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No doubt she opened her mouth on purpose to get sick to lose a few. If she has to miss the gym for caring for BJ, she might as well lose weight.

And stop posting drawings. Is she 9 years old?
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Ron is an actual fucking freak

She has 100% opened and stuck these to her own head for a photo

Is she that desperate for ' content ' and out of ideas?
The exact same thought I had. She did it to herself. Which is even worse is that not only has she done it for content, she has yet again fabricated a situation that makes her own daughter look bad.

What is wrong with this fucking woman. Like seriously?!
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I think it could be a bit like the few times she has gone private for a little while and then quickly realised she wasn't getting the attention and likes she wanted (and she can't buy them if she is on private) so back-tracked after about a week.
Her 'close friends' list wouldn't be real close friends. Probably work colleagues, fitness acquaintances and her family (and in laws 🤣).

If she was purposedly taking a break from social media she would have made some HUGE announcement about it 😅

Separately, has anyone noticed how she doesn't really have any other mum friends? Considering she has taken B to sensory classes, swimming, ballet etc you would think she would have clicked with at least one other mum by now.
Alls they would have to do is take one look at her Instagram and see how she talks about her own daughter.

Can you imagine how much she judges other people's kids?

No Mother would want such a negative and judgemental person around their child
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Reality vs Instagram 😂🥴
That dress photographs awful in standard light when she isn't posing. She might as well be wearing a bin-bag
some work event. Team building and all that.

Looks as though everyone else dressed nice and simple, whereas Ron had to wear a plunging neckline with tits hanging out. Just to take those ridiculous alone in room selfies for creeps on IG. Ick
I thought the exam same thing. Everyone else has what looks like nice work dresses and she has to be the weird one out. How desperate is she for attention still?
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I just don’t get the whole meal prep thing when you have a family! I’m not saying I cook homemade, nutritious and delicious food every night but I try to as much as possible. Why meal prep SPAG Bol when you can chuck it in a slow cooker and eat it fresh? It’s the eating out of plastic tubs which is really weird. Firstly that’s not an adequate portion, secondly it’s modelling to her daughter that controlling food is normal and lastly I think as a family you should try and eat around a table together as much as possible. Not so easy when you have older kids and they have all kinds of clubs etc but it should be something to aim for.

I also forgot, the food looks horrible 😂 who wants to eat food that’s been in a plastic tub all week? Food should be enjoyable and not just for a cheat meal as some kind of reward for deprivation 🙄
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She definitely has some kind of arrested development going on. She hasn't matured beyond the age of 14. She finds any way to brag about the most mundane things, like a child would.
Mummy Daddy Win are the best!
I'm better than you at everything!
You're not as pretty as me!
You're not as strong as me!
Look at my house (tiny shit hole flat in Wallasey)
Look at my car!
Look at my eyebrows!

And not one maternal bone in her body. No sense of humour whatsoever. Boring shell of human.

God no one cares. Obviously she posts these stories to get attention. Scary to know the IQ of these followers that fawn over this narcissistic cow.


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I was checking an influencer's IG stats on social blade and decided to look at Ron's 😆

View attachment 2908107
Even the pervs and paedos are getting sick of her boring life and lies
Have you noticed the year? She went private for this reason and now sits at 36.5k followers and still dropping. She doesn’t like that
The vast majority of that 36 thousand are fake paid for bot accounts

she puts posts up and gets terrible engagement figures, usually less than 0.5%
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15 kg Lump!!! She’s an horrendous mother.

That’s why she doesn’t sleep you fuckwit, 2 hour sleeps and carrying her on a walk!!! Let her burn some energy off!!

Who puts a 2 year old child in a carrier? Oh Ron does so it’s extra weight on her walk, no she’s not obsessed at all with exercise, the absolute crank.
It is a useful photo to completely rubbish this claim of BJ being a clone of her

Different shaped nose, fod, mouth and chin

She is Scott's double despite what Ron claims all the time
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Chatty Member
If she was less concerned with her thigh gap and more concerned about the gender gap or any other important topic, she could have more of a (real) following. Her IG is "woe is me, me, me, me, me, me."

She doesn't care about women's issues, the state of the economy, the million wars going on in the world... literally anything remotely important and relevant that doesn't directly affect her. Selfish biatch.
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All logic would tell you it's a house. However she's been calling her flat a house since forever and she says's she's moving 'houses' - when in reality she is moving out of her flat.


She still lives as if she is in 2014 when she was in her 20s, and everyone posted pictures on instagram of what they ate and where they went. Her brain hasn't really evolved since then.


I am also starting to think she has a serious alcohol problem which she is documenting. I think I've seen her half at least a glass of wine, if not a bottle, practically every day
She thinks it is a ' flex ' to be drinking, again teenage behaviour, when really it is just another sign that she cannot cope with motherhood
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God she’s such an annoying twat, you don’t have to enter into a competition, just a thought ….
View attachment 2717459
Hyrox is now in her bio 😂 I don’t think this competition is for her, she looked weirdly too weak for it.

Also anyone notice the child who’d be rear facing until they’re 21 slightly cropped out? 😂
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Can't get her to nap.... but she had the audacity to bitch about nursery not giving her the proper nap last week and causing problems.

Absolute cunt.
She is and always has been the single biggest cause of all of BJ's issues.

She caused all of her alergies
She has caused her sleep issues but refusing to listen to anyone who knows better than her (pretty much anyone) and by giving her seperation anxiety
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Chatty Member
Also anyone notice the child who’d be rear facing until they’re 21 slightly cropped out? 😂
I’m here for when she contradicts herself. But as she’s told us, BJ isn’t a normal 2 year old, she’s wears age 4-5 so of course she’s now front facing. How’s that going Ron on not focussing on your daughter’s weight? 🤔
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Public account. Any creep can save BJ pics. How does she not understand that concept? She made a private Insta for BJ, never used it because it doesn't give her the attention she thrives on, and has to post for God knows who to look at. 😩

Of course she doesn't respond. Doesn't appreciate the comments. It's not what she wants to hear. She didn't like the comment which states she needs a balanced diet. She will never take anyone's advice. Ron knows best 🙄

100% agree she thinks food is the devil and will give that kid a horrible relationship with food.


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Chatty Member
callinc bj naughty again. To thousands of strangers. She's such an awful mum. Read and get on with it. Stop dragging your child down on sm for you ok hun and attention.
BJ has had this 'phase' of hitting and hair pulling for a while now. At this point it isn't a phase, because with a child so little (my eldest is only a few months younger) you can very easily teach them what to do instead ('kiss mummy, don't bite her. Look, like this, mwa mwa') and they will copy you. You can also easily distract them with somethint else, as many times it's out of boredom or wanting attention. Trying those things, my little one stopped pulling my hair after a couple of times of explaining it, and I didn't need to read some book on parenting about it. It's just common sense!

If she had the genius Ron claims she has, BJ would have understood it is the wrong behaviour by now and stopped doing it. Ive never wanted to diagnose her with learning difficulties just based on the glimpses of content we see from her but now I am starting to think otherwise.
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Chatty Member
so weird! When you travel with work you get your 3 meals a day paid for (you should anyway). You might take Tupperware food for 1 night ( I personally wouldn’t), if you’re trying to stay on track, but for 2 nights 🤢🤢. There are plenty of places that list the calories etc so you can still eat somewhat-healthy when away
Exactly! and even if she has a long drive she could stop anywhere to get some food along the way. She "shows off" so much about staying in hotels but not so much about what free meals she gets.
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