world, you don't get praised for doing tasks and work; it sets you up for the real world and that environment.

As for good grades, you realise the further you go up the ladder how meaningless they are. GCSEs feel like the most important milestone of your life when you're 16, but you sit them and then realise that absolutely nobody cares. Ditto A-Levels when you go to uni. Most of these Studytubers built their whole self-worth and brand over good grades and being high achievers at school. It would be disingenuous to say good grades are meaningless, but the frank truth is they don't define you and all the opportunities you'll get in life. Ruby didn't realise that and that's why she's not well rounded. She's got a first from a Russell Group uni; as her graduation showed her, 100s of other students achieved that exact same accomplishment, while getting involved with uni life and having an active social life, making them 10x more employable.
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It's worth noting that back in the day, like up until the 80's, going to university was a status symbol, and it was remarkable to be the first one in the family to get a university degree, and that's because having one pretty much guaranteed you'd have a better life than your parents who didn't go to uni. So having a child go to uni when nobody else ever did in the family was essentially a step up the social ladder for the whole family.

But since then things have changed. Now having a university degree does not equal having a well-paid, prestigious job and being better off than people without a university education. I see it even with my own parents (who started working in the 90's): my dad didn't go to uni, my mum did (and she was the first in her family as well), yet he makes quite a bit more than her and his position is more advanced.
So basically nowadays being the first person to go to uni in your family doesn't have quite the same meaning as it did, and doesn't necessarily mean you're less privileged than people who come from a more academic-oriented background.

ETA: it can still be very meaningful, of course, depending on the circumstances; for some people it really does mean they had everything against them and still managed to get a university degree despite the odds and the lack of financial/emotional support from their family, and that should absolutely be celebrated for the huge achievement it is. That's obviously not the case with Ruby.
It’s also a bit misleading in the context that the StudyTubers use it. Saying ‘first in the family to go to uni’ is used a lazy shorthand for coming from a background with some kind of economic or social deprivation, but there’s nuance to that and a lot of people using this term are doing so to claim some kind of struggle that isn’t theirs.

It absolutely used to be much less common for people, especially people from working class backgrounds, to go to uni. However, this phrase ignores the fact that for many careers that now need a degree, the training used to be provided by employers so you didn’t need to go to uni - in England, something like nursing is an obvious example. Now, it’s a career that needs a degree. Previously, you could leave school at 16, become a nursing cadet and end up equally as qualified as a nurse today with a degree (and be paid for training …) There also used to be long tradition of working class people being able to access higher education thorough the polytechnical colleges (most of which were made into universities in the post 1992 expansion of HE). My brother was ‘the first in the family to go to uni’ but my grandfather had the equivalent of a master’s level education in electrical engineering, all gained through a polytechnic - and he had the career and financial benefits from that.

I’m not saying this to discredit people who genuinely are the first in their families to access any kind of further or higher education but this is totally not the struggle of wealthy, solidly middle-class grammar school and privately educated kids - to be where they are usually means their families have been benefitting from education and training for a long time, however you want to classify it. And don’t get me started on people who don’t understand that whilst yes, both grammar and comprehensive schools are both state funded, there are so many social issues that mean that they are generally not comparable in terms of intake that they shouldn’t both be regarded in the same way. Jade has done that and it’s annoys me.
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Honestly I’m not surprised Martha moved out and I don’t think it’s particularly indicative of something dodgy about her parents. Rural Buckinghamshire is just not a place most 20 year olds would want to live, especially when all your friends are away at uni and you have no one to hang out with except your parents and sister. It seems like Martha is an alternative person, she enjoys nightlife and partying so a city like Brighton is a good place for her. I would have been miserable stuck in the countryside not in uni at her age too.
I think she’s moved in with her best friend who goes to uni at Sussex. It also appears she’s quit her new job already, I hope she finds another one soon and is independent. I wouldn’t be surprised if she is being enabled and financially supported by her parents just like Ruby is (albeit living a more exciting life)
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"The gown and the cap are symbols really - symbols of ADDYUCATION, PRASSTIGE, ACHEIVEMENT."

But since they let you wear them for the ceremony, it kinda proves that they're neither of those things, doesn't it, Rubert?

"As with SYO MANNY THINGS THYOUGH, this final STAP - bowing to the voice charnseller and receiving a is not...important? It's the least impwortant pahht of your degree, in fact."

