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Chatty Member
That post is hilarious considering how many times she has gone on about fitness influencers claiming you must have abs to be happy and that it's not so. Her whole life and self worth is based on whether she has abs and always has been. Albeit at the sake of her face looking like Jack the Ripper.

She is a walking contradiction.
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Bravo!! We all knew you were right!!

Precisely my thoughts when I saw this!!

Let's get prepared for more of these :rolleyes: :(😣


The next thread title must have something around her being preggs again. Any ideas??
The only one I can think of is what I posted a few days ago

' Roxy Winstanley, Up the duff and looking rough '

There must be a better one though 🤷🏻‍♂️😂
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Yes her portion is bigger because yours is not a fucking adult portion! Tell me your not over your ED without telling me your not over it 🙄

Also STOP shaming your kids for having an appetite
Its actually scary how little she eats yet she bangs on like she is an expert 😳
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Chatty Member
Thought I’d have a look and see what I’ve missed and it’s no surprise that she is the dullest account of them all. Almost type influencer but she doesn’t even meet the minimal requirements for that. She’s so boring it’s getting difficult to comment. It’s lack of sleep, meal prep, pre baby body, blood loss, travel lodge, Mummy and Daddy Win and their ‘palace’, cows, giraffes, Harry Potter and repeat. Have I missed anything?
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Chatty Member
She is an actual control freak, absolute lunatic
Also all those nappies.. wasnt BJ being potty trained? or is that only when Ron is around?! its as if she doesnt trust anyone else or she isnt really trying to potty train at all.

On a separate note, they are definitely still in the old flat. The picture shows the same horrible tacky kitchen they've always had. So they mustve bought a proper run down property that they couldn't move into.

Also makes me think that if they are keeping the flat, they couldn't sell it or Scott wanted to hold onto it - kinda weird to be honest. So the new place must be on her name, hence she used the ISA for the deposit.

New thread suggestion:

"Ron's Flat to House Fiasco, Sudden Scott Cameo, and Baby Rumours on the Go!"


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Chatty Member
Is she kneeling down 😂

It is a working week though and she’s driving, so maybe that’s why there’s no hangover? 😂

Can’t wait to the throwbacks- “I was 42 weeks pregnant with you here 🥹🥹🥹🥹” 😂😂
Actually kneeling down to get the back shot/head over the shoulder pose on her own in a hotel room 😂
She usually does drink mid week and she wasnt driving until the day after the party or later. She said she's staying away for 2 nights.

She was also in the gym early morning which Im not sure it would have happened with a hangover or if it did, she would have mentioned how superhuman she was as the only woman to ever exercise hangover... 😂
She’s letting us know that she’s in Carden Park and not the crappy hotels she usually stays in 😂
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Chatty Member
Is she trying to get sympathy? Oh poor Roxy has it so tough, but "you're a superwoman"!!! Tough child, working mum, still makes the gym... she can do it all!!!! 🙄🙄 She needs acknowledgement for even the most mundane things. It's so odd.

Wonder if anyone will answer her question with ig pages or websites about children on the spectrum. Instant block.
Who would sympathise? It’s normal for toddlers to have tantrums but if it’s bad enough to create a post asking for help then that’s a reflection on BJs environment. That means you Ron!!!! I feel sorry for BJ 😢 it’s not fair to have a child’s personal information for all to see but when she’s actually calling her a shit, a boundary has been crossed.
I think I’ve mentioned this before but I think Ron may have post natal depression, although technically it falls out of the time frame. She can’t cope with basic parenting and that’s the part she shows us, imagine what she’s not posting!
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Chatty Member
That’s amazing, you must be so proud!!!

I know she posts a lot about being in this “Disney era”, does BJ try to sing along or hum to the songs at least?
I don't know, its kind of normal for our family and I dont have a lot of other bilingual children around as reference. Im not posting it on my social medial for strangers to admire us as some sort of achievement like Ron would do 🤪 They do say that children should be saying 2 word sentences by age 2 approx and hes is a few months younger so I just take it as he has normal development. Ive not heard BJ say more than one proper word.

The whole Disney era thing is ridiculous. She forces BJ to watch it, kids cant switch on the TV and pick a channel&movie. She likes cartoons. All little children like cartoons. But have we ever seen them both learn nursery rhymes to stimulate language?
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Chatty Member
That video she has posted showing how many responsed she got is hilarious. She probably thinks it shows how many people look at her stories but if she only had one 'like' on her story with so many views it shows they are purchased views.
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Chatty Member
Her Daughter is the absolute ringer of Scott
💯 but without the receding hair line! She’s not the smiliest of children is she? She shows enough of her to occasionally get her laughing and smiling, she always looks miserable. I think she’s more concerned about how she looks in photos to even notice if her child looks happy.
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Her teeth were mentioned recently and I also noticed something off. Along with her other sad sack Photoshop efforts, she whitens her teeth using an editing app. The amount of time she must spend trying to look "hot" is astonishing. Go read a book on kids sensory and sleep issues you fuckwit.

#colgatesmile 🙃
She's a bad scruff

Everything about her is either fake or photoshopped

Her entire life is tragic
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I feel sorry for these insta kids, always got a phone shoved in their faces and their life shared with thousands of strangers without any thought for their own well being. I definitely feel a law needs to be introduced to protect them, there are so many weirdos about and that was before AI. I couldn’t comprehend exposing my children like that. Does she post anything of her brothers baby? I’m hoping they’ve told her not to.
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VIP Member
Again she plops her kid down for the 100th time to watch a Disney movie with a dummy in mouth. Toy Story has some scary scenes. It is not appropriate for a child who barely is 2! She's such a horrible selfish mother. Ron loves Disney so she makes BJ watch it. She should be watching Cocomelon or any toddler programming with colours and shapes and educational images. Not cartoon movies with violence.

She has told all of insta that BJ is naughty and hits and bites her. Maybe try not showing her violence just because you want to watch it Ron!!!!!


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VIP Member
All she cares about is how her own lack of sleep means she can't go the gym. Motherhood sure hasn't changed her from being an absolute self serving cunt. You can see in her face she is seething and blames nursery for her not sleeping last night. No hun, it's because she didn't sleep proper the night before. Or before that. And before that. For being a "vet surgeon" she is dumb as rocks.

I noticed she has been sneaking just the tip of her niknaks in stories. We all saw the deformed toe and you won't prove anyone otherwise 😂😂


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Chatty Member
I remember her saying one word or so a while ago but that's it. It could be that its not something she talks about as at that age they say words when they feel like it, though if you want to you can create a situation where they say something for the gram.
It is strange its not featured more for sure. It may come up at her 2 year assesment when the health visitor turns up. And then either she will say BJ is going to be a giant or not say a thing as she will show up as pretty average in size 😅 I wonder what it'll be
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