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Yeah they class it as comedy. 🤯. They kept trying to get people to vote for some comedy podcast Award. I suppose if you like to listen about poo and fingering then it may be someone’s cup of tea. Like you I found it a bore. Chris comedy is abit shit and CRW is self indulgent.
It was Chris's patronising mansplaining that put me off their podcast for good.
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I had a baby a week before Rosie had Rafe and it’s made me struggle mentally even more with lockdown as I feel even more isolated and just want to go back to ‘normal’. Things are so different to when I had my own children and if I want to go out for 5 minutes to myself/have a breather there’s no where to go! I wonder if that’s why Rosie is doubling down so much on the wanting to have a drink/wanting to go out/being generally miserable. She’s in the north east too so they’ve been restricted for a lot longer than others have.

Having said that, I’m not splashing it all over my social media! Everyone has a moan sometimes but it’s usually to friends of family. Does Rosie not have many friends ‘in real life’?
I honestly don't think she'd be making such a massive deal of it all if she'd been able to socialise normally during pregnancy and could be out and about now, seeing friends and introducing them to Rafe etc. I expect she IS moaning like fuck to her mum, sister and friends, but is putting it on Instagram because she thinks its super relatable to all new mums in lockdown plus its extra validation for her feelings!
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I’d quite like my money back for the Chris Ramsey tour that we were meant to be at last December. It’s been moved to this year and I don’t want to go anymore.
Just contact the ticket company and state you cannot make the rearranged date and you’d like a refund.
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I think what she was saying about the nursing thing was that if she was a nurse Robin would be at school because she’d be a key worker, so they wouldn’t be home schooling. I don’t think she thought about the fact she would actually have to be out working hard for a living!
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bla bla bla

Sorry to derail, I was going to get a buggy board. My son will be 2.5years are they not worth it then? Did think it was weird robin was on one due to his age.
My toddler just stands on the rim of the basket if he needs a break. Works well for us.

I love his name. I presume it’s like Ralph Fiennes but spelled phonetically.

Drives me insane when new mums complain about being tired though less than a week in! 🤯
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If someone has a baby and is choosing to parent based on what some vapid influencer suggests it’s probably them that needs to have sort their parenting out.

It’s like when you were a kid would you jump in a fire just because someone told you to. No.

Personally I don’t get all this bashing her for having a wine, she could have had it hours earlier with her dinner, you don’t know the size, you don’t know the baby is in her bed, Chris is there too, they may have an automatic car which could probably drive if needed etc etc

The car thing is just ridiculous anyway. No one would ever have a drink incase there was an emergency by that theory?
Some young people do try and emulate people in the spotlight, so yes ‘influencers’ do have some responsibility how they portray certain things to their followers. Everyone isn’t as strong as perhaps you and I.

She has said when he hurt his ankle he had to drive home and she didn’t know how he managed it , so don’t think they have an automatic.

Its not just about cars in an emergency, your brain needs to be clear and on the ball. Again who knows if her hubby had been drinking too, so if he was able to drive, could he? however looking at that boot , I don’t think it would be adviseable anyway. When you have a new born you need to clear headed.

However It’s her choice, however not one I would in the very early days of looking after a newborn, regardless of the breast feeding debate.

Sounds like by this post she regretted that 2nd glass.


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I used to think she was ok and followed her because I thought he was an ok comedian etc , she’s shown herself to be a massive bitch and a bully in the last 12 months IMO .
Cant take one single piece of constructive criticism even if it’s worded really carefully etc . I once messaged her in relation to something as I felt she would get slated for it and was in a way trying to help her . Her response was so aggressive and snarky, totally opposite to how she used to try to pretend to be ... she’s really just attention seeking , money grabbing & sailing on the back of her famous husband’s coattails . It’s clear if she doesn’t get her own way or the attention she craves the real Rosie comes out .
Rosie a comedian? 😂
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Is That So?

well that was a quick mat leave!

why didn’t she just spend 4 weeks off social media then start her ‘job’ of 1 hour a week recording shitecast?

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New to this thread (but not to tattle). Tried recently to listen to her podcast as it came highly recommended by friends and also saw the book in WSmith and thought it must be good. Couldn't even finish a single episode - I attempted a few different ones as well thinking maybe I picked a 'bad' one by accident but it didn't seem to make a difference. I found both of them SO idiotic and smug! Also they didn't make me laugh much at all. I keep wondering whether I am missing something or maybe there is something wrong with my sense of humour! Really wanted to like the podcast as I have been searching for something light-hearted but gripping to have in the background for quite some time. It appears it is not just me feeling it is not their cup of tea. Can't work out what all the hype is about at all but would love to be enlightened!
I'm almost the opposite, came across the podcast while having a browse on the app for something new, hadnt a clue who either of them were. Listened to a good few over a couple of months, found them funny, easy to listen to, down to earth, looking forward to the next one etc. Followed her recently on insta and shes not who I pictured she was! It's weird, despite having seen a tiny thumbnail pic on the podcast cover page thingy, they dont look like the couple I pictured in my head at all.
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No sorry, hostile between posters. Reading a few pages in a row made me think that people weren’t free to say anything without someone coming down on them. And if she’s putting her baby on IG and is on maternity leave then it’s the baby people are going to speak about.

But if she’s showing off her Warburton’s haul then I guess she isn’t on maternity leave...

Just an observation.
You're spot on. It's put me off this thread.
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I've never found either of them funny, first I heard of them was on Happy Mum Happy Baby podcast but I didn't think they were any funnier than random people I know!
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When I had my second my other half definitely stepped up the care of our lad, to the point where he stopped calling him Dad and used to refer to him as Mato (as in Mate -oh) it was just easier as I was feeding most of the time and it meant the older one still got lots of attention so I guess they have taken that route
Same here. For the first couple of weeks whilst my husband was on paternity leave, he did the majority of the care for my older one so I could focus on feeding etc.
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