It sure looks like it's the most important thing in the world to you though, Ruby.

"...This is johst waahr your hard wahhrk, anxiety-ridden days and sleep-deprived noites ACCUMULATE."

Well, firstly, you experienced none of that. Secondly, "accumulate" doesn't mean what you think it means. "Verb: gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of." Are you saying that the graduation is the point where you're just experiencing all of the stress and anxiety of your entire degree and you're having 57 mental breakdowns all at once?

The irony of Ruby trying to humble-brag about her FARST CLAAHSS English degree being a reflection of her intelligence while she still doesn't know what basic words mean is just priceless.


Zero evidence that Ruby ate anything. Another classic "I ate the BIGGEST" moment.

"AND YAT here oiy am...Still the same PARRSON. RYOOBEE. TWANTY-TYOO YAHHRS OLD. Someone hyoo loves litrachaa and wroyting..."

Well, definitely the same Ruby. Hasn't learned a thing or grown in any way since the age of 11. Still lies her ass off. Still defines her identity by fake interests and performative affectations.


Nope. The rest of the universtiy experience was what was supposed to do that. The socialising, the personal growth and development, the extracurriculars, the work experience, the independence of living away from home and getting a taste of self-reliance. You avoided all of those things and also avoided learning anything academically, to boot. It was a waste of 4 years of your life. Good job.

Now you're applying that mentality to writing. You're not doing it because you enjoy it. You're chasing easy success, praise and rewards despite not having any talent or aptitude for writing or even any actual interest in it. You just spent years actively avoiding improving your basic foundation of English skills - you know, the essential building blocks for being a writer. You don't read anything beyond children's fiction about rich, young white girls. You're not prepared to put in the work to grow as a writer. You're just coasting on privilege and lazily trying to shortcut your way to a book deal.

Cut the cord and get a fucking job already.
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Jade’s comment. I can’t. I just can’t.

Sure. It’s fabulous, Jade. You’re basically friends with a future winner of the Nobel prize for literature. How are they all so goddamn delirious?
Jade seems like the type to me that's nice to your face and then laughs about you with her friends
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Also, I disagree with the last sentence. A lot of the time, shopping from small, independent retailers is more expensive than buying mass-produced items. It's hard for smaller shops to compete price-wise with larger stores. It's easy for someone like Ruby to say 'don't buy clothes from Primark' for example, but the truth is, people buy from Primark because the clothes are really cheap and lots of people don't have the money to shop around in different places. If anything, the economic crisis will make it harder for consumers to be selective about their buying habits because they'll be forced to opt for whatever option's cheapest. I don't think she understands that a lot of people won't be doing that much shopping, full stop.
Absolutely. And she also gets the vast majority of her clothes given to her for free by Miss Patina. She's out there wagging her finger that everyone else should support small businesses, buy sustainable products, avoid fast fashion, meanwhile she does none of those things. She's spent years actively avoiding visiting and promoting small businesses in favour of fawning over mass retail chains who might have the money to sponsor her.

She has no concept of the value of money to the average person. She has no clue what the average person can afford. All her bills are paid for. All her clothes are gifted to her. What little food she eats is gifted to her by Manilife and numerous snack bar companies. She doesn't have to work (I'm sure her fans will point out that being an influencer is work, but given the sheer lack of effort Ruby puts into any of her content, that's clearly not true). She can afford to buy whatever bullshit she wants and she'll never know what it's like to go without something. And that's great for her, but her constant out-of-touch soapbox lectures about how we all need to do better while this compulsive-lying, silver-spoon scam artist does nothing makes me want to push her into traffic.

It's the same as with her constant patronising finger-pointing that we all need to support our libraries and teachers and first-line workers, meanwhile Ruby does absolutely fuck-all for libraries (treats borrowed books like crap, never donates her time, her spare hoarded books or her money), actively took money from the NHS, and her Tory-voting family and their kind are the reason why libraries, schools and the NHS are miserably under-funded.
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She also failed to understand the meaning of "spring". I think you meant "sprig of lavender", Rubert.
Of all the things that baffle me about Ruby (and there are many) it’s her constant misuse of language that bothers me the most. I don’t mean to shame anyone as I know that there are lots of reasons why someone might struggle with words and grammar, but I genuinely don’t think that they apply to Ruby. She’s a native speaker of English, an alleged ‘bookworm’ and logophile, she’s had an expensive private education and has gained top grades for English at GCSE, A-Level and now has a first-class degree in Literature from a Russell Group university, and yet she constantly misuses, misspells and misappropriates words.

