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She’s going to end up on some reality tv show this year I just know it. She actually thinks she’s more famous than Chris now. How can you say you are on maternity leave whilst doing ads and posting on your monetised Instagram account.

Either do it and stop moaning or bugger off and have maternity leave?
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Chatty Member
Ha ha I knew as soon as I saw the baby’s ears last night that this thread would be lively this morning. Personally I don’t see a problem with a little bit of tape, especially if it can avoid surgery later in life. Also I don’t see a problem with her sharing it as I think it could make another parent feel better about the process. They must have been noticeable for the hospital to mention something in the first place.
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I do feel like she’s joking about being annoyed at Chris for breaking his ankle, I know you can take a joke too far but they probably rip the shit out of each other constantly about shit like this.

Also I do kind of agree with the person above about letting her be on the c-section front, my first I was up and about within 2/3 days and driving after 10 but my second I was in serious couldn’t-even-sit-down pain for like 2 weeks it was fucking hideous. Felt like I’d actually been sawn in half and been put back together half arsed. We’re all wonder women for having an Alien style births, it’s not really fair to compare, especially when she’s probably being over the top of the gram. Not about having a rave thread cos personally think she’s a dick but picking apart peoples pain/annoyance levels is 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 she does 100% need to check her privilege tho and recognise that she has her mum there for help. I mean, even not in a pandemic, who literally moves their mum in for helping? I bet very few people. Come on Rosie.
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The worst part about my caesarean recovery was the morphine pessary turned my poos to solid white chalky rocks which I then had to manually remove from myself. There we go. I win. I, at 3 days postpartum, picked my own shit out of my own arse. I am queen of both Mumsnet and anti-Mumsnet now everyone can move on.
Hahaha this was me after being totally bunged up with tramadol after my hysterectomy!! No #2s for 4 days.... it was like trying to give birth out of my arse!!!
When I had finally managed to move said solid mountain (in various ways.... 🙈) I shouted down the stairs

IT'S A BOY!!!!
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As a parent, consent is yours to decide until the child is old enough so to use that as a reason to get at her is nonsense. She has provided consent to share what is of no consequence to her baby at the time, and.may help other families wondering what to do. I get she's a moaning Minnie of high privilege but some of the shite on here is driving me mad.
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Exactly! Any originality is gone now, every single influencer do the following posts.

Birth announcement featuring artistic photo of tiny hand or foot although Rosie did just post a normal picture.

Delivery room photo saying how grateful they are to the nhs (I’m sure they all are but still)

A set of stories showing the times of which they have been woken up by that pesky little human who needs to feed (babies wake in the night, who knew?!)

If they are breastfeeding then a post with the baby attached to said breast saying how much they’ve struggled/ special bond/ made up story of public shaming of breastfeeding (delete as applicable)

The I’m soooo tired I need cake/ chocolate/ wine. We’re all in this together I know how all you ‘new mamas’ are feeling (despite the millions in the bank, cooks, cleaners, nanny’s etc)

New mum reality featuring leaky boobs and big maternity pants.

Soppy post about how lucky they are, their world is complete almost immediately followed up by more moaning about how tired they are.

And obviously countless ads of expensive things that they’ve been given for free that us minions could only dream of buying!
I can’t stand new mum reality pictures with the mesh pants etc!!! It’s more like random women I used to work with who do it and it bugs me. You’ve got 250 Facebook friends Sarah and a handful have had babies, some multiple babies. We know the reality. We know there’s no snap back. We know there’s enough blood to collect and transfer back into another human. We know. Your post is helping no one and is merely a vehicle for likes
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Good, let’s keep it that way 😂

I have total respect for celebs who try and keep their young kids out of limelight and safe. Jason Manford blurs out his kids faces and another example is Emily Andre who keeps her kids faces hidden. The Ramsey’s and other celebs should take note. Theres some awful people out there and as parents we need to keep kids safe.
I think the thing that shocks me the most with these ‘celebrities’ and instagrammers is they tell us the area they live, we know their full names. It would take a weirdo about 3 minutes to find out addresses or schools etc.
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Chatty Member
I used to love watching Rosie’s stories but I must admit they are started to grate on me now. And I honestly can’t stand it when she sings 😖 I feel like she just does it to show off. Like when you sing along to the radio you do it casually but she fully goes for it everytime she sings on her stories and it makes me physically cringe 😬
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I have found the competitive super-womaning on this thread a bit tedious... ok sure some people have a c section and do an Ironman or whatever the next week
I know several seriously fit people who’ve had one and been bed bound with agony for a while. I can’t get angry at a woman who’s struggling a bit following a human being being taken out of her abdomen.
And posting things like that is being totally dismissive of people who have simply said they had a c-section and had to get on with things as they didn’t have the help around them that Rosie has. It was her reaction to Chris breaking his ankle (an accident) and literally saying she is worse off than everybody because of it even though she has her mum there to help her too.
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I go between liking Rosie and laughing along with her and then thinking oh give it a rest woman . . Youve had a baby, not a bloody heart transplant ffs!
Im a regular tattler but new to this thread, didnt know there was a RR 1 tbh.
Ive never seen so much bickering though 🤔
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You would think she should know that with having kids, whoever has messaged her has done her a favour to protect her kids teeth too.

why is drinking juice your only pleasure? For gods sake your 30 not 70. Go and have a shag and get your pleasure that way 😂
Why is it protecting her kids teeth? She’s an adult. She’s not giving the kids juice. She’s having squash herself. Let the woman live. If she wants to ruin her teeth let her ruin her teeth! I drink squash like it’s going out of fashion and never had a single filling.
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Oh phew....Chris Ramsey’s wife has put a post up saying she’s back from maternity leave. Not sure how I’ve coped whilst she’s been away and not posting because she was on maternity leave.

She was dying to rant more on that IGTV she did, it was like she was trying to explain calmly but Ranty Rosie was bubbling underneath 🤣
I thought this. At the end you could tell. Also Chris was just off screen, maybe management are making him oversee her posting now haha
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She was ‘going to be a nurse ‘ 🤔 hasn’t she previously said she left school without any decent GCSE ‘s ... does she not realise you have to the go on to study A levels to progress on to a career in nursing 🤷🏼‍♀️ She’s so full of s#&* .
And can you imagine her bedside manner , it literally doesn’t bare thinking about 🤦🏽‍♀️
Fuming that she's implying nursing is easier than homeschooling, can she fuck off?! Yeah I'm finding it sooooo easy watching people die from this horrific virus :rolleyes:

Sorry, I hate to be "that" person but no you don't necessarily need A Levels to study nursing. I personally did an access to higher education course to get into nursing, my A Levels are completed unrelated to the career! A lot of the time unis will accept a mature student who has healthcare experience
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I know hes probably playing up to the camera but literally EVERY insta story Rosie posts Robin is running about, barging into everything and shouting! He'd do my head in 😂
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The ears thing is a situation she will never be able to win with, she’s gonna get a load of grief for showing it but if she hid him for a few weeks then people would be imagining all sorts of reasons why.. this is exactly why people in the public eye should keep their children private 😔
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I used to love Rosie but she's annoying me now. Calling MPs privileged when her life is pretty fantastic.
can I just remind everyone of Roises background and the struggles she spoke of growing up, living day to day her family struggling financially. Yes she may be well off now but she can relate to a lot of those who aren’t well off. She’s probably one of the few “celebrity” types that caj..just saying 😊
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