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Chatty Member
I’ve said it so many times but why would you meal prep unless it’s for a specific diet? She doesn’t even put it on a plate to eat, it’s eaten straight out the Tupperware. What a miserable existence, where is the fresh food? For someone who claims to want to set a good example to her daughter regarding eating disorders, this fridge is telling otherwise. Controlled, bland and not even a sniff of hummus or pomodoro 😂
I think some of it is so she can have food ready when doing long days on the road. Frankly, when I've had those I just eat a sandwich or a meal somewhere. Also, isn't she staying in all these "glam" hotels all the time? Most companies pay your expenses when staying away from home and that includes hotel meals. She could pick something healthy in most hotels and many hotel restaurants will make modifications if you ask (less salt, no cream etc). I practically lived in hotels with my job for 10 years and I was able to eat healthily that way. She over complicates things with her need for controlling everything.
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The Winstanley clan really thinks they are above others.
I've thought that and laughed about this many times when i see her posts. Its hardly as if their parents are doctors or big time lawyers with a multi million £ house in the 'Shires. All of them have pretty average or below average jobs (PTs & Policement are hardly on the big bucks, and we all know what Ron actually does and where she lives ). I'd describe them as working class at best, based on how they behave, their lifestyle and lack of actual taste.

In reality she has some real inferiority complex if she feels the need to lie so much about her life.
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I bet my entire assets on BJ who says bubble and ball, did not say that. That would have been filmed and put on the gram quicker than you can say “I’ve always loved my body”.

stop wasting your money on sporting events and get that kid a Mensa test.
An ASD test is more appropriate
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As if Monday mornings arent bad enough, this is the first thing I see 🤢

She looks revolting and hagged

Also obviously been reading here, hand not over face/bog eye and mutant belly button mostly hidden
I just ran. I MUST flex my abs and lift my top as high as I can.

Maybe if you're reading here Ron you can stop doing that shit as well yeah? Just fucking run and then get on with your damn day, you freak!
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She wants her to be tall as she thinks tall is better

She only thinks this as she is fairly tall for a woman

Really though she just looks like a big oaf, more suited to playing centre back than anything else
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Is she saying “I’m just like mummy?” 👀😂
I wish I wasn’t blocked 😂
Its hard to figure out what BJ is ' saying ', it is literally grunts that sound like singular words, not even joined up either
100% agree! And wow, if she was reading here and trying to prove she doesn't have developmental issues or isn't on the spectrum, she did a piss poor job of it.

BJ doesn't respond. When she does it's delayed. She's off in her own world. Ron has shown that at dance class too. Alone off to side with arm flails. Sleep issues. Her screaming at being sung to. Her mouth fixation in social situations. Her lack of communication. All evidence of being on the spectrum. And ffs Ron put a story up of BJ still on a BOTTLE!! She should have transitioned to beaker/straw/training cups at 18 months. Not to mention still with dummy in there to stunt her speaking.

Roxy Winstanley is more worried about Roxy getting her "2 year postpartum" 🤭 body snatched than helping anything to do with her kid. It's so fucking sad.

*I went back and looked at my kids videos at that age to make sure I wasn't judging harshly or being a cunt, but the difference is astonishing. BJ is far behind the norm
Lots and lots of solid autism indicators, too early for an official diagnosis but there are too many things that are off/away from the norm for it to be glossed over.

Ron though will not face facts and posts shit like BJ has been saying " I'm just like Mummy " when really she can't communicate in basic forms, let alone put a sentence together with context behind it.
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She looks so old!!
She looks old and hagged

As much as she bangs in about fitness, she hasnt looked after herself at all and it is really showing in her skin

Her 2 SIL are naturally much prettier than her and by all accounts are nice people as well

The complete opposite of Ron - old, ugly and a complete cunt
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VIP Member
Her life is a shit show. All she has is gym selfies (hiding mutant belly button today after yesterday's mention of course), no sleep/ need caffeine/ need wine, and complaining and belittling her 2 year old. It's depressing and exhausting looking at her stories. Imagine being in a room with her? She sucks the life and joy out of EVERYTHING. No reason to post BJ screaming into mirror except to show she is "naughty" and then post talking about how they both cried. She had the most delusional idea of what motherhood would be. Can't convince me that she doesn't absolutely HATE this. A wine bottle a night is definitely telling us she can't cope.


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💯 but without the receding hair line! She’s not the smiliest of children is she? She shows enough of her to occasionally get her laughing and smiling, she always looks miserable. I think she’s more concerned about how she looks in photos to even notice if her child looks happy.
I totally agree with this. We all know she takes 100s of selfies. And she will only post ones that SHE looks good. Doesn't give a fuck all what BJ looks like.

Bet Ron hates that these are still online. Someone came across these the other day....had to share 🤭😂 That receding hairline is from nearly two years ago! Notice he has to stand on the step in that pic. 😂😂😂😂


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Chatty Member
Her legs look painful in that photo so I’m hoping it is photoshopped.

