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C’mon guys one glass of wine isn’t going to render someone completely incapable.
It was two ( or could have been more depends how truthful she is ). We all know those wine 🍷 pours at home, are not measured. 🤗

New to this thread (but not to tattle). Tried recently to listen to her podcast as it came highly recommended by friends and also saw the book in WSmith and thought it must be good. Couldn't even finish a single episode - I attempted a few different ones as well thinking maybe I picked a 'bad' one by accident but it didn't seem to make a difference. I found both of them SO idiotic and smug! Also they didn't make me laugh much at all. I keep wondering whether I am missing something or maybe there is something wrong with my sense of humour! Really wanted to like the podcast as I have been searching for something light-hearted but gripping to have in the background for quite some time. It appears it is not just me feeling it is not their cup of tea. Can't work out what all the hype is about at all but would love to be enlightened!
Completely agree. It’s utter shite. I really don’t knoW who their fan base is, but it must be people who dont mind being called dick heads or morons as the Ramsey’s tend to affectionately say this about their listeners 🤔.

I listened to it for abit for the white noise or To observe the phycology behind their marriage. They are a good case study, I’ll give them that.

The podcast is crude and unfunny.

Their obsession with shit and trying to sound cool when they say the word Sex is laughable as Chris and Rosie do Not come across a couple who enjoy sex. Again after only being together for 7 years I find this odd. There is no sexual chemistry, they are only early 30‘s so does not bode well for the future?

Chris fauxs being comfortable talking about sex. The listeners letters probably moulded the theme of the podcast?
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9 minutes into the podcast and Chris Ramsey’s wife is already have a dig towards tattle. 😂

All the not getting any free time stuff too. The boys were at Chris’ mums when they did the podcast. Plenty of time for a quick shower
I thought her mum was their bubble. Obviously the rules don’t apply to CRW!
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Chatty Member
Same but you get my drift.

You’ve never seen a panda bottle fed by a zoo keeper because of risk of being smothered by its mother?

my point was (and clearly I didn’t give the best analogy) why do we (woman) always have to discuss breastfeeding whenever We talk about new babies.. even to the point that we add ‘I breastfed’ or ‘I bottlefed’on the back end of our comments.
Perhaps it's because it's something we all struggle with initially? It's a very emotive subject.

But in the context of the discussion that was being had here it was more about Rosie drinking her wine and breastfeeding not about whether breast or bottle is best etc !
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Chatty Member
Why hasn’t she had a wash for two days? She has Chris there and probably her mum to help. Post surgery she should be maintaining good hygiene (I had 2 sections so aware it’s mega painful but you’ve got to do it!)
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I used to really enjoy listening to the podcast, but it's gone downhill since they became part of Acast and started doing multiple Hello Fresh ads each episode. I still listen to it now, but I don't make a point of putting it on on a Friday morning like I used to.

Thread title suggestion: Chris Ramsey's wife thinks she has a hard life 🤣
I can’t listen to podcasts with Acast anymore, 5-10 mins each episode are just ads (even the short pods too). I’m sick to death of having to skip them. Going back to just listening to Joe Rogan, at least his are insightful and I know the first 5 or so mins are ads and thats it!
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A lot of people yes, but not the people here! I can imagine comments like 'can't believed she shared so much of the pregnancy and now she's keeping the baby hidden'. I know being a public figure goes hand in hand with having all your choices discussed and criticised, but she's only following doctor's advice here and I don't think people should be tearing her down unless they've got a medical degree. 'I didn't notice his ears in photos' isn't a medical opinion.
I don’t agree that people would’ve criticised for having some time off with the baby. Most of the comments I’ve seen on here say things like people can’t believe how MUCH she’s showing the baby and “thought she was meant to be on maternity leave”. We’ll never know though because she’ll never take time away and stop showing the baby, because she knows how good it is for engagement and she knows she can’t ride the crest of a wave forever so has to cash in while she can.
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I think the thing with this thread compared to most is exactly that sometimes people like her sometimes she’s a twat. So there’s a lot of conflict of opinions
Most other threads I’ve read on here aren’t really like that because for example the ingham family, no one likes anything they do because of them exploiting their kids and accusations against the husband.

I could have probably explained that better
No I get what you mean. On the other threads I’m on everyone agrees they dislike the person or at least dislikes their actions. On here people stick up for Rosie more than anywhere else I’ve seen!
I get it because sometimes I like her and Chris when they’re funny but sometimes I think they’re spoilt and entitled! So I only comment when they’ve done something I find irritating (like taking their kid in a shop when they have enough adults to watch him!) but otherwise I stay quiet!
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The teeth thing is true some womens teeth get wrecked by pregnancy and post partum time. Thats why you grt free dental until baby is one.
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As a parent, consent is yours to decide until the child is old enough so to use that as a reason to get at her is nonsense. She has provided consent to share what is of no consequence to her baby at the time, and.may help other families wondering what to do. I get she's a moaning Minnie of high privilege but some of the shite on here is driving me mad.
Yeah I don't think she's done anything wrong with this one personally. Probably just explaining herself now before she gets constant messages. I dont really think its a great invasion of the baby's privacy. Compared to them openly discussing Robin having an infection on his genitals on the podcast... now that is a whole different kettle of fish!
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I hate how most insta accounts do up their kids rooms they are so boring and not tailored to the child at all! My eldest has a space theme and youngest has pirates. They both have fun bedding and bright colours.
I agree. You can do themed rooms without going full on B&M trash. Our nursery is plain pastel colours but as soon as baby came, all the brights from gifts and general mess brought it to life a bit 😂
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Virgin Media Fan

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Dear god the first wee! The first wee after childbirth is the most horrific thing I've ever endured 😂 I swear it was 10x worth than actually giving birth 😩
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I think this might have been me. I sent her a message saying something like “I promise I don’t want to sound horrible, I think you’re great I have a lot of respect for you. I totally understand how you feel and even though you’re right, removing bubbles would be awful please consider keeping it to yourself saying things like I would break the rules. When you hear people say that it makes you feel - what’s the point. And there are people who could potentially follow the rules better. I don’t mean to sound horrible”

anyway she saw the message, no reply and blocked me. Fair enough, but I’m surprised she then went to the effort to post about it. For context I’m doctor (didn’t tell Rosie that, it shouldn’t make a difference) and I’m so aware how this feeling of “they’re breaking the rules so why not me” has a huge impact. When you’ve got a big following I think you have a responsibility to post carefully. There’s a way to say things and I’m not sure it was the best way to do it and I just thought I’m not doing my bit if I don’t bring her attention to that. That’s all. I wasn’t criticising her views, just asking her to consider sharing certain things more privately when there could be adverse consequences...
This is exactly it , she does have a massive platform and is constantly sending out the wrong message, she clearly has no clue that there is such a thing as constructive criticism and if you put yourself out there you will get it , and should learn from it
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Chatty Member
Fair enough maybe I misread the tone. Apologies
Oh no worries at all, I’d say most things on here are pretty much light-hearted and to be taken with a pinch of salt. I know there can be emotive subject areas though, especially when it comes to babies/parenting! Out of interest I googled about the ear reshaping and apparently you can also do it with the top part of the ear (which Charlotte’s baby seems to have more) as well as the lobe (which Rafe has). Have to say by the way- Charlotte has not said anything negative about her baby’s ear shape or that she wants to reshape them. Just the fact that she mentioned it. If I see one more influencer mention their baby ear shape I’m going to be suspicious 🤣
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