I know people will leap to her defence and say ‘oh it’s spellcheck’ but the fact that Ruby either isn’t proof-reading anything that she publishes online or the fact that she doesn’t know that what she’s written is incorrect just slightly mind-blowing to me, given that being a WROITER is her whole identity. A ‘spring’ of lavender … How can you get to 22/23 with Ruby’s background and not know the word ‘sprig’? The whole essence of being a writer - sorry, WROITER - is that you use words to convey feelings, thoughts and images. You might use them unconventionally but in order to break rules you first need to understand them and Ruby just … doesn’t. What’s worse is that she doesn’t seem to know enough to know that she’s making these constant mistakes.
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Remember when she watched half an episode of the Queen's Gambit and declared that playing chess was part of her everyday night routine? Yea.

Rubes, stop cosplaying intelligent children (she has a weird addiction with Matilda as well) like you're one of them.
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Ruby: "I AWLWHEYS enjoy wroiyting and it NAVVER feels like work."

Also Ruby:

Shocking twist: I actually quite like her jumper.

Not shocking twist: She paired it with "kyoooo-lots" and brown boots and I'm like, what the fuck are you even doing? None of this shit remotely goes together.
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Tbh I think that is one of the main reasons Ruby hangs out with kids, she likes the idea of being superior and having them look up to her.
And because if she hangs out with people her own age, it will quickly become clear that she isn't even average, she is below average in terms of intelligence, maturity, cleanliness, and work ethic, whereas kids buy into her youtube persona.

She's quickly becoming irrelevant considering she herself was a teenager from 2013-2019 (ish). Soon it will be near impossible for her to relate to the kids of 2022, 2025, 2030... what's the long term plan? what happens when years go by and no book/her book flops, the kids find studytubers more relevant to them, and the built-in influencer "frands" dry up? She'll be left with money and not much else.
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I don’t get why Ruby can’t just film a video in one day, rather than over several days. She makes things so much harder for no reason.
Mainly because then she wouldn't be able to show herself waking up at FOIVE THARRTY, writing six books, reading twelve novels, doing yoga, jogging ten miles, "cleaning" her room, writing an essay, doing arts and crafts, baking a cake, using all her MYOST FAVOURITEST sponsored PRODUCTS, reorganising her bookcase, etc. Her entire fabricated lifestyle and what's supposed to be an enviable productivity routine are completely reliant on those fake timescales, lies and cobbled-together footage.

Without that, people would see just how lazy she is, how sad and dull her days are, and how little she accomplishes with her time. Even the "slow living" days like the ones in that new video don't happen for her in reality. She's not frolicking endlessly through fields and writing her memoirs in notebooks all day long having a romanticised life. She's not reading books all day in her garden. She likely goes in her garden for 15 minutes to film and take photos of her grimacing and twirling or pretending to read, gets bored, then holes away in her room for the rest of the day or sits on her phone in the living room latched onto mummy.

If she showed an actual day in her life, I imagine it'd be completely uneventful even by Ruby standards. Lots of staring into space, deleting negative comments from wherever she can, clinging to mummy for dear life and watching children's TV, the occasional rejection email from publishers, management emails and zoom calls about her disappointing sales figures, followed by tantrums, lots of crying about how life dealt her a bad hand because she couldn't stay 12 forever, and spending twenty minutes mindlessly transferring things from one Notion page to another to give herself a productivity placebo.

Her narcissism won't allow her to show a normal day for her because she craves the ego boost of feeling superior to people too much, even if it's all lies.
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Jade’s comment. I can’t. I just can’t.

Sure. It’s fabulous, Jade. You’re basically friends with a future winner of the Nobel prize for literature. How are they all so goddamn delirious?
I mean Jade's spent the past 3 years at a scam university where she's apparently gotten high marks for citing wikipedia in a paper, so maybe she's not the best judge of writing quality.

They're delirious because they've spent the past five years getting thousands of likes on their content. They ignore that there are thousands of students more intelligent and hardworking than them (see: students who get into Oxbridge/Ivies, have jobs while getting top grades, and/or actually produce publishable work), and that their success is only due to being among the first to think of recording it all.
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