I don’t believe BJ is refusing to leave, I reckon she’d make this kind of stuff up to have something to post.
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Chatty Member
Public account. Any creep can save BJ pics. How does she not understand that concept? She made a private Insta for BJ, never used it because it doesn't give her the attention she thrives on, and has to post for God knows who to look at. 😩

Of course she doesn't respond. Doesn't appreciate the comments. It's not what she wants to hear. She didn't like the comment which states she needs a balanced diet. She will never take anyone's advice. Ron knows best 🙄

100% agree she thinks food is the devil and will give that kid a horrible relationship with food.
I love how Dave reacted to that, made his point whilst being kind and positive
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VIP Member
Funny how tattle called her out about making stuff up just to have something to post.....then she posts next to fuck all over the next few days. It's almost as if she reads here isn't it 🤔🤔🤔
And I 100% agree, she's done that for years. Takes a picture and creates a little story in her warped mind to give her something to post. The boring bastard. You aren't an influencer Ron, you are just a fucked up weirdo with an EXTREMELY mundane life. I bet she still posts on Facebook too
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Chatty Member
Thought I’d have a look and see what I’ve missed and it’s no surprise that she is the dullest account of them all. Almost type influencer but she doesn’t even meet the minimal requirements for that. She’s so boring it’s getting difficult to comment. It’s lack of sleep, meal prep, pre baby body, blood loss, travel lodge, Mummy and Daddy Win and their ‘palace’, cows, giraffes, Harry Potter and repeat. Have I missed anything?
You haven't really missed anything.

I don't think she is an influencer AT ALL. Not even a microinfluencer of any kind. She uses her account as a private blog to put her ramblings on. She doesn't really have any sort of sponsorships or partnerships and she doesn't create curated content for anything (not that she ever "curated" anything before).

When she was fully in fitness you could have said she was some sort of microinfluencer as she had some sponsorships and supplements being delivered to her regularly and would create some sort of content (however appalling) about those.

But now she just sells stuff to cows 😂
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Chatty Member
I just saw this and my first thought was "god not this again. I hate this photo!" Why is her bump pointy?! Is it photoshop gone wrong??? 😂😂😂
Pointy but also perfectly straight at the top 🤔 and her bum isn’t flat so there’s no way it hasn’t been edited. Why is she obsessed with showing her pregnant body?
Also I’m not here for the body shaming etc however, I feel ‘influencers’ should be called out for photoshopping their bodies and it’s also her choice to constantly post photos of her body. If she just posted photos not focussing on her body then I would never comment on her body.
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She has temporarily replaced Instagram with Twitter. Same boring shit. Same pretending to be able to be rich when she's a cowfeed sales rep and her bf is a lorry driver. But who knows if he is still around.

Same BJ looking miserable and hating that phone camera in her face. Her brother and his woman and kid always are smiling and happy. Bet he is a dream baby.

Same thing every winter, claiming she looks like an alpaca. Wtf does that even mean? And a massive wonkeye. No comments. Hardly any likes.

Give it up Winstanley. No one cares.
Is her hair not just, well, hair? She obvs writes that goad comments like "no babes, you look amazing"....funny how they never happen!

So we all thinking she will "return" Feb 1st? Can't wait to see if she claims she has had a social media detox when she actually just hasn't posted on Instagram but been on it every second and posted everything else on X.

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Chatty Member
I remember when they were built, I'm sure I saw something about shared ownership. And if you look on Rightmove now, there's one for sale (pretty sure it's not castle greyskull) and it states that it's shared ownership.
I had a look and couldn't find it. But all the flats were way below £150k. Most under £100k. Not sure about Wallasey, and I also live in the north, but here for that price you couldn't even buy a third of a house. Do her parents currently live nearby?

Did anyone see her twitter post about BJ? Can't take a picture right now but she said "The most demanding, tantrum prone, head strong and strong willed toddler I know… but god she’s beautiful ❤❤". What a horrible thing to say about her child. She can be nightmare but it's ok because she is beautiful (in her eyes)? What a horrendous message to say to a child. That all is ok as long as they are beautiful. I wonder if that's what her own mum also instilled in her.

Also that pasta in her latest "food prep" looks horrible, no sauce, nothing. Just plain pasta. Urgh. Good job she doesn't cook for a living.
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Chatty Member
It’s quite embarrassing that she thinks hummus is middle class 😬 and she’s clearly impressed by it as she’s mentioned it a few times 😂 All toddler and weaning books have a recipe for it, it’s not a flex Ron.
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Well-known member
It's not entertaining. It's not a joke anymore. Get that kid some real help with her sleep issues. It's not normal.

And grow the fuck up. Grown middle aged woman with a kid and has to live under mummy's tit.
Has to be close by so she can go round in the summer and pretend that the garden is her's in photos
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