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Do you think Roadside Mum aka Louisa Britain - of Unbound 1 in 5 is a fraud and a con artist targeting the poor and begging? I am starting to because she raised money for the Unbound book to represent the poor years ago and there’s no Unbound 1 in 5 book
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Another day, another attempt at viral domination…this time about some cheap moisturiser.

Can’t be bothered to share as you have read it ALL before but this reply to a Q had me chuckling. Note the lack of mentioning her recent windfall of many thousands…can’t risk the pay pigs “chipping in to help” now, can we!


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Where's the book Louisa?

I'm not a hater BTW, I just think your bullshit should be called out.

Hopefully you didn't come across any scary foreign men while buying your kebab.
She must have been so scared, as he brandished the knife to slice the kebab meat. So she’s never had a kebab before? Coz anyone who has knows that they’re fucking massive
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Wowzers, I haven't been on this thread for a while and I can't believe she. is. still. going.
I don't think I have ever come across a more unpleasant, charmless, joyless person- what I don't understand is why do so many people respond to her so kindly and generously?
They seem to believe that disabled person = nice person. And then have to virtue signal this by being pro disabled/lgbtqia+ and vocally anti Tory.
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Chatty Member
Why are we copying that here?

- there is not yet a "we", Louisa. You have just moved in, haven't voted, don't think you've even yet attended those night classes teaching Scottish politics

I want safety

- me, me, me, also me
This. So much.
The realisation that Scotland is not perfect nirvana land slowly dawning upon her… along with the twin realisation that she might not be able to blame the English government for everything now.
Yes. She tried to get involved in the free school meals thing the other night. Replies were misleading

She’s lost. Doesn’t know who to blame now.

Centralisation of police and fire under SG control isn’t universally popular.
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I’m one of these people who dialect swaps / idiolect swaps etc, depending on who I’m with. I never swore in front of my Mum ever. Even as an adult. I never swore in front of my kid. Not even now that she’s an adult. She doesn’t swear in front of me. Well not randomly. We both do it occasionally if merited.
Edit. What I’m clumsily trying to say is swearing is a weapon to be used sparingly. Don’t be in the habit of it just being casual speech.
I try not to swear in front of my dad's aunt, even though she 1) is hard of hearing and probably wouldn't notice and 2) worked as civilian staff for the police for 40 years and has heard it all before, and has pointed that out several times.

I more generally try to avoid saying cunt because my mum, among other people, really don't like it. Doesn't always work when she isn't there 😅
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But surely she’s changed her license address really recently already? When she changed it to the house after being in the van for however long (god knows what address she had on it then, no idea how it works when you live on the road but it would change).
You don't know that the service utility private and public sector/mafia hold team meetings on how to make Roadsidemum miserable?

Re address: from the vaults, when Roadsidemum still identified as a traveller (but not a Traveller, thanks)



Like this woman doesn't know how to deal with a licence change with all its dreadful difficulties (and demand a refund in part.) 😑
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If I had no money for food and my kids had money then I would borrow it from then and pay them back on pay day. Isn’t it normal to do small borrowing with people you trust?
The kids probably say no. My parents used to try that with us, it worked until we were about RSM’s kids ages and realised the “borrowing” was like when someone asks to borrow a tissue - ie you ain’t getting it back.
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Chatty Member
Jesus christ that money isn't going to last long at all is it. Can absolutely understand treating the kids and maybe a wee treat for yourself in that situation but not to the extent she is talking about.
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Episode eleventythousand of “My child is so very VERY special - so I must also be, as their mother”. If the poor sod exists at all. I wonder if it’s the one she has decided is a lesbian? Or the one that is treated as an indentured dogsbody and coffee supplier.

Also - brownie points for “undiagnosed” conditions - holding out for a bit more disability benefit RSM? No wonder her and Bex are special friends.


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I'm saying this as someone who is comfortably middleclass and doesn't interact with the benefits system at all, but I do think that labelling everything a government plot to kill people, as she seems keen to do, just makes her look hysterical and ridiculous.

Are there huge problems with the benefits system, the amounts that people are entitled to, the way it is administered, the way it is easy to fall through the cracks, the way DWP employees hassle people who are clearly incapable of working and the ease with which they apply sanctions or stop benefits? Yes, of course there are. But just because the system is badly designed, underfunded, and poorly administered doesn't mean that the government is planning a modern Aktion T4.

There is no excuse for frightening people who are encountering the benefits system for the first time with "the government want you dead," all it does is devalue the message that the social security system is massively threadbare, significantly underfunded, and failing people. That's the drum she could and should be banging.
This is what I wanted to show. Thanks, mate!
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I genuinely hadn’t realised just how much money this non-existent book on Unbound had raised. Just doing a quick add-up of tiers x pledges, it’s over EIGHTEEN GRAND.


She’s an absolute scab. I hope once a day some rogue Lego on the floor catches her unaware.
Yes but Unbound will be holding that cash